PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 93(1), 1991, pp. 206-207 Note Lectotype Designation for Opostega heringella Mariani, a synonym of Opostega spatulella Herrich-Schaffer (Lepidoptera: Opostegidae) Becauseanexamination ofthetypeseries &Htg. det.; photographonfileUSNM; Lec- o{OpostegaheringellaMarianiwasnotpos- totype Opostega heringella Mar., by D. <3, sibleuntilaftermysynopticcatalogueofthe Davis. The remaining 13 paralectotypes family Opostegidae (Davis, 1989) had been were collected at the same type locality and accepted forpublication, I wish at this time bear the following label data: 1 9, 20.VI.31; to report on the results ofthat study. 1 (5, 20.VI.33, M. Mariani; 1 9, 2.VI.34, M. USNM Mariani (1937) described Opostega her- Mariani; 2 3 (<3 slide 30498), 3 9, ingella (Fig. 1) from an unspecified number 5.VI.34, M. Mariani; 4 5, 1 9, 12.VI.34. Ex- ofspecimens collected during July in Zap- amination of the male genitalia of one of pulla, Sicily. He considered the species to the paralectotypes has verified the earlier, beintermediateincolorandmaculationbe- unpublished determination by Rebel and tween O. constantiniella Costantini and O. Hartig as well as the recently published de- spatulella Herrich-Schaffer. Through the cision by van Nieukerken (1989) that her- cooperation ofMarcello Amone ofthe Mu- ingella is a junior synonym of spatulella. seo Civico di Terrasini, I have been able to The ground colorand forewingmarkings of examine the entire series ofeight male and Opostega spatulella are highly variable, as sixfemalesyntypesof(9. heringellaandhave shown in two extremes previously figured selected as lectotype a male bearing the fol- (Davis, 1989, Figs. 262 and 263). Opostega lowinglabels: Sicilia, Zappulla, 5.VI.34, M. costantiniella was also synonymized under Mariani; 358; OpogonaspatulellaH. S., Rbl. spatulella by van Nieukerken but, as noted Fig. 1. Opostega heringella Mariani, lectotype. VOLUME 93, NUMBER 1 207 by him, the unique female holotype ofthe (Lepidoptera: Nepticuloidea). Smithsonian Con- former is beheved lost (formerly in the Tu- tributions to Zoology, No. 478. 97 pp., 320 figs., map. rati collection). 1 I am indebted to Marcello Amone and Mariadnoit,teMn.diS1i9c3i7li.aeNduuonvenusopveociepsareassfiotramdeegdliiLaegpriu-- the Museo Civico di Terrasini, Terrasini, mi. Giomale di Scienze Naturali ed Economiche Italy for the loan of the type specimens. I 39(3):1-13, 1 pi. also wish to thank Erik J. van Nieukerken Nieukerken, E. J. van. 1989. Opostegidae, pp. 357- of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke His- 375. In R. Johansson, E. S. Nielsen, E. J. van toric, Leiden, Netherlands and Giorgio Nieukerken, and B. Gustafsson, eds.. The Nepti- Baldizzone ofAsti, Italy for assisting me in culidae and Opostegidae (Lepidoptera) ofNorth- west Europe. Fauna entomologica Scandinavica, locating the type depository ofO. heringel- vol. 23, part 1. la. Literature Cited Donald R. Davis, Department ofEnto- NHB Davis, D. R. 1989. GenericrevisionoftheOposteg- mology, 127, Smithsonian Institution, idae,withasynopticcatalogoftheworld'sspecies Washington, D.C. 20560.