DOCUMENT RESUME ED 310 166 TM 013 832 AUTHOR Falkenhainer, Brian Carl TITLE Learning from Physical Analogies: A Study in Analogy and the Explanation Process. INSTITUTION Illinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. of Computer Science. SPONS AGENCY Office of Naval Research, Arlington, Va. Personnel and Training Research Programs Office. REPORT NO UILU-ENG-88-1785; UIUCDCS-R-88-1479 PUB DATE 27 Dec 88 CONTRACT N00014-85-K-0559 NOTE 274p.; Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. PUB TYPE Reports - Evaluative/Feasibility (142) -- Dissertations /Theses - Doctoral Dissertations (041) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC11 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Computer Software; *Inferences; *Learning Theories; . Novelty (Stimulus Dimension); *Physical Environment; Physics; Problem Solving; Qualitative Research IDENTIFIERS *Analogical Reasoning; Contextual Analysis; *Explanations; Phenomenography; PHINEAS (Computer Program ABSTRACT Analogical reasoning and learning applied to the task of constructing qualitative explanations for physical phenomena are the subjects of this investigation. Two issues are addressed. The first is how analogies are elaborated to sanction new inferences about a novel situation. This issue is adddressed by contextual structure-mapping, a knowledge- intensive adaptation of D. Gentner's structure - mapping theory. This approach presents analogy elaboration as a map-and-analyze cycle, in which two situations are placed in correspondence, followed by problem solving and inference production focused on correspondence inadequacies. The second issue is the evaluation the quality of a proposed analogy and its use for some performance task. A theory of verification-based analogical learning is presented to address the tenuous nature of analogically inferred concepts, and procedures for increasing confidence in the inferred knowledge are described. Specifically, it relies on analogical inference to hypothesize new theories and simulation of those theories to analyze their validity. It represents a view of analogy as an iterative process of hypothesis formation, testing, and revision. These ideas are illustrated via PHINEAS, a computer program that uses similarity to posit qualitative explanations for time-varying descriptions of physical behaviors. It builds upon existing work in qualitative physics to provide a means with which to describe and reason with theories of the physical world. A 144-item list of references is included. (TJH) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * * from the original document. t ********************** ***** *******************************************t CD DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER CO SCIENCE p-1 cz UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPA IGN Co3 U... DEPARTMENT OP EDUCATION A Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 4is W I document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction Quality Points of view or opinions stated in MIS docir men! do not necessarily represent official OE RI position or policy I 'U" 3 I I; 2 3 I. 31 33 I3 .* 13 : Isom) ) REPORT NO. UIUCDCS-R-88-1479 UILU- ENG --88 -1785 LEARNING FROM PHYSICAL ANALOGIES: A STUDY IN ANALOGY AND THE EXPLANATION PROCESS by Brian Falkenhainer BEST COPY AVAILABLE December 1988 This research is supported by the Mice of Naval Ravairch, Ferzunnel and Training Research Programs, Contract No. NO0014-46-11.-0550, Reproduction in whole or part is ',omitted far say pumoft of the United States Government. Appproved far piblio release; dhdribution "limited. 2 R1TY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE R SECURITY CLASSIFI TION lb. RESTRICTIVE MARKIN S classified 1,, WURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3 . DISTRIBUTION/ AVAILABILITY OF REPORT Approved for public release; DECLASSIFKATION /DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE Distribution unlimited RFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) S. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 1CDCD -R-88 -1479 , NAME OF PE'.FORMING ORGANIZATION Bb. OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION iversity of Illinois applicable) Of Office of Naval Research pt. of Computer Science Cognitive Science Division (Code 1142CS) i ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 7b ADDRESS (City State, and ZIP Code) ;IX W. Springfield Ave. 800 N. Quincy St. bana, IL 61801 Arlington, VA 22217-5000 NAME OF FUNDING/SPONSORING 8b. OFFICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (if spoilable) N00014 -89 -J -1272 ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBER" PROGRAM TASK PROJECT WORK UNIT ELEMENT NO. NO. NO ACCESSION NO 1153N NR 442f-007 TITLE (Include Security CiagifilatiON ruing From Physical Analogies: A Study in Analogy and the Explanation Process (Approved for public release; distribution unlimited) RSONAL AUTHOR(S) {Mt 141 lir enhp iner TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) 5. PAGE COUNT FROM .. n-i_To 9L. ..rt . 12-27-88 1 11 4 .UPPLEMENTARY NOTATION COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP structure-mapping theory contextual structure-mapping 10 05 verification-based analogical learning PHINEAS STRACT (Continue on revere if necessary and identify by block number) ro make programs that understand and interact with the world as well as people do, we must licate the kind of flexibility people exhibit when conjecturing plausible explanations the diverse physical phenomena they encounter. This process often involves drawing upon I r o ysical analogies - -viewing the situation and its behavior as similar to familiar phenomena, Fjecturing that they share analogous underlying causes, and using the plausible interpre - ion as a foothold to further understanding, aralysis, and hypothesis refinement. his report investigates analogical reasoning and learning applied to the task of construct - lirqualitative explanations for observed physical phenomena. Primary emphasis is placed on central questions. First, how are analogies elaborated to sanction new inferences about novel situation? This problem is addressed by connextual structure-mapping, a knowledge - I*naive adaptavi.on of Gentner's structure-mapping theory. It presents analogy elaboration a map and analyze cycle, in which two situations are placed in correspondence, followed problem solving and inference production focused on correspondence inadequacies, Second, AM. - DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 0. 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION LINCLASSIFIEDiUNLIMITED Unclassified SAME AS NPT. 0 DTIC USERS NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 22c. mudjaugalpm.................auxt...........i. OFFICE SYMBOL 696 202- -4318 ONR _ - S -... m IM . AN. B4 MAR ion may be used until exhausted. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE All other editions are obsolete. 3, 19. ABSTRACT (cont.) how is the quality of a proposed analogy evaluated and used for some performance task? A theory of verification-based analogical learning is presented which addresses the tenuous nature of analogically inferred concepts and describes procedures that can be used to increase confidence. in the inferred knowledge. Specifically, it relies on analogical inference to hypothesize new theories and simulation of those theories to analyze their validity. It represents a view of analogy as an iterative process of hypothesis formation, testing, and revision. These ideas are illustrated via PHINEAS, a program which uses similarity to posit qualitative explanations for time-varying descriptions of physical behaviors. It builds upon existing work in qualitative physics to provide a rich environment in which to describe and reason with theories of the physical world. @Copyright by Brian Carl Falkenhainer 1989 r- LEARNING FROM PHYSICAL ANALOGIES: A STUDY IN ANALOGY AND THE EXPLANATION PROCESS BY BRIAN CARL FALKENHAINER B.S., Santa Clara University, 1982 M.S., University of Illinois, 1985 THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science in the Grauuate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1989 Urbana, Illinois c LEARNING FROM PHYSICAL ANALOGIES: A STUDY IN ANALOGY AND THE EXPLANATION PROCESS Brian Carl Falkenhainer, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1989 Kenneth D. Forbus, Advisor To make programs that understand and interact with the world as well as people do, we must duplicate the kind of flexibility people exhibit when conjecturing plausible ex- planations of the diverse physical phenomena they encounter. This process often involves drawing upon physical analogies viewing the situation and its behavior as similar to fa- miliar phenomena, conjecturing that they share analogous underlying causes, r.nd using the plausible interpretation as a foothold to farther understanding, analysis, and hypothesis refinement. This thesis investigates analogical reasoning and learning applied to the task of con- structing qualitative explanations for observed physical phenomena. Primary emphasis is placed on two central questions. First, how are analogies elaborated to sanction new infer- ences about a novel situation? This problem is addressed by contextual structure-mapping, a knowledge-intensive adaptation of Gentner's structure-mapping theory. It presents analogy elaboration as a map and analyze cycle, in which two situations are placed in correspon- dence, followed by problem solving and inference production focused on correspondence inadequacies. Second, how is the quality of a proposed analogy evaluated and used for some performance task? A theory of verification -bated analogical !earning is presented which addresses the tenuous nature of analogically inferred concepts and describes pro- cedures that can be used to increase confidence in the inferred knowledge. Specifically, it relies on analogical inference to hypothesize new theories and simulation of those theories to analyze their validity. It represents a view of analogy as an iterative process of hypothesis formation, testing, and revision. These ideas are illustrated via PHINEAS, a program which uses similarity to posit qual- itative explanations for time-varying descriptions of physical behaviors. It builds upon existing work in qualitative physics to provide a rich environment in which to describe and reason with theories of the physical world. iii Acknowledgements I would like to thank Ken Forbus for being a great advisor, coworker, and friend. He has had a significant positive impact on my research content and perspective. The research environment he has established abounds in information, code, and resources, enabling one to think creatively about all the possibilities. I would also like to thank Dedre Gentner, who has acted as my co-advisor in this work. It's a joy to work with someone so eager to debate and listen openly to alternate lines of thinking. Her work formed the seed around which this thesis has gr'wn. Professors Gerald De Jong, Robert Stepp, and David Wilkins served on my final exam- ination committee, providing encouragement and suggestions for improvements. This thesis and my sanity have benefited from the intuitions and comradery provided by the other members of the qualitative reasoning group. John Collins, Dennis DeCoste, John Hogge, Paul Nielsen, Gordon Skorstad, Janice Skorstad, and Barry Smith have stimulated many interesting ideas. Special thanks is due John Collins for his inspirational conversation and unique insight. He has both directly and indirectly affected the content and quality of this thesis and is th source for several of the more innovative analogy examples. Dennis Decoste also deserves special credit for providing Dan, and for adding f .atures vital to my specific needs. It's unusual to be able to say "tell me what to type" and an hour later have a new, fully functional module in your system, with never a single error! Over the years I have learned much from interacting with the EBL/SDBL community led by Professors Gerald DeJong and Robert Stepp. Special thanks go to Scott Bennett, Steve Cnien, Lawrence Holder, Ray Mooney, Shankar Rajamoney, Bob Reinke, Bharat Rao, Jude Shavlick, and Brad Whitehall. I would also like to thank Shankar Rajamoney for showing me new facets of the theory development problem. This had a significant and benefic:al impact on this thesis. Mark Burstein, Russell Greiner, Paul O'Rorke, Stuart Russell, Jeff Shrager, and Tom Eskridge, through both published and personal communication, have influenced this work and forced me to think more deeply about what it is I'm actually doing. I am grateful to Professor Klosinski for introducing me to the wonders of computer science and saying "you should go to Illinois ", Dr. Barker for introducing me to scientific research, and Jim Gill for introducing me to AI. Closer to home, I am most grateful to my parents and grandparents for their support, encouragement, and faith in me throughout the years. They are always only a phone call away. iv And finally, my love and gratitude go to my wife Sue, who has supported this thesis well beyond the call of duty. I hope to now make up for the long hours I have been at work over the last few years. This research has been supported by an IBM Graduate Fellowship, two University of Illinois Cognitive Science / Artificial Intelligence summer fellowships, and by the Office of Naval Research, Contract No. N00014-850559. I am grateful for their support. :r v Table of Contents Learning from Physical Analogies 1 1 Explanation 1.1 3 Analogy 1.2 8 Physical Analogies 1.3 14 PHINEAS 1.4 18 Reader's Guide 1.5 19 Similarity Comparisons and Analogical Processing 2 22 The Analogy Process 2.1 22 Structure Mapping Theory 2.2 26 Limitations of Structure-mapping Theory 2.3 28 2.4 Contextual Structure-Mapping 31 The Structure Mapping Engine 3 44 Representation Overview 3.1 45 3.2 SME Algorithm Overview 47 3.3 Modeling Contextual Structure Mapping 55 Analysis 3.4 61 Access 4 69 4.1 Accessing Physical Analogies 70 Implementation 4.2 73 4.3 Disappearing Alcohol Example 80 Perspective 4.4 81 Mapping and Transfer 5 85 Overview 5.1 85 Contextual Structure-Mapping 5.2 88 Transfer 5.3 92 Verification-Based Analogical Learning 6 110 Qualitative Reasoning 6.1 112 Determining the adequacy of 6.2 a model 116 Examples 6.3 118 vi IO