D o w n Leadership for Nursing and lo a d e d b y Allied Health Care Professions L [ Fa e cu a lty Istthu iipnsp ktoeimrrtse ,o tauorn dtaa rtktoiec l uesltta ottchek ea,m nto ds hpsitrnroeam!teogteic and “stuTdhyiisn igs lae abdoeorks hthipa ti na lhl esatultdhe cnatsre dership of Nursing, Ch This inspiring book is a wake-up call to nurses and allied health hanav eex bceelelenn wt abirtoinagd fpoer.r sIpt epcrtoivveid oens fo iangm professionals to develop their leadership skills and to make a aspects of leadership common to r N ai Un rBtehiasehl dodipifff federereemnncycese t bitfeoiet gws lotehebena lk leheaeyda eeltlrehsm hainepdn a tssno doc fim alela adndeaevgereslohmpipem,n het niagtnh.d lVigehrotsnica aallll dhiesacilpthli ncaerse. Ipt raoivmids etros etmo fpuolwlyer ursin iversity 5.6 realise their potential as a leader g 2.1 identifies the essential components for successful leadership and demonstrates how this can be a 58.1 amongst health care professionals. Thebook incorporates: achieved in reality. It is nd 17] a (cid:129)(cid:129)(cid:129)AcECld ainnuseieccwa aetl xi roeeanxsmcaeelap larllecenhsnd cob epfa rrsaeecadtli cteehx ebpoaersryiee odnf cc leoesna cdeeprstsh itpo tshuaptp eomrtb kreayce sskills isewnhmosoprpukiorldafwo treireorcseneuda.”l lta, inendx a ce imtninloiggr hetote rneeadd and Allied H t [07/18/16]. Copy (cid:129)Exercises for developing your own leadership skills e rig Contributions from experts from a wide range of countries and PUhniilv Herasliltigya Cno,llege Dublin, Ireland alt ht © M with diverse knowledge bases make the topic readily accessible. h c G C ra Leadership for Nursing and Allied Health Care Professionsis key reading for all nurses and w a Leadership for -H alliedhealth care professionals aspiring to be leaders. re ill G Veronica Bishopis Visiting Professor of Nursing at City University, London, UK and is P lob Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Research in Nursing. rof Nursing and Allied al Edu e c a Contributors ss tion Sue Antrobus, Mary Lovegrove, Annie Macleod, Abigail Masterson, Dawn Freshwater, io Ho n ld IWaiinthG ara fhoaremw,o Prhdi lbipy ETsotenryhuBizuetnt,e Drawviod rSttha.nley, Mike Saks, Veronica Bishop, Tyrone Goh s Health Care Professions ings, LL C V e . N e“stTahbilsi sbhomoekn its aticmroeslsy .t hTeh ew ionrclrde oafs innegw e mlepahdaerssish oipn d tehvee nloepemd efonrt ginoiotida tlievaeds.e rEsfhfeipc tiisv esi glenaadlleerdsh biyp tishe ERO dited b ot to be re crucial for improving the quality of care for patients and others and for developing staff. This NIC y distrib u highly readable and informative book, written by experts in the field, will be of interest to all A te d nursing and allied health professionals, particularly those aspiring and emerging leaders.” B or m IS od Professor David R Thompson, University of Leicester, UK H ifie O d in P a n y w a y w edited by ith Image credit: Redmond Durrell / Alamy ou Cover design Hybert Design (cid:129)www.hybertdesign.com VERONICA BISHOP t perm www.openup.co.uk issio n . JOBNAME:5820−McGraw−MayPowel PAGE:2 SESS:22 OUTPUT:TueMar1008:42:072009 SUM:040C4734 /production/mcgraw−hill/booksxml/bishop/a1−prelims1 D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F a c u lty o f N u rsin g , C h ia n g m a i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . KerrypressLtd–TypesetinXML A Division:a1-prelims1 F Sequential2 www.kerrypress.co.uk-01582451331-www.xpp-web-services.co.uk McGrawHill-152mmx229mm-Fonts:StoneSans&StoneSerif JOBNAME:5820−McGraw−MayPowel PAGE:1 SESS:22 OUTPUT:TueMar1008:42:072009 SUM:0CFB6A45 /production/mcgraw−hill/booksxml/bishop/a1−prelims1 D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F a c u lty Leadership for Nursing and of N u Allied Health Care Professions rsing , C h ia n g m a i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . KerrypressLtd–TypesetinXML A Division:a1-prelims1 F Sequential1 www.kerrypress.co.uk-01582451331-www.xpp-web-services.co.uk McGrawHill-152mmx229mm-Fonts:StoneSans&StoneSerif JOBNAME:5820−McGraw−MayPowel PAGE:2 SESS:22 OUTPUT:TueMar1008:42:072009 SUM:040C4734 /production/mcgraw−hill/booksxml/bishop/a1−prelims1 D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F a c u lty o f N u rsin g , C h ia n g m a i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . KerrypressLtd–TypesetinXML A Division:a1-prelims1 F Sequential2 www.kerrypress.co.uk-01582451331-www.xpp-web-services.co.uk McGrawHill-152mmx229mm-Fonts:StoneSans&StoneSerif JOBNAME:5820−McGraw−MayPowel PAGE:3 SESS:22 OUTPUT:TueMar1008:42:072009 SUM:0BC400C3 /production/mcgraw−hill/booksxml/bishop/a1−prelims1 D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F a c u lty Leadership for Nursing and of N u Allied Health Care Professions rsing , C h ia n g m a i U n iv e Editor: Veronica Bishop rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . KerrypressLtd–TypesetinXML A Division:a1-prelims1 F Sequential3 www.kerrypress.co.uk-01582451331-www.xpp-web-services.co.uk McGrawHill-152mmx229mm-Fonts:StoneSans&StoneSerif JOBNAME:5820−McGraw−MayPowel PAGE:4 SESS:22 OUTPUT:TueMar1008:42:072009 SUM:2BC7014C /production/mcgraw−hill/booksxml/bishop/a1−prelims1 D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F Open University Press ac u McGraw-Hill Education lty McGraw-Hill House of N Shoppenhangers Road u Maidenhead rsin g Berkshire , C h England ia n SL6 2QL gm a i U email: [email protected] niv world wide web: www.openup.co.uk ersity 5 and Two Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121—2289, USA .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 First published 2009 ] a t [0 7 Copyright © Veronica Bishop 2009 /1 8 /1 6 All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the ]. C purpose of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be op y reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by rig h any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, t © without the prior written permission of the publisher or a licence from the M c Copyright Licensing Agency Limited. Details of such licences (for G ra reprographic reproduction) may be obtained from the Copyright Licensing w Agency Ltd of Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London, EC1N 8TS. -Hill G lo A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library b a l E d ISBN-13:9780335225330 (pb) 978033522532-3 (hb) uc a ISBN-10:033522533-0 (pb) 033522532-2 (hb) tio n H o ld in g s, L L C Typeset by Kerrypress, Luton, Bedfordshire . N o Printed and bound in the UK by Bell and Bain Ltd. t to b e re d Fictitious names of companies, products, people, characters and/or data istrib u that may be used herein (in case studies or in examples) are not intended te d to represent any real individual, company, product or event. o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . KerrypressLtd–TypesetinXML A Division:a1-prelims1 F Sequential4 www.kerrypress.co.uk-01582451331-www.xpp-web-services.co.uk McGrawHill-152mmx229mm-Fonts:StoneSans&StoneSerif JOBNAME:5820−McGraw−MayPowel PAGE:1 SESS:19 OUTPUT:TueMar1008:28:332009 SUM:3549AF77 /production/mcgraw−hill/booksxml/bishop/a2−prelims2 D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F a c u lty Contents of N u rsin g , C h ia n g m a i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C Notes on contributors vii op y Foreword xii rig h t © Preface Veronica Bishop xv M c G ra Introduction 1 w-H Veronica Bishop ill G lo b a 1 What is leadership? 8 l E d u Veronica Bishop ca tio n H 2 Leadership and management: a new mutiny? 32 old in David Stanley g s, L L C 3 Leadership challenges: professional power and . N o dominance in health care 52 t to b Mike Saks e re d 4 Leadership for the allied health professions 75 istribu te Mary Lovegrove and Tyrone Goh d o r m o d 5 Developing political leaders in nursing 98 ifie d Sue Antrobus, Annie Macleod and Abigail Masterson in a n y w 6 Educating leaders for global health care ay w Dawn Freshwater, Iain Graham and Philip Esterhuizen 121 ith o u t p e rm issio n . KerrypressLtd–TypesetinXML A Division:a2-prelims2 F Sequential1 www.kerrypress.co.uk-01582451331-www.xpp-web-services.co.uk McGrawHill-152mmx229mm-Fonts:StoneSans&StoneSerif JOBNAME:5820−McGraw−MayPowel PAGE:2 SESS:19 OUTPUT:TueMar1008:28:332009 SUM:0FF2539C /production/mcgraw−hill/booksxml/bishop/a2−prelims2 D o w n lo a d vi Contents ed b y [ F 7 Clinical leadership and the theory of congruent ac u leadership 143 lty o David Stanley f N u rsin g 8 Leadership for health globally: grasping the nettle 164 , C h Veronica Bishop ia n g m a Index 187 i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . KerrypressLtd–TypesetinXML A Division:a2-prelims2 F Sequential2 www.kerrypress.co.uk-01582451331-www.xpp-web-services.co.uk McGrawHill-152mmx229mm-Fonts:StoneSans&StoneSerif JOBNAME:5820−McGraw−MayPowel PAGE:1 SESS:16 OUTPUT:TueMar1008:28:432009 SUM:3EF11A9D /production/mcgraw−hill/booksxml/bishop/a3−contributors D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F a c u lty Notes on contributors of N u rsin g , C h ia n g m a i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C Sue Antrobus, MPhil, BSc, PGDipEd, RGN, has over 20 years’ experience o p y working with, or connected to, the National Health Service (NHS), the rig h independent sector, academia and a major professional union. In her NHS t © M work she has held roles in the Department of Health and with health c G authorities and has worked directly with patients in clinical practice. Sue ra w currently holds a non-executive appointment at a primary care trust in the -H north west of England, where she has the non-executive lead for commis- ill G lo sioning,patientsafetyandclinicalquality.Herparticularinterestthroughout ba her career has been to enable health and social care staff to contribute l Ed u c effectively at a strategic and policy level through leadership development. atio She has a particular interest in commissioning and has worked at a national n H o policy level to develop the nursing contribution to the commissioning ld in agenda. As a successful change agent, Sue has a renowned track record of gs, L working with a range of partners to agree priorities and translate those into L C programmesthatbringaboutserviceimprovementandchangeacrosstheUK . N o and internationally. t to b e Veronica Bishop, PhD, MPhil, RGN, FRSA, is Visiting Professor of Nursing re d atCityUniversity,London,editor-in-chiefoftheJournalofResearchinNursing istrib (Sage)andaFellowoftheRoyalSocietyofArts.SheisanadvisertotheHong ute d Kong Nursing Journal, a member of the scientific committee for the Royal or m College of Nursing (RCN) Research Society, and until recently an executive o d member of the Florence Nightingale Foundation and a member of its ifie d academicpanel.Veronicacamelateintonursingafteravariedcareer.Having in a n gained her RGN and specialized in cardio-thoracic and intensive care nurs- y w ing,shejoinedtheAnaestheticResearchDepartmentattheRoyalCollegeof ay w Surgeons (England) and obtained an MPhil (CNAA), followed by a PhD ith o u t p e rm issio n . KerrypressLtd–TypesetinXML A Division:a3-contributors F Sequential1 www.kerrypress.co.uk-01582451331-www.xpp-web-services.co.uk McGrawHill-152mmx229mm-Fonts:StoneSans&StoneSerif JOBNAME:5820−McGraw−MayPowel PAGE:2 SESS:16 OUTPUT:TueMar1008:28:432009 SUM:526256A5 /production/mcgraw−hill/booksxml/bishop/a3−contributors D o w n lo a d viii Notesoncontributors ed b y [ F throughtheFacultyofMedicine,LondonUniversity.Bothdegreessoughtto ac u bridge the gap between clinical research and nursing. She then joined the lty o CivilServiceasanursingofficerwhereshehadresponsibilityforalargebody f N u ofnursingandmidwiferyresearchandworkforcestudiesfortheentireNHS. rsin g She also had the national lead across the UK for clinical supervision, and , C h commissioned the first national multi-site study in nursing. Veronica has ia n g worked as a consultant for the WHO in Denmark, India and Romania, is m a widely published and has presented keynote speeches at numerous nursing i U n conferences. ive rsity Philip Esterhuizen, PhD, MScN, BA, is a nursing lecturer in research and 5 .6 elective English-language modules on intercultural sensitivity in the Nether- 2.1 5 lands.HeisinvolvedinMaster’sandBachelorcurriculumdevelopment,and 8.1 1 supervises students at Doctoral and Master’s levels. Between 2002 and 2008 7] a heworkedinacademicsettingsinEnglandandranactionresearchinvarious t [0 7 settings, was involved in developing or sustaining clinical supervision and /1 8 was curriculum development consultant and an external panel member /16 validating undergraduate, postgraduate and Master’s programmes, at two ]. C o p universities in Ireland. Philip reviews manuscripts for numerous interna- yrig tional journals. His PhD research explored the socialization and professional ht © development of undergraduate nursing students in the Netherlands. M c G Dawn Freshwater, PhD, BA, RNT, RN, FRCN, is Professor and Dean of the raw SocfhNouorlsoinfgHaenadlthedciatroeraotftthheeUJonuirvnearlsiotfyPosfycLheieadtrsi,caMFeenlltoawlHoefatlthheNRuorysainlgC.oSlhleegies -Hill G lo b anactivememberofSigmaThetaTaureceivingtheDistinguishedResearcher a l E Award in 2000, and is an executive member of the Florence Nightingale du c Foundation,whereshesitsontheresearchscholarshippanel.Sincetheearly atio n 1990s she has maintained an interest in the application and evaluation of H o transformational research, critical reflexivity, pragmatism, reflective practice ld in g and clinical supervision, and in particular its relation to evidence-based s, L practiceandthetherapeuticalliance.SheisexternalreviewerfortheForensic L C Mental Health Fellowships and sits on a number of international grant . N o review panels. Dawn is a prolific writer and passionate about developing t to b leadership capacity through high quality research and education. In this e re d cporanctteixcetshanedhasstraatpeagritcicupllaarninnitnegr.esSthinethraanssfuonrmdearttiaokneanllseiagdneirfsichainpt,rsetfrleactetigviec istribu te changeinhercurrentroleandwasnominatedasawomanofachievementin d o 2008. r m o d Tyrone Goh, DSc, MBA, FCR, FIR (Aust.), HDCR, TDCR, is a radiographer ifie d who moved into mainstream health care management. He is the current in a n executive director of three business units in Singapore, at the National y w HealthcareGroup(NHG),whichoperatesthelargestprimarycarediagnostic ay w service in the country and performs health care consultancy to regional ith o u t p e rm issio n . KerrypressLtd–TypesetinXML A Division:a3-contributors F Sequential2 www.kerrypress.co.uk-01582451331-www.xpp-web-services.co.uk McGrawHill-152mmx229mm-Fonts:StoneSans&StoneSerif