Lecture 17 Games and Adversarial Search Marco Chiarandini DepartmentofMathematics&ComputerScience UniversityofSouthernDenmark SlidesbyStuartRussellandPeterNorvig Introduction Minimax Course Overview α–βAlgorithm StochasticGames (cid:52) Introduction (cid:52) Learning (cid:52) Artificial Intelligence (cid:52) Supervised (cid:52) Intelligent Agents Decision Trees, Neural (cid:52) Search Networks Learning Bayesian Networks (cid:52) Uninformed Search (cid:52) Unsupervised (cid:52) Heuristic Search EM Algorithm (cid:52) Uncertain knowledge and (cid:52) Reinforcement Learning Reasoning (cid:52) Probability and Bayesian (cid:73) Games and Adversarial Search approach (cid:73) Minimax search and (cid:52) Bayesian Networks Alpha-beta pruning (cid:52) Hidden Markov Chains (cid:73) Multiagent search (cid:52) Kalman Filters (cid:73) Knowledge representation and Reasoning (cid:73) Propositional logic (cid:73) First order logic (cid:73) Inference (cid:73) Plannning 2 Introduction Minimax Outline α–βAlgorithm StochasticGames ♦ Games ♦ Perfect play – minimax decisions – α–β pruning ♦ Resource limits and approximate evaluation ♦ Games of chance ♦ Games with imperfect information 3 Introduction Minimax Outline α–βAlgorithm StochasticGames 1. Introduction 2. Minimax 3. α–β Algorithm 4. Stochastic Games 4 Introduction Minimax Multiagent environments α–βAlgorithm StochasticGames Multiagent environments: (cid:73) cooperative (cid:73) competitive (cid:232) adversarial search in games AI game theory (combinatorial game theory) (cid:73) deterministic/stochastic (cid:73) turn taking (cid:73) two players (cid:73) zero sum games = utility values equal and opposite (cid:73) perfect/imperfect information (cid:73) agents are restricted to a small number of actions described by rules “Classical” (economic) game theory includes cooperation, chance, imperfect knowledge, simultaneous moves and tends to represent real-life decision making situations. 5 Introduction Minimax Types of Games α–βAlgorithm StochasticGames deterministic chance chess, checkers, kalaha backgammon, perfect information go, othello monopoly battleships, imperfect information bridge, poker, scrabble blind tictactoe 6 Introduction Minimax Games vs. search problems α–βAlgorithm StochasticGames “Unpredictable” opponent ⇒ solution is a strategy/policy specifying a move for every possible opponent reply (cid:232) contingency strategy Optimal strategy: the one that leads to outcomes at least as good as any other strategy when one is playing an infallibile opponent Search problem (cid:32) game tree (cid:73) initial state: root of game tree (cid:73) successor function: game rules/moves (cid:73) terminal test (is the game over?) (cid:73) utility function, gives a value for terminal nodes (eg, +1, -1, 0) Terminology: (cid:73) Two players called MAX and MIN. (cid:73) MAX searches the game tree. (cid:73) Ply: one turn (every player moves once) from “reply”. [A. Samuel 1959] 7 Introduction Minimax Game tree (2-player, deterministic, turnαs–β)Algorithm StochasticGames MAX (X) X X X MIN (O) X X X X X X XO X O X . . . MAX (X) O XO X X O XO . . . MIN (O) X X . . . . . . . . . . . . XO X X O X X O X . . . TERMINAL O X O O X X O X XO X OO Utility −1 0 +1 9 Introduction Minimax Measures of Game Complexity α–βAlgorithm StochasticGames (cid:73) state-space complexity: number of legal game positions reachable from the initial position of the game. an upper bound can often be computed by including illegal positions Eg, TicTacToe: 39 =19.683 5.478 after removal of illegal 765 essentially different positions after eliminating symmetries (cid:73) game tree size: total number of possible games that can be played: number of leaf nodes in the game tree rooted at the game’s initial position. Eg: TicTacToe: 9!=362.880 possible games 255.168 possible games halting when one side wins 26.830 after removal of rotations and reflections 10 Introduction Minimax α–βAlgorithm StochasticGames 11