CONTENTS INTRODUCTION GOOD, SAFE FUN SIMPLE AND SUCCESSFUL Straw Blowgun Micropult Rubber Band Rockets Pocket Bow BOWS AND SLINGSHOTS Pulley-Powered PVC Bow & Arrow Slingshot and Arrow Duct Tape & PVC Crossbow Wrist-Mounted Crossbow MINI MEDIEVAL SIEGE MACHINES Onager Da Vinci Catapult Ballista CURIOUS CONTRAPTIONS Roller-Amplified Many-Thing Shooter Desk Drawer Booby Trap Poker Chip Shooter Slide-Action Rubber Band Gun FIREARMS BBQ Blaster Ping-Pong Ball Mortar Soda Bottle Bombard Handheld Rocket Launcher Ballistics Gel Target RESOURCES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ABOUT THE AUTHOR INDEX INTRODUCTION Create, aim, and fire! Greetings, aspiring blaster crafter! In your hands is a complete compendium of instructions to create your own crafty cache of DIY shooters! Look no farther than your kitchen drawer and hardware store to find everything you need. The launchers and lobbers in this book are built from a few plastic bottles, some pipe, a little woodcraft and wire, and a whole lotta hot glue. The rocket fuel ranges from rubber bands to hair spray. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to get started, but you might feel like one by the end! You can build a blowgun from a plastic straw in 15 minutes. Spend an afternoon crafting a PVC crossbow. Transform a BBQ lighter into a mini BB shooter in a single sitting! Ingenuity, action, and explosions await! GOOD, SAFE FUN All the projects in this book are designed for fun. Most of them are mildly dangerous. A few of them are extremely dangerous. For me, that’s a good thing: Creating crossbows and blasters that have real power inspires the maker in me. It’s empowering to know that I built something that can fire more than 100 feet (30 m)! Building something that requires caution and diligence teaches responsibility, a fundamental lesson that all inventors and engineers need to embrace. The projects with a warning symbol are designed for adults. If you’re not quite an adult, I advise creating and using these projects only with adult supervision. If you’re the adult supervisor, please pay attention every time you fire off one of the high-powered devices. Always use the same amount of caution as you did the first time. The projects in this book that are deemed Extremely Dangerous have been marked with a WARNING SYMBOL and some information on how to stay safe while operating them. Please read each project’s directions and warnings carefully. Be sure to launch, lob, shoot, and blast off in an area where no one and nothing can be hurt. Be safe —and have fun! Disclaimer The reader assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of the advice, information, and directions in or through this book. The Quarto Group; the author, Lance Akiyama; and any affiliated parties do not assume any liability for the content provided in, or available through, this book. “The price of greatness is responsibility. –Winston Churchill” 1 SIMPLE AND SUCCESSFUL STRAW BLOWGUN Start your ballistic warm-up with this quick and surprisingly gratifying blowgun! The steps are simple, but take your time crafting the darts with care to get the most accurate shots. When you’re finished, you’ll enjoy the satisfaction of hearing the thwack! of a dart piercing cardboard from 10' (3 m) away!