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Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches PDF

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Developmenteditor: KevinHarreld 20BaldwinRoad Technicaldevelopmenteditor: MikeShepard POBox761 Technicalproofreader: KarstenStrøbaek ShelterIsland,NY11964 Revieweditor: AleksandarDragosavljevic´ Projecteditor: TiffanyTaylor Copyeditor: TiffanyTaylor Proofreader: ElizabethMartin Typesetter: DottieMarsico Coverdesigner: LeslieHaimes ISBN9781617295171 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 – DP – 23 22 21 20 19 18 To the ABCs of my life: Abigail, Bethany, and Charlotte brief contents PART 1 AZURE CORE SERVICES 1 1 ■ Beforeyoubegin 3 2 ■ Creatingavirtualmachine 15 3 ■ AzureWebApps 32 4 ■ IntroductiontoAzureStorage 46 5 ■ AzureNetworkingbasics 57 PART 2 HIGH AVAILABILITY AND SCALE 75 6 ■ AzureResourceManager 77 7 ■ Highavailabilityandredundancy 91 8 ■ Load-balancingapplications 108 9 ■ Applicationsthatscale 127 10 ■ GlobaldatabaseswithCosmosDB 144 11 ■ Managingnetworktrafficandrouting 162 12 ■ Monitoringandtroubleshooting 181 PART 3 SECURE BY DEFAULT 199 13 ■ Backup,recovery,andreplication 201 14 ■ Dataencryption 219 15 ■ SecuringinformationwithAzureKeyVault 232 16 ■ AzureSecurityCenterandupdates 249 vii viii BRIEFCONTENTS PART 4 THE COOL STUFF 267 17 ■ Machinelearningandartificialintelligence 269 18 ■ AzureAutomation 284 19 ■ Azurecontainers 299 20 ■ AzureandtheInternetofThings 314 21 ■ Serverlesscomputing 331 contents preface xvii acknowledgments xviii aboutthisbook xix abouttheauthor xxiii PART 1 AZURE CORE SERVICES...................................... 1 1 Before you begin 3 1.1 Isthisbookforyou? 3 1.2 Howtousethisbook 4 Themainchapters 4 ■ Tryitnow 5 ■ Hands-onlabs 5 Sourcecodeandsupplementarymaterials 5 1.3 Creatingyourlabenvironment 5 CreatingafreeAzureaccount 5 ■ Bonuslabexercise:Create afreeGitHubaccount 8 1.4 Alittlehelpinghand 9 1.5 UnderstandingtheAzureplatform 9 VirtualizationinAzure 11 ■ Managementtools 13 2 Creating a virtual machine 15 2.1 CreatingaVMfromyourwebbrowser 15 Azurestorage 16 ■ Basicsettings,continued 17 VMsizes 20 ■ Settings 22 ix x CONTENTS 2.2 ConnectingtotheVM,andinstallingthewebserver 23 ConnectingtotheVMwithSSH 23 ■ Installingtheweb server 25 2.3 AllowingwebtraffictoreachtheVM 26 Creatingaruletoallowwebtraffic 27 ■ Viewingtheweb serverinaction 27 2.4 Lab:CreatingaWindowsVM 29 2.5 Cleaningupresources 29 2.6 Houston,wehaveaproblem 30 3 Azure Web Apps 32 3.1 AzureWebAppsoverviewandconcepts 33 Supportedlanguagesandenvironments 33 ■ Staging differentversionswithdeploymentslots 34 3.2 Creatingawebapp 35 Creatingabasicwebapp 35 ■ Deployingasample HTMLsite 38 3.3 Managingwebapps 41 Viewingdiagnosticlogs 41 3.4 Lab:Creatingandusingadeploymentslot 44 4 Introduction to Azure Storage 46 4.1 What’ssospecialaboutstorage? 46 Tablestorage 48 ■ Queuestorage 50 ■ Storage availabilityandredundancy 51 4.2 VMstorage 52 Standardvs.premiumstorage 52 ■ Temporarydisks anddatadisks 53 ■ Disk-cachingoptions 54 4.3 AddingdiskstoaVM 54 4.4 Lab:ExploringAzureStorage 56 Developer-focused 56 ■ VM-focused 56 5 Azure Networking basics 57 5.1 Virtualnetworkcomponents 57 Creatingandusingvirtualnetworksandsubnets 58 Virtualnetworkinterfacecards 60 ■ PublicIPaddress andDNSresolution 62 ■ Securingandcontrollingtraffic withnetworksecuritygroups 65 ■ Creatinganetworksecurity

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