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Law & Society Review Index to Volume 39 Author Index Albiston, Catherine R. Bargaining in the Shadow of Social Institutions: Competing Discourses and Social Change in Workplace Mobilization of Civil Rights. No. 1, 11-50. Banner, Stuart. Preparing to Be Colonized: Land Tenure and Legal Strategy in Nineteenth-Century Hawaii. No. 2, 273-314. Beckett, Katherine, & Bruce Hoffman. Challenging Medicine: Law, Resis- tance, and the Cultural Politics of Childbirth. No. 1, 125-170. Blatt, William. Holy River and Magic Mountain: Public Lands Management and the Rediscovery of the “Sacred in Nature.” No. 3, 681-688. Boyle, Elizabeth Heger. Introduction by the Review Essay Editor. No. 4, 943-944. Burton, Lloyd. Auinor’s Response: Worship, Wilderness, and Cultural Co- evolution. No. 3, 711-722. Constable, Marianne. Introduction. No. 3, 677-680. Dudas, Jeffrey R. In the Name of Equal Rights: “Special” Rights and the Politics of Resentment in Post—Civil Rights America. No. 4, 723-758. Erlanger, Howard S. Organizations, Institutions, and the Story of Shmuel: Reflections on the 40th Anniversary of the Law and Society Association. No. 1, 1-10. French, Jan Hoffman. Personal Encounters With the Work of Laura Nader. No. 4, 957-964. Garland, David. Penal Excess and Surplus Meaning: Public Torture Lynchings in Twentieth-Century America. No. 4, 793-834. Ghosh, Shubha. Modeling Globalization From the Bottom Up: A Review Essay of John Braithwaite and Peter Drahos, Global Business Regulation. No. 4, 965-980. Golub, Mark. Plessy as “Passing”: Judicial Responses to Ambiguously Raced Bodies in Plessy v. Ferguson. No. 3, 563-600. Goodale, Mark. A Life in the Law: Laura Nader and the Future of Legal Anthropology. No. 4, 945-956. Law & Society Review, Volume 39, Number 4 (2005) © 2005 by The Law and Society Association. All rights reserved. 982 Index to Volume 39 Gooding, Susan Staiger. Narrating Law and Environmental Body Politics (in Times of War) in “Indigenous America/America.” No. 3, 697-710. Grattet, Ryken & Valerie Jenness. The Reconstitution of Law in Local Settings: Agency Discretion, Ambiguity, and a Surplus of Law in the Policing of Hate Crime. No. 4; 893-942. He, Xin. Why Do They Not Comply with the Law? Illegality and Semi- Legality among Rural-Urban Migrant Entrepreneurs in Beijing. No. 3, 527-562. Hoffmann, Elizabeth A. Dispute Resolution in a Worker Cooperative: Formal Procedures and Procedural Justice. No. 1, 51-82. Johnson, Timothy R., James F. Spriggs Il, & Paul J. Wahlbeck. Passing and Strategic Voting on the U.S. Supreme Court. No. 2, 349-378. Marshall, Anna-Maria. Idle Rights: Employees’ Rights Consciousness and the Construction of Sexual Harassment Policies. No. 1, 83-124. Mirchandani, Rekha. What’s So Special about Specialized Courts? The State and Social Change in Salt Lake City’s Domestic Violence Court. No. 2, 379-418. Ohbuchi, Ken-ichi, Ikuo Sugawara, Kazuhiko Teshigahara, & Kei-ichiro Imazai. Procedural Justice and the Assessment of Civil Justice in Japan. No. 4, 875-892. Richland, Justin B. “What Are You Going to Do with the Village’s Knowledge?” Talking Tradition, Talking Law in Hopi Tribal Court. No. 2, 235-272. Rollins, Joe. Same-Sex Unions and the Spectacles of Recognition (Review Essay). No. 2, 457-483. Romero, Mary. Brown Is Beautiful (Review Essay). No. 1, 211-234. Rose, Mary R. A Dutiful Voice: Justice in the Distribution of Jury Service. No. 3, 601-634. Seuffert, Nan. Nation as Partnership: Law, “Race,” and Gender in Aotearoa New Zealand's Treaty Settlements. No. 3, 485-526. Steinman, Erich W. Legitimizing American Indian Sovereignty: Mobilizing the Constitutive Power of Law Through Institutional Entrepreneurship. No. 4, 759-792. Sullivan, Winnifred. Advocating Religion on Public Lands: Native American Practice or Buddhist Sermon? No. 3, 689-696. Thacher, David. The Local Role in Homeland Security. No. 3, 635-676. Valverde, Mariana. Authorizing the Production of Urban Moral Order: Appellate Courts and Their Knowledge Games. No. 2, 419-456. Warrick, Catherine. The Vanishing Victim: Criminal Law and Gender in Jordan. No. 2, 315-348. Index to Volume 39 983 Willis, James J. Transportation versus Imprisonment in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain: Penal Power, Liberty, and the State. No. 1, 171-210. Wooldredge, John, Timothy Griffin, & Fritz Rauschenberg. (Un)anticipated Effects of Sentencing Reform on the Disparate Treatment of Defendants. No. 4, 835-874. Title Index A Dutiful Voice: Justice in the Distribution of Jury Service, Mary R. Rose. No. 3, 601-634. A Life in the Law: Laura Nader and the Future of Legal Anthropology, Mark Goodale. No. 4, 945-956. Advocating Religion on Public Lands: Native American Practice or Buddhist Sermon?, Winnifred Sullivan. No. 3, 689-696. Authorizing the Production of Urban Moral Order: Apnellate Courts and Their Knowledge Games, Mariana Valverde. No. 2, 419-456. Author’s Response: Worship, Wilderness, and Cultural Coevolution, Lloyd Burton. No. 3, 711-722. Bargaining in the Shadow of Social Institutions: Competing Discourses and Social Change in Workplace Mobilization of Civil Rights, Catherine R. Albiston. No. 1, 11-50. Brown Is Beautiful (Review Essay), Mary Romero. No. 1, 211-234. Challenging Medicine: Law, Resistance, and the Cultural Politics of Childbirth, Katherine Beckett & Bruce Hoffman. No. 1, 125-170. Dispute Resolution in a Worker Cooperative: Formal Procedures and Pro- cedural Justice, Elizabeth A. Hoffmann. No. 1, 51-82. Holy River and Magic Mountain: Public Lands Management and the Re- discovery of the “Sacred in Nature,” William Blatt. No. 3, 681-688. Idle Rights: Employees’ Rights Consciousness and the Construction of Sexual Harassment Policies, Anna-Maria Marshall. No. 1, 83-124. In the Name of Equal Rights: “Special” Rights and the Politics of Resentment in Post-Civil Rights America, Jeffrey R. Dudas. No. 4, 723-758. Introduction by the Review Essay Editor, Elizabeth Heger Boyle. No. 4, 943-944. Introduction, Marianne Constable. No. 3, 677-680. Legitimizing American Indian Sovereignty: Mobilizing the Constitutive Power of Law Through Institutional Entrepreneurship, Erich W. Steinman. No. 4, 759-792. 984 Index to Volume 39 Modeling Globalization From the Bottom Up: A Review Essay of John Braithwaite and Peter Drahos, Global Business Regulation, Shubha Ghosh. No. 4, 965-980. Narrating Law and Environmental Body Politics (in Times of War) in “Indigenous America/America,” Susan Staiger Gooding. No. 3, 697-710. Nation as Partnership: Law, “Race,” and Gender in Aotearoa New Zealand's Treaty Settlements, Nan Seuffert. No. 3, 485-526. Organizations, Institutions, and the Story of Shmuel: Reflections on the 40th Anniversary of the Law and Society Association, Howard S. Erlanger. No. 1, 1-10. Passing and Strategic Voting on the U.S. Supreme Court, Timothy R. Johnson, James F. Spriggs Il, & Paul J. Wahlbeck. No. 2, 349-378. Penal Excess and Surplus Meaning: Public Torture Lynchings in Twentieth- Century America, David Garland. No. 4, 793-834. Personal Encounters With the Work of Laura Nader, Jan Hoffman French. No. 4, 957-964. Plessy as “Passing”: Judicial Responses to Ambiguously Raced Bodies in Plessy uv. Ferguson, Mark Golub. No. 3, 563-600. Preparing to Be Colonized: Land Tenure and Legal Strategy in Nineteenth- Century Hawaii, Stuart Banner. No. 2, 273-314. Procedural Justice and the Assessment of Civil Justice in Japan, Ken-ichi Ohbuchi, [kuo Sugawara, Kazuhiko Teshigahara, & Kei-ichiro Imazai. No. 4, 875-892. Same-Sex Unions and the Spectacles of Recognition (Review Essay), Joe Rollins. No. 2, 457-483. The Local Role in Homeland Security, David Thacher. No. 3, 635-676. The Reconstitution of Law in Local Settings: Agency Discretion, Ambiguity, and a Surplus of Law in the Policing of Hate Crime, Ryken Grattet & Valerie Jenness. No. 4, 893-942. The Vanishing Victim: Criminal Law and Gender in Jordan, Catherine Warrick. No. 2, 315-348. ‘Transportation versus Imprisonment in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain: Penal Power, Liberty, and the State, James J. Willis. No. 1, 171-210. (Un)anticipated Effects of Sentencing Reform on the Disparate Treatment of Defendants, John Wooldredge, Timothy Griffin, & Fritz Rauschenberg. No. 4, 835-874. “What Are You Going to Do with the Village’s Knowledge?” Talking Tradition, Talking Law in Hopi Tribal Court, Justin B. Richland. No. 2 235-272. Index to Volume 39 985 What's So Special about Specialized Courts? The State and Social Change in Salt Lake City’s Domestic Violence Court, Rekha Mirchandani. No. 2, 379-418. Why Do They Not Comply with the Law? Ilegality and Semi-Legality among Rural-Urban Migrant Entrepreneurs in Beijing, Xin He. No 527-562.

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