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Publications by LAP Editors, 2005-2010 As a service to our readers and in recognition of the scholarly work of many of our editors, we present the following list of publications for the period 2005-2010: Abu-El-Haj, Jawdat 2005 “Da era Vargas a FHC: transicdes politicas e reformas administrativas.” Revista de Ciéncias Sociais 36 (1-2): 33-51. 2005 “O Ceara e o dilemma desenvolvimentista brasilero.” Politicas Puiblicas e Sociedade 1 (1): 11-21. 2007 “From interdependence to neo-mercantilism: Brazilian capitalism in the age of globali- zation.” Latin American Perspectives 34 (5): 92-114. 2010 “Interagdes e praticas econdmicas no capitalismo globalizado: 0 caso de Portugal Telecom.” Revista de Ciéncias Sociais 41 (2): 36—56. 2011 (with Ronald Chilcote) “Intellectuals, social theory, and political practice in Brazil.” Latin American Perspectives 38 (3): 5-39. Angotti, Tom 2008 New York for Sale: Community Planning Confronts Global Real Estate. Cambridge: MIT Press. 2009 “Urban planning for food security: reinventing city and countryside with Jane Jacobs.” Plan Canada, 55-57. 2009 “Fifty years of rectification.” Latin American Perspectives 36 (1): 130-131. 2009 (with Julie Sze) “Environmental justice praxis: lessons for the theory and practice of interdisciplinary urban health,” in Nicholas Freudenberg, Susan Klitzman, and Susan Saegert (eds.), Interdisciplinary Urban Health Research and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Babb, Florence E. 2005 (ed., with Lynn Stephen) Autonomy in the Age of Globalization: The Vision of June Nash. Critique of Anthropology 25 (3). 2008 (ed., with Jon Wolseth) Youth and Cultural Politics in Latin America. Latin American Perspectives 35 (4). Boito, Armando 2007 “Estado e burguesia no capitalismo neoliberal.” Revista de Sociologia e Politica 28: 57-73. 2007 Estado, politica e classes sociais. Sao Paulo: Editora UNESP. 2008 “Lo Stato capitalista al centro,” pp. 235-252 in Critica al concetto i potere di Michel Foucault. Milan: Quaderni Materialisti. 2009 “Social class and politics in Brazil: From Cardoso to Lula,” pp. 225-242 in Alfredo Saad- Filho and Galip L. Yalman (eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance, vol. 1. London: Routledge. 2009 (with A. Galvao and P. R. P. Marcelino) “Brasil: 0 movimento sindical e popular na década de 2000.” Observatorio Social de América 1: 35-55. Barkin, David 2006 La gestion del agua urbana en México: Retos debates y bienestar. Mexico City: Universidad de Guadalajara. 2009 “Principles for constructing alternative socio-economic organizations: lessons learned from working outside institutional structures.” Review of Radical Political Economics 41 (3): 372-379. 2009 (with Mario Fuente and Mara Rosas) “Fortaleciendo la tradicion, innovando: aporta- eiones campesinas en la orientacion de la innovaci6n tecnolégica para forjar sustentabilidad.” Trayectorias 11 (29): 39-54. LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, Issue 179, Vol. 38 No. 6, November 2011 122-130 DOT: 10.1177 /0094582X11415609 © 2011 Latin American Perspectives 122 Publications by LAP Editors, 2005-2010 As a service to our readers and in recognition of the scholarly work of many of our editors, we present the following list of publications for the period 2005-2010: Abu-El-Haj, Jawdat 2005 “Da era Vargas a FHC: transicdes politicas e reformas administrativas.” Revista de Ciéncias Sociais 36 (1-2): 33-51. 2005 “O Ceara e o dilemma desenvolvimentista brasilero.” Politicas Puiblicas e Sociedade 1 (1): 11-21. 2007 “From interdependence to neo-mercantilism: Brazilian capitalism in the age of globali- zation.” Latin American Perspectives 34 (5): 92-114. 2010 “Interagdes e praticas econdmicas no capitalismo globalizado: 0 caso de Portugal Telecom.” Revista de Ciéncias Sociais 41 (2): 36—56. 2011 (with Ronald Chilcote) “Intellectuals, social theory, and political practice in Brazil.” Latin American Perspectives 38 (3): 5-39. Angotti, Tom 2008 New York for Sale: Community Planning Confronts Global Real Estate. Cambridge: MIT Press. 2009 “Urban planning for food security: reinventing city and countryside with Jane Jacobs.” Plan Canada, 55-57. 2009 “Fifty years of rectification.” Latin American Perspectives 36 (1): 130-131. 2009 (with Julie Sze) “Environmental justice praxis: lessons for the theory and practice of interdisciplinary urban health,” in Nicholas Freudenberg, Susan Klitzman, and Susan Saegert (eds.), Interdisciplinary Urban Health Research and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Babb, Florence E. 2005 (ed., with Lynn Stephen) Autonomy in the Age of Globalization: The Vision of June Nash. Critique of Anthropology 25 (3). 2008 (ed., with Jon Wolseth) Youth and Cultural Politics in Latin America. Latin American Perspectives 35 (4). Boito, Armando 2007 “Estado e burguesia no capitalismo neoliberal.” Revista de Sociologia e Politica 28: 57-73. 2007 Estado, politica e classes sociais. Sao Paulo: Editora UNESP. 2008 “Lo Stato capitalista al centro,” pp. 235-252 in Critica al concetto i potere di Michel Foucault. Milan: Quaderni Materialisti. 2009 “Social class and politics in Brazil: From Cardoso to Lula,” pp. 225-242 in Alfredo Saad- Filho and Galip L. Yalman (eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance, vol. 1. London: Routledge. 2009 (with A. Galvao and P. R. P. Marcelino) “Brasil: 0 movimento sindical e popular na década de 2000.” Observatorio Social de América 1: 35-55. Barkin, David 2006 La gestion del agua urbana en México: Retos debates y bienestar. Mexico City: Universidad de Guadalajara. 2009 “Principles for constructing alternative socio-economic organizations: lessons learned from working outside institutional structures.” Review of Radical Political Economics 41 (3): 372-379. 2009 (with Mario Fuente and Mara Rosas) “Fortaleciendo la tradicion, innovando: aporta- eiones campesinas en la orientacion de la innovaci6n tecnolégica para forjar sustentabilidad.” Trayectorias 11 (29): 39-54. LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, Issue 179, Vol. 38 No. 6, November 2011 122-130 DOT: 10.1177 /0094582X11415609 © 2011 Latin American Perspectives 122 INDEX 123 2010 “The struggle for local autonomy in a multiethnic society: constructing alternatives with indigenous epistemologies,’ ‘ pp. 142-161 in Stephen Esquith and Fred Gifford (eds.), Capabilities, Power, and Institutions. Towards a More Critical Development Eth ~s University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. Becker, Marc 2006 “Mariategui, the Comintern, and the indigenous question in Latin America.” Science and Society 70: 450-479. 2007 (ed., with A. Kim Clark) Highland Indians and the State in Modern Ecuador. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. 2008 Indians and Leftists in the Making of Ecuador’s Modern Indigenous Movements. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Bresnahan, Rosalind 2007 “Community radio and social activism in Chile 1990-2007: challenges for grass roots voices during the transition to democracy.” Journal of Radio Studies 14: 212-233. 2010 “Reclaiming the public sphere in Chile under dictatorship and neoliberal democracy,” pp. 271-292 in Dorothy Kidd, Clemencia Rodriguez, and Laura Stein (eds.), Making Our Media: Global Initiatives Toward a Democratic Public Sphere, vol. 1. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 2010 “Community radio and video, social activism, and neoliberal public policy during the transition to democracy in Chile,” pp. 286-296 in Kevin Howley (ed.), Understanding Community Media. Los Angeles: Sage. 2010 “Introduction: Bolivia under Morales: Consolidating power, initiating decolonization.” Latin American Perspectives 37 (3): 5-17. 2010 “Introduction: Bolivia under Morales: National agenda, regional challenges, and the struggle for hegemony.” Latin American Perspectives 37 (4): 5-20. Carr, Barry 2006 “Border crossings: radical, worker, and union transnationalisms in Mexico and Latin America 1910-2006.” Dialogue: Academy oft he Social Sciences in Australia 25 (2): 33-43. 2007 “Hacia una historia de los comunismos mexicanos: desafios y sugerencias,” in Elvira Concheiro, Massimo Modonesi, and Horacio Crespi (eds.), El] comunismo: Otras miradas desde America Latina. Mexico City: UNAM/CIICH. 2007 “La crisis del Partido Comunista Mexicano y el caso Trotsky 1939-1940,” , in Elvira Concheiro, Massimo Modonesi, and Horacio Crespi (eds.), El comunismo: Otras miradas desde America Latina. Mexico City: UNAM/CIICH. 2010 “Radicals, revolutionaries, and exiles: Mexico City in the 1920s.” Berkeley Review ofL atin American Studies, Fall, 26-30. Charlip, Julie 2006 “A real class act: searching for identity in the classless society,” in Bob Coleman, Rebecca Brittenham, Scott Campbell, and Stephanie Girard (eds.), Making Sense: Essays on Art, Science, and Culture. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 2010 (2007) “Central America in upheaval,” in Thomas H. Holloway (ed.), Blackwell Companion to Latin American History. New York: Blackwell. Chilcote, Ronald 2006 (ed.) Wind River Wilderness. Laguna Beach: Laguna Wilderness Press. 2007 “The left in Latin America: questions of theory and practice,” pp. 249-262 in Pratyush Ghandra, Anuradha Ghosh, and Raavi Kumar (eds.), Politics of Imperialism and Counter-— Strategies. New Delhi: Aakar Books. 2010 The Portuguese Revolution: State and Class in the Transition to Democracy. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 2010 “Trotsky and development theory in Latin America.” Critical Sociology 35: 719-741. (In Portuguese, “Influéncias trotskyistas sobre a teoria do desenvolvimento da América Latina,” Revista de Ciéncias Sociais 40 [1]: 73-98.) 2010 “Trotsky and Latin American development theory,” pp. 41-65 in Henry Veltmeyer (ed.), Imperialism, Crisis, and Class Struggle: The Enduring Verities and the Contemporary Face of Capitalism. Leiden and Boston: Brill. Cockcroft, James D. 2005 Historia de un pueblo migrante: Los trabajadores de Michoacan. Mexico City: Jorale Editores. 2008 Latinos en la construccién de los Estados Unidos. Havana: Instituto del Libro, Ciencias Sociales. 2009 Cuba en mi sangre: Entrevistas, ensayos, poemas. Havana: Centro de Estudios Martianos. 124 LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES 2010 Mexico’s Revolution Then and Now. New York: Monthly Review Press. (In Spanish, Precursores intelectuales en el México del siglo XXI, Mexico City: Jorale Editores /Orfila.) 2010 “Mexico: ‘Failed states,’ new wars, resistance,” Monthly Review 62 (6): 28-42. Deere, Carmen Diana 2006 (ed., with Cheryl R. Doss) Women and Wealth. Feminist Economics 12 (1 & 2). 2006 (with Cheryl R. Doss) “The gender asset gap: what do we know and why does it mat- ter?” Feminist Economics 12 (1 & 2): 1-50. 2008 “The feminization of agriculture? Economic restructuring in rural Latin America,” pp. 99-127 in Shahra Razavi (ed.), The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization: Towards Embedded Liberalism? London and New York: Routledge/UNRISD Research in Gender and Development. 2009 (ed., with Frederick S. Royce) The Rural Social Movements of Latin America: Organizinfgo r Sustainable Livelihoods. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. 2010 (with J. Contreras and J. Twyman) “Property rights and women’s accumulation of assets over the life cycle: patrimonial violence in Ecuador.” Andlisis Latinoamericana del Medio Rural, no. 5, 135-176. Delgado Wise, Raul 2008 (ed., with Stephen Castles) Migration and Development: Perspectives from the South. Geneva: IOM. 2008 (with H. Marquez Covarrubias) “The process of capitalist restructuring: labour migration in the United States—Mexico case.” Third World Quarterly 29: 1359-1374. 2009 “Forced migration and US imperialism: the dialectic of migration and development.” Critical Sociology 35: 767-784. 2010 (with James Cypher) Mexico’s Economic Dilemma: The Development Failure of Neoliberalism. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. Dore, Elizabeth 2000 (ed., with Maxine Molyneux) Hidden Histories of Gender and the State in Latin America. Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press. 2006 Myths of Modernity: Peonage and Patriarchy in Nicaragua. Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press. 2008 Mitos de modernidad: Tierra, peonaje y patriarcado en Granada, Nicaragua. Managua: Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica. 2008 “Cubans’ memories of the 1960s: ecstasies and agonies.” ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin American Studies 8 (2): 34-38. Dosh, Paul 2005 “Surprising trends in land invasions in metropolitan Lima and Quito.” Latin American Perspectives 33 (6): 1-26. 2009 “Tactical innovation, democratic governance, and mixed motives: popular movement resilience in Peru and Ecuador.” Latin American Politics and Society 51 (Spring): 87-118. 2009 “Correa vs. social movements: showdown in Ecuador.” NACLA Report on the Americas 42 (9): 21-24. 2010 “Women’s voices on the executive council: popular organizations and resource battles in Bolivia and Ecuador.” Latin American Perspectives 37 (4): 214-237. 2010 Demanding the Land: Urban Popular Movements in Peru and Ecuador, 1990-2005. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. Dupuy, Alex 2005 “Globalization, the World Bank, and Haiti,” pp. 43-70 in Franklin W. Knight and Teresita Martinez Vergne (eds.), Contemporary Caribbean Cultures and Societies in a Global Context, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 2006 “Haiti election 2006: A Pyrrhic victory for René Préval?” Latin American Perspectives 33 (3): 132-141. 2007 The Prophet and the Power: Jean—Bertrand Aristide, the International Community, and Haiti. Lanham, MD, and Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield. 2010 “Disaster capitalism to the rescue: The international community and Haiti after the earthquake.” NACLA Report on the Americas 43 (4): 14-19. 2010 “Indefensible: on Aristide, violence, and democracy.” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 30 (November): 161-173. Eckstein, Susan 2009 The Immigrant Divide: How Cuban Americans Changed the U.S. and Their Homeland. New York: Routledge. INDEX 2010 “Remittances and their unintended consequences in Cuba.” World Development 2010 “Immigration, remittances, and transnational social capital formation: a Cuban case study.” Ethnic and Race Relations 33 (9): 2010 (with coauthor) “The political economy and political sociology of recent social move- ment activism and repertoires in Latin America.” Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée Ellner, Steve 2008 Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class, Polarization, and the Chavez Phenomenon. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. 2010 “Hugo Chavez’s first decade in office: breakthroughs and shortcomings.” Latin American Perspectives 37 (1): 77-96. 2010 “Chavez pushes the limits: radicalization and discontent in Venezuela.” NACLA Report on the Americas 43 (4): 7-12. Gandasegui, Marco A. 2007 Un continente en la encrucijada: Nuestra América en transformacion. Panama: Universidad de Panama/PCS/CELA. 2007 Crisis de hegemonia de Estados Unidos. Mexico City: Siglo XXI /CLACSO. 2008 Las clases sociales en Panama. 3d ed. Panama: CELA. 2010 “El militarismo en Panama,” pp. 225-246 in Ignacio Medina (ed.), Centroamérica: Democracia, militarismo y conflictos sociales en el siglo XXI. Elaleph.com. http://Elaleph.com” \t “_blank”. 2010 (ed., with Didimo Castillo F.) Estados Unidos: La crisis sistémica y las nuevas condiciones de legitimacién. Mexico City: Siglo XXI/CLACSO. Giménez, Martha E. 2006 “Loving alienation: the contradictions of domestic work,” pp. 269-282 in Lauren Langman and Devorah Kalekin—Fishman (eds.), The Evolution of Alienation: Trauma, Promise, and the Millennium. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 2006 “With a little class: a critique of identity politics.” Ethnicities 6: 423-439. 2007 “Back to class: rethinking the dialectics between class and identity,” pp. 107-117 in Michael D. Yates (ed.), More Unequal: Aspects ofC lass in the United States. New York: Monthly Review Press. 2009 “Global capitalism and women,” pp. 35-48 in Ligaya Lindio-McGovern and Isidor Wallimann (eds.), Globalization and Third World Women: Exploitation, Coping, and Resistance. Farnham, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate. 2010 “Identity and politics: a reply to Robert Newby’s keynote address, ‘The “New Majority” Defeats White Nationalism?’ Assessing issues of race and class in the Obama presidency.” Critical Sociology 36: 387-394. Hamilton, Carrie 2007 Women and ETA: The Gender Politics of Radical Basque Nationalism. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2008 “Happy memories.” New Formations 63: 65-81. 2010 “Towards a historiography of gender and ‘terrorism.’” Zeitgeschichte 37: 95-110. 2010 “Narrating AIDS in Cuba.” Global South 6 (3): 64-74. Hamilton, Nora 2007 “Central Americans: Guatemalans, Hondurans and Nicaraguans,” in Norma Chinchilla, Mary Waters, and Reed Ueda (eds.), The New Americans. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2008 “Mexico,” in Harry Vanden and Gary Prevost (eds.), Politics in Latin America: The Passionate Endeavor. 3d ed. London and New York: Oxford University Press. 2009 (with Norma Chinchilla and James Loucky) “The sanctuary movement and political activism in Los Angeles.” Latin American Perspectives 36 (6): 101-126. 2010 Mexico: Political, Social, and Economic Evolution. London and New York: Oxford University Press. Hammond, John L. 2005 “The Bush Doctrine, preventive war, and international law.” Philosophical Forum 36 (1): 97-111. 2006 “The possible world and the actual state: World Social Forum in Caracas.” Latin American Perspectives 33 (3): 122-131. 2008 (with Joao Roberto Martins Filho) “Latin America: a resurgent left?” New Politics 44 (Winter): 148-157. 126 LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES 2009 “Land occupations, violence, and the politics of agrarian reform in Brazil.” Latin American Perspectives 36 (4): 156-177. 2010 (ed., with Jill Hamburg, Alfredo Prieto, Peter Roman, and Hobart Spalding) Cuban Perspectives on Cuban Socialism. Socialism and Democracy, no. 22. Hellinger, Daniel C. 2006-2007 “Venezuelan oil: free gift of nature or wealth of a nation?” International Journal (Winter): 55-66. 2008 “Hugo Chavez et la gauche vénézuélienne contemporaine,” pp. 163-188 in Gabriel Vommaro (ed.), La carte rouge de l’Amérique latine. Brussels: Editions du Croquant. Jonas, Susanne 2005 “Decolonization from within the Americas: Latino immigrant responses to the U.S. national security regime and the challenges of reframing the immigration debate,” pp. 183-198 in Ramon Grosfoguel, Nelson Maldonado Torres, and José David Saldivar (eds.), Latinos in the World-System: Towards the Decolonization of the U.S. Empire in the 21st Century. Boulder: Paradigm Press. 2005 “Reframing the immigration debate: the post-election challenge to public intellectuals.” LASA Forum, Winter. (In Spanish, in Didlogo, October.) 2007 “The process of building transregional migrant advocacy networks: Guatemalan and Salvadoran experiences,” pp. 175-200 in Manuel Angel Castillo and Jorge Santibanez (eds.), Seminario Permanente sobre Migracion Internacional: Nuevas tendencias y nuevos desafios, vol. 2. Mexico City: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte/El Colegio de México/Sociedad Mexicana de Demografia. 2009 “Acts of genocide and scorched-earth counterinsurgency war in Guatemala,” pp. 377-412 in Samuel Totten and William Pasons (eds.), Century of Genocide: Critical Essays and Eyewitness Accounts. New York: Routledge. 2009 “Guatemala,” pp. 268-299 in Harry Vanden and Gary Prevost (eds.), Politics in Latin America. London and New York: Oxford University Press. Mallon, Florencia E. 2005 Courage Tastes of Blood: The Mapuche Community of Nicolas Ailio and the Chilean State, 1906-2001. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 2005 “Pathways to postcolonial nationhood: the democratization of difference in contemporary Latin America,” pp. 272-292 in Ania Loomba, Suvir Kaul, Matti Bunzl, Antoinette Burton, and Jed Esty (eds.), Postcolonial Studies and Beyond. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 2009 “El siglo XX Mapuche: esferas ptblicas, suenos de autodeterminaci6n y articulaciones internacionales,” pp. 155-190 in Christian Martinez Neira and Marco Estrada Saavedra (eds.), Las disputas por la etnicidad en América Latina: Movilizaciones indigenas en Chiapas y Araucania. Santiago de Chile: USACH. 2010 “La doble columna y la doble conciencia en la obra de Manuel Manquilef.” Revista Chilena de Antropologia 21: 59-79. Martins, Monica 2005 (ed.) El Banco Mundial y la tierra: Ofensiva y resistencia en América Latina, Africa y Asia. San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones. 2006 (with Mateus Perdigao de Oliveira) “Os arranjos brasileiros de Radamés Gnatalli.” Tensdes Mundiais 2: 181-206. 2007 “War, development, and World Bank twists and turns.” World Tensions 3 (4): 96-129. 2008 Ag¢ticar no sertaio: A ofensiva capitalista no Nordeste do Brasil. Sao Paulo and Fortaleza: Annablume/Banco do Nordeste. 2008 (with Sergio Daniel Pistolesi) “Organismos internacionales y reforma del Estado en Argentina.” Tensdes Mundiais 4:235-259. Morton, Adam 2007 Unravelling Gramsci: Hegemony and Passive Revolution in the Global Political Economy. London: Pluto Press. 2007 “Waiting for Gramsci: state formation, passive revolution, and the International.” Millennium: Journal ofI nternational Studies 35: 597-621. 2007 “Global capitalism and the peasantry in Latin America: the recomposition of class struggle.” Journal ofP easant Studies 34: 441-473. 2010 “Reflections on uneven development: Mexican Revolution, primitive accumulation, passive revolution.” Latin American Perspectives 37 (1): 7-34. INDEX 127 Munck, Ronaldo 2005 Globalisation and Social Exclusion: A Transformationalist Perspective. New York: Kumarian Press. 2006 Globalisation and Contestation: The Great Counter-Movement. London and New York: Routledge. 2007 Contemporary Latin America. Revised ed. London: Palgrave. 2008 (ed.) Globalisation and Migration: New Conflicts, New Politics. London: Routledge. 2009 (ed.) Migration, Work, and Citizenship in a Global Era. London: Routledge. Ochoa, Enrique 2005 “’We can’t assume our alliances; we have to work for them’: Angelica Salas discusses immigrant organizing in the context of September 11th.” Radical History Review 93: 260-272. 2005 (ed., with Gilda L. Ochoa) Latino Los Angeles: Transformations, Communities, and Activism. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 2007 (with Gilda L. Ochoa) “Framing Latina/o immigration, education, and 2007 activism.” Sociology Compass 1: 701-719. 2008 “’Young people have a pure sense of justice, fairness, and equality and will fight for it’: an interview with Sonya Mehta of Young Workers United.” Radical History Review 102 (Fall): 154-160. 2008 (ed., with Yvonne M. Lassalle) History and Critical Pedagogies: Transforming Consciousness, Classrooms, and Communities. Radical History Review 102. Pino, Julio 2005 “Favelas,” pp. 611-613 in Kwaneh Anthony Appiah and Henry Louis Gates Jr. (eds.), Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience, vol. 2. 2d ed. New York: Oxford University Press. 2006 “Latin America,” pp. 543-545 in John C. Super (ed.), The Seventies in America. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press. 2006 “(Re)Discovering the lives of Afro—Latin women.” Latin American Perspectives 33 (6): 179-181. 2007 “Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar,” pp. 73-74 in Carl L. Bankston III (ed.), Great Lives from History: Notorious Lives, vol. 1. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press. 2007 “Fidel Castro,” pp. 185-187 in Carl L. Bankston III (ed.), Great Lives from History: Notorious Lives, vol. 1. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press. Pozzi, Pablo 2005 Historias del PRT-ERP. Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Programa de Historia Oral. 2008 Historias del PRT—ERP II. Buenos Aires: Imago Mundi/Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Programa de Historia Oral. 2008 La oposicion obrera a la dictadura (1976-1982). 2d ed. revised and enlarged. Buenos Aires: Imago Mundi. 2008 Historias clasistas desde abajo: Testimonios de obreros norteamericanos. Buenos Aires: Editorial El Colectivo/Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Programa de Historia Oral. 2009 Invasiones barbaras en la historia contempordnea de los Estados Unidos. Buenos Aires: Editorial Maipue. Quintero Rivera, Angel G. 2005 Puerto Rico: Patrimonio cultural y natural. Barcelona: LAIA. 2007 “Los debates en torno a la dependencia en América Latina y las investigaciones sobre historia del movimiento obrero en Puerto Rico,” pp. 97-112 in Erick Pérez Velasco (ed.), 100 afios de sindicalismo puertorriquefio. Humacao: Centro de Documentacién Obrera Santiago Iglesias Pantin, University of Puerto Rico-—Humacao. 2007 “Migration, ethnicity, and interactions between the United States and Hispanic Caribbean popular culture.” Latin American Perspectives 34 (1): 83-93. 2008 “Salsa, son, nacién y migracién,” pp. 53-70 in Dario Tejeda and Rafael Emilio Yunén (eds.), El son y la salsa en la identidad del Caribe. Santiago de los Caballeros: Centro Leén e INEC. 2009 Cuerpo y cultura: Las muisicas “mulatas” y la subversion del baile. Frankfurt and Madrid: Ediciones Iberoamericanas Vervuert. Ricupero, Bernardo 2008 Sete licdes sobre as interpretacdes do Brasil. Sao Paulo: Alameda. 2008 “Da formagao a forma: ainda ‘as idéias for a do lugar.’” Lua Nova 73: 590-669. 128 LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES 2009 “Florestan Fernandes and interpretations of Brazil.” Latin American Perspectives 38 (3): 112-123. Rus, Jan 2006 (with Miguel Tinker Salas) The Mexican Presidency, 2006-2012. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2008 (with Diane Rus) “La migracion de trabajadores indigenas de los Altos de Chiapas a Estados Unidos, 2001-2005: el caso de San Juan Chamula,” pp. 343-382 in Daniel Villafuerte and Maria del Carmen Garcia (eds.), Migraciones en el Sur de México y Centroamérica. Mexico City and San José de Costa Rica: Miguel Angel Porrtia Editores/OIM-NCCR/UNICACH- Chiapas/FLACSO-Costa Rica. 2009 Cuando crisis se vuelve statu quo: El ocaso de las plantaciones y la transformaci6n de la sociedad indigena de los Altos de Chiapas, 1974-2010. Tuxtla Gutiérrez and Mexico City: Centro de Estudios Superiores sobre México y Centroamérica. 2009 “La nueva ciudad maya en el Valle de Jovel: urbanizaci6n y comunidad en San Cristébal de Las Casas,” pp. 169-219 in Marco Antonio Estrada Saavedra (ed.), Chiapas después de la tormenta: Estudios en economia, sociedad y politica. Mexico City: Colegio de México/COCOPA- Camara de Diputados. 2010 “;Fue la Revolucion el fendmeno social mas trascendental para el siglo XX en Chiapas?” pp- 491-497 in Miguel Lisbona and Justus Fenner (eds.), La Revolucién mexicana en Chiapas un siglo después. Mexico City: PROIMMSE/UNAM. Saad Filho, Alfred 2007 “There is life beyond the Washington Consensus: an introduction to pro-poor macroeco- nomic policies.” Review of Political Economy 19: 513-537. 2010 “Crisis in neoliberalism or crisis of neoliberalism?” Socialist Register 2010, 242-259. 2010 “Neoliberalism, development, and economic policy in Brazil.” Development and Society 39 (1): 1-28. 2010 (with B. Fine) Marx’s Capital. 5th ed. London: Pluto Press. Santamaria Gomez, Arturo 2005 Del alba al anochecer: El turismo en Mazatlan, 1972-2004. Culiacan de Rosales: Universidad Auténoma de Sinaloa Editorial UAS. 2006 Emigrantes mexicanos: Movimientos y elecciones transterritoriales. Mexico City: Universidad Auténoma de Sinaloa Editorial UAS. 2008 (with Juan Manuel Mendoza Guerrero) El consumo de la nostalgia: Los inmigrantes latino- americanos y la creacién del mercado hispano en los Estados Unidos. Culiacan de Rosales: Universidad Auténoma de Sinaloa Editorial UAS. 2009 El nacimiento del turismo en Mazatlan: 1923-1971. Culiacan de Rosales: Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa Editorial UAS. 2009 Morir en Sinaloa: Violencia, narco y cultura. Culiacan de Rosales: Universidad Aut6noma de Sinaloa Editorial UAS. 2010 “Organizacién de las comunidades sinaloense en Estados Unidos,” pp. 103-130 in Arturo Lizarraga Hernandez (ed.), Procesos y efectos de la emigracion sinaloense al extranjero. Culiacan de Rosales: Universidad Aut6noma de Sinaloa Editorial UAS. Santos, Cecilia M. 2005 (ed., with Cecilia MacDowell, Edson Teles, and Janaina de Almeida Teles) Women’s Police Stations: Gender, Violence, and Justice in Sao Paulo, Brazil. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007 “Transnational legal activism and the State: reflections on cases against Brazil in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.” Sur: International Journal on Human Rights 4 (7): 29-59. 2009 Desarquivando a ditadura: Memoria e justica no Brasil. 2 vols. Sao Paulo: Hucitec Press. 2010 “Da Delegacia da Mulher a Lei Maria da Penha: absorgao/traducao de demandas femi- nistas.” Estado Revista Critica de Ciéncias Sociais 89 (June): 153-170. 2010 “Quest6es de justica de transicao: a mobilizacao dos direitos humanos e a memoria da ditadura no Brasil,” pp. 124-151 in Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Paulo Abrao Pires Junior, Cecilia MacDowell Santos, and Marcelo D. Torelly (eds.), Repressdo e memoria politica no con- texto ibero—brasileiro: Estudos sobre Brasil, Guatemala, Mogambique, Peru e Portugal. Brasilia, DF: Ministério da Justica. 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James Journal: A Review of Caribbean Ideas 10 (1): 167-199. 2008 “Raciology, Garveyism, and the limits of black nationalism in the Caribbean diaspora.” Shibboleths 2 (2): 85-95. 2008 “Alienation and fetishization: a critical analysis of ‘radicalism and innovation’ in the New World Group’s approach to and rejection of metropolitan intellectual and political hegemony.” Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 38 (1-2): 15-48. 2008 “W. Arthur Lewis and the New World Group: Variations within the analytic framework of neoclassical economics.” Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 38 (1-2): 49-79, 2008 “Corporate culture in the Caribbean: a history of Goddard Enterprises Limited.” Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies 35 (1): 84-97. Webber, Jeffery R. 2005 “Left-indigenous struggles in Bolivia: searching for revolutionary democracy.” Monthly Review 57 (4): 34448. 2008 “Rebellion to reform in Bolivia.” Historical Materialism 16 (2): 23-58, (3): 1-22, (4): 67-109. 2009 “Left-indigenous politics in Bolivia: Evo Morales and the Constituent Assembly,” in Yildiz Atasoy (ed.), Hegemonic Transitions, the State, and Neoliberal Crisis in Capitalism. London and New York: Routledge. 2010 “Carlos Mesa, Evo Morales, and a divided Bolivia, 2003-2005.” Latin American Perspectives 37 (3): 51-70. 2010 “Venezuela under Chavez: the prospects and limitations of twenty-first-century socialism, 1998-2009.” Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes 6 (1): 11-44. Williams, Heather 2006 “Fighting corporate swine.” Politics and Society 34: 369-398. 2008 “Eyeing the storm: new scholarship on Bolivia.” Latin American Perspectives 35 (6): 166-173. 2009 “Pais de Deus? 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Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 2009 “Anti- and pro-immigrant entrepreneurs: labeling theory revisited.” Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies 34 (2): 135-154. 2009 “Beyond bounded communities: network-mediated migration from an urban colonia in Mexicali, Mexico.” Urban Anthropology 38: 149-166. 2010 “The culture of Mexican migration.” Critique of Anthropology 30: 399-420.

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