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INDEX TO VOLUME 14 A Dowd, Anne S.: see Aveni, Anthony F. Anaya Hernandez, Armando, Stanley P. Guenter, and E Marc U. Zender: Sak Tz’i’, a Classic Maya Center: Escobedo, Héctor L.: see Fitzsimmons, James L. A Locational Model Based on GIS and Epigraphy, F 179 Fairley, Jerry P., Jr.: Geologic Water Storage in Pre- Arnold III, Philip J.: Early Formative Pottery from the columbian Peru, 193 Tuxtla Mountains and Implications for Gulf Olmec Fitzsimmons, James L., Andrew Scherer, Stephen D. Origins, 29 Houston, and Héctor L. Escobedo: Guardian of the Ashmore, Wendy, and Jeremy A. Sabloff: Interpreting Acropolis: The Sacred Space of a Royal Burial at Ancient Maya Civic Plans: Reply to Smith, 229 Piedras Negras, Guatemala, 449 Aveni, Anthony F., Anne S. Dowd, and Benjamin Vining: G Maya Calendar Reform? Evidence from Orientations Garza, Sergio: see Halperin, Christina T. of Specialized Architectural Assemblages, 159 Glascock, Michael D.: see Rodriguez-Alegria, Enrique B Glowacki, Mary, and Michael Malpass: Water, Huacas, Ball, Joseph W.: see Taschek, Jennifer T. and Ancestor Worship: Traces of a Sacred Wari Brady, James E.: see Halperin, Christina T. Landscape, 431 Bray, Tamara L.: Inka Pottery as Culinary Equipment: Guenter, Stanley P.: see Anaya Hernandez, Armando Food, Feasting, and Gender in Imperial State H Design, 3 Halperin, Christina T., Sergio Garza, Keith M. Prufer, Bruno, Maria C., and William T. Whitehead: and James E. Brady: Caves and Ancient Maya Rit- Chenopodium Cultivation and Formative Period ual Use of Jute, 207 Agriculture at Chiripa, Bolivia, 339 Henderson, Hope: The Organization of Staple Crop C Production at K’axob, Belize, 469 Callaghan, Richard T.: Comments on the Mainland Houston, Stephen D.: see Fitzsimmons, James L. Origins of the Preceramic Cultures of the Greater M Antilles, 323 Malpass, Michael: see Glowacki, Mary Conlee, Christina A.: Local Elites and the Reformation Moholy-Nagy, Hattula: Source Attribution and the of Late Intermediate Period Sociopolitical and Eco- Utilization of Obsidian in the Maya Area, 301 nomic Organization in Nasca, Peru, 47 N Cornejo B., Luis E., y Lorena Sanhueza R.: Coexisten- Neff, Hector: see Rodriguez-Alegria, Enrique cia de Cazadores Recolectores y Horticultores Tem- P pranos en la Cordillera Andina de Chile Central, Pearson, Georges A.: First Report of a Newly Discov- 389 ered Paleoindian Quarry Site on the Isthmus of Corzo, Gabino La Rosa: La Orientacién Este De Los Panama, 311 Entierros Aborigenes En Cuevas De Cuba: Remate Politis, Gustavo G.: The Theoretical Landscape and the De Una Fabula, 143 Methodological Development of Archaeology in D Latin America, 115 Davis-Salazar, Karla L.: Late Classic Maya Water Prufer, Keith M.: see Halperin, Christina T. Management and Community Organization at Pugh, Timothy W.: The Exemplary Center of the Late Copan, Honduras, 275 Postclassic Kowoj Maya, 408 Latin American Antiquity, 14(4), 2003, pp. 509-511 Copyright© 2003 by the Society for American Archaeology 509 [Vol. 14, No. 4, 2003] R T Rodriguez-Alegria, Enrique, Hector Neff, and Taschek, Jennifer T., and Joseph W. Ball: Nohoch Ek Michael D. Glascock: Indigenous Ware or Span- Revisited: The Minor Center as Manor, 371 ish Import? The Case of Indigena Ware and Topic, John R.: From Stewards to Bureaucrats: Approaches to Power in Colonial Mexico, 67 Architecture and Information Flow at Chan Chan, S Peru, 243 Sabloff, Jeremy A.: see Ashmore, Wendy Vv Sanhueza R., Lorena: see Cornejo B., Luis E Vining, Benjamin: see Aveni, Anthony F. Scherer, Andrew: see Fitzsimmons, James L. Ww Smith, Michael E.: Can We Read Cosmology in Whitehead, William T.: see Bruno, Maria C. Ancient Maya City Plans? Comment on Ashmore Z and Sabloff, 221 Zender, Marc U.: see Anaya Hernandez, Armando Reviews and Book Notes A Coyle, Philip E.: Ndyari History, Politics, and Vio- Adorno, Roleno: Guaman Poma and His Illustrated lence: From Flowers to Ash, reviewed by Chronicle from Colonial Peru: From a Century of Johannes Neurath, 92 Scholarship to a New Era of Reading / Guaman D Poma y su cronica ilustrada del Peri colonial: un Deagan, Kathleen, and José Maria Cruxent: Archae- siglo de investigaciones hacia una nueva era de ology at La Isabela: America’s First European lectura, reviewed by Penny Z. Dransart, 86 Town, reviewed by James M. VanderVeen, 504 Andrien, Kenneth J.: Andean Worlds: Indigenous Deagan, Kathleen, and José Maria Cruxent: Colum- History, Culture, and Consciousness under Span- bus’s Outpost among the Taino: Spain and Amer- ish Rule, reviewed by Susan A. Niles, 87 ica at La Isabela, 1493—1498, reviewed by James Ardren, Traci (editor): Ancient Maya Women, M. VanderVeen, 504 reviewed by Lisa J. Lucero, 107 Dietler, Michael, and Brian Hayden (editors): Feasts: Aveni, Anthony F.: Skywatchers, reviewed by Susan Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Milbrath, 88 Food, Politics, and Power, reviewed by Michael E. B Smith, 94 Benson, Elizabeth P., and Anita G. Cook (editors): Douglass, John G.: Hinterland Households: Rural Ritual Sacrifice in Ancient Peru, reviewed by Agrarian Household Diversity in Northwest Hon- Izumi Shimada, 89 duras, reviewed by Amy Kovak, 498 Boone, Elizabeth Hill: Stories in Red and Black: Pic- E torial Histories of the Aztec and Mixiec, reviewed Edgerton, Samuel Y.: Theaters of Conversion: Reli- by Joyce Marcus, 356 gious Architecture and Indian Artisans in Colo- Cc nial Mexico, reviewed by Enrique Carochi, Horacio, S.J.: Grammar of the Mexican Rodriguez-Alegria, 238 Language, With an Explanation of its Adverbs F (1645), reviewed by Una Canger, 91 Ferguson, William M., and Richard E. W. Adams: Christie, Jessica J.(editor): Maya Palaces and Elite Mesoamerica’s Ancient Cities: Aerial Views of Residences: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Pre-Columbian Ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, reviewed by Christopher R. Andres, 502 Belize, and Honduras, reviewed by Osvaldo Ster- Coe, Michael D., and Mark Van Stone: Reading the pone, 94 Maya Glyphs, reviewed by David F. Mora-Marin, Fields, Virginia M., and Victor Zamudio-Taylor: The 362 Road to Aztlan: Art from a Mythic Homeland, INDEX TO VOLUME 14 reviewed by Virginia E. Miller, 95 O G Orlove, Ben: Lines in the Water. Nature and Culture Gonzalez, Roberto J.: Zapotec Science: Farming and at Lake Titicaca, reviewed by Helaine Silverman, Food in the Northern Sierra of Oaxaca, reviewed 109 by Jeffery W. Bentley, 357 P Graulich, Michel: Fiestas de los pueblos indigenas: Parsons, Jeffrey R. (editor): The Last Saltmakers of ritos aztecas, las fiestas de las veintanas, Nexquipayac, Mexico: An Archaeological Ethnog- reviewed by Peter Kréfges, 83 raphy, reviewed by Susan Kepecs, 98 H Pellicani, Antonio (editor): Guaman Poma y Blas Haas, Jonathan (editor): From Leaders to Rulers, Valera: Tradicion Andina e Historia Colonial. reviewed by John E. Clark, 97 Actas del Coloquio Internacional, Instituto Italo- Houston, Stephen D., and Zachary Nelson: A The- Lationoamericano, Roma, 29-30 de Septiembre de matic Bibliography of Ancient Maya Writing, 1999, reviewed by Cristina Alcalde, 85 reviewed by David F. Mora-Marin, 362 Peregrine, Peter N., and Melvin Ember (editors): Huber, Brad R., and Alan R. Sandstrom (editors): Encyclopedia of Prehistory Middle America, Mesoamerican Healers, reviewed by Allen Chris- reviewed by Susan Toby Evans, 100 tenson, 238 R J Raaflaub, Kurt, and Nathan Rosenstein (editors): War Jablonski, Nina (editor): The First Americans: The and Society in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds: Pleistocene Colonization of the New World. Mem- Asia, the Mediterranean, Europe, and Mesoamer- oirs of the California Academy of Sciences no. 27, ica, reviewed by Jay Silverstein, 237 Wattis Symposium Series in Anthropology, Rattray, Evelyn Childs: Teotihuacan: Ceramics, reviewed by Tania Andrade Lima, 359 Chronology and Cultural Trends, reviewed by L Dean E. Arnold, 506 Liot, Catherine: Les salines prehispaniques du bassin Read, Kay Almere, and Jason J. Gonzales: Handbook de Sayula (occident du Mexique): Milieu et tech- of Mesoamerican Mythology: A Guide to the niques, reviewed by Eduardo Williams, 361 Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs of Mexico and Lister, Florence C., and Robert H. Lister: Maiolica Central America, reviewed by Hilary E. Kahn, Olé: Spanish and Mexican Decorative Traditions, 365 Featuring the Collection at the Museum of Inter- Ruiz, Andrés Ciudad, Maria Josefa Iglesias Ponce De national Folk Art, reviewed by Thomas H. Charl- Leon, and Maria Del Carmen Martinez Martinez ton, 239 (editors): Reconstruyendo la ciudad maya: el Lockhart, James: Nahuatl as Written: Lessons in urbanismo en las sociedades antiguas, reviewed Older Written Nahuatl, with Copious Examples by Javier Lopez Camacho, 101 and Texts, reviewed by Una Canger, 91 S M Schlesinger, Victoria: Animals and Plants of the Masson, Marilyn A.: In the Realm of Nachan Kam: Ancient Maya: A Guide, reviewed by Kitty F. Postclassic Maya Archaeology at Laguna de On, Emery, 103 Belize, reviewed by Craig Goralski, 501 Serrato-Combe, Antonio: The Aztec Templo Mayor: A Mayer, Enrique: The Articulated Peasant: Household Visualization, reviewed by Matthew D. Rock- Economies in the Andes, reviewed by Christine A. more, 497 Hastorf, 108 Ww McKillop, Heather: Salt: White Gold of the Ancient Whalen, Michael E., and Paul E. Minnis: Casas Maya, reviewed by Erick T. Rochette, 499 Grandes and Its Hinterland: Prehistoric Regional Montgomery, John: How to Read Maya Hieroglyphs, Organization in Northwest Mexico, reviewed by reviewed by David F. Mora-Marin, 362 Stephen A. Kowalewski, 104 N Whittington, E. Michael (editor): The Sport and Life Navarrete, Federico, and Guilhem Olivier (editors): and Death: The Mesoamerican Ballgame, El héroe entre el mito y la historia, reviewed by reviewed by Marcello A. Canuto, 105 Blanca Maldonado, 500

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