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Learning for the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Eight Education Competences PDF

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LEARNING FOR THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Learning for the Age of Artificial Intelligence is a richly informed argument for curri- cular change to educate people towards achievement and success as intelligent machinesystemsproliferate.Describingeightkeycompetences,thiscomprehensive volume prepares educational leaders, designers, researchers, and policymakers to effectively rethink the knowledge, skills, and environments that students need to thrive and avoid displacement in today’s technology-enhanced culture and work- force. Essential insights into school operations, machine learning, complex training andassessment,andeconomicchallengesroundoutthiscogent,relatablediscussion about the imminent evolution of the education sector. Alan M. Lesgold is Renée and Richard Goldman Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Education, Psychology, and Intelligent Systems at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. This page intentionally left blank LEARNING FOR THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Eight Education Competences Alan M. Lesgold Firstpublished2019 byRoutledge 52VanderbiltAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 andbyRoutledge 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,OxonOX144RN RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2019Taylor&Francis TherightofAlanM.Lesgoldtobeidentifiedasauthorofthisworkhasbeen assertedbyhiminaccordancewithsections77and78oftheCopyright,Designs andPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orinany informationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthe publishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregistered trademarks,andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanationwithoutintentto infringe. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names:Lesgold,AlanM. Title:Learningfortheageofartificialintelligence:eighteducation competences/AlanLesgold. Description:NewYork,NY:Routledge,2019.| Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. Identifiers:LCCN2018055470(print)|LCCN2019002622(ebook)| ISBN9780429399664(eBook)|ISBN9780367024369(hbk)| ISBN9780367024376(pbk)|ISBN9780429399664(ebk) Subjects:LCSH:Educationaltechnology.|Computer-assistedinstruction.| Artificialintelligence--Educationalapplications. Classification:LCCLB1028.3(ebook)| LCCLB1028.3.L4652019(print)|DDC371.33--dc23 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2018055470 ISBN:978-0-367-02436-9(hbk) ISBN:978-0-367-02437-6(pbk) ISBN:978-0-429-39966-4(ebk) TypesetinBembo byTaylor&FrancisBooks This book is dedicated to the memory of my colleague Martin Nahemow, who was my partner in developing a way to provide apprenticeship for the machinist world and in developing intelligent systems to teach technicians to repair new and extremely complex equipment. He was also the source of many of the ideas in this book and helped me crystallize a lot of ideas that were only vaguely in my mind before we started working together. He was both a real polymath and a truly good person. This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS List of tables x Acknowledgements xi 1 Overview 1 2 Human Life in the Age of Smart Machines 5 3 Competence Needed for Work in the Age of Smart Machines 16 Summary 22 4 Public Schools Today and What Is Missing 24 Introduction 24 Goals of Education in the Past 29 Goals for Education in the Future 31 5 Schooling: Curriculum and How It Should Change 36 Transition: Living in Two School Worlds at Once 39 The Ability to Learn Efficiently and Quickly 41 Socioemotional Skills 44 Skills of Civic Participation 47 Ability to Evaluate Information 50 Facility in Collaborative Activity 53 viii Contents Management of Personal Finances 55 Confidence 56 Physical and Mental Fitness 58 6 Where Can Children Learn All This? 65 The Importance of Redundancy 68 7 Some Personal Reflections 73 8 How Do Schools Evolve? 78 Dealing with the History of American Education 82 Schooling in the Age of Smart Machines 83 9 Apprenticeships and Similar Experiences 87 Traditional Apprenticeships 88 Porous Career Paths 89 Learning the Eight Competences In and Out of School 90 Deepening the Subject-Matter Curriculum 91 An Example of In-School Focus on the Eight Competences 92 Out-of-School Opportunities for Every Child 94 10 Creating a “Third Place” 98 11 A Few Possible Ways to Address the Eight Competences 102 Stories 102 Informal Apprenticeships 104 Scaffolded Real Tasks 105 Scaffolded Simulated Tasks 107 Games 108 Clubs and Sports 109 Governance Structures 110 12 Learning to Teach the Eight Competences 112 Teachers 115 Parents, Political Leaders, and Business Leaders 116 “Third Places” 118 13 Assessing Learning of the Eight Competences 123 The Tyranny of Assessments 123 Tests That Do Good without Causing Problems 126 Contents ix Stealth Assessment 127 Structured Social Moderation and the Use of Rubrics 129 Simulation-Based Assessment 131 A Choice: Continuous Improvement for All Children or Strong Public Control 133 Transparency 134 14 Concluding Observations 137 Preserving Democracy 137 The Value of Redundancy 139 The Role of Charters 141 Lifelong Learning 142 Needed Data Systems 143 Investing in Learning Opportunities 145 It Is Time to Act 145 Other Countries Are Pursuing These Goals 147 A Possible Path toward a Transformed Educational System 148 We Are a Society that Can Do Hard Things 150 Index 153

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