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Latest theory developments for top pair production, generators and showering 6 1 0 2 r a M Emanuele Re∗ RudolfPeierlsCentreforTheoreticalPhysics, 8 1 UniversityofOxford,1KebleRoad,Oxford,UK ] Laboratoired’Annecy-le-VieuxdePhysiqueTheorique(LAPTh), h 9chemindeBellevue,Annecy-le-Vieux,France† p - E-mail: [email protected] p e h I summarize the state of the art of cross-section computations and of available simulation tools [ for top-quark pair production in hadron collisions. Particular emphasis is put on recent theory 2 v developmentsrelevantforLHCphenomenology. 7 4 6 3 0 . 1 0 6 1 : v i X r a 8thInternationalWorkshoponTopQuarkPhysics 14-18September,2015 Ischia,Italy Speaker. ∗ †currentaddress (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives4.0InternationalLicense(CCBY-NC-ND4.0). http://pos.sissa.it/ Latesttheorydevelopmentsfortoppairproduction,generatorsandshowering EmanueleRe 1. Introduction Top Physics is a central part of the LHC Physics programme, as shown for instance by the variety of topics and results presented at this conference. The large value of the cross sections to produce top quarks at the LHC allows an experimentally accurate extraction of its properties. On the other hand, the final state arising from its decay products makes top-quark production processes a background for several BSM searches. For these reasons it is extremely important to have predictions for total and differential cross sections that are precise enough to match the experimental accuracy. It is also crucial to model as accurately as possible subleading effects by includinghigher-ordercorrectionsintoeventgeneratorprograms. In this paper I review the state of the art of computations and simulation tools for top-quark pairproduction,thatisthedominantmechanismforproducingtopquarksattheLHC.Insection2 Ifocusonresultsfortotalanddifferentialcrosssectionsatpartonlevel,whereassection3reviews thecurrentresearchactivitydevotedtotheimprovementofsimulationtools. 2. Recentimprovementsinthecomputationoftotalanddifferentialcrosssections In this section I will first summarize recent highlights in the computation of the tt¯total and differentialcrosssectionsinQCD(sec.2.1-2.2). Inthelastpart(sec.2.3)Igivethestateoftheart forfullydifferentialpredictionswheretopquarkdecayproductsareincluded. 2.1 Fixedorderresults A landmark result for top quark Physics at the LHC 1111....77775555 CCCCzzzzaaaakkkkoooonnnn,,,, HHHHeeeeyyyymmmmeeeessss,,,, MMMMiiiittttoooovvvv ((((2222000011115555)))) NNLO wasobtainedbytheauthorsofref.[1],thathavecomputed NLO 1111....5555 for the first time the exact next-to-next-to-leading order LO (tTbiNaohtNneivsLσeetOorset)e,sruQuieslCtsisn,Dgswhtciohtowherrsgeaucobftoaitodirranlcoystvigtoeoornlotashdpcehcaoetmomntvoaeenlrpgignreeucnslneuccneseitrvoetdefaiticnhnrteoyrspesbfe.arst[neu2dcr]s--. d/dp [pb/GeV]d/dp [pb/GeV]d/dp [pb/GeV]d/dp [pb/GeV]σσσσT,tT,tT,tT,t 01 01 01 010..0..0..0...7 2.7 2.7 2.7 25515551555155515 PPPPmMµmMµmMµmMµFFFFP P P P tStStStS,,,,====→→→→TTTTRRRR1111WWWW//// 77772222mmmmtttt33330000ttttt-t-t-t-....0000∈∈∈∈++++33338888{{{{XXXX 0000GGGG....eeee5555VVVV,,,,1111,,,,2222}}}} whengoingfromoneordertothenextone. Theagreement 0000....22225555 betweentheoryanddataisalsoremarkablygood,asshown 0000 0000 55550000 111100000000 111155550000 222200000000 222255550000 333300000000 333355550000 444400000000 insevDeirfafelrteanlktisaaltdtihstirsibcuotniofenrsenfocre.tt¯productionarenowalso NNLO/NLO 011. ..9112 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 known at NNLO in QCD. They were first published for 1.6 the forward backward top asymmetry in ref. [3], and, very NLO/LO 011. ..8124 recently, for other (more exclusive) observables [4]. The 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 pT,t [GeV] importance of the latter results can not be underestimated. Figure 1: The top quark transverse NNLO/NLOdifferentialKfactorsaregenerallynotflat, as momentum at LO, NLO and NNLO, illustrated for instance the plot in fig. 1, where it is shown and the associated K-factors (LHC, thatNNLOcorrectionschangesizeablytheshapeofthetop √S=8TeV).Figurefromref.[4]. quark p spectrum.1 In the tail region several studies by T ATLASandCMShaveshownanunsatisfactoryagreementbetweendataandNLO-matchedevent 1Ithastobenoticedthough,thatafixedrenormalizationandfactorizationscaleisusedintheseresults. 2 Latesttheorydevelopmentsfortoppairproduction,generatorsandshowering EmanueleRe generators, with the latter overshooting the measured cross section. By including NNLO correc- tions, the agreement is significantly improved, as also shown in ref. [4]. An important refinement ofthesedifferentialresultswillbeitscombinationwiththeNNLOdifferentialcomputationofthe topdecay,thatwasperformedinrefs.[5,6]. For completeness I also recall that significant progress towards the computation of NNLO QCD corrections to total and differential tt¯cross sections was also made by other groups [7, 8]. Forinstancethecrosssectiondσ/dpT,tt¯forthetransversemomentumofthetoppairisnowknown inthesmall p limitatthenext-to-next-to-leadinglogarithmicorder[9,10]: stepstowardsagener- T alizationofthe“q -subtraction”methodtoperformaNNLOcomputationwithcoloredfinalstates T havestartedtobetaken[8],thankstotheavailabilityoftheseresults. 2.2 All-orderresults When thett¯system is produced just above threshold, effects due to multiple soft-gluon radi- ation become relevant. In this phase-space region large logarithmically-enhanced corrections of the form αnlogmX appear, where X is a kinematic function that vanishes when the tt¯system is s s s produced exactly at threshold. Thanks to factorization properties of phase space and production matrixelementsinthesoftregion(thelatterbeingnottrivialfortt¯duetocolorflow),theperturba- tive expansion can be reorganized suitably, by computing systematically the log-enhanced terms, andresummingthemtoallorders. Several groups performed soft-gluon threshold resummation at next-to-next-to-leading loga- rithmic (NNLL) accuracy [11, 12, 13, 14, 15], using different formalisms and different functional formsforX ,andinonecasealsoresummingCoulombeffects[14]. NNLLresummationhasalso s been matched to the exact NNLO computation mentioned in sec. 2.1: this accuracy represent the stateoftheartforσ ,andisavailableinpubliccodesasTOP++[1]andTOPiXS[16]. tot Resummedresultscanalsobeusedtoguessthesizeofthefirstunknowntermatfixedorder: until the exact NNLO result was available, approximate NNLO results have been computed by severalgroups. Nowadaysthenaturaldevelopmentistotryandcomputeσ atapproximateN3LO. tot Thishasbeenachieved,usingdifferentapproaches,inref.[17],aswellasinref.[18](inthelatter paper,high-energyresummationwasusedtogetherwiththresholdresummation). 2.3 Fullydifferentialcomputations,includingtop-quarkdecays Since top quarks can not be detected, σ and differential distributions for stable top quarks tot can not be directly compared with data without some extrapolation. In this respect, differential resultsthatincludealsothefinalstatedecayproductsareoffundamentalimportance,andarealso a central ingredient for the latest developments of modern event generators, to be discussed in sec. 3. The more accurate fixed-order results for describing the fully exclusive final state arising from“toppair”productionanddecayarethosepresented,awhileago,inrefs.[19,20,21,22,23]. Despitetherebeingdifferencesamongthecomputations, allthesepapersessentiallycontainfully differentialNLOresultsfortheprocess2 pp W+W bb¯,wherealloffshellnesseffectsaswellas − → interference among double-, singly- and non-resonant diagrams are taken into account exactly up 2ThroughoutthedocumentwiththisnotationitisimpliedthatleptonicW decaysareincluded. 3 Latesttheorydevelopmentsfortoppairproduction,generatorsandshowering EmanueleRe to NLO in QCD. A remarkable result was recently obtained in ref. [24], where the same effects werealsocomputedatNLOfortheprocess pp W+W bb¯+1jet. − → Itisworthstressingthattwooftheaforementionedcomputations(namely[22]and[23])were performedinthe“4-flavor”scheme, i.e. thebquarksareconsideredmassive, henceresultsarefi- nitealsointhelimitofvanishing p forone(orboth)bquarks(aswellasforunresolvedb-tagged T jets). Thereforethesecomputationsallowacleancomparisonamongtheorypredictions(atNLO) anddatafortheexperimentalsignaturetraditionallycalled“single-topWt”production: sincearbi- trarycutscanbesafelyplacedonbjets, consistentresultscanbeobtainedforthesamefinalstate detected experimentally (2 b-tagged jets vs. e.g. 1 b-tag and 1 b-veto), thereby avoiding the am- biguities intrinsically present when a separation between top-pair andWt production is attempted theoretically. Anexperimentalanalysisdedicatedtoa comparisonamongthesecomputationsand datawouldcertainlybeveryvaluable. 3. Recentimprovementsineventgenerators Fully exclusive Monte Carlo event generators based on parton-shower algorithms are used ubiquitously in experimental searches, hence their importance for LHC phenomenology doesn’t need to be stressed in this short review. A substantial step to improve the accuracy of these simulation tools has been made more than a decade ago, when methods to consistently match NLO QCD computations with parton showers algorithms were devised (NLO+PS). Since then, an enormous progress took place in this field: all important processes of the type pp tt¯+X → can be simulated at NLO+PS, thanks to the developments of fully- or partially-automated frame- works [25, 26, 27, 28, 29]. Among them, MadGraph5_aMC@NLO [26] deserves to be specially mentioned, being it the only one which is currently fully automated in the strictest sense. For otherframeworks,ifaspecificprocessofinterestisnotpubliclyavailable,itsNLO+PSsimulation can be obtained with minor efforts, by linking against external codes (typically, to obtain 1-loop amplitudes with large multiplicity). Nowadays this can be done straightforwardly, using standard interfacesdevelopedspecificallyforthispurpose[30,31]. There are currently two very active research topics in the community of Monte Carlo de- velopers that are relevant for top pair production at hadron colliders: the consistent inclusion of offshellnesseffectsinpresenceofintermediateresonancesdecayingintocoloredparticles,andthe merging of NLO+PS simulations for different jet multiplicities. I will review them in turn, with particularemphasisontheformer. 3.1 Simulationof pp W+W bb¯ atNLO+PSaccuracy − → Beforeturningtotheexplanationofthetheoreticalissuespresentlyaddressedbythecommu- nity, I want to recall that a major application where a NLO+PS simulation of of pp W+W bb¯ − → can have an impact is in the determination of the top mass, at least for the techniques where the kinematicsofvisibleparticlesfromtop-decayisusedforthispurpose(see[32]forarecentreview). TheproblemwiththesimulationofW+W bb¯ productioncanbestatedasfollows: unlessspe- − cial care is taken, when NLO correction to the decay are included in NLO+PS tools, the interme- diate top-quark virtuality is not preserved. If this happens, non-physical distortion can potentially 4 Latesttheorydevelopmentsfortoppairproduction,generatorsandshowering EmanueleRe show up in kinematic distributions. Although there are issues also with the MC@NLO method (see forinstance[33]),fromthispointonwardI’llfocusonthePOWHEGapproach. Before entering into details, a remark is due: it is legitimate to ask whether the issues dis- cussedbelowarereallyrelevantforpracticalpurposes,especiallybecauseNLO+PSresultsforthe W+W bb¯ final state (with offshellness and interference effects) were obtained with PowHel in − ref. [34], and no particular problems were noticed by the authors. The definitive answer can only be given by developing more refined tools and performing careful comparisons among them and againstolderapproaches. ThePOWHEG“masterformula”togeneratearesolvedemissionreads R(Φ ,Φ ) (cid:20) (cid:90) R(Φ ,Φ ) (cid:21) dσ =dΦ dΦ B¯(Φ ) B rad exp B rad dΦ . (3.1) B rad B rad B(Φ ) − B(Φ ) B B The concept of “underlying Born” phase space (Φ ) is central in POWHEG, and we assume the B reader to be familiar with it: once a point in Φ is picked, according to the weight B¯, the hardest B emission (a point in (Φ ,Φ )) is generated according to the POWHEG Sudakov. The mapping B rad Φ (Φ ,Φ )isthesameastheoneusedtoperformthesubtractionofsingularitiespresentin B B rad → theRtermcontainedwithintheB¯function,anditdependsonthesingularregionathand[35]. Two problemsarepresent:3 1. In the standard POWHEG BOX algorithm, the phase space region associated to final-state gluon emission off the b-quark would be handled by a mapping that, in general, does not preserve the virtuality of the intermediate resonance, i.e. m2 (Φ )=m2 (Φ ,Φ ). The Wb B (cid:54) Wbg B rad problem is manifest: unless m2 Γ E , R and B will not be on the resonance peak at the bg (cid:28) t bg same time, hence the ratio R/B can become large when R is on peak and B is not, yielding a“Sudakovsuppression”thatisspurious,sincethe(Φ ,Φ )kinematicswouldbefarfrom B rad the true QCD singularity. Quantitatively, one expects the mass profile of the b-jet to be distortedwhenm2 E Γ . jet b t ∼ 2. Afurtherproblemcanariseduringtheparton-showeringstage: fromthesecondemissionon- ward,theshowershouldbeinstructedtopreservethemassoftheresonances. Thiscouldbe doneeasilyiftherewasanuniquemechanismto“assign”theradiationtoagivenresonance. Forprocesseswhereinterferenceispresent,noobviouschoiceispossible. An intermediate solution to the previous issues was presented in ref. [36], where a fully con- sistentNLO+PSsimulationforW+W bb¯ productioninthenarrow-widthlimitwasobtained. Off- − shellenssandinterferenceeffectswereimplementedinanapproximateway,asfollows: a. Byusingmatrixelementsinthenarrow-widthlimit,realandvirtualcorrectionsforproduc- tion and decay can be clearly separated, i.e. no interference arises. This also allows for a non-ambiguous“resonanceassignment”forfinal-stateradiation. b. For radiation in the decay, Φ is generated by first boosting momenta in the resonance rad rest-frame. Inthisway,theintermediatevirtualityisthesameforΦ and(Φ ,Φ ). rad B rad 3Extendedexplanationscanbefoundinrefs.[36,37]. 5 Latesttheorydevelopmentsfortoppairproduction,generatorsandshowering EmanueleRe c. Thephasespaceintegration, andtheeventgeneration, spans also overtheoff-shellregions. Aprojectionontoanon-shellkinematics,testedextensively,allowstousetheNLOon-shell amplitudes(computedinrefs.[38,39]). d. From the off-shell phase space, a reweighting of the B¯ function is performed using the LO exactresults(wherefinitewidthandnon-double-resonantdiagramsarefullyincluded). The above expedients allow the construction of a NLO+PS generator where the theoretical problems V] 10−1 prod+decay e prodonly G mentioned above are solved, and offshellness effects b/ 10−2 p [ adrreesisnecdl:udbeyddeafpapurlotxiinmPaOteWlyH.EGAofnulrythtehreihssaurdeewstaesmaids-- md+ljB 10−3 / sion is generated. However, for the tt¯ process, emis- σd 10−4 1.1 sions from decay are rarely the hardest, hence they o would be dealt with by the shower most of the time, rati 1 0.9 despite the previous improvements. In ref. [36] a pro- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 ceduretokeep,atthesametime,theinitialstateradia- ml+jB [GeV] tionaswellasthosefromdecayingresonanceswasim- Figure 2: Invariant mass distribution of plemented, to alleviate the aforementioned issue. An the charged lepton and b-flavored jet at NLO+PS including correction for produc- exampleoftheresultsisillustratedinfig.2,wherethe tion only or for production and decay impact of the new POWHEG BOX generator is shown (LHC, √S=8 TeV), with the method de- on an “endpoint” observable typically used to extract scribed in ref. [36]. Figure adapted from m . t ref.[36]. Finally, I want to mention that, shortly after the conference,furthersubstantialprogresswaspresentedinref.[37]. Amethodtohandleexactlythe completematrixelementsalsoatNLOwasdeveloped,bypartiallyusingsomeoftheimprovements inref.[36]butalsogeneralizingsubstantiallythepartitionofphasespaceintosingularregionsand theassociatedsubtractionscheme. Althoughresultswerepublishedonlyforsingle-top,themethod isfullygeneral,anditsapplicationtoW+W bb¯ isinprogress[40]. − 3.2 MultijetmergingatNLO At large collision energies, a significant fraction of tt¯events is produced in association with one or more jets. At times a tool describing several jet multiplicities in a single event sample is needed. Atypicalexampleiswhen“H ”variablesareused,asisoftenthecaseinBSMsearches. T The CKKW-L and MLM-merging methods succesfully address this issue at LO. Since this accuracywillbecomealimitingfactorforprecisionstudies,itisdesirabletoextendthesemethods to NLO (“NLOPS multijet merging”). Reaching such accuracy is a non-trivial theoretical chal- lenge, since it requires a detailed understanding of the interplay among resummation and fixed ordereffectsinNLO+PSsimulations. Severalapproacheswereproposedintheliteratureoverthe lastthreeyears. Inthecontextoftop-pairproduction,sofarresultswerepublishedonlyusingthe MEPS@NLO[41]andFxFx[42]mergingmethods.4 ThemeasurementofQCDactivityintt¯events 4Phenomenological studies performed by the original authors can also be found in refs. [43, 44] and ref. [26]. Moreoverathoroughcomparisonwhereotherapproachesarealsoincludedwillbepresentedintheproceedingsofthe 2015“PhysicsatTeVColliders”workshop[45]. 6 Latesttheorydevelopmentsfortoppairproduction,generatorsandshowering EmanueleRe will allow to test these tools against data in “SM dominated” regions, thereby providing a robust assessmentoftheaccuracythatcanbeassumedwhentheyareusedforBSMsearches. References [1] M.Czakon,P.FiedlerandA.Mitov,Phys.Rev.Lett.110,252004(2013) [2] M.Czakon,Phys.Lett.B693,259(2010) [3] M.Czakon,P.FiedlerandA.Mitov,Phys.Rev.Lett.115,no.5,052001(2015) [4] M.Czakon,D.HeymesandA.Mitov,arXiv:1511.00549[hep-ph]. 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