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Leadership embodiment : how the way we sit and stand can change the way we think and speak PDF

176 Pages·2013·1.55 MB·English
by  Palmer
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Table of Contents FOREWORD The Practice Evolution of the Practice 1a-Example of LE posture How Leadership Embodiment Evolved Aikido Mindfulness Biology and Neuroscience Growing Into Leadership Embodiment Language and Concepts Three Leadership Competencies Stress Reaction and Personal Patterns Simulators and Accelerated Learning Personality and Center 2a-Examples of Personality Postures 2b-Examples of Center Postures Knowledge Is Not Enough Inclusiveness Leadership Presence 3a-Leader with expanded Personal Space that includes others Expanding Personal Space Grows Leadership Presence Developing a Felt-sense of Personal Space (PS) 3b-Felt-sense of PS 3c-Bubble of PS 3d-Expanded PS Being Smart is Not Enough 3e-Leader shifting from Personality posture to Center posture Personality 3f-Examples of contracted Personal Space in Personality Postures Center 3g-Expanded Personal Space, top view 3h-With uplifted posture, the leader expands PS to include others Shifting to Center 3i-Personality Posture 3j-Center Posture Using Simulators to Accelerate Learning Using a Stress Simulator to Discover Personal Patterns Partner Front Push 3k-Partner applies pressure 3l-Examples of Personality Stress Postures: Head forward, Heart forward, Core forward 3m-Example of Personality postural reaction Centering with a Stress Simulator 3n-Partner applies pressure, top view 3o-Expanded PS under pressure, top view 3p-Disperse pressure to PS and settle 20-Second Centering Practice 3q-Breath 3r-Gravity 3s-Balance 3t-Quality 5-Second Centering Practice 3u-Inhale up and Exhale down 3v-Expand Personal Space Shaping Your Personal Space 3w-Circular Personal Space 3x-Triangular Personal Space Cultivating Inclusiveness Centered Listening Listening from Personality versus Listening from Center 4a-Examples of Listening in Personality posture 4b-Examples of Listening in Center posture Difficult Conversations 4c-Examples of Postural and Personal Space constriction Information Lands in the Space 4d-Listening from Personality 4e-Listening from Center Listening from Personality and Center Over Engaging When Listening Under Engaging when Listening What Shape is Your Body Taking? Speaking Up Shaping Personal Space 5a-Sphere of Expanded Personal Space 5b-Wedge of Expanded Personal Space Implications of Power Taking A Stand Splits versus Unity 5c-Example of Split posture 5d-Example of Unified posture Creating A Declaration Developing a Felt-Sense of Support 5e-Receiving Inspiration and Support Learning to Speak Up Without Aggression Partner Resistance to Identify Personality Pattern 5f-Form a Triangle with body, top view 5g-Expand PS into wedge while partner sustains pressure, top view Shifting from Personality to Center with Resistance 5h-PS Wedge and Sustained Pressure 5i-Posse supports you moving forward Technique: Training Pattern Awareness Visibility The Camry Effect The Challenge of Success Receiving Success Empowerment – Standing Alone Bringing It Together Adjusting, Adapting, and Risk Taking Seek out new ideas and try new things. Do it on a scale where failure is survivable. Seek out feedback and learn from your mistakes as you go along. Responding to Feedback – speaking up It is all in the Recovery 6a-Natural Embodiment The Biology Behind It All Science & Embodiment What Does Science Add to the Conversation? The Path Why We Do What We Do The Three Legged Stool 8a-Priming 8b-The Prefrontal Cortex A Quick Review Threat vs. Intelligence The Brain on Three Levels 9a-Levels of Brain Function Neocortex The Biology of Threat 9b-The Amygdala Hijack Change What is Change? Understanding vs. Change How Neural Change Happens 10a - The Window of Choice The Challenge of Change Accelerating Evolution LEADERSHIP EMBODIMENT Also by Wendy Palmer The Intuitive Body, Discovering the Wisdom of Conscious Embodiment and Aikido and The Practice of Freedom, Aikido Principles as a Spiritual Guide Leadership Embodiment How the Way We Sit and Stand Can Change the Way We Think and Speak Wendy Palmer Janet Crawford All rights reserved. No portion of this book, except for brief review, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise- without written permission of the publisher. For information contact Emodiment International http://embodimentinternational.com Leadership Embodiment © 2013 by Wendy Palmer and Janet Crawford PLEASE NOTE: The creators and publishers of this book are not and will not be responsible, in any way whatsoever, for any improper use made by anyone of the information contained in this book. All use of the aforementioned information must be made in accordance with what is permitted by law, and any damage liable to be caused as a result thereof will be the exclusive responsibility of the user. In addition, he or she must adhere strictly to the safety rules contained in the book, both in training and in actual implementation of the information presented herein. This book is intended for use in conjunction with ongoing lessons and personal training with an authorized expert. It is not a substitute for formal training. It is the sole responsibility of every person planning to train in the techniques described in this book to consult a licensed physician in order to obtain complete medical information on his or her personal ability and limitations. The instructions and advice printed in this book are not in any way intended as a substitute for medical, mental, or emotional counseling with a licensed physician or healthcare provider. The Practice © 2013 Wendy Palmer The Biology Behind It All © 2013 Janet Crawford Cover Art: John Lund http://www.johnlund.com Photo of Wendy Palmer © 2012 John Lund Photo of Janet Crawford © 2012 John Popplewell Conceptual and Managing Editor: Joan Marie Passalacqua Part One illustrations: 1a through 6a © 2013 J.F. Mahoney http://www.candraw.net Part Two illustrations: 8a, 9b, 10a © Janet Crawford; 8b, 9a © iStockphoto Image editing by Richard Leeds Book Design: Colleen Dwire http://www.colleendwire.com First Edition / Fall 2013 Printed by CreateSpace, An Amazon.com Company ISBN-10: 1492946699 ISBN-13: 978-1492946694 Library of Congress Cataloging Number: 2013949941 The Embodiment Foundation 813 Vendola Drive,

Many leadership books present models for thinking and speaking, but very few address the role of the body in leading effectively. Yet, a great deal of the effect we have on others is carried by our physical presence. Our body postures hold the key to lowering emotional reactivity, while increasing o
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