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Latin Literature and Late Antiquity New from Aris & Phillips PDF

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Preview Latin Literature and Late Antiquity New from Aris & Phillips

Latin Literature and Late Antiquity 49 New from Aris & Phillips Empires of Faith: The Fall of Rome to the Rise of Islam, 500-700 Terence: Phormio by Peter Sarris edited by Robert Maltby Drawing upon the latest historical and Terence's Phormio, based on archaeological research, Peter Sarris provides a a Greek original by panoramic account of the history of Europe, the Apollodorus of Carystus, Mediterranean, and the Near East from the fall of was produced towards the Rome to the rise of Islam. The formation of a new end of his short dramatic social and economic order in western Europe in the career in 161 BC. With its fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries, and the lively action, based on the ascendancy across the West of a new culture of traditional elements of love, military lordship, are placed firmly in the context of deception and mistaken on-going connections and influence radiating identity, the play provides an outwards from the surviving Eastern Roman ideal introduction to the Empire, ruled from the great imperial capital of genre of New Comedy. What makes the Phormio Constantinople. 428p (Oxford UP 2011) unique amongst Terence's works is the central 9780199261260 Hb £35.00 importance of the witty and scheming parasite who Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna: gives his name to the play and directs and controls Transformations and Memory its action throughout, even when absent from the by Mariette Verhoeven stage. The use of the 'double' plot with its two young men in love and two contrasting fathers provides This study explores the city’s attitude towards its ample scope for depth and variety of religious cultural heritage throughout the centuries. characterisation. The aim of the present edition is The findings are elaborated in seven chapters, to bring out to the full Terence's skill in plot addressing respectively the cult of saints; the development and character portrayal which was to relationship with Rome and with Constantinople; make the Phormio one of his most entertaining the alleged controversy between Orthodoxy and plays. Latin text with facing-page translation, Arianism; the postTridentine period; the lost introduction and commentary. 160p, (Aris & Phillips monuments and the restorations at the end of the Classical Texts, 2011) 9780856686061 Hb £40.00, nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth 9780856686078 Pb £18.00 century. 343p, b/w illus, col pls (Brepols 2011) 9782503541150 Pb £95.00 Philological and Historical Commentary on La arquitectura monástica hispana entre la Ammianus Marcellinus XXVIII Tardoantigüedad y la Alta Edad Media by J. Den Boeft, J.W. Drijvers, D. Den Hengst and by Francisco Jose Moreno Martin H.C. Teitler Based on a gazetteer of 190 sites, this book provides a comprehensive reappraisal of Spanish monastic In Book 28 Ammianus describes the military activity architecture in the Early Middle Ages. It combines of Valentinian on the Rhine. The historian speaks documentary sources for both architecture and with admiration about his efforts to strengthen the monastic organisation with archaeological evidence, northwestern border of the empire. He shows a which shows that architectural styles and layouts similar esteem for the general Theodosius, who were less uniform across the Late Antique world reestablished order in Britain. However, in the than has often been assumed. Nonetheless the author greater part of Book 28 there is an air of gloom. is able to develop a methodology to distinguish Ammianus writes reluctantly about the judicial betwen domestic and monastic sites. Spanish text. terror inflicted on the Roman aristocracy by powerful 716p b/w illus (BAR 2287, Archaeopress 2011) magistrates. In his digression about Roman manners 9781407308647 pb £70.00 he speaks with contempt about the senatorial elite and the Roman plebs, because they fail to live up to Objects in Motion: The Circulation of Religion the standards of their ancestors. and Sacred Objects in the Late Antique and Constantine: History, Historiography and Byzantine World Legend edited by Hallie G. Meredith edited by Samuel N. C. Lieu and Dominic The essays in this collection consider the circulation Montserrat of religious material culture in the Late Antique and Byzantine world, exploring themes such as how The contributions examine the circumstances of objects become holy and their role as physical bearers Constantine’s reign and the historical problems of social memory, and of ideas. Subjects include surrounding them, the different accounts of his life Eusebius’ Vita Constantini, portable altars, objects and the medieval myths surrounding his reign , to as signifiers of miracles, ivory diptychs, the material demonstrate the varying representations from saint culture of Manichaen magic, and the use of the to imperial prototype. 288p (Routledge 1998, Pb 2011) religious gift in Byzantine diplomacy. 129p b/w illus 9780415107471 HB £80.00, 9780415518901 Pb £24.95 (BAR 2247, Archaeopress 2011) 9781407308111 pb £32.00 50 Late Antiquity Forthcoming from Aris & Phillips Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity edited by Johan Leemans, Peter Van Nuffelen, Augustine: De Civitate Dei VIII & IX Shawn W.J. Keough and Carla Nicolaye edited with an introduction, translation and This volume contributes to a reassessment of the commentary by P.G. Walsh phenomenon of episcopal elections from the broadest Before his conversion to possible perspective, examining the varied Christianity in 386, combination of factors, personalities, rules and habits Augustine had devoted that played a role in the process that eventually himself to the study of resulted in one specific candidate becoming the new Platonism. In books VIII and bishop - a defining moment for the local community, IX of De Civitate Dei, and an occasion when local, ecclesiastical, and Augustine renews his secular tensions were played out. 606p (De Gruyter acquaintance with this 2011) 9783110268553 Hb £140.00 philosophy, which had Prudentius: The Origin of Sin An English played such a fundamental Translation of the Hamartigenia role in his conversion. translated with an interpretive essay by Matha A. The main topic of these Malamud books is demonology, with Augustine using the De Prudentius’s Hamartigenia, consisting of a 63line deo Socratis of Apuleius, which places demons as preface followed by 966 lines of dactylic hexameter the intermediaries between gods and men, as the verse, considers the origin of sin in the universe and foundation of his exploration into this theme. its consequences, culminating with a vision of Augustine is keen to point out the similarities judgment day. As Martha A. Malamud shows in the between Platonism and Christianity and therefore interpretive essay that accompanies her lapidary puts forward the theory that the ideal mediator translation, Hamartigenia is critical for between God and man is Christ - he who shares understanding Late Antique ideas about sin, justice, temporary mortality with humans and permanent gender, violence, and the afterlife. 233p (Cornell UP blessedness with God and can therefore lead men 2011) 9780801442223 Hb £49.50, 9780801488726 Pb from wretchedness to eternal bliss. Latin text with £15.50 facing-page translation, introduction and commentary (Aris & Phillips, an imprint of Oxbow Eusebius of Emesa: Church and Theology in Books 2011) 9780856688546 Hb £40.00, 9780856688539 the Mid-Fourth Century Pb £18.00 ***NYP*** by Robert E. Winn Eusebius, the bishop of Emesa (c. 300-359) is today From Face to Face: Recarving of Roman not a well-known figure of late ancient Christianity. Portraits and the Late Antique Portrait Arts Yet he achieved apparent notoriety in antiquity: he by Marina Prusac was a student of the famous Eusebius of Caesarea, This book is based on an investigation of more than he was connected to the entourage of the emperor five hundred recarved portraits. The different Constantius, he had earned the respect of prominent recarving methods have made it possible to suggest ecclesiastical figures in the midfourth century, and classifiable categories, which together underpin a he was recognized as a talented orator and biblical hypothesis that the Late Antique portrait style is a commentator. This book offers a detailed analysis of consequence of the many recarved portraits at the his extant sermons from both rhetorical and time. The practice of portrait recarving emerged due theological perspectives. 277p (Catholic University of to economic, political, religious and ideological America Press 2011) 9780813218762 Hb £60.95 factors, and was influenced by the cultural-historical Celibate Marriages in Late Antique and changes of Late Antiquity. The conclusion gives a Byzantine Hagiography new understanding of how wide-ranging, culturally by Anne P. Alwis and politically encoded and comprehensive the This book explores the puzzling phenomenon of practice of recarving was. 202p, 155 b/w pls (Brill 2011) celibate marriage as depicted in the lives of three 9789004182714 Hb £150.00 couples who achieved sainthood (Julian and Ehrenstatuen in der Spätantike Basilissa, Andronikos and Athanasia, and Galaktion by Ulrich Gehn and Episteme). Including full translations, this Honorary statues, a constituent part of the ancient volume sets each life in its historical context, and by cities and culture of Ancient Rome and an examining their individual and shared themes, the exceptionally conservative medium of book shows that the tension raised by pitting selfrepresentation of the social elite, experienced some marriage against celibacy is constantly debated. It striking changes in Late Antiquity. They show the also highlights the ingenuity of Byzantine honorees in hitherto unseen appearances, dressed hagiographers as they attempted to reconcile this in the chlamys, a military coat, or a previously curious paradox. 339p (Continuum 2011) unknown variant of the toga, the traditional Roman 9781441115256 Hb £65.00 civil dress. German text. 590p, 159 b/w & 5 col ill. (Reichert Verlag 2012) 9783895008610 hb £85.00 Byzantine 51 Doctrine and Debate in the East Christian Forthcoming from Oxbow Books World, 300-1500 edited by Averil Cameron and Robert Hoyland Butrint 4: The Archaeology and Histories of an This reader contains 16 important previously Ionian Town published articles which together offer a edited by Inge Lyse Hansen, Richard Hodges and comprehensive overview of the diversity of eastern Sarah Leppard Christianities, the doctrinal disputes which plagued This richly illustrated and defined the eastern churches, the processes volume discusses the whereby orthodoxy was formed and negotiated, and histories of the port city of relations, reactions to and polemics against Judaism Butrint, and its intimate and Islam. A substantial introduction provides a connection to the wider framework for the essays, which are grouped under conditions of the Adriatic. five headings: the formative period; the encounter Firstly, the book proposes a with Islam; Iconoclasm; antiLatin texts; and the tools new paradigm for the of argument. 415p (Ashgate Variorum 2011) development-history of 9781409400349 Hb £100.00 Butrint - based on Judaism and Imperial Ideology in Late discussions of the latest Antiquity archaeological, historical by Alexei M. Sivertsen and landscape studies from approximately 20 new excavations and surveys, together covering a This book explores the influence of Roman temporal arch from prehistory to the early modern imperialism on the development of Messianic themes period. Secondly, it examines how the perception of in Judaism in the fifth through the eight centuries the city influenced the archaeological methodology CE. It pays special attention to the ways in which of 20th-century studies of the site, where iteration Roman imperial ideology and imperial eschatology and reversal were often being applied in equal influenced Jewish representations of the Messiah and measure. In this it asks important questions on the Messianic age. 247p (Cambridge UP 2011) management of heritage sites and the contemporary 9781107009080 Hb £50.00 role of archaeological practise. 250p, c.50 col & c.325 The Byzantine World b/w illus (Oxbow Books for the Butrint Foundation, 2012) edited by Paul Stephenson This massive volume offers a panorama of current ***Only £33.95 until publication*** research, gathering 31 of the biggest names in Byzantine studies to survey new Byzantine Epirus: Settlements From the 7th to developments in their the 12th Centuries A Topography of particular areas of expertise, Transformation to summarise their own by Myrto Veikou recent findings, and to point This book draws on 5 years of archaeological and out future directions and topographical fieldwork in order to attempt a areas of study. The effect, rereading of Byzantine texts in accordance with therefore is not to produce anything approaching a recent perceptions of the historicity of space. The comprehensive history, but a series of result is a fresh interpretation of settlement in thoughtprovoking and often strikingly original Western Greece from 600 to 1200 AD, focusing on takes on a dynamic and increasingly multifaceted the interaction between physical/social space and subject. 606p b/w illus (Routledge 2010, Pb 2012) human agency. 780p b/w illus (Brill 2012) 9780415440103 Hb £140.00, 9780415527422 Pb £32.99 9789004221512 Hb £200.00 The Power Game in Byzantium: Antonina and Early Byzantine Vaulted Construction in the Empress Theodora Churches of the Western Coastal Plains and by James Allan Evans River Valleys of Asia Minor This gripping account of political intrigue traces the by Nikolaos D. Karydis careers of two Byzantine women, Theodora and This study focuses on a group of ruined Byzantine Antonina, who through their husbands, the churches of the 5th to 7th centuries from the west emperor Justinian and his greatest general Belisarius coast of Asia Minor. It forms a detailed constructional were able to wield considerable power. Evans brings analysis and aims in particular to reconstruct the to life the fierce rivalries within the imperial court, form and construction of the vaulting, providing a and shows how Theodora and Antonina were able new typology of vault structures for the region. 189p to negotiate these, whilst promoting their own b/w illus (BAR 2246, Archaeopress 2011) 9781407308104 families and factions, and in Theodora’s case also pb £39.00 building up and protecting the antiChalcedonian current within the church. 264p b/w illus (Continuum 2011) 9781441140784 Hb £20.00 52 Byzantine A Byzantine Settlement in Cappadocia Patrons and Painters on Cyprus: Frescoes in the by Robert G. Ousterhout Royal Chapel at Pyrga Robert Ousterhout by Jens T. Wollesen challenges the commonly The fresco decoration of the Royal Chapel in Pyrga accepted notion that the on Cyprus is usually dated 1421. This study presents rockcut settlements of iconographical and stylistic evidence supporting a Cappadocia primarily much earlier dating into the first half or the middle housed enclaves of Christian of the fourteenth century. If this revised dating is monks living in the correct, the program of decoartion is an outstanding wilderness. Instead, he testament to royal, specifically Lusignan, proposes that the settlement commissioning and represents the first and most at Çanli Kilise was a fully– faithful adoption and adaptation of Palaiologan fledged town, with models in Cyprus. 180p, b/w and col pls (Pontifical mansions and hovels, as well Institute of Medieval Studies 2010) 9780888441690 Hb as barns, wine presses, and cemeteries. This revised £85.00 paperback contains minor corrections and a new The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine preface, reflecting on recent research and reactions Hagiography: Volume I: Periods and Places to the original book’s findings. 482p, many b/w and edited by Stephanos Efthymiadis col pls (Dumbarton Oaks 2005, Pb 2011) 9780884023104 This, the first volume of a two volume set, presents hb £88.95, 9780884023708 Pb £37.95 a comprehensive examination and discussion of Approaches to Byzantine Architecture and its hagiography and its role in Byzantine religion, Decoration society and politics. It covers, first, the authors and edited by Mark J. Johnson, Robert Ousterhout and texts of the four distinctive periods during which Amy Papalexandrou Greek Byzantine hagiography developed, and then The fourteen essays in this collection demonstrate a the hagiography produced in Oriental and Slavic wide variety of approaches to the study of Byzantine languages and in geographical milieux around the architecture and its decoration. These include the periphery of the empire, from Italy to Armenia. 435p analysis of recent archaeological discoveries; recovery (Ashgate 2011) 9780754650331 Hb £85.00 of lost monuments through archival research and Commmon Justice: The Legal Allegiances of onsite examination of material remains; Christians and Jews reconsidering traditional typological approaches by Uriel I. Simonsohn often ignored in current scholarship; fresh Simonsohn explores the multiplicity of judicial interpretations of architectural features and designs; systems that coexisted under early Islam to reveal a contextualization of monuments within the complex array of social obligations that connected landscape; tracing historiographic trends; and individuals across confessional boundaries. By mining neglected written sources for motives of examining the incentives for appeal to external patronage. 309p b/w illus (Ashgate 2012) 9781409427407 judicial institutions on the one hand and the Hb £70.00 response of minority confessional elites on the other, In Memoriam: Fr Michele Piccirillo, ofm he exposes a considerable degree of fluidity across (19442008) Celebrating his life and work communal boundaries, which was in turn edited by Claudine Dauphin and Basema vigorously resisted by the traditional religious elites. Harmarneh 306p (University of Pennsylvania Press 2011) Papers on the Byzantine archaeology of the Holy 9780812243499 Hb £52.00 Land, with a particular focus on church mosaics. Non-Muslims in the Early Islamic Empire Essays in English, French, Italian and Arabic. 324p by Milka LevyRubin many col pls (BAR 2248, Archaeopress 2011) Although much has been 9781407308159 pb £65.00 written about the status of New Light on Old Glass: Recent Research on non-Muslims in the Islamic Byzantine Glass and Mosaics empire, no previous works edited by Chris Entwistle and Liz James have examined how the rules applying to minorities were This new publication brings together a range of formulated. This study leading scholars from Europe, America and the reveals that the conquered Middle East to discuss the most recent research in peoples themselves played a the field of Byzantine glass and mosaics in an major role in the creation of interdisciplinary context. This is the first time that these policies and that they so many diverse papers, ranging from art history, were based on longstanding archaeology, chemistry, physics and Byzantine traditions, customs and institutions from earlier pre- studies have been assembled in one volume, and is Islamic cultures that originated in the worlds of both the culmination of a five year research programme the conquerors and the conquered. 267p (Cambridge on the Composition of Byzantine Glass Mosaic UP 2011) 9781107004337 Hb £55.00 Tesserae. 250p (British Museum Press, 2012) 9780861591794 PB £45.00 ***NYP*** Islamic 53 New from Oxbow Books Medieval Islamic Swords and Swordmaking by Robert Hoyland and Brian Gilmour The Medieval and Ottoman Hajj Route in The treatise “On swords and their kinds” was written Jordan: An Archaeological and Historical by the 9th century Muslim philosopher Ya’qub ibn Study Ishaq alKindi. In this work, Kindi discusses the edited by Andrew Petersen difference between iron and steel, distinguishes As one of the five pillars of different qualities of sword blade, and different Islam the pilgrimage to centres of swordsmithing. He refers to the Indian Mecca (the Hajj) is central to Ocean trade in steel ingots and to the distinctive the life of all Muslims. A character of European swords of the period. He network of roads radiates includes technical terms used by the makers, and from the Hijaz like a giant distinguishes swords by their physical features form, spider’s web, connecting measurements, weight, watered pattern, sculptured Mecca to all parts of the details, or inlaid ornaments. This publication Muslim world. Historically includes the text and a translation of Kindi’s treatise, the most significant of these and a detailed commentary on the work. The volume routes starts at Damascus in also includes a translation of Friedrich Schwarzlose’s Syria, and is a direct continuation of the ancient work on swords, which is based on the hundreds trade route connecting Arabia to the Levant. This of references to swords in early Arabic poetry. book documents the archaeological and Written in German, this extraordinary compendium architectural remains which line this route, paying of information was first published some 120 years particular attention to the forts and cisterns built ago; this volume makes it available again, and for and maintained by the Ottoman rulers from the 16th the first time in English. 200p, 12 b/w figs (Gibb century onwards. A series of introductory chapters Memorial Trust 2006, Pb 2012) 9780906094570 Pb £30.00 provide the historical context, with an emphasis on Shayzar I: The Fortification of the Citadel the political and military significance of the route by Cristina Tonghini from the 16th to the 18th centuries. In addition to On the basis of a detailed the detailed coverage of Jordanian Hajj forts, the analysis of the archaeological book also describes the sites and path of the route evidence, and of the study of through Syria and Saudi Arabia. The final part of the written documentation the book describes the results of excavations at one available, the book examines of the forts, which gives an insight into the material the origins and the culture of both the pilgrims and the soldiers who development of the manned the forts. (Oxbow Books, in association with fortification of Shayzar in the Council for British Research in the Levant, 2012) Central Syria, especially in 9781842175026 Hb £52.00 relation to the most crucial period as regard as the building of the citadel, i.e., the Early Islamic Iran span of time that stretches from the 10th to the 13th edited by Edmund Herzig and Sarah Stewart centuries; it also discusses the development of This latest volume in “The Idea of Iran” series traces building techniques in the context of military that critical moment in Iranian history which architecture. 539p, 262 b/w and col pls (Brill 2011) followed the transformation 9789004217362 Hb £210.00 of ancient traditions during Saladin the country’s conversion and initial Islamic period. by Anne-Marie Edde Contributors discuss, from a Few figures of the Middle Ages, and certainly few variety of literary, artistic, Muslim leaders, have had such a consistently good religious and cultural image in both west and east as Saladin, something perspectives, the years around which presents difficulties as well as oppurtunities the end of the first millennium to the historian when assessing his reign. In this CE, when the political monumental study Anne-Marie Edde not only strength of the ‘Abbasid provides a narrative of the achievements and setbacks Caliphate was on the wane, of his career, giving attention to its religious and and when the eastern lands administrative elements as much as to the military of the Islamic empire began to be take on a fresh and to the war against the Franks, but also builds ‘Persianate’ or ‘PersoIslamic’ character. Separate up a picture of his social, economic and religious chapters engage with ideas of kingship, authority millieu. Most of all however, she analyses the ways and identity and their fascinating expression in which Saladin sought to legitimise his rule, and through the written word, architecture and the in so doing laid the foundations for his visual arts. 178p b/w illus (I.B. Tauris 2012) extraordinary posthumous image and legacy. 9781780760612 Hb £39.50 Originally published in French in 2008. 660p col pls (Harvard UP 2011) 9780674055599 Hb £20.00 54 Anglo-Saxon Forthcoming from Windgather Press Anglo-Saxon England 39 edited by Malcolm Godden and Simon Keynes Myth and History: Ethnicity and Politics in the Articles in volume 39 include: ‘Why is the First Millennium British Isles AngloSaxon Chronicle about kings?’ by Nicholas Brooks, ‘The Old English Life of St Neot and the by Stephen J. Yeates legends of King Alfred’ by Malcolm Godden, ‘The A common assumption Edgar poems and the poetics of failure in the concerning the development of AngloSaxon Chronicle’ by Scott Thompson Smith the English language and, and an article focusing on the new discovery of an therefore British history, is eighteenth Agnus Dei penny of King Aethelred the that there was an invasion Unready by Simon Keynes and Mark Blackburn. from northern Europe in the 360p b/w illus (Cambridge UP 2011) 9780521895101 Hb fifth century, the so-called £90.00 Anglo-Saxon migration. Myth and History offers a The World Before Domesday: The English comprehensive re-assessment Aristocracy 871-1066 of the scientific, historical, by Ann Williams archaeological and linguistic This book explores lordship and aristocracy in later evidence, debunking this AngloSaxon England. It places emphasis on the historical model, and showing how Roman texts can duties and responsibilities of the various strata of be used in conjunction with the other evidence to aristocrats in administration and war, and in parallel build an alternative picture. Stephen Yeates considers how status was maintained and displayed. demonstrates that the evidence that has been used Different layers of aristocracy are defined and the to construct the story of an Anglo-Saxon migration, relationships between them outlined through more with an incoming population replacing most, if not detailed study of a few individuals: Godwine and all, of the British population has been found Leofric for the great earls for example, and Osgood wanting, that initial attempts to interpret literally Clappa and Tovi the Proud for the stallers. 240p the DNA evidence based on historical sources are (Continuum 2008, Pb 2011) 9781847252395 Hb £60.00, problematic, and that the best DNA analysis of the 9781441121127 Pb £24.99 British Isles fits the evidence into a broader European Bede and the End of Time view which attempts to plot the movement of people by Peter Darby across the Continent and which sees the major Taking account of Bede's beliefs about the end of migration periods in Europe as occurring in the time, this book offers sophisticated insights into his Mesolithic and the Neolithic. 496p, b/w illus (Oxbow life, his works and the role that eschatological Books 2012) 9781842174784 HB £29.95 thought played in Anglo-Saxon society. Close ***Only £23.95 until publication*** attention is given to the historical setting of each source text consulted, and original insights are advanced regarding the chronological sequence of Bede's writings. The book reveals that Bede's ideas Leaders of the AngloSaxon Church, From Bede about time changed over the course of his career, to Stigand and it shows how Bede established himself as the edited by Alexander R. Rumble foremost expert in eschatology of his age. 261p The papers in this volume illustrate the important (Ashgate 2012) 9781409430483 Hb £65.00 roles played by individual Wills and Will-making in Anglo-Saxon England leading ecclesiastics in England, both within the by Linda Tollerton church and in the wider Around 75 wills survive from Anglo-Saxon England political sphere, from the late or in post-conquest sources; Linda Tollerton here seventh to the mid eleventh provides a comprehensive study focusing in century. The undeniable particular on social aspects. After surveying the authority of Bede and Bishop extant corpus and the circumstances of its Æthelwold is demonstrated transmission, she first sketches the practical context but also the influence of of will-making. The provisions of the wills come lessfamiliar figures such as next, with bequests of land and moveables examined Bishop Wulfsige of Sherborne, in their social, political and religious contexts, with Archbishop Ecgberht of York family strategy and lay piety prominent themes. In and St Leoba. The book draws conclusion she asks why, in a society which valued on both textual and material evidence to show the oral representations above all the written will influence (by both deed and reputation) of powerful became so prominent. 327p (Boydell 2011) personalities not only on the developing institutions 9781903153376 Hb £60.00 of the English church but also on the secular politics of their time. 204p g/w illus (Boydell 2012) 9781843837008 Hb £55.00 Anglo-Saxon 55 Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, AngloSaxon Art: A New History Vol.1: c.400-1100 by Leslie Webster edited by Richard Gameson This book, the first new A comprehensive survey of the history of the book introduction to the in Britain from Roman through Anglo-Saxon to subject for 25 years, draws early Norman times. The expert contributions on the most uptodate explore the physical form of books, including their research and discoveries codicology, script and decoration, examine the to explore the character, circulation and exchange of manuscripts and texts themes, motifs and styles between England, Ireland, the Celtic realms and the of AngloSaxon art. It Continent, discuss the production, presentation and traces the changing use of different classes of texts, ranging from fine nature of that art, the service books to functional schoolbooks, and different roles it played in evaluate the libraries that can be associated with AngloSaxon culture, and particular individuals and institutions. 827p, 56 b/w the various ways it both reflected and influenced pls (Cambridge UP 2011) 9780521583459 Hb £110.00 the changing world in which it was created. The book is stunningly illustrated throughout with Old English Literature and the Old Testament artefacts from the worldclass collections of the British edited by Michael Fox and Manish Sharma Museum and British Library. 256p col illus t/out (British It would be difficult to Museum Press 2012) 9780714128092 Pb £18.99 overestimate the importance Buckland AngloSaxon Cemetery, Dover: of the Bible in the medieval world. For the AngloSaxons, Excavations 1994 literary culture emerged from by Keith Parfitt and Trevor Anderson sustained and intensive The 1994 excavations at Buckland, Dover, uncovered biblical study. Old English another 244 graves in the extensive AngloSaxon Literature and the Old Testament cemetery first excavated by Professor Vera Evison in considers the importance of 1951-3. Just over two thirds of the burials contained the Old Testament from a grave goods. Several male burials contained a sword, variety of disciplinary others a spear and sometimes a shield. Women’s perspectives, from graves included brooches and beads and a variety comparative to intertextual of other objects.This book presents a detailed study and historical. Though the essays focus on of the cemetery, the individuals interred therein and individual works, authors, or trends, including the their grave goods. (Canterbury Archaeological Trust Interrogationes Sigewulfi, Genesis A, and Daniel, 2012) 9781870545235 hb £35.00 each ultimately speaks to the vernacular corpus as a Spong Hill IX: Chronology and Synthesis whole, suggesting approaches and methodologies edited by C. Hills and S. Lucy for further study. 397p (Toronto UP 2012) Spong Hill, with over 2500 cremations, remains the 9780802098542 Hb £50.00 largest early Anglo-Saxon cremation cemetery to A Feast of Creatures: AngloSaxon Riddle Songs have been excavated in Britain. This volume presents edited and translated by Craig Williamson the long-awaited chronology and synthesis of the Craig Williamson offers a new translation into site. It gives a detailed overview of the artefactual modern English poetry of the 91 riddles compiled in evidence, which includes over 1200 objects of bone, the Exeter Book. He includes a substantial antler and ivory. A revised phasing and chronology introduction which explores the genre of the of the site is offered, which argues that it is largely OldEnglish riddle and their popularity and role in fifthcentury in date. 424p (McDonald Institute 2012) AngloSaxon society, as well as a detailed 9781902937625 HB £59.00 ***NYP*** commentary which explores some of the metaphors Experimental Archaeology and Fire: the and motifs employed in the riddles, as well as their investigation of a burnt reconstruction at West solutions. 230p (University of Pennsylvania Press 2011) Stow AngloSaxon Village 9780812211290 Pb £14.00 by Jess Tipper New Voices on Early Medieval Sculpture in The destruction by fire of a reconstruction of a Britain and Ireland sunken-featured building at West Stow in Suffolk, edited by Michael F. Reed presented a unique opportunity for experimental Seven papers which aim to place early medieval archaeology, and provides new insight into the insular sculpture more firmly in its social and nature of burnt buildings in the archaeological cultural context, emphasising aspects of production record.The burnt remains of the reconstruction were and patronage, as well as the importance of meticulously excavated and recorded using monuments in the construction and maintenance conventional methods combined with a range of of social memory. 74p b/w illus (BAR BS 542, forensic fire investigation techniques, which has Archaeopress 2011) 9781407308401 pb £28.00 enabled the seat of the fire and sequence of destruction to be identified. 200p (East Anglian Archaeology 2012) 9780956874733 PB £20.00 ***NYP*** 56 Anglo-Saxon and Viking Middle Saxon Animal Husbandry in East Settlement and Lordship in Viking and Early Anglia Medieval Scandinavia by Pam Crabtree edited by Bjorn Poulsen and Soren Michael This comparative study of three large Middle Saxon Sindbaek faunal assemblages from eastern England includes This volume aims to define the changing nature of the animal bone remains from the estate centres of lordship in Viking and early medieval Scandinavia. Brandon in western Suffolk and Wicken Bonhunt Seventeen thematic chapters by leading scholars in northwestern Essex, and the faunal remains survey and assess the state of research and provide recovered from a number of sites within the town a new baseline for interdisciplinary discussions. The of Ipswich. All three sites produced large faunal book traces the power of tributary relations, forged assemblages that were analysed using standard through personal ties, gifts, duties, and feasting in archaeozoological methods, and conclusions are great halls, and their gradual transformation into drawn regarding consumption, food production and the feudal bonds of levies and landrent. 336p (Brepols provisioning at the three sites. The results are 2011) 9782503531311 Hb £100.00 compared to the faunal assemblages that have been The Conversion of Scandinavia: Vikings, recovered from other Early and Middle Saxon sites Merchants and Mercenaries in the Remaking in eastern England. 80p (East Anglian Archaeology of Northern Europe 2012) 9780956874719 PB £12.00 by Anders Winroth Lundenwic: Excavations in Middle Saxon Anders Winroth argues for a London 1987-2000 radically new interpretation of by Robert Cowie and Lyn Blackmore with Anne the conversion of Scandinavia Davis, Jackie Keily and Kevin Rielly from paganism to Christianity This monograph provides the first detailed overview in the Early Middle Ages. of the archaeological evidence for the trading port Overturning the received of Ludenwic, placing it in its regional, national and narrative of Europe’s military international context. The results of fieldwork at 18 and religious conquest and locations on the site of the former Middle Saxon colonization of the region, he settlement are followed by essays on various aspects contends that rather than of the settlement, including its geographical setting, acting as passive recipients, activity predating Lundenwic , the development, size Scandinavians converted to Christianity because it and layout of the emporium, food production and was in individual chieftains’ political, economic, and consumption, crafts and industry, trade, dress and cultural interests to do so. 238p b/w illus (Yale UP religion. 350pp, fully illustrated in colour (Museum of 2012) 9780300170269 Hb £30.00 London Archaeology 2012) 9781907586149 hb £34.00 Reykholt: Archaeological Investigations at a The Winchester Mint and Coins and Related High Status Farm in Western Iceland Finds from the Excavations of 1961-71 by Gudrun Sveinbjarnardottir edited by Martin Biddle, with a catalogue of the Reykholt in Borgarfjördur is among the most coins of the mint by Yvonne Harvey important historical sites in Iceland. One of the first Over three and a half stadir, or church centres, established in the early centuries from the 880s to twelfth century, Reykholt remained a major 1250, moneyers working ecclesiastical and political centre throughout the in Winchester produced at medieval period and beyond. The site is probably the very least 24 million best known for its thirteenthcentury occupant, the silver pennies. About five writer and chieftain Snorri Sturluson, author of the and a half thousand Prose Edda and Heimskringla among other works. survive in national and The first systematic excavations at the site, which local museums and private are presented in this volume, took place between 1987 collections all over the and 1989, and 1997 and 2003. (National Museum of world and have been Iceland 2012) 9789979790358 Pb £45.00 sought out, photographed The Academy of Odin: Selected Papers on Old (some 3200 coins in 6400 Norse Literature images detailing both sides), and minutely catalogued by Lars Lonnroth by Yvonne Harvey for this volume. In this first Collects 17 papers by Lonnroth exploring various account of a major English mint to have been made aspects of Old Norse literature. Topics include the in forty years, a team of leading authorities have genesis of Icelandic saga writing, narrative and studied and analysed the use the Winchester moneyers rhetoric in the sagas, structure and ideology, orality made of the dies, and together with the size, weight, and the ways in which the sagas were originally and the surviving number of coins from each pair of presented, and the modern reception of the sagas. dies, have produced a detailed account of the varying 426p (University Press of Southern Denmark 2011) fortunes of the mint over this period. 725p b/w illus 9788776745899 hb £60.00 (Oxford UP 2012) 9780198131724 Hb £100.00 Early Medieval Europe 57 Thor: From Myth to Marvel Frankland : The Franks and the World of Early by Martin Arnold Medieval Europe This is an exploration of how the legend of Thor has edited by Paul Fouracre and David Ganz been adopted, adapted and transformed through This collection of essays is dedicated to Janet Nelson, history. Beginning with a thorough examination of and focuses on aspects of the wider influence of Thor’s appearances in the early medieval Eddas, and Francia in the early medieval world. The papers his importance in Pagan Scandinavia, Martin Arnold range across all the regions of Europe affected by investigates the continuing relevance of Thor after Frankish culture and explore themes which reflect the Christian conversion, and the ways in which the cutting edge of the work inspired by Janet Christian writers reconceptualized the old Gods. He Nelson: memory, queenship, the treatment of then moves forward to enlightenment Europe, before prisoners of war, penance, the use of property, examining the Nazi fascination with Thor and his historiography, palaeography, prosopography and current incarnation as a Marvel superhero. 225p religious organization. 340p (Manchester UP 2008, (Continuum 2011) 9781441135421 pb £19.99 Pb 2012) 9780719076695 Hb £55.00, 9780719087721 A Female Legendary From Iceland: Manuscripta Pb £14.99 Nordica Charlemagne’s Survey of the Holy Land edited by Kirsten Wolf by Michael McCormick The manuscript “AM 429 12mo” was written c. 1500 McCormick rehabilitates and for the use of the nuns at the Benedictine monastery reinterprets one of the most Kirkjubor in southern Iceland. It comprises ten texts neglected and extraordinary that were translations of Latin legends based on sources from Charlemagne’s female saints, relating their terrible suffering and later revival of the Roman empire: martyrdom. The text is reproduced in a diplomatic the report of a factfinding version, which on the CD-ROM is accompanied by a mission to the Christian normalised version as well as the Latin texts. 147p, church of the Holy Land. CDRom (Museum Tusculanum Press 2011) The roll of documents 9788763531634 £94.99 translated and edited in this Roman Barbarians: The Royal Court and volume preserves the most Culture in the Early Medieval West detailed statistical portrait before the Domesday Book of the finances, by Yitzhak Hen monuments (including exact dimensions), and This superb book incisively tackles the pervasive view female and male personnel of any major Christian that the fifth century onwards saw catastrophic church. In recounting Charlemagne’s move to cultural decline in the successor states of the western outflank the Byzantine emperor, McCormick Empire, only halted by Charlemagne’s Carolingian constructs a microhistory of the Frankish king’s Renaissance. Through study of the court culture and ambitions and formidable organizational talents for patronage of such kings as Theoderic, Thrasamund, running an empire. 287p, fold out edition of the survey Chlothar II, Dagobert I and Sisebut Yitzhak Hen (Dumbarton Oaks 2011) 9780884023630 Hb £29.95 shows that these rulers continued to concern themselves intimately with promoting literary and Morality and Masculinity in the Carolingian cultural works and learning. A far more vibrant Empire picture of the Early Middle Ages thus emerges, one by Rachel Stone in which learning was not an isolated monastic This book explores the complex interaction between phenomenon, and where the seeds for the Christian moral ideals and Carolingian Renaissance were sown. 213p maps social realities, and between (Palgrave 2007, Pb 2011) 9780333786659 hb £48.00, religious reformers and the 9780333786666 Pb £19.99 lay political elite they Local, Regional and Ethnic Identities in Early addressed. It uses the Medieval Cemeteries in Bavaria numerous texts addressed to a lay audience (including lay by Susan Hackenbeck mirrors, secular poetry, This book examines a group of early medieval political polemic, historical cemeteries in Bavaria to draw out the ways in which writings and legislation) to local, regional and ethnic identities were expressed examine how Biblical and through funerary practice. A detailed study of grave patristic moral ideas were goods, funerary dress and cemetery organisation reshaped to become reveals that these identities developed within compatible with the realities of noble life in the competing definitions of romanitas and notions of Carolingian empire. This innovative analysis of what it meant to be ‘barbarian’. 173p b/w illus (Edizioni Carolingian moral norms demonstrates how gender All’Insegna del Giglio 2011) 9788878144323 Pb £26.00 interacted with political and religious thought to create a distinctive Frankish elite culture, presenting a new picture of early medieval masculinity. 399p (Cambridge UP 2012) 9781107006744 Hb £60.00 58 Early Medieval Europe and Medieval England Ansgar, Rimbert and the Forged Foundations Roles of the Sea in Medieval England of Hamburg-Bremen by Richard Gorski by Eric Knibbs The physical fact of the Ansgar and Rimbert are reknowed their work kingdom’s insularity made the among the pagan peoples of the North and their seas around England foundation of an archdiocese centred at Hamburg fundamentally important to and Bremen. But Ansgar and Rimbert were also its development within the clever forgers who wove a complex tapestry of myths British Isles and in relation to and halftruths about themselves and their mission. mainland Europe. At times This book couples detailed philological and they acted as barriers; but diplomatic analysis with broader historical they also, and more often, contextualization to overturn the consensus view served as highways of on the basic reliability of the foundation documents exchange, transport and and Rimbert’s Vita Anskarii. By revising our communication, and it is this understanding of Carolingian northeastern aspect which the essays collected here emphasise. expansion after Charlemagne, it provides new Foremost among the key roles performed by the sea insight into the political and ecclesiastical history which are addressed is war: the infrastructure, of early medieval Europe. 258p (Ashgate 2011) logistics, politics, and personnel of English seaborne 9781409428824 Hb £65.00 expeditions are assessed, most notably for the period of the Hundred Years War. The second major facet Richer of Saint-Remi: Histories, Volume I, of England’s relationship with the sea was the Books 1-2 generation of wealth: this is addressed in its own edited and translated by Justin Lake right and as an intrinsic aspect of warfare and piracy. The Historia of Richer of SaintRemi (ca. 950-ca. 1000) 194p (Boydell 2012) 9781843837015 Hb £50.00 provides a rare contemporary account of the waning Medieval Intrigue: Decoding Royal Carolingian dynasty, accession of Hugh Capet, and failed rebellion of Charles of Lorraine. Beginning in Conspiracies 888, the Historia surveys a tumultuous century in by Ian Mortimer which two competing dynasties struggled for Ian Mortimer is well known as one of the foremost supremacy, while great magnates seized upon the writers of popular medieval history; here he writes opportunity to carve out their own principalities. for a more academic audience, responding to criticism Latin text with parallel English translation. 421p of some of his more controversial theories, and (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Harvard UP 2011) attempting to provide a theoretical framework for 9780674060036 Hb £19.95 approaching episodes of mystery and conspiracy in medieval sources. The first part of the book revisits Richer of Saint-Remi: Histories, Volume II, his thesis that Edward II was not murdered in Books 3-4 Berkeley Castle, but secretly kept alive by first Roger edited and translated by Justin Lake Mortimer and then Edward III, and adds pieces on 490p (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Harvard UP the death of Richard II and on the development of 2011) 9780674061590 Hb £19.95 theories of royal legitimacy. The second adds a Origins of the English Parliament, 924-1327 scientific sheen to Mortimer’s methodology, and by J.R. Maddicott responding to postmodernism and critical theory, This study provides a aims to show that via information-based methods, magisterial account of the it is possible to demonstrate certainty about certain evolution of parliament, from historical propositions. 375p (Continuum 2010, Pb its earliest beginnings in the 2012) 9781847065896 Hb £20.00, 9781441102690 Pb late Anglo-Saxon period. £10.99 Covering an exceptionally Yorkist Lord: John Howard, Duke of Norfolk, long time span, it takes c.1425-1485 readers to the roots of the by Anne Crawford English state’s central John Howard, baron Howard and first duke of institution, showing how Norfolk, was one of the most important men of the the more familiar parliament Yorkist period. With the exceptions of the kings he of late medieval and early served, no other man of the fifteenth century peerage modern England came into being, and illuminating has left us so much in the way of evidence of his the close relationship between significant political day-to-day life, not only of his royal service but his events such as Magna Carta and the wider course domestic concerns. Taken together, these surviving of institutional change. Above all, it illustrates clearly records illustrate almost every aspect of his life and how the origins of parliament lie not in the late bring him alive: talented, efficient, ambitious and not thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries, as has above some dishonourable dealings, short-tempered, usually been argued, but in a much more distant paternalistic and loyal. 210p (Continuum 2010, Pb 2012) past. 526p (Oxford UP 2010, Pb 2012) 9780199585502 9781441165510 Hb £70.00, 9781441152015 Pb £24.99 Hb £40.00, 9780199645343 Pb £22.99

Latin Literature and Late Antiquity 49 Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXVIII by J. Den Boeft, J.W. Drijvers, D. Den Hengst and
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