The Wave Book One OTHERBOOKSBY LAURA KNIGHT-JADCZYK Amazing Grace – An Autobiography of the Soul The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive 9/11: The Ultimate Truth The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and the Process of Alien Abduction The Wave Book One Laura Knight-Jadczyk Red Pill Press 2005 (cid:1)Copyright1994-2005LauraKnight-Jadczyk AllRights Reserved ISBN0-9764064-7-0 Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,or transmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,orotherwise,other thanfor“fairuse”,withoutthewrittenconsentoftheauthor. SomematerialinthisbookappearedinaslightlydifferentforminthebooksThe SecretHistoryoftheWorld,AmazingGrace,andTheHighStrangenessofDimensions, DensitiesandtheProcessofAlienAbduction. Table of Contents Foreword 7 Author’s Letter to the Reader 19 Note to the Reader on the Subject of Aliens and UFOs 36 Autobiographical Background of the Author Necessary to the Context of The Wave 79 Chapter 1 Riding the Wave 211 Chapter 2 Multi-Dimensional Soul Essences 232 Chapter 3 Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz or, “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore!” 252 Chapter 4 The Cassiopaeans Get Taken Out of the Closet and Go for a “Test Drive” 296 Chapter 5 Perpendicular Realities, Tesseracts, and Other Odd Phenomena... 329 Chapter 6 Animal Psychology or That which was A, will be A. That which was not-A, will be not-A. Everything was and will be either A or not-A. 362 Chapter 7 Balloons, Anti-balloons and Fireworks Or Laura Falls Into the Pit and Ark Comes to the Rescue 396 The End of Volume 1 of The Wave 413 Foreword Speculations on Time Travel and Superluminal Communication by a Theoretical Physicist/Mathematician The term “Cassiopaeans” appears in many places in this book. The name Cassiopaea was given by a source identifying itself by saying “we are you in the future” which Laura Knight-Jadczyk contacted via an experiment in superluminal communication in 1994. “We are you in the future” This is what “they” declare: that “they” - The Cassiopaeans - 6th density Unified Thought Form Beings - are Us in the future. What a bizarre concept. Or is it? Is that possible? Can such a statement find a place in accepted theories? Or it is in an evident contradiction with everything that we - that is, physicists - know about Nature and its laws? Putting aside for the moment the issue of whether existence in a pure state of consciousness is possible, is traveling in time possible, even if only in theory? Is sending and receiving information from the future or sending information into the past allowed by our present theories of relativity and quantum mechanics? If information can be sent, does this also imply that physical matter can be “sent”, via some sort of TransDimensional Remolecularization? And if so what are the laws, what are the restrictions? What are the means? Well, frankly speaking, we do not know, but we may have a clue. Kurt Gödel, after he became famous for his work on foundations of mathematics, went on to study the Einstein general theory of relativity and made an important contribution to physics: he discovered a class of otherwise reasonable cosmological solutions of Einstein equations - except for one point: they contained causal loops! At first these Causal Loops were dismissed by relativists as being “too crazy”. The arguments against these model universes even became rather personal, commenting upon the state of mind of the inventor! (A not terribly unusual phenomenon in the heated debates within so-called “ivory towers” of academia.) 8 Foreword A “Causal Loop” means the same thing as “Time Loop”. It can be described as going into the future and ending up where you started at the original time and place. It is called “Causal” because, in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Time is a relative concept and different observers can experience Time differently, so the term “causal” is used to avoid using the term “time.” But, little by little, it was realized that causal - or Time - loops can appear in other solutions of Einstein equations as well - usually they correspond to some kind of “rotation” of the universe. Causal loops make time travel not only possible, but probable. But then, causal loops lead to unacceptable logical paradoxes, and physics does not like such paradoxes at all - they are a serious problem! But, the subject of communicating with the past or receiving information from the future IS being discussed in physics even in terms of the flat, not-curved-at-all space-time of Lorentz and Minkowski. Hypothetical faster-than-light particles - tachyons - can serve as the communication means. They make an “anti-telephone” - a telephone into the past - possible. But do tachyons exist? Or can they exist? Well, that is still a question that has not been answered definitively for some. And, the truth is that paradoxes must never be ignored. They always indicate that some important lesson is to be learned; that some essential improvement or change is necessary. The same holds true for the paradoxes involved in the idea of receiving information from the future. We cannot simply go back into Saturday and tell ourselves the winning lottery numbers of Sunday. If this were possible, then it should also be possible for some future, future self to tell a future self not to tell! Thus we have a paradox: we, in the future, have intervened into the past making our communication from the future impossible! A paradox: if we communicated, we have not communicated, and if we do not communicate, then we have communicated! Impossible in a linear, non-branching universe! Is there a possible escape from the paradox, an escape that leaves a door open, even if only a little - for our anti-telephone? Indeed, there is, and not just one, but several ways out. First of all - the evident paradox disappears if we admit the possibility that the communication channels are inherently noisy; that is a normal situation when we deal with quantum phenomena. So, if The Wave -Book1 9 the communication into the past is a quantum effect - we are saved from evident paradoxes. Quantum Theory can be useful! Sending a signal into the past, we are never 100% sure if the message will be delivered without distortion. And conversely, receiving info from the future we are never 100% sure if this comes from an authentic broadcast or is a spontaneous and random creation of the receiving end. If this is the case, and if certain quantitative, information - that is, theoretic relations between receiving and transmitting ends are secured to hold - then there are no more paradoxes even with reasonably efficient information channels. In other words: there can be broadcasts from the future to the past, but there will be few “receivers”, and of those few, even fewer that are properly tuned. And even those that are properly tuned may be subject to “static”. Even if there is no static, those receivers that can receive pure information will experience the static of “non-belief” and distortion after the fact from society. There is also another aspect of such an information transfer which is that the probabilities involved are connected with a choice event; with the choosing of one among many possible futures. It may happen that branching of the universe corresponds to each such event. Branching of the universe into an infinite tree of decisions has been discussed within quantum measurement theory - it even has the name of “Many Worlds interpretation of quantum theory”. Two of the well-known physicists who consider the many worlds interpretation more than just an exercise in theorizing are John Archibald Wheeler and David Deutsch. The Many Worlds Interpretation has one serious weakness: it has no built in algorithm for providing the timing of the branchings. Thus it is a certain framework rather than a complete theory. There is, however, a theory that fills in this gap in the Many Worlds Interpretation - and this theory I know quite well, and in fact I know it better than most others for the simple reason that I developed it in collaboration with Philippe Blanchard (University of Bielefeld) in 1988 as an integral part of the Quantum Future Project. It is called Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT for short notation). (A complete list of references and much more info on this subject can be found on my “Quantum Future “ project page1 on the World Wide Web). 1