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Leave It To God By CHRISTIAN D. LARSON LEAVE IT TO GOD * How this remarkable and inspiring method may be used with effectiveness and understanding; and for all the needs, the problems and the aspirations of life. * DEVORSS & CO., Publishers, P.O. Box 550 Marina Del Rey, CA 90294 Copyright 1940, 1968 By Christian D. Larson All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America LEAVE IT TO GOD When we place our lives and our affairs under the direction of Infinite Wisdom, everything will be taken care of perfectly. This we all can understand; and we know, as an inner conviction, that nothing could be more evident. Indeed, it could not be otherwise. It is something we know with a positive assurance. It is something we may depend upon absolutely. Our spiritual discernment declares it; and experience proves it unmistakably. It is the outstanding promise of the high teachings of the ages; and, we go far to do this marvelous thing, when we think and say, with the whole of heart and soul, that “we leave it to God.” There can be neither misstep nor error at such a time; and no ill can come nigh our dwelling. Infinite Wisdom can guide and protect to the utmost. The best will come to pass; and all things will work out in 1 the most harmonious and most successful manner. Our problems will be solved, and we will accomplish what we have in view. We will find what we seek, and our desires will be realized. Our needs will be provided for, promptly and adequately; and whatever our activities and aspirations may be, the outcome will be all that we could possibly wish for. It must be so; for God is not limited in any way. God does not postpone His goodness. When we place our lives and our affairs under the direction of Infinite Wisdom, everything will change for the better; troubles and ills will decrease, and then vanish completely; obstacles will be removed, and the way cleared for the achievements and the demonstrations that we have in mind. Adversity will be transformed, and that which was against us will be for us. The crooked will be made straight; and all our activities will be brought into adjustment with divine law. All of this and vastly more of like nature, we may expect when we leave it to God; when we place our lives and our affairs 2 under the care and guidance of the Spirit. We all have sought ways and methods through which we might find freedom and peace, health and abundance, harmony and strength, light and understanding; ways and methods through which we might meet life in the best way, and realize the greatest measure of the good that life has to give. And, among the many ways and methods that have been found, there is one that excels tem all: leave it to God. All other methods have their service to perform, at the various steps and stages of our development; and they lead up to this greater method. We praise them all therefore; but as soon as we possibly can, we should turn to this one method that is always supreme; we should learn the secret of this remarkable statement: “leave it to God.” When we leave it to God, we are directed by a power that is absolutely good, and at always works for the good. We are opening our lives to the One who knows all things, and can do all things. Anything that is good and great and wonderful may be expected, 3 therefore, at such a time. Surely, all our affairs will be taken care of, in the most perfect and most successful manner, when Higher Power comes into life, into thought, into consciousness. There will, indeed, be a great transformation when the Supreme takes charge; when Divine Wisdom becomes our guide and inspiration; when the Great Light shines through. The clouds will pass; illness and weakness will disappear; we shall lack no good thing; and life will become richer and fairer than we ever visioned before. To leave it to God is a marvelous thing, when we do so in the right spirit, and with understanding: when we know what this remarkable statement actually means; and when we can see clearly what takes place as we turn our lives and our affairs over into the keeping of the Supreme. We do not leave it all with God in the usual sense of that term. We do not cast our burdens upon the Lord with the thought that now there is nothing for us to do. We do not step aside with the hope that “God will attend to this.” No, we do not step aside; 4 nor do we entertain the belief, for a moment, that there is nothing more for us to do. There will be more for us to do than ever before; and, instead of stepping aside, we will go deeper and deeper into the work, the power and the glory of it all. No it is not a matter of enlisting a higher power to do everything for us. That is not the idea. The true idea here infinitely greater than that. When we leave it to God, we move towards God, and with all the purpose and eagerness we possess; withal the soul and devotion that we can awaken. We take our affairs to God, where they can be acted upon by divine wisdom and higher power. We take ourselves to God, where we may come under the guidance of the Spirit and the inspiration of the Almighty. We respond to the principle that God works with those who work with God; and that the Spirit enters the lives of those who enter the Life of the Spirit. “Come unto me, saith the Lord, 5 and I will come unto thee.” When we say with inner purpose and conviction, that we will leave it to God, we actually go to God in our thought; and we place our lives and our affairs in the wisdom that knows all things and in the power that can do all things. We take our problems into that wisdom that can see through everything instantly, and give the perfect answer at once. We take our own lives into that Life and love that can transform every life completely; and that can enlarge, enrich and perfect every life even to the utmost degree. To leave it to God, is to go to God, and to leave everything with Him; and especially to leave ourselves with Him. It is to go into that state of nearness to the Spirit where we can respond absolutely to the highest. And how wonderfully well everything must work out when we fully respond to the highest. All things will work together for good at such a time; 6 and the greatest and best will come to pass—on all levels of life. We will find more, secure more and realize more, by far, than we possibly could through any personal or merely human method. Indeed, we will, both in experience and accomplishment, go beyond anything we ever hoped for or visioned before. To leave it to God, is to go so far into the light of the Spirit that we may open our minds to that light. Then, our thoughts will be divinely created. We will think the good, the true, the high and the perfect, in clearness and purity; and, as we think, so we become in mind, character, consciousness and personality; so we become in our physical condition; so everything works out in our affairs. Our lives and our affairs, at such a time, will be directed and inspired by divine thinking; and the outcome must be the best conceivable. When we leave it to God—which means going into the presence of God—we will be taken up into a larger and a brighter world; into a higher and a more perfect world. We will therefore, see more, know more, understand more, 7 enjoy more and receive more. We will also achieve more, whatever our work may be, for we are working under the power and the wisdom of the Supreme. And we will be so near to the light of the light of that wisdom, that we may see clearly where we should go, how we should act and what we should do. We will step into the right place; and we will do what is best for all concerned. The greatest good must come, whatever the situation may be; and everything will work out perfectly at the right time. We can be positively assured that this is how it will be, and there need be no doubt, fear or anxiety over anything that may threaten to disturb or destroy. For, what are we actually doing when we leave it to God? We are placing ourselves in that position where the One who knows everything may direct our thoughts and activities; where the One who can do everything may work for us, and for the purpose we have in view. Anything, therefore, even the greatest and the most perfect conceivable, may be expected at such a time. Indeed, we should expect 8 the utmost, in every way, as we go forth to use this marvelous method. We can see clearly, as we examine this method, that it may be used upon every occasion that calls for added strength and wisdom; and in connection with every important event or circumstance that we may meet in life. The Spirit can add wisdom and power to it all. The light of the Spirit can clear it all. The love of the most High can bring harmony and peace. We may know, therefore, that everything will be taken care of when we leave it to God: and it will be taken care of in such a manner that greater joy and greater good will come to everyone. The Spirit does not bring the less of anything, but always the more. The Spirit does not bring pain or illness, loss or sorrow. The Spirit brings wholeness and life, freedom and power, harmony and abundance. It is not the will of God that anyone should suffer, or be deprived of anything that is good and desirable in life. “It is the will of the Father to give us the Kingdom.” And the kingdom means the aggregation of every conceivable 9 good in creation –and in limitless measure. Such thoughts, and all similar thoughts, must lead invariably to the conclusion that we have here a method that is indispensable and invariably to the conclusion that we have here a method that is indispensable and invaluable. And that is true, whether we are in the midst of practical affairs, or interested in higher attainment. Many illustrations may be given as to how and where this method may be employed; and a few, among those that are especially helpful in our daily activities, may be mentioned in brief. When you are undecided as to when a certain thing is to be done, what plan you are to accept, or what part you are to play, remember, there is One who knows. Do not be fearful lest you make a serious mistake. Do not “rack my brain” for the answer. Leave it to God. Ay so in deep sincerity, and in the feeling that you are doing this marvelous thing. Take those things up into the Light. You will soon know; or something will occur that will guide you perfectly in your decision. 10 If there is delay, refuse to be impatient. Know it is for the best. It must be so, for the Hightest has taken charge. Or, if everything develops quickly, accept that as the way it all should go. Proceed calmly in the faith that the entire situation is in the hands of the wisdom that know. When we meet what seems to be enmity or opposition, we will not become alarmed. We will not go out to battle, nor try to overpower this thing or the other. We will leave it to God. We will not be disheartened or discouraged when the world seems to be against us; when every friend seems to be gone; or, when adversity seems to have the upper hand. We will know that the Great Love can change all of this. We will open our lives to that Love. Then everything and everyone will be for us. When there is something that others may wish you to do—something that you would rather not do, or that you think would be unwise refuse to be concerned or disturbed. Do not say that you hope the matter will be dismissed, or that you are 11 going to object. Say, instead, that you will leave it to God. And, whether it be small matter, or something of vital significance, this wonderful step will clear it all. Something will happen that will change the situation to the greatest good for everyone. Or, you may suddenly feel the urge to do this thing—and be deeply grateful that you were given the privilege. And, if it be something monumental, or extremely difficult, you will be given the power and the understanding. We are released from the unwise when we go up to God; and we receive all necessary help for that which should be done. When we meet losses or reverses, and when all doors seem to be closed against us, we will not fall down into gloom and despair. We will remember that God can open all doors for us—even those doors the open everywhere into infinity. We may regain our loss when we leave it to God. We may enter pastures green, and realize more than we ever visioned before. The doors of infinity open to realms that are vast, and to richness that is limitless. And, we all 12 understand that the Spirit leads in that direction. When we seem to have lost our way, and do not know where to turn; when situations are confusing, and darkness enfolds our world completely, we will into be dismayed nor fearful in the least. We will remember that God knows the way; and we may, even in the blackest of darkness, be led by the Spirit. There is a Light that is stronger than all the darkness in the universe. That Light can clear the way, and lead us directly into freedom and peace. It is, indeed, remarkable how soon darkness disappears, how soon the clouds pass, how soon confusions are stilled, how soon conditions adjust themselves and adversities change into blessings, when we can say, in perfect faith and sincerity of soul. Leave it to God.” When you are tempted to be disturbed, disappointed or fearful over someone; or, if someone near you seems to be in danger, do not become alarmed. Meet it all in calmness and faith, and leave it to God. The Spirit can guide and protect— 13 even to the utmost. The Spirit can lift and transform—even the one that seems farthest down. The Spirit can give life and strength and intelligence—even where these seem largely absent. The Spirit can heal and renew the body, quicken the mind, and set the soul on fire. We need never be concerned nor alarmed, therefore, over anyone at any time. We may expect everyone to be guided, protected and saved—and come forth in the most remarkable manner—when we leave it to God. But we must say, again and again, that we leave it to God; and actually feel, as we make this statement, that we are placing it all in the spirit of the Supreme. We need not be anxious, fearful or concerned, about anyone or anything, when we leave it to God. And, indeed, how could we be fearful or anxious when we know that Infinite Wisdom and Goodness is in charge of our lives and affairs. We will, instead, develop a marvelous faith—a faith that comes from that supreme assurance that now all will be will; now, everything and everyone will be cared for and protected 14 to the utmost. Surely, faith must grow and increase, to an amazing degree, when we realize that our lives are in the keeping of the One who knows everything and can do everything. And, to have such a faith is enormous gain. As our faith is, so shall it be. A great faith, therefore, can bring results beyond anything ever known before—even results that may seem to be the work of miracle power. When you feel concerned over the life of someone who seems to be on the verge of passing on, declare, in high faith, that you leave it to God. The Spirit can heal and restore anyone at any time. That man will not pass on—when the Spirit

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