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Latin American Neostructuralism: The Contradictions of Post-Neoliberal Development PDF

354 Pages·2008·1.376 MB·English
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Latin American Neostructuralism This page intentionally left blank Latin American Neostructuralism The Contradictions of Post-Neoliberal Development Fernando Ignacio Leiva University of Minnesota Press Minneapolis London Portions of chapters  and  draw from “Neoliberal and Neostructuralist Perspectives on Labor Flexibility, Poverty, and Inequality: A Critical Appraisal,” New Political Economy , no.  (Sep- tember ): –. Portions of chapters  and  draw from “From Pinochet’s State Terror- ism to the Politics of Participation,” in Democracy in Chile: Th e Legacy of September , , ed. Silvia Nagy-Zekmy and Fernando Leiva (Brighton and Portland: Sussex Academic Press, ), –. Copyright ©  by the Regents of the University of Minnesota All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published by the University of Minnesota Press  Th ird Avenue South, Suite  Minneapolis, MN – http://www.upress.umn.edu Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available from the Library of Congress. Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper Th e University of Minnesota is an equal-opportunity educator and employer.                   For Karen, Camila, and Elisa This page intentionally left blank Th e power of capital is now so drearily familiar, so sublimely omnipotent and omnipresent, that even large sectors of the left have succeeded in naturalizing it, taking it for granted as such an unbudgeable structure that it is as though they hardly have the heart to speak of it. —TERRY EAGLETON, THE ILLUSIONS OF POSTMODERNISM This page intentionally left blank Contents List of Acronyms xi Acknowledgments xv Introduction: Latin America’s Post-neoliberal Turn xvii 1. Conceptual Innovation: Combining Growth, Equity, and Democracy 1 2. Methodological Retreats 21 3. Historicizing Latin American Neostructuralism 42 4. Neostructuralism in Chile and Brazil 64 5. Foundational Myths, Acts of Omission 89 6.Effacing the Deep Structure of Contemporary Latin American Capitalism 119 7. The Politics of Neostructuralism and Capital Accumulation 145 8. Erecting a New Mode of Regulation 164 9. Chile’s Evanescent High Road and Dashed Dreams of Equity 189 10. Neostructuralism and the Latin American Left 215 11. The Future of Latin American Neostructuralism 234 Notes 247 References 265 Index 289

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