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Law Of Attraction: Visualization, Manifestation, Attract Love, Fulfillment, Wealth, Happiness & Get What You Want (law of attraction, Manifest, attract ... fulfillment, the secret, Get What You Want) PDF

41 Pages·2015·0.35 MB·English
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Preview Law Of Attraction: Visualization, Manifestation, Attract Love, Fulfillment, Wealth, Happiness & Get What You Want (law of attraction, Manifest, attract ... fulfillment, the secret, Get What You Want)

Law Of Attraction-Visualization, Manifestation, Attract Love, Fulfillment, Wealth, Happiness & Get What You Want Table of Contents Introduction Chapter One It’s A Law Chapter Two Manifest Your Dream Life Chapter Three Attract Love & Wealth Chapter Four Morning Ritual & Gratitude Conclusion Introduction I want to thank and congratulate you for downloading my book Hi, my name is Zachary Dixon and I want to take a moment to thank you for the privilege and the opportunity to share with you the strategies and techniques that have helped me use the power of my subconscious mind to manifest what I want in my life. What I know for a fact is that we all have dreams; we all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can somehow touch other people in a special way and that we can make the world a better place. From what I’ve seen growing up, most people have a dream about what they really want to have happen in their life, but their dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that they don’t actually make an effort to accomplish them. Many of us have lost the sense of certainty that creates the winner’s edge and typically it’s because we don’t believe that living the life of our dreams is even possible. My life’s mission is to share with you the easiest strategies to create an extraordinary life and help you to believe in yourself enough for the fear to go away. I have learnt so much through the studies of Neuro Linguistic Programming, studying a lot of my mentors at the top of the game and reading plenty of books and tapes. This Book will introduce you to these proven strategies and will show you how powerful your subconscious mind is and I promise that if you read my book and apply these techniques, together we can start to make measurable progress. Chapter One It’s A Law I am very excited to share with you the amazing Law Of Attraction and help you easily understand it, so you can attract anything you want in your life. There are certain laws of the universe and if you understand the law, you can then begin to use them to create the life you deserve. There is a law of gravity & that law is if you fall off a building it doesn’t matter if you’re a good person or a bad person you’re going to hit the ground. The law of attracting law is one of the most powerful law of the universe and not many people in this world have ever mastered it mostly because they don’t believe it and secondly because don’t understand how to attract what you want exactly. You will learn how to attract the ideal partner, any amount of money, great people really anything you want to manifest. This secret had been around for many years and only a few people knew about it, but they all applied it and got exactly what they want. I want you to look at the world like it’s just a catalogue and you can look through this book and you can choose out experience’s you want to have in your life. I have done this with everything I have manifested in my life right now and I know from experience that this works. Albert Einstein one of the most smartest individuals in the world new about this secret law and believed that whatever we focus on consistently we will manifest into our reality. Haven’t you had times in your life where you wanted something so badly and you thought about it all the time and overtime you ended up getting exactly what you wanted? It’s not a coincidence that you got it, it’s because you attracted it and wherever you are right now in your life, you have attracted it. It’s really tough to hear for some people because people aren’t where they want to be, or they might be struggling in financial debt. I know from experience I used to be in debt and I used to set goals for myself to get out of debt and I would never be able to get myself out of this place. I began to realize if my goals even had the word debt in it I was focusing on it so I would manifest it. How exactly I changed everything in my life I wrote goals that would excited me, goals that gave me specific feelings that I was craving which then attracts those feelings into your life. Haven’t you realized when you focus on bills you have to pay, you just keep getting more of them and it’s begins to turn into a cycle? That doesn’t just happen, it’s because you are focusing on it and you will get replicating that feeling. I am a Life Coach and I have worked with athletes to help them turn their game around and one of the biggest tasks I get them to do is visualize what they want to have happen before they do anything. They have done studies that if you visualize yourself doing something the same muscle fibres and nerves fires off exactly the same way to when you do it physically. Our brains can’t tell the difference between if you are just imagining something or you’re actually experiencing it. So you could close your eyes and visualize anything you want in your life and if you do this on a regular basis you will start to attract exactly what you want, it’s really that easy. No one wants to hear the easy answer because they might have been working on something for so long and nothing has happened of yet, but I guarantee if you apply the secret law into your life, your dreams will become a reality. There was a study done with basket ballers who trained for three weeks to see what had the most effect, training physically, not training at all or visualizing in your head. They come back and the people who didn’t train obviously were the worst, then it was physical who trained physically everyday didn’t come close to visualizing. Because when you visualize yourself doing something there is no interrupting, you are always making the right decision and keeping that great feeling about what you’re doing. Albert Einstein said that our brains are receivers and transmitters of energy and frequencies, meaning your thought are things, whatever thought you have is energy that you are sending out to the universe. Haven’t you had times in your life where you think about someone you haven’t seen in so long and you focus on them and all of a sudden you can a message, email or a phone call from them, or a conversation about them will come up with somebody? This is so amazing and you should be so excited that you are going to be able to attract whatever you want in your life, I have met so many people that have used this law and they have attracted too much abundance in their life. One of my mentors told me when he hadn’t had much experience managing a business but that’s all he wanted to do with his life, he had a vision inside his head about what specifically he wanted. He used to speak on a tape recorder saying thank you for giving him a manger position role and he would really feel the feelings of already achieving his goals. About a month into doing this everyday he got a random call from one of his friends saying there is a job that you might be interested in managing a big aquatics centre. He straight away applied for this job and within two weeks he got a job at that exact centre he wanted and people asked his was he surprised he got the job. He just said he knew he was going to get it, because he completely conditioned himself every day to make it happen. Believing it’s already happened is one of the most important keys to this secret and that’s why we have to visualize it happening every day because that teachers our brain we have already done it and our beliefs about what we are capable of shift. If you look up any successful story that you admire so greatly, I can guarantee they would have gone through this exact model I am about to show you, because this is the secret to having abundance in your life. Haven’t you had times where you are thinking you don’t want to see a certain person and all of a sudden they walk into the same supermarket you are in or certain place where you would never think they would go. This has happened to me so many times it’s a joke and it’s because we are thinking about what we don’t want to have happen so that’s exactly what we will manifest into our lives.

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