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LEARNING DISABILITY QUARTERLY TITLE AND AUTHOR INDEX Vol. XX - 1997 TITLE INDEX Title/Author Issue/Page Title/Author Issue/Page Collaborative Instruction: Is It an Reading Failure, Andrew Biemiller Effective Option for Inclusion in and Linda S. Siegel Secondary Classrooms? Daniel J. Partitioning and Unitizing in Chil- Boudah, Jean B. Schumaker, and dren with Learning Differences, Donald D. Deshler Betsey A. Grobecker Comparisons of Beginning Liter- Phonological Awareness with and acy Programs: Alternative Paths without Articulation: A Prelimi- to the Same Learning Outcome, nary Study, Barbara W. Wise, Jerry Dean Traweek and Virginia W. Ring, Luann Sessions, and Richard Berninger. Depression and Anxiety in Two A Process Approach to Remediat- Groups of Adults with Learning ing Word-Decoding Deficiencies Disabilities, Cheri Hoy, Noel in Chapter 1 Children, Jerry S. Gregg, Joseph Wisenbaker, Elaine Carlson and J.P. Das Manglitz, Michael King, and Carolyn Research on Genre-Specific Moreland Strategies for Enhancing Writing The Effectiveness of One-to-One in Adolescents with Learning Tutoring by Community Tutors Disabilities, Bernice Y.L. Wong for At-Risk Beginning Readers, Risk, Resilience, and Adjustment Patricia F. Vadasy, Joseph R. Jenk- of Individuals with Learning Dis- ins, Lawrence R. Antil, Susan abilities, Gale M. Morrison and K. Wayne, and Rollanda E. Merith A. Cosden a la a a Self-Concept and Perceived Social The Effectiveness of Remedial Support among College Stu- Programs for Reading Disabled dents with and without Learning Children of Different Ages: Does Disabilities, Merith A. Cosden and the Benefit Decrease for Older Joanne McNamara Children? Maureen W. Lovett and Special Issue on Intervention - Karen A. Steinbach Part 1, Virginia Wise Berninger Effects of Integrated Picture State Certification Standards for Mnemonics on the Letter Recog- Teachers of Students with nition and Letter-Sound Acquisi- Learning Disabilities: An Up- tion of Transitional First-Grade date, Amelia A. Jenkins, Jim Leigh, Students with Special Needs, and James Patton Barbara M. Fulk, Dee Lohman, and Strategy Instruction in Planning: Phillip J. Belfiore Teaching Students with Learning Introduction to Second Special Is- and Writing Disabilities to Com- sue on Intervention, Virginia Wise pose Persuasive and Expository Essays, Susan De La Paz A Longitudinal Study of the Ef- Teaching Phonological Processing fects of the Bridge Reading Pro- Skills in Early Literacy: A Devel- gram for Children At Risk for opmental Approach, Margaretha 338 Learning Disability Quarterly LEARNING DISABILITY QUARTERLY TITLE AND AUTHOR INDEX Vol. XX - 1997 TITLE INDEX Title/Author Issue/Page Title/Author Issue/Page Collaborative Instruction: Is It an Reading Failure, Andrew Biemiller Effective Option for Inclusion in and Linda S. Siegel Secondary Classrooms? Daniel J. Partitioning and Unitizing in Chil- Boudah, Jean B. Schumaker, and dren with Learning Differences, Donald D. Deshler Betsey A. Grobecker Comparisons of Beginning Liter- Phonological Awareness with and acy Programs: Alternative Paths without Articulation: A Prelimi- to the Same Learning Outcome, nary Study, Barbara W. Wise, Jerry Dean Traweek and Virginia W. Ring, Luann Sessions, and Richard Berninger. Depression and Anxiety in Two A Process Approach to Remediat- Groups of Adults with Learning ing Word-Decoding Deficiencies Disabilities, Cheri Hoy, Noel in Chapter 1 Children, Jerry S. Gregg, Joseph Wisenbaker, Elaine Carlson and J.P. Das Manglitz, Michael King, and Carolyn Research on Genre-Specific Moreland Strategies for Enhancing Writing The Effectiveness of One-to-One in Adolescents with Learning Tutoring by Community Tutors Disabilities, Bernice Y.L. Wong for At-Risk Beginning Readers, Risk, Resilience, and Adjustment Patricia F. Vadasy, Joseph R. Jenk- of Individuals with Learning Dis- ins, Lawrence R. Antil, Susan abilities, Gale M. Morrison and K. Wayne, and Rollanda E. Merith A. Cosden a la a a Self-Concept and Perceived Social The Effectiveness of Remedial Support among College Stu- Programs for Reading Disabled dents with and without Learning Children of Different Ages: Does Disabilities, Merith A. Cosden and the Benefit Decrease for Older Joanne McNamara Children? Maureen W. Lovett and Special Issue on Intervention - Karen A. Steinbach Part 1, Virginia Wise Berninger Effects of Integrated Picture State Certification Standards for Mnemonics on the Letter Recog- Teachers of Students with nition and Letter-Sound Acquisi- Learning Disabilities: An Up- tion of Transitional First-Grade date, Amelia A. Jenkins, Jim Leigh, Students with Special Needs, and James Patton Barbara M. Fulk, Dee Lohman, and Strategy Instruction in Planning: Phillip J. Belfiore Teaching Students with Learning Introduction to Second Special Is- and Writing Disabilities to Com- sue on Intervention, Virginia Wise pose Persuasive and Expository Essays, Susan De La Paz A Longitudinal Study of the Ef- Teaching Phonological Processing fects of the Bridge Reading Pro- Skills in Early Literacy: A Devel- gram for Children At Risk for opmental Approach, Margaretha 338 Learning Disability Quarterly Title/Author Issue/Page Title/Author Issue/Page C. Vandervelden and Linda S. Presidents: A Classroom-Based Investigation, Margo A. Mas- Teaching Phonological Recoding tropieri, Thomas E. Scruggs, and to Young Children with Phono- Craig Whedon logical Processing Deficits: The Using Teacher-Guided Practice to Effect on Sight-Vocabulary Ac- Help Students with Learning quisition, Joanna K. Uhry and Mar- Disabilities Acquire and Retain garet Jo Shepherd Social Studies Content, Pamela Transfer from Word Training to Hudson Reading in Context: Gains in Year-Long Balanced Reading/Writ- Reading Fluency and Compre- ing Tutorial: A Design Experi- hension, Betty Ann Levy, Brent ment Used for Dynamic Assess- Abello, and Linda Lysynchuk ment, Sylvia P. Abbott, Elizabeth Using Mnemonic Strategies to Reed, Robert D. Abbott, and Virginia Teach Information about U.S. W. Berninger AUTHOR INDEX Author/Title Issue/Page Author/Title Issue/Page Abbott, Robert D., see Abbott, Sylvia P. 3/249 Carlson, Jerry S., A Process Abbott, Sylvia P., Year-Long Bal- Approach to Remediating Word- anced Reading/Writing Tutorial: Decoding Deficiencies in Chap- A Design Experiment 3/249 ter 1 Children Abello, Brent, see Levy, Betty Ann 3/173 Cosden, Merith A., Self-Concept and Antil, Lawrence R., see Vadasy, Patri- Perceived Social Support among aocae cheaters Seem eanawas 2/126 College Students with and with- Belfiore, Phillip J., see Fulk, Barbara out Learning Disabilities i ala ara 1/33 Cosden, Merith A., see Morrison, Gale Berninger, Virginia Wise, Introduction Tl. sxnonssisicheseiisienintiaieaniidaedaeiieaembae d to Second Special Issue on Inter- Das, J.P., see Carlson, Jerry S. ........... vention 3/170 De La Paz, Susan, Strategy Instruc- Berninger, Virginia W., Special Issue tion in Planning: Teaching Stu- on Intervention - Part 1 2/62 dents with Learning and Writing Berninger, Virginia W., see Abbott, Disabilities to Compose Persua- SEC Sete 3/249 sive and Expository Essays Berninger, Virginia W., see Traweek, Deshler, Donald D., see Boudah, 2/160 Ss LE SR RRae a peeronte eee atte, aerate Biemiller, Andrew, A Longitudinal Fulk, Barbara K., Effects of Inte- Study of the Effects of the grated Picture Mnemonics on Bridge Reading Program for the Letter Recognition and Let- Children at Risk for Reading ter-Sound Acquisition of Transi- tional First-Grade Students with Boudah, Daniel J., Collaborative In- struction: Is It an Effective Op- tion for Inclusion in Secondary Grobecker, Betsey A., Partitioning Classrooms?.......................000000008 4/293 and Unitizing in Children with Volume 20, Fall 1997 339 Author/Title Issue/Page Author/Title Issue/Page Learning Differences Patton, James, see Jenkins, Amelia A... 4/266 Hoy, Cheri, Depression and Anxiety Reed, Elizabeth, see Abbott, Sylvia P. ... 3/249 in Two Groups of Adults with Ring, Jerry, see Wise, Barbara W. ........ 3/211 Learning Disabilities 4/280 Scruggs, Thomas E., see Mastropieri, Hudson, Pamela, Using Teacher- UN, sxsisnssiedanitinentcniciiedacineanalontlkcets 1/13 Guided Practice to Help Stu- Schumaker, Jean B., see Boudah, dents with Learning Disabilities | EIaa eR Rie Sd 4/293 Acquire and Retain Social Stud- Sessions, Luann, see Wise, Barbara W.. 3/211 ies Content Shepherd, Margaret Jo, see Uhry, Jenkins, Amelia A., State Certifica- MIRE Bark re ae aN 2/104 tion Standards for Teachers of Siegel, Linda, see Biemiller, Andrew .... 2/83 Students with Learning Disabili- Siegel Linda S., see Vandervelden, Mar- ties: An Update Eeeen ae 2/63 Jenkins, Joseph R., see Vadasy, Patri- Steinbach, Karen A., see Lovett, Mau- OSTnaa act eAaR eC Meeae s ee Oe toatl. 3/189 King, Michael, see Hoy, Cheri Traweek, Dean, Comparisons of Be- Leigh, Jim, see Jenkins, Amelia A. ...... ginning Literacy Programs: Al- Levy, Betty Ann, Transfer from ternative Paths to the Same Word Training to Reading in Learning Outcome Context: Gains in Reading Flu- Uhry, Joanna K., Teaching Phono- ency and Comprehension logical Recoding to Young Chil- Lohman, Dee, see Fulk, Barbara M. .... dren with Phonological Process- Lovett, Maureen W., The Effective- ing Deficits: The Effect on ness of Remedial Programs for Sight-Vocabulary Acquisition Reading Disabled Children of Vadasy, Patricia, The Effectiveness Different Ages: Does the Benefit of One-to-One Tutoring by Com- Decrease for Older Children?..... munity Tutors for At-Risk Begin- Lysynchuk, Linda, see Levy, Betty Ann ning Readers McNamara, Joanne, see Cosden, Vandervelden, Margaretha C., Teach- AREPa cer see e ing Phonological Processing Manglitz, Elaine, see Hoy, Cheri Skills in Early Literacy: A Devel- Mastropieri, Margo A., Using opmental Approach Mnemonic Strategies to Teach Wayne, Susan K., see Vadasy, Patricia F. Information about U.S. Presi- Whedon, Craig, see Mastropieri, Margo dents: A Classroom-Based Inves- cecildiiaend aet aal c tigation 1/13 Wise, Barbara W., Phonological Moreland, Carolyn, see Hoy, Cheri 4/280 Awareness with and without Ar- Morrison, Gale M., Risk, Resilience, ticulation: A Preliminary Study... and Adjustment of Individuals Wisenbaker, Joseph, see Hoy, Cheri with Learning Disabilities 1/43 Wong, Bernice Y.L., Research on O’Connor, Rollanda E., see Vadasy, Pa- Genre-Specific Strategies for En- | ee oo 2/126 hancing Writing in Adolescents Olson, Richard K., see Wise, Barbara W. 3/211 with Learning Disabilities 340 Learning Disability Quarterly iA

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