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Leaders Who Changed History PDF

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LEADERS WHO CHANGED HISTORY US_001_Half_Title.indd 1 19/10/2018 13:11 US_002-003_TITLE_PAGE.indd 2 19/10/2018 13:11 LEADERS W H O C H A N G E D H I S T O R Y US_002-003_TITLE_PAGE.indd 3 19/10/2018 13:11 CONTENTS DK LONDON SENIOR EDITOR: Chauney Dunford US EDITORS: Jennette ElNaggar, Kayla Dugger 06 Introduction SENIOR ART EDITORS: Gillian Andrews, Stephen Bere Mark Cavanagh, Anthony Limerick 1 2 LEAD ILLUSTRATOR: Phil Gamble EDITORS: Jemima Dunne, Joanna Edwards, Kathryn Hennessy, Victoria Heyworth-Dunne, Kathryn Hill, Katie John, Francesco Piscitelli, Helen Ridge EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Daniel Byrne, Michael Clark, Gwion-Win Jones PICTURE RESEARCH: Deepak Negi EMPIRES AND CONQUEST JACKET EDITOR: Emma Dawson SENIOR JACKET DESIGNER: Surabhi Wadhwa RELIGIONS AND LIBERTY JACKET DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MANAGER: Sophia MTT 2000 BCE–1500 1500–1820 PRODUCER, PREPRODUCTION: Jacqueline Street-Elkayam PRODUCER: Rachel Ng MANAGING EDITOR: Gareth Jones 10 Moses 72 Hernán Cortés SENIOR MANAGING ART EDITOR: Lee Griffiths 14 Śiddhartha Gautama 76 Suleiman the ASSOCIATE PUBLISHING DIRECTOR: Liz Wheeler ART DIRECTOR : Karen Self Buddha Magnificent DESIGN DIRECTOR: Philip Ormerod PUBLISHING DIRECTOR: Jonathan Metcalf 18 Alexander the Great 80 Elizabeth I CONTRIBUTORS: Alexandra Black, Clive Gifford, Reg Grant, Anna Samson 24 Qin Shi Huang 86 Tokugawa Ieyasu CONSULTANTS: A drian Gilbert, Philip Parker, Alan Saywood 27 Cleopatra 90 Yi Sun–sin INDEXER: Helen Peters PROOFREADER: Alexandra Beeden 28 Jesus Christ 94 Louis XIV First American Edition, 2019 32 Augustus Caesar 98 Frederick the Great Published in the United States by DK Publishing 345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 36 Boudicca 100 George Copyright © 2019 Dorling Kindersley Limited Washington DK, a Division of Penguin Random House LLC 37 Septimia Zenobia 19 20 21 22 23 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 001–312720–Mar/2019 38 Muhammad 105 Olaudah Equiano All rights reserved. 106 Maximilien Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, 42 Charlemagne no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced Robespierre into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means 48 Eleanor of Aquitaine (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), 110 Napoleon without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited 49 Saladin Bonaparte A catalog record for this book 50 Genghis Khan is available from the Library of Congress. 116 Simón Bolívar ISBN: 978-1-4654-8033-0 56 Amir Timur 120 Maria Quitéria DK books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use. For details, contact: 58 Joan of Arc DK Publishing Special Markets, 345 Hudson Street, New York New York 10014 121 Directory [email protected] 64 Guru Nanak Printed and bound in Malaysia 68 Directory A WORLD OF IDEAS: SEE ALL THERE IS TO KNOW www.dk.com US_004-005_Contents.indd 4 18/10/2018 17:06 CONTENTS 3 4 5 6 NATIONHOOD CONFLICT RIGHTS AND FREEDOM AND AND INDUSTRY AND HOPE REVOLUTIONS OPPORTUNITIES 1820–1920 1920–1950 1950–1980 1980–Present 126 Giuseppe Garibaldi 170 Vladimir Lenin 230 Kwame Nkrumah 270 Margaret Thatcher 130 Karl Marx 173 Michael Collins 234 Fidel Castro 272 Bill Gates 136 Sojourner Truth 174 Adolf Hitler 238 John F. Kennedy 278 Mikhail Gorbachev 138 Abraham Lincoln 180 Joseph Stalin 240 Martin Luther 282 Benazir Bhutto King Jr. 143 Susan B. Anthony 184 Kim Koo 284 Lech Wałęsa 246 Akio Morita 144 Otto von Bismarck 188 Mohandas Gandhi 285 Václav Havel 248 Nelson Mandela 148 Tasuŋka Witko 193 Bhagat Singh 286 Oprah Winfrey “Crazy Horse” 254 Malcolm X 194 Haile Selassie 289 Anna Wintour 150 John D. 258 Yasser Arafat 196 Winston Churchill 290 Jack Ma Rockefeller 262 Li Ka–shing 202 Douglas MacArthur 294 Vladimir Putin 154 Jamsetji Tata 266 Directory 203 Franklin Roosevelt 298 Ellen Johnson 155 Swami Sirleaf 204 Charles de Gaulle Vivekananda 300 Angela Merkel 208 Eleanor Roosevelt 156 Emmeline 302 Barack Obama Pankhurst 214 David Ben–Gurion 306 Malala Yousafzai 160 Henry Ford 218 Mao Zedong 308 Directory 164 Coco Chanel 224 Directory 166 Directory 312 Index and Acknowledgments US_004-005_Contents.indd 5 18/10/2018 17:06 I Throughout history, human societies have been shaped N and determined by their leaders. Whether triumphing by conquest or political maneuvering, or succeeding by T self-belief, these figures are the powerful elite that others have sought, or been compelled, to follow. R Leaders take many forms, from legendary. They endure in people’s monarchs and dictators to social minds as much for the principles O reformers and revolutionaries to they represent as for the historical prophets and spiritual guides. Styles facts of their stories. of leadership are equally diverse, some achieving and sustaining their authority The effect of power D through fear and brutality, while others For some leaders, traces of their inspire loyalty through benevolence influence can still be seen in national, or shared ideals and aspirations. What geographic, and political boundaries. U unites all great leaders, however, is their The vast empires created by Alexander ability to influence people, whether the Great, Suleiman the Magnificent, briefly, such as John F. Kennedy, or and Genghis Khan, for example, may throughout their lifetime, such as have fallen, but the achievements of Qin C Eleanor of Aquitaine during her 66-year Shi Huang, Charlemagne, and Otto Von reign over France and England. Bismarck endure as modern-day China, While the legacies of many leaders France, and Germany. Similarly, through T have faded over time, a notable few have the leadership of George Washington, left an indelible mark on the world. The Mahatma Gandhi, and Kwame Nkrumah, most enduring of these legacies belong the US, India, and Ghana became new, I to spiritual leaders, such as Muhammad, independent countries. Moses, and Jesus Christ, whose teachings Another mark of successful leadership O continue to shape the lives of billions is advancement, where courageous of followers around the world, millennia rulers have led their society to a brighter after their own lifetimes. A number of future by challenging the current regime. N other leaders also live on in spiritual As president, Abraham Lincoln released form as cherished national icons, such millions of slaves in the US and turned as Boudicca, Joan of Arc, and Saladin, his country away from slavery; Cuba was whose achievements have become freed from capitalist corruption by Fidel US_006_007_Introduction.indd 6 05/11/2018 11:00 Castro’s revolution; while in South Africa, “The youth Nelson Mandela overthrew apartheid, finally granting equality to the country’s of today are black majority. Leaders can be defined neither by gender nor by race. Some of the great the leaders leaders have been female, including Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, and Emmeline Pankhurst, who all worked of tomorrow.” toward achieving equality for women. As a result of their initiatives, Margaret Thatcher, Benazir Bhutto, and Angela Nelson Mandela, 1990 Merkel were able to forge political careers that saw them become the first elected female leaders of the UK, success and earned themselves vast Pakistan, and Germany, respectively. fortunes. Each then used his personal The civil rights movement in the wealth to fund philanthropic projects US, given voice by Martin Luther and, in doing so, improved the lives of King Jr. and Malcolm X, successfully those less fortunate, acquiring new campaigned for black equality and supporters around the world. brought the issue to the world stage. A position of leadership inevitably Changing notion of leadership carries great power, which can be As societies change, so, too, does the misused and even abused, as witnessed concept of leadership. However, the in Adolf Hitler’s persecution of the Jews one, indisputable uniting quality and other minorities during World War II, among all the leaders that appear in devastating Europe for generations. this book is ambition—these are people Wielding power does not guarantee who, even if their leadership was success, as seen in communist Russia inherited, chose to make decisions in and China, where Joseph Stalin’s and order to effect change. They accepted, Mao Zedong’s failed reforms and welcomed, or fought for their position, political ambitions cost the lives of and they were not afraid to stand up for tens of millions of their own people. what they believed in, whether that be However, leaders can and do evolve. to mankind’s advantage or detriment. In their early lives, entrepreneurs such These are people who lived exceptional as John D. Rockefeller, Li Ka-shing, and lives, many of which still continue to Bill Gates led their businesses to global influence lives today. US_006_007_Introduction.indd 7 05/11/2018 11:00 US_008_009_CH1_Opener.indd 8 19/10/2018 13:11

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