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Law and Policy of the European Gas Market PDF

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Law and Policy of the European Gas Market Monica Waloszyk Centre for Energy Law, University of Aberdeen, UK Edward Elgar Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA JOBNAME:Waloszyk PAGE:4 SESS:3 OUTPUT:TueJul 110:48:022014 ©MonicaWaloszyk2014 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedina retrievalsystemortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical orphotocopying,recording,orotherwisewithoutthepriorpermissionofthe publisher. Publishedby EdwardElgarPublishingLimited TheLypiatts 15LansdownRoad Cheltenham GlosGL502JA UK EdwardElgarPublishing,Inc. WilliamPrattHouse 9DeweyCourt Northampton Massachusetts01060 USA Acataloguerecordforthisbook isavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2014932607 ThisbookisavailableelectronicallyintheElgarOnline.comLawSubject Collection,E-ISBN9781783473472 ISBN9781783473465 TypesetbyColumnsDesignXMLLtd,Reading PrintedandboundinGreatBritainbyT.J.InternationalLtd,Padstow Monica Waloszyk - 9781783473472 1 0 Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Waloszyk-Law_and_Policy_of_European_Gas_Markets / Division: 00-Prelims /Pg. Position: 2 / Date: 30/4 JOBNAME:Waloszyk PAGE:5 SESS:6 OUTPUT:TueJul 110:48:022014 Contents Preface vi Acknowledgements vii Listofabbreviations viii Tableofcases xi Tableoflegalacts xvi TableoflegalactsoftheEuropeanUnion xx 1. Introduction 1 2. ThespecificsoftheEUgasmarket 10 3. Settingofrelationshipswithnaturalgasproducers 45 4. EUgasmarketstructure 96 5. DefiningandassessingthecurrentEUgasmarketdesign 130 6. IntegrationoftheEUgasmarketthroughadministrativebodies 203 7. Conclusion 248 Bibliography 259 AnnexI:LegislationapplicabletotheEUgasmarket 288 AnnexII:Caselaw 314 Index 349 v Monica Waloszyk - 9781783473472 Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Waloszyk-Law_and_Policy_of_European_Gas_Markets / Division: 00-Prelims /Pg. Position: 1 / Date: 1/7 JOBNAME:Waloszyk PAGE:6 SESS:5 OUTPUT:TueJul 110:48:022014 Preface This book is concerned with the law and politics of the EU gas market andparticularlytheregulatoryandcompetitivechoicesofinstitutionsand bodies operating in the market, in view of rendering it more integrated. The main question under discussion is how regulatory and competitive choices influence the achievement of an integrated EU gas market and the gas market design. The answers are pursued in an interdisciplinary manner. This is done with regard to the fact that legal choices and afferent institutional arrangements occur not in the protective confines of a legislative laboratory, but in a constantly evolving geopolitical peri- meter, where gas relationships are frequently renegotiated. The book considers a number of legal and political science subquestions and theories, which allow an analysis of causes and facilitating factors for the choice of market regulation tools and of the legislative and institutional effects that such choices determine. The structure is divided into seven chapters, including introduction and conclusion. These look at the factual and legal benchmarks for the reformation of the European gas market, the specificities of the natural gas sector in terms of legal and policy setting of relationships with third-country producers, the legal and geopolitical aspects contributing to the gas market segmentation, the gas market structure in the aftermath of the Energy Sector Inquiry and the adoption of theThird Energy Package, therelationshipbetweenmarketliberalizationandmarketintegration,and the flaws of the gas market design, deriving from the ambiguous articulation of gas policy goals at an EU level and the shabby matching of legal tools and accompanying institutional design available to their pursuit. The conclusions attempt to contribute to the discussion regarding the reassessment of the concurrent application of competition law and regulation in the EU gas market. vi Monica Waloszyk - 9781783473472 Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Waloszyk-Law_and_Policy_of_European_Gas_Markets / Division: 00-Prelims /Pg. Position: 1 / Date: 23/6 JOBNAME:Waloszyk PAGE:7 SESS:3 OUTPUT:TueJul 110:48:022014 Acknowledgements The successful completion of this book has relied on the generous advice, support and patience of a number of people. I am indebted to ProfessorHerwigHofmann,UniversityofLuxembourg,supervisorofmy doctoral thesis on which this book is based, for his support throughout the lengthy writing process and his encouragement in times of doubt, as well as for very useful discussion and for his ongoing support of my professional development. I also warmly thank all the members of my Thesis Committee, Professor Mark Cole, Professor Rusen Ergec and Professor Jörg Gerkrath (all of the University of Luxembourg), Professor Alexander Türk (Kings College, London) and Professor Gerard Rowe (Viadrina European University, Frankfurt (Oder)) for their interest and positive evaluation of work. I am especially grateful to Professor Rowe, who has provided me with constant inspiration, support and guidance since my time as a student at the Viadrina. I thank Blathnaid O’Hannrachain for her considerable contribution in proofreading my work.DrDerekAverre,NicolinaBordian,ChristianDeprez,DrEkaterina Islentyeva, Dr Helene Ragheboom, Dr Jaroslaw Janczak, Marie Marty, Mariana Peña, Martin Petschko, Carola Rappe, Gavin Robinson, Dharamveer Singh and Willy Tadjudie all helped me through discussion, advice and simple reassurance, whether as colleagues at the University of Luxembourg or at conferences. I thank all of them. To my husband, Maciek, and to my family I owe you a great debt of gratitude for your love, support and kindness, without which I might well not have embarked on the journey of writing this work. vii Monica Waloszyk - 9781783473472 Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Waloszyk-Law_and_Policy_of_European_Gas_Markets / Division: 00-Prelims /Pg. Position: 1 / Date: 30/4 JOBNAME:Waloszyk PAGE:8 SESS:5 OUTPUT:TueJul 110:48:022014 Abbreviations ACER Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators BSEP Black Sea Environmental Program BSREC Black Sea Regional Energy Centre CEER Council of European Energy Regulators CESR Committee of European Securities Regulators CJEU Court of Justice of the European Union CNE Comisíon nacional de energía COMP Competition DG ENER Directorate-General Energy DSO Distribution System Operator EASA EuropeanAviation SafetyAgency EASEE EuropeanAssociation for Streamlining of Energy Exchange EBN Energie Beheer Nederland EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC European Community ECN European Competition Network ECT Energy CharterTreaty EEA European EconomicArea EEC European Economic Community EFSA European Food SafetyAuthority ENEL Ente Nazionale per l’Energia Elettrica ENI Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi ENPI European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument ENTSO European Network ofTransmission System Operators ENTSOG European Network ofTransmission System Operators for Gas ERGEG European Regulators’Group for Electricity and Gas ESA European SupervisoryAuthorities EU European Union viii Monica Waloszyk - 9781783473472 Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Waloszyk-Law_and_Policy_of_European_Gas_Markets / Division: 00-Prelims /Pg. Position: 1 / Date: 23/6 JOBNAME:Waloszyk PAGE:9 SESS:2 OUTPUT:TueJul 110:48:022014 Abbreviations ix Euratom EuropeanAtomic Energy Community Eurostat European Statistical System EUSA European Union StudiesAssociation EWM EarlyWarning Mechanism GATS GeneralAgreement onTrade in Services GATT GeneralAgreement onTrade andTariffs GAZPROM Gazovaya Promyshlennost GDF Gaz de France GDP Gross Domestic Product GFU Gas Negotiation Committee GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear GRI Gas Regional Initiative IEA International EnergyAgency INOGATE Interstate Oil and GasTransportation to Europe ISO independent system operator ITO independent transmission operator LNG liquefied natural gas Med-TSO Mediterranean –Transmission System Operator MEGAL Mittel-Europäische-Gasleitung NATO NorthAtlanticTreaty Organization NCA National CompetitionAuthority NLNG Nigerian LNG Limited NRA National RegulatoryAuthority OFGEM Office of Gas and Electricity Markets OJ Official Journal of the European Union (formerly Communities) PCA Partnership and CooperationAgreement PCI Projects of Common Interest PSO public service obligation RWE Rheinisch-Westfälisches ElektrizitätswerkAG SEA Single EuropeanAct SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures TACIS TechnicalAssistance for the Commonwealth of Independent States TANAP Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline TBT Technical Barriers toTrade Monica Waloszyk - 9781783473472 Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Waloszyk-Law_and_Policy_of_European_Gas_Markets / Division: 00-Prelims /Pg. Position: 2 / Date: 30/4 JOBNAME:Waloszyk PAGE:10 SESS:2 OUTPUT:TueJul 110:48:022014 x Lawandpolicyof theEuropeangasmarket TEC Treaty Establishing the European Community TEP Third Energy Package TEU Treaty on the European Union TFEU Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union TRACECA Transport Corridor Europe–Caucasus–Asia TRIMS Agreement onTrade Related Investment Measures TRIPS Agreement onTrade RelatedAspects of Intellectual Property Rights TSO Transmission System Operator VCLT Vienna Convention on the Law ofTreaties WTO WorldTrade Organization Monica Waloszyk - 9781783473472 Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Waloszyk-Law_and_Policy_of_European_Gas_Markets / Division: 00-Prelims /Pg. Position: 3 / Date: 30/4 JOBNAME:Waloszyk PAGE:1 SESS:2 OUTPUT:TueJul 110:48:022014 Table of cases AccessionbytheCommunitiestotheConventionfortheProtectionofHuman RightsandFundamentalFreedoms,Opinion2/94[1996]ECRI-00759.......39 AdriaWienPipelineGmbHvFinanzlandesdirektionfürKärtnen,CaseC-143/99 [2001]ECRI-8365.......................................................................167,295,321 AesSummitGenerationLimitedandAes-TiszaErőműKft.vHungary,ICSIDCase No.ARB/07/22[2012]..................................................................................59 AhlströmOsakeyhtiöandothersvCommissionoftheEuropeanCommunities, CasesC-89/85,C-104/85,C-114/85,C-116/85,C-117/85,C-125/85[1988] ECR5193,[1988]4CMLR901,[1993]ECRI-1307,[1993]4 CMLR407..................................................................................65,66,68,337 AlrosaCompanyLtdvCommissionoftheEuropeanCommunities,CaseT-170/06 [2007]ECRII-2601.....................................................................214,215,337 AnklagemyndighedenvPoulsenandDivaNavigation,CaseC-286/90[1992]ECR I-6019............................................................................................................49 AltmarkTransGmbH,RegierungsprasidiumMagdeburgand NahverkehrsgesellschaftAltmarkGmbHCaseC-280/00[2003]ECR I-07747..................................................145,295,300,321,324,332,337,343 Austria–Aidtorenewableenergyinstallations,CaseN241/2004[2005],OJ C/2206/2005........................................................................................168,329 BancodeCreditoIndustrialSA(BancoExteriordeEspañaSA)vAyuntamientode Valencia,CaseC-387/92[1994]ECRI-877................................................166 BéguelinImportCo.vS.A.G.L.ImportExport,Case22/71[1971]ECR 949...................................................................................................65,67,337 BelgiumvCommission,CaseC-56/93[1996]ECRI-767.....................165,300,333 BPAmoco/Arco,CaseM.1532CommissionDecision[2001],OJL01819/01/2001, pp.0001-0017.............................................................................................163 BritishGas/BritishGasTrading/Wingas,CaseCOMP/36.559[2002].........109,322 BudapestiErőmű‘ZártkörűenMűködőRészvénytársaság’vCommissionofthe EuropeanCommunities,joinedcasesT-80/06andT-182/09[2008]ECR(not yetpublished)..............................................................................................166 CampusOilLimitedandothersvMinisterforIndustryandEnergyandothers,Case C-72/83[1984]ECR2727..............................................................43,322,338 CementbouwHandel&IndustrieBVvCommissionoftheEuropeanCommunities, CaseC-202/06[2007]ECRI-12129....................................................185,338 ČezandothersCommitmentstotheEuropeanCommission,CaseCOMP/39.727 [2013]OJC251,31.8.2013,pp.4–5...........................................................179 Colombia–IndicativePricesandRestrictionsonPortsofEntry,WTOCase WT/DSR366.................................................................................................52 CommissionvAlrosa,CaseC-441/07P[2010]ECRI-05949.......................215,338 xi Monica Waloszyk - 9781783473472 ColumnsDesignXMLLtd / Job:Waloszyk-Law_and_Policy_of_European_Gas_Markets / Division:Tables /Pg.Position:1/ Date:30/6

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