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Progress in Probability and Statistics Vol. 6 Edited by Peter Huber Murray Rosenblatt Birkhauser Boston· Basel· Stuttgart Peter Bloomfield William L. Steiger Least Absolute Deviations Theory, Applications, and Algorithms 1983 Birkhiiuser Boston • Basel • Stuttgart Authors: Peter Bloomfield Department of Statistics North Carolina State University Raleigh, N.C. 27650 William L. Steiger Department of Computer Science Rutgers University New Brunswick, N.J. 08903 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Bloomfield, Peter, 1946- Least absolute deviations. (Progress in probability and statistics; vol. 6) Bibliography: p. Includes indexes. 1. Least absolute deviations (Statistics) 2. Regres- sion analysis. 3. Curve fitting. I. Steiger, William L., 1939- II. Title. III. Series: Progress in probability and statistics; v. 6. QA275.B56 1983 519.5 83-25846 ISBN 978-1-4684-8576-9 ISBN 978-1-4684-8574-5 (eBook) 001 10.1007/978-1-4684-8574-5 CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek Bloomfield, Peter: Least absolute deviations: theory, applications, and algorithms / Peter Bloomfield; William L. Steiger. -Boston; Basel; Stuttgart: Birkhauser, 1983. (Progress in probability and statistics; Vol. 6) NE: Steiger, William L.:; GT All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owner. © Birkhauser Boston, Inc., 1983 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1983 To our children Reuben and Nina Steiger David and Gareth Bloomfield and our muses vii PREFACE Least squares is probably the best known method for fitting linear models and by far the most widely used. Surprisingly, the discrete L 1 analogue, least absolute deviations (LAD) seems to have been considered first. Possibly the LAD criterion was forced into the background because of the com putational difficulties associated with it. Recently there has been a resurgence of interest in LAD. It was spurred on by work that has resulted in efficient al gorithms for obtaining LAD fits. Another stimulus came from robust statistics. LAD estimates resist undue effects from a feyv, large errors. Therefore. in addition to being robust, they also make good starting points for other iterative, robust procedures. The LAD criterion has great utility. LAD fits are optimal for linear regressions where the errors are double exponential. However they also have excellent properties well outside this narrow context. In addition they are useful in other linear situations such as time series and multivariate data analysis. Finally, LAD fitting embodies a set of ideas that is important in linear optimization theory and numerical analysis. viii PREFACE In this monograph we will present a unified treatment of the role of LAD techniques in several domains. Some of the material has appeared in recent journal papers and some of it is new. This presentation is organized in the following way. There are three parts, one for Theory, one for Applicatior.s and one for Algorithms. Part I consists of the first three chapters. Chapter 1 is a short introduction to LAD curve fitting. It begins by tracing the history of the LAD criterion in fitting linear models. The main points in this development involve algorithms or ideas on which algorithms could be constructed. The key section of the chapter develops - from first principles - some of the properties of the LAD fit itself, especially those describing uniqueness and optimality. Chapter 2 is devoted to linear regression. The behavior of the LAD estimate is described in a result originally due to Bassett and Koenker. This theorem gives the limiting error distribution for LAD, and is shown, in part, to be a con sequence of an earlier, more general result on R-estimators, the trick being the identification of LAD as a particular R estimator. Next, some of the robustness properties are developed for the LAD regression estimator. Finally a Monte- ix Carlo experiment compares the behavior of LAD to least squares and to some Huber M-estimators on a variety of regression models. Chapter 3 deals with linear time series, specifically sta tionary autoregressions. The main theorem here gives a rate for the convergence of the LAD estimator to the autoregres sive parameters. It is surprising that the rate increases as the process becomes more dispersed, or heavy-tailed. Once again, Monte-Carlo results comparing LAD to LSQ and Huber's M estimator are given for several autoregressions. These portray the behavior described in the main theorem, and convey a sense of the efficiency of LAD in comparison to the other estimators. They also provide evidence for a conjecture that would extend the convergence rate result. The next two chapters deal with applications and com prise Part II. Chapter 4 treats additive models for two-way tables. It describes some properties of Tukey's median polish technique, and its relationship to the LAD fit for the table. Recent work of Siegel and Kemperman sheds new light on this subject. Chapter 5 discusses the interpretation of the LAD regression as an estimate of the conditional median of y given x. The requirement that the conditional median be a linear func tion of x is then weakened to the requirement that it merelv be a smooth function. This leads to the introduction of cubic x PREFACE splines as estimates of the conditional median and, by a minor modification, of other conditional quantiles. The final chapters constitute Part III. dealing with al gorithmic considerations. We discuss some particular LAD alogrithms and their computational complexities. The equiv alence of LAD fitting to solving bounded, feasible linear pro gramming problems is established and the relationship between LAD algorithms and the simplex method is discussed. We conclude with some recent work on exact, finite, algorithms for robust estimation. These emphasize that not only is LAD a member of larger classes of robust methods, but also that the flavor of the LAD procedures carries across to algorithms for other, general. robust methods. Each chapter concludes with a section of Notes. These go over points somewhat tangential to the material covered in the chapter. Sometimes we trace evolution of ideas, or try to show how items in the existing literature influenced our presentation. Topics that are original are delineated. In ad dition some conjectures, possibilities for future work, and in teresting open questions are mentioned. We thought it preferable to deal with such issues separately, so as not to in terrupt the main flow of the presentation. Literature on LAD techniques appears mainly within two xi separate disciplines, statistics and numerical analysis. We have made a reasonably serious attempt to give a comprehensive union of two, fairly disjoint sets of sources. Our convention for numbering of equations and the like is self-evident. Within sections it is sequential, theorems, definitions, etc., each with their own sequences. Within chap ters, i.j refers to item j of Section i. Otherwise i.j.k. refers to item k in Section j of Chapter i. Finally the symbol • will mark the end of a proof. Many debts have accrued since we began working on this book. The first thanks go to colleagues. Professor Mich ael Osborne sharpened our understanding of the subject. We also benefitted from talking with Eugene Seneta, Scott Zeger, Shuia Gross, David Anderson, and Geoffrey Watson. We are especially grateful to Professor Watson for his generous help with support and facilities. We have received support from Department of Energy grant DE-AC02-81 ER 1 0841 to the StatistiCS Department at Princeton. We thank the departments of Computer Science at Rutgers, Statistics at Princeton, and Statistics at North Carolina State University for the stimulating work environments they have provided. Don Watrous in the systems group of the Laboratory for Computer Science Research at Rutgers was our Scribe guru, par-excellence. Computations were carried out on the Rutgers University LCSR

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