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Preview LAWRENCE K. MAGRATH 1943-2007

LAWRENCE MAGRATH K. 1943-2007 Lipscomb Barney Botanical Research of Texas Institute 509 Pecan Street USA. Fort Worth, Texas 76 02-4060, 1 It is with great sadness to report the loss of a friend and colleague Lawrence K. Magrath, biologist, orchi- who member dologist and curator, died Saturday, 24 February 2007, after a long illness. Magrath, a 35-year and Oklahoma (USAO) of the University of Science Arts of science faculty, previously served as professor OCLA of biology, director of interdisciplinary studies and curator of the Herbarium (herbarium acronym). Though he resigned March 2005, he continued teaching on limited schedule. officially a Through 1990s he supported one campus adding the led or beautification project after another, flowers. trees, and shrubbery to create the String of Pearls Garden surrounding Austin Hall, the Water Garden to won Garden and As the north, the Sculpture east of Davis Hall, more. a result of his leadership, the college USAO two Keep Oklahoma Beautiful awards in the 1990s, and the Board of Regents presented a special commendation him. to As a long-time leader in USAO's unique Interdisciplinary Studies Program, Magrath was recognized for classroom teaching, his dedication to liberal arts education, mentoring young scientists, and encourag- He ing learning both inside and outside the classroom. advised several student organizations and academic USAO. honor societies at Oklahoma Academy Junior of Science (OJAS) USAO standing Contributions and Long-time Service." Magrath welcomed the OJAS conference to the campus poems on several occasions. Also during 1994, Magrath published three in the "Journal of Evolutionary Psychology." As one of Oklahoma's authorities on Orchids in this region, he attended the American Orchid New AOS He Society Trustees Meeting in York City to serve as vice chair for the Conservation Committee. member was more than dozen and a of a national international societies in science, wildlife preservation, and teaching. For decades, he worked with the Oklahoma Academy of Science, the American Orchid Society, Oklahoma Oklahoma and North America the Native Plant Society, the Flora of Project, the Flora of Project, some authored or co-authored 50 articles, read at least 30 papers at professional conferences. Larry was born 28 March 1943 in Garnett, Kansas. He was salutatorian Westphalia Rural High School at in Coffey County, Kansas. His bachelor's and master's degrees were from Kansas State Teachers College He (now Fmporia State University). received an undergraduate fellowship to Argonne National Laboratory in Larry was awarded his Ph.D. in botany in 1973 the University of Kansas; his dissertation was Illinois. at entitled 'The native orchids oj the prairies and plains region North America.'' Orchids remained the primary of OCLA He focus of Larry's research throughout his career. developed the herbarium 22,000 specimens) (ca. Oklahoma with noteworthy collections from southeastern and the Orchidaceae of the central and south- United eastern States. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS USAO Thanks to the News Bureau (University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma) for permission to extract USAO Randy information from the website (http://www.usao.edu/news/spring-07/LarryMagrath.htm). Talley, Michael Bendure, and Charles Mather (USAO) provided the photograph. The Oklahoma Flora committee, WWaayynnee ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy S^uussaann BDaarrboeerr aannda Fhlliisseennss,, ggaavvee encouragement and support. Judy MacKenzie kindly ( and improvements read suggested the manuscript. to - J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 1 (1): 781 784. 2007 782 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1(1) AND SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS REPORTS The MagratH; LK. 1969. vascular flora of Coffey County, Kansas. Master's Thesis; Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia. new Rhodora Magrath, ]970. Spiranthestuberoso, for Kansas. 72:141. L.K. new Magrath, 1971. Vascular plants Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. Rhodora 73:300-304. for L.K. Opposing House Magrath, 971 the construction of Hillsdale Reservoir. Hearings, of Representatives, Public L.K. 1 . Works 92nd Appropriations for 972, congress, Session, Part 1st 5. 1 Magrath, 971 Native orchids of Kansas. Trans. Kan. Acad. 74(3&4):287-309, L.K. Sci. 1 . Magrath, 1971. Identification of Smiloxherboceo (Greenbriar).The Anderson Countian. Sept. 1971, Sec- L.K. 16, tion 7. 2, p. Magrath, LK. and K.L Johnson. 1971. The genus Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae) Kansas. SouthW. Naturalist in 15:389. Magrath, 1972. The Nelson Tract botanical survey, 1971. Eagleman, Eastmond, and L.K. In: Barr, B.C., J.R. R.J. S.A. Morain. Atmospheric pollution and effect the Kansas City-Topeka Corridor. The University of Kansas. its in NSF Grant #GI-29760.The Center Research, for Inc. A Magrath, L.K. and R.R. Weedon. 972. report of fall-fruiting plants of Ophioglossum engelmannii PrantI in eastern 1 Kansas. Amer. Fern 62:22-23. J. New McGregor, R.L, L.K. Magrath, and R.R. Weedon. 1972. and interesting plants from the Great Plains. Rhodora 74:378-388, New Weedon, R.R. and L.K. Magrath. 1973. and interesting plants from the Great Plains. SouthW. Naturalist 18:341-342, Magrath, L.K. 1973. The native orchids of the Prairies and Plains Region of North America. Ph.D, Dissertation; University of Kansas, Lawrence. The and Magrath, L.K. 1974. native orchids of the prairies plains regions of North America. Diss. Abstr. B 34. Int., (12):5838, New Magrath, L.K. and R.R. Weedon. 1974. and interesting plants from the central plains States. Rhodora 76:489-490. new Magrath, and Taylor, 1978, Orchids and other and interesting plants from Oklahoma. Publ. Herb, L.K. S.E, J, Oklahoma State Univ, 2:1-1 6. new Oklahoma, SouthW, Magrath, L.K, 980, Listero austrolis Lindley (Orchidaceae) for Naturalist 25:275, 1 Orchidaceae Oklahoma: and Amer, Magrath, 983, native to distribution ecology, Bot, 70:1 22. L.K, J, 1 New Magrath, 984, native orchids of Oklahoma and Kansas. Proc, Oklahoma Acad. 64:43-44. L.K, Sci, 1 & Magrath, LK, 985. The native orchids of Oklahoma, Tulsa Garden Center Annual Directory. Publication Official 1 of the Tulsa Garden Center. Pp, 21-26, Magrath, LK. 987, Gloucium flovum Crantz (Papaveraceae) and Silybum marianum Gaertn. (Asteraceae) (L) in 1 Oklahoma 12:243-244, Magrath, and Norman, 989. Nomenclatural notes on Calopogon, Corollorhiza, and Cypripedlum (Orchida- L.K, J.L. 1 ceae) the Great Plains Region. Sida 13:371-372, in new and Dendrochilum Acoridium from Magrath, LK., G, Bulmer, Shafer, 1989, jovieriense, a species in section I, 35-1 Luzon, the Lindleyana Philippines. 4:1 38, Magrath, 2001, Native orchids of Oklahoma, Crosstimbers 2001 8-25, (Spring):1 L.K, Oklahoma, Oklahoma Rec Magrath, LK, 2001 Native orchids of Native :39-66. PI. 1 , new Magrath, L.K, 2001, Galium porisiense var, /e/ocarpam Tausch, for Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native PL Rec. 1(1):67. Magrath, LK. 2001. Schoenoplectus hallllyaf. saximontanus: 2000 Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge Survey. 5. Oklahoma Native Rec. 2(1):54-6467. PI. Magrath, L.K, and R.J. Coleman, 2002. Listera, In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds, Fl, North Amer, New 26:586-592. Oxford Univ. Press., York and Oxford. Lawrence Magrath 783 K. Lawrence Magrath (1943-2007). K. . 784 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1(1) Magrath, LK., R.L Dressier, JT. Atwood, and Beckner. 2002. Key to the genera of Orchidaceae. Flora of North In: J. New America Connmittee, North Amer. 26:494-499. Oxford York and Oxford. Editorial eds. FL Univ. Press., Magrath, L.K. and J.V. Freudenstein. 2002. Corallorhiza. In: Flora of North Annerica Editorial Committee, eds. Fl. North New Amer. 26:633-638. Oxford Univ. York and Oxford. Press., and Oklahoma. Oklahoma Rec Magrath, 2003. Triphora trianthophora Tipularia discolor Native L.K. in PI. 3(1): 68-72. PRESENTATIONS/LECTURES SCIENTIFIC Academy The Magrath, 1970. native orchids of Kansas. Paper read before Kansas of Science. L.K, A Magrath, LK. 972. checklist of native orchids occurring Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and in 1 North Dakota. Paper read before the Southwestern Association of Naturalists. Magrath, 973. Native orchids of Kansas. Paper read before the Kansas Orchid Society. L.K. 1 Magrath, 1976. The native orchids of Oklahoma. Paper read before the Oklahoma Academy of Science. L.K. new new Magrath, and J.Taylor. 1977. Oklahoma orchids: species and distributions. Paper read before the L.K. Oklahoma Academy of Science. Oklahoma Academy Magrath, 978. Corallorhizo striata Lindley complex. Paper read before the of Science. L.K. 1 Magrath, 979. Native orchids of Oklahoma and adjacent regions. Banquet Address, 35th Annual Meeting L.K. 1 of the Southwestern Regional Orchid Growers Association. new Magrath, 1980. Spiranthes praecox (Orchidaceae), Oklahoma. Paper read before the Oklahoma for L.K. Academy of Science. Magrath, L.K. 1983. Orchidaceae native to Oklahoma: distribution and ecology. Paper presented at American Society of Plant Taxonomists annual meeting. A Magrath, 1983. morphological comparison oftwotaxa of Ca/opogon occurring Oklahoma. Paper read L.K. in Oklahoma Academy before the of Science. Magrath, 1984. Orchids and other spring wildflowers. Presentation 7th Annual Oklahoma Wildflower at L.K. Meeting. Magrath, L.K. 984. Cypripedium kentuckiense (Rafinesque's ladyslipper) a previously unrecognized ladyslipper in 1 southeastern Oklahoma. Paper read before the Oklahoma Academy of Science. made Awards Cymbidlum Magrath, L.K. 1985. Latest Royal Horticultural Society in (1978-1984). Presentation at Great Regional Judging Center of the American Orchid Society Meeting. Plains Magrath, 986. Spaceship earth and the geopolitical implications of resource allocation and overpopulation. L.K. 1 Banquet Address, 1986 Model United Nations University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma. at A Magrath, W.W.Wilson, and 1986. macromorphological comparison of Cypripedium parviflorum LK., J.D. Huff. and kentuckiense Oklahoma. Paper read before the Oklahoma Academy of Science. C. \n NEW NAMES — Magrath Rhodora Aster oblongifoliust albaligulatus 73:303. 1971. — Connmelina erecta olba Magratli Rhodora 73:300. 971 f 1 — & Cypripediunn parviflorum f albolabium Magrath J.L.Norman Sida 3:372. 989. 1 1 — Sidaspinosa Magrath Rhodora 74:383. 972. f albiflora 1

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