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Law & Society Review Index to Volume 38 Author Index Annus, Taavi, & Margit Tavits. Judicial Behavior After a Change of Regime: The Effects of Judge and Defendant Characteristics. No. 4, 711-736. Artis, Julie E. Judging the Best Interests of the Child: Judges’ Accounts of the Tender Years Doctrine. No. 4, 769-806. Barzilai, Gad. Culture of Patriarchy in Law: Violence from Antiquity to Modernity (Review Essay). No. 4, 867-884. Benton, Lauren. Colonizing Hawaii and Colonizing Elsewhere: Toward a History of U.S. Imperial Law. No. 4, 835-842. Cichowski, Rachel A. Women’s Rights, the European Court, and Supra- national Constitutionalism. No. 3, 489-532. Collins Jr., Paul M. Friends of the Court: Examining the Influence of Amicus Curiae Participation in U.S. Supreme Court Litigation. No. 4, 807-832. Dau-Schmidt, Kenneth G. Pittsburgh, City of Bridges: Developing a Rational Approach to Interdisciplinary Discourse on Law. No. 2, 199-206. Dawson, Myrna. Rethinking the Boundaries of Intimacy at the End of the Century: The Role of Victim-Defendant Relationship in Criminal Justice Decisionmaking Over Time. No. 1, 105-138. Dzur, Albert W. See Olson, Susan M. Edelman, Lauren B. Rivers of Law and Contested Terrain: A Law and Society Approach to Economic Rationality. No. 2, 181-198. Epstein, Lee, & Jack Knight. Building the Bridge from Both Sides of the River: Law and Society and Rational Choice. No. 2, 207-212. Ezell, Michael E. See Linz, Daniel. Gartner, Rosemary, & Candace Kruttschnitt. A Brief History of Doing Time: The California Institution for Women in the 1960s and the 1990s. No. 2, 267-304. Gibson, James L. Truth, Reconciliation, and the Creation of a Human Rights Culture in South Africa. No. 1, 5-40. Goldstein, Leslie Friedman. From Democracy to Juristocracy (Review Essay). No. 3, 611-629. Grosskopf, Anke. See Maveety, Nancy. Law & Society Review, Volume 38, Number 4 (2004) © 2004 by The Law and Society Association. All rights reserved. 886 Index to Volume 38 Halliday, Terence. Crossing Oceans, Spanning Continents: Exporting Edel- man to Global Lawmaking and Market-Building. No. 2, 213-220. Hendley, Kathryn. Business Litigation in the Transition: A Portrait of Debt Collection in Russia. No. 2, 305-348. Knight, Jack. See Epstein, Lee. Kogacioglu, Dicle. Progress, Unity, and Democracy: Dissolving Political Parties in Turkey. No. 3, 433-462. Kovath, Jean. See Seron, Carroll. Kritzer, Herbert M. American Adversarialism (Review Essay). No. 2, 349-384. Kruttschnitt, Candace. See Gartner, Rosemary. Land, Kenneth C. See Linz, Daniel. Larson, Erik W. Institutionalizing Legal Consciousness: Regulation and the Embedding of Market Participants in the Securities Industry in Ghana and Fiji. No. 4, 737-768. Linz, Daniel, Kenneth C. Land, Jay R. Williams, Bryant Paul, & Michael E. Ezell. An Examination of the Assumption that Adult Businesses Are Associated with Crime in Surrounding Areas: A Secondary Effects Study in Charlotte, North Carolina. No. 1, 69-104. Maurer, Bill. The Cultural Power of Law? Conjunctive Readings. No. 4, 843- 850. Maveety, Nancy, & Anke Grosskopf. “Constrained” Constitutional Courts as Conduits for Democratic Consolidation. No. 3, 463-488. May, Peter J. Compliance Motivations: Affirmative and Negative Bases. No. 1, 41-68. McAdams, Richard H. Cultural Contingency and Economic Function: Bridge- Building from the Law & Economics Side. No. 2, 221-228. Merry, Sally Engle. Comment on Comments. No. 4, 861-866. Olson, Susan M., & Albert W. Dzur. Revisiting Informal Justice: Restorative Justice and Democratic Professionalism. No. 1, 139-176. Parker, Kunal. Thinking Inside the Box: A Historian Among the Anthro- pologists. No. 4, 851-860. Paul, Bryant. See Linz, Daniel. Pereira, Joseph. See Seron, Carroll. Piiban, Jiri. Reconstituting Paradise Lost: Temporality, Civility, and Ethnicity in Post-Communist Constitution-Making. No. 3, 407-432. Riddell, Troy Q. The Impact of Legal Mobilization and Judicial Decisions: The Case of Official Minority-Language Education Policy in Canada _ for Francophones Outside Quebec. No. 3, 583-610. Scheppele, Kim Lane. Constitutional Ethnography: An Introduction. No. 3, 389-406. Seron, Carroll, Joseph Pereira, & Jean Kovath. Judging Police Misconduct: “Street-Level” versus Professional Policing. No. 4, 665-710. Index to Volume 38 887 Shamir, Ronen. Between Self-Regulation and the Alien Tort Claims Act: On the Contested Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. No. 4, 635-664. Solan, Lawrence M. See Tiersma, Peter M. Solomon Jr., Peter H. Judicial Power in Russia: Through the Prism of Administrative Justice. No. 3, 549-582. Tavits, Margit. See Annus, Taavi. Tiersma, Peter M., & Lawrence M. Solan. Cops and Robbers: Selective Literalism in American Criminal Law. No. 2, 229-266. Trochey, Alexei. Less Democracy, More Courts: A Puzzle of Judicial Review in Russia. No. 3, 513-548. Umphrey, Martha Merrill. Introduction by the Review Editor. No. 4, 833-834. Williams, Jay R. See Linz, Daniel. Title Index A Brief History of Doing Time: The California Institution for Women in the 1960s and the 1990s, by Rosemary Gartner & Candace Kruttschnitt. No. 2, 267-304. American Adversarialism (Review Essay), by Herbert M. Kritzer. No. 2, 349-384. An Examination of the Assumption that Adult Businesses Are Associated with Crime in Surrounding Areas: A Secondary Effects Study in Charlotte, North Carolina, by Daniel Linz, Kenneth C. Land, Jay R. Williams, Bryant Paul, & Michael E. Ezell. No. 1, 69-104. Between Self-Regulation and the Alien Tort Claims Act: On the Contested Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, by Ronen Shamir. No. 4, 635-664. Building the Bridge from Both Sides of the River: Law and Society and Rational Choice, by Lee Epstein & Jack Knight. No. 2, 207-212. Business Litigation in the Transition: A Portrait of Debt Collection in Russia, by Kathryn Hendley. No. 2, 305-348. Colonizing Hawaii and Colonizing Elsewhere: Toward a History of U.S. Imperial Law, by Lauren Benton. No. 4, 835-842. Comment on Comments, by Sally Engle Merry. No. 4, 861-866. Compliance Motivations: Affirmative and Negative Bases, by PeterJ .M ay. No. 1, 41-68. Constitutional Ethnography: An Introduction, by Kim Lane Scheppeie. No. 3, 389-406. “Constrained” Constitutional Courts as Conduits for Democratic Consolida- tion, by Nancy Maveety & Anke Grosskopf. No. 3, 463-488. Cops and Robbers: Selective Literalism in American Criminal Law, by Peter M. Tiersma & Lawrence M. Solan. No. 2, 229-266. 888 Index to Volume 38 Crossing Oceans, Spanning Continents: Exporting Edelman to Global Lawmaking and Market-Building, by Terence Halliday. No. 2, 213-220. Cultural Contingency and Economic Function: Bridge-Building from the Law & Economics Side, by Richard H. McAdams. No. 2, 221-228. Culture of Patriarchy in Law: Violence from Antiquity to Modernity (Review Essay), by Gad Barzilai. No. 4, 867-884. Friends of the Court: Examining the Influence of Amicus Curiae Participation in U.S. Supreme Court Litigation, by Paul M. Collins Jr. No. 4, 807-832. From Democracy to Juristocracy (Review Essay), by Leslie Friedman Goldstein. No. 3, 611-629. Institutionalizing Legal Consciousness: Regulation and the Embedding of Market Participants in the Securities Industry in Ghana and Fiji, by Erik W. Larson. No. 4, 737-768. Introduction by the Review Editor, by Martha Merrill Umphrey. No. 4, 833-834. Judging Police Misconduct: “Street-Level” versus Professional Policing, by Carroll Seron, Joseph Pereira, & Jean Kovath. No. 4, 665-710. Judging the Best Interests of the Child: Judges’ Accounts of the Tender Years Doctrine, by Julie E. Artis. No. 4, 769-806. Judicial Behavior After a Change of Regime: The Effects of Judge and Defendant Characteristics, by Taavi Annus & Margit Tavits. No. 4, 711-736. Judicial Power in Russia: Through the Prism of Administrative Justice, by Peter H. Solomon Jr. No. 3, 549-582. Less Democracy, More Courts: A Puzzle of Judicial Review in Russia, by Alexei Trochev. No. 3, 513-548. Pittsburgh, City of Bridges: Developing a Rational Approach to Interdisci- plinary Discourse on Law, by Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt. No. 2, 199-206. Progress, Unity, and Democracy: Dissolving Political Parties in Turkey, by Dicle Kogacioglu. No. 3, 433-462. Reconstituting Paradise Lost: Temporality, Civility, and Ethnicity in Post- Communist Constitution-Making, by Jiri Priban. No. 3, 407-432. Rethinking the Boundaries of Intimacy at the End of the Century: The Role of Victim-Defendant Relationship in Criminal Justice Decisionmaking Over Time, by Myrna Dawson. No. 1, 105-138. Revisiting Informal Justice: Restorative Justice and Democratic Professional- ism, by Susan M. Olson & Albert W. Dzur. No. 1, 139-176. Rivers of Law and Contested Terrain: A Law and Society Approach to Economic Rationality, by Lauren B. Edelman. No. 2, 181-198. The Cultural Power of Law? Conjunctive Readings, by Bill Maurer. No. 4, 843-850. The Impact of Legal Mobilization and Judicial Decisions: The Case of Official Minority-Language Education Policy in Canada for Francophones Outside Quebec, by Troy Q. Riddell. No. 3, 583-610. Index to Volume 38 889 Thinking Inside the Box: A Historian Among the Anthropologists, by Kunal Parker. No. 4, 851-860. Truth, Reconciliation, and the Creation of a Human Rights Culture in South Africa, by James L. Gibson. No. 1, 5-40. Women’s Rights, the European Court, and Supranational Constitutionalism, by Rachel A. Cichowski. No. 3, 489-512.

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