Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya An International News Magazine of Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam (Lahore) USA P.O. Box 3370, Dublin, Ohio 43016 U.S.A. Phone 614-873-1030 • Fax: 614-873-1022 Email: [email protected] • Website: Vol. 2016-2 July 2015 –June 2016 Arabic Translation of Maulana Muhammad Ali’s English Commentary of the Holy Quran is Complete See story, page 5 Inside: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Parliament of World Religions . . . . . . . . 18 Last Address of the Late Hazrat Ameer, . . Inter-Religious Conference . . . . . . . . . . 22 Dr. Saeed Ahmad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Visit to India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Arabic Translation of Holy Quran . . . . . 5 Work in Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Distribution of German Holy Quran . . 10 Work in Philippines, Singapore and Local Activities of the USA Jama’at . . . 11 Thailand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2015 Annual Convention . . . . . . . . . . 14 News from Kyrgyzstan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 2 BASHARAAT AHMADIYYA NEWS — July 2015 –June 2016 Editorial HIS BASHAARAAT ISSUE DOCUMENTS society into a just and peace-loving At home in the USA, Jama’at many significant events. Perhaps the people. The intent of the symposium members Fazeel S Khan, Dr. Muham- T most important of these, and one was to remove the misconception mad Ahmad and Lubna Ahmad re- which will, inshallah, have a far that the Holy Prophet waged aggres- main involved in educating people reaching impact in the Arabic speak- sive war and preached violence, and about Islam locally, by participating ing Muslim world, is the publication to show how he fostered brother- in activities such as lecturing about of the Arabic translation of the Eng- hood and peace among the warring Islam to church groups, attending lish commentary in Maulana Arabian tribes, and how by following monthly spiritual sharing interfaith Muhammad Ali’s Monumental his example, nations may find solu- programs, and participating in pro- work, the English translation of the tions to the problems of war and grams for prisoner rehabilitation. Holy Quran. conflict in our time. Fazeel is regularly invited by Muslim The strife and bloodshed occur- By the Grace of Almighty Allah. student organizations to give talks ring in the middle east is due in part We have duplicated this symposium on Islamic issues in universities and to a wrong interpretation of the Holy in the Philippines and Egypt; it has by University Professors to lecture Quran and Hadith which promotes been a huge success in both places. about Islam to their students. Fazeel war and hatred; Maulana Muham- 0ur printing and translation proj- also participates in a book club group mad Ali’s enlightened commentary ects are on track. Our project to do- where he is the resource person on is crucial in countering and dis- nate the Holy Quran and the Religion Islamic subjects. pelling this toxic ideology. of Islam free to professors and li- Fazeel maintains close ties with In a similar vein, the 2015 con- braries throughout the world con- other Muslim organizations locally vention of the USA jamaat with its tinues with the recent free distribu- and nationally. Personal contact and symposium theme, True Portrait of tion of the Holy Quran in Germany. friendship is extremely important as the Holy Prophet Muhammad,was very The USA Jama’at continues to it allows us to aquaint them with our timely. It showed how the exemplary project the peaceful and spiritual view of Islam and help them realize character of the Holy Prophet and teachings of the Lahore Ahmadiyya that we present a most appealing and the teachings of the Holy Quran Movement in international forums attractive picture of Islam transformed an immoral and violent such as the World Parliament of Re- One bonus of attending the Lon- ligions Convention in Salt Lake City, don Book Fair was interaction be- Utah by exhibiting its literature and tween us and members of the Qadian by speaking at interfaith seminars in Ahmadiyya Jama’at who had an ad- Editor: Dr Noman Malik Paris France. joining booth in the book display Director/Treasurer, USA Jamaat We thank Almighty Allah for ded- section. This led to a year-long Circulation: A.A.I.I.L. U.S.A. icated workers like Mrs. Samina Ma- friendly and amicable e-mail Production: MEGG Enterprises lik. She single handedly manages the exchange between Fazeel and an News, letters and views are wel- Translation and Publication projects official representative of the Qadian come, and should be sent to: of the USA Jama’at and is responsible Ahmadiyya Jama’at regarding the The Editor, for attendance at book fairs at home Qadian Jama’at belief that Hazrat Basharaat-e-Ahmadiyya and abroad. She is responsible for Mirza Sahib claimed to be a prophet P.O. Box 3370 Dublin, OH 43016 U.S.A. maintaining contact with non-Ah- after the Holy Prophet Muhammad. Phone 614-873-1030 madi organizations in other coun- The exchange was approved and Fax 614-873-1022 tries where she initiates and arranges sanctioned by Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Website joint conferences and supplies them the Khalifa of the Qadian Jama’at. E-mail [email protected] with free literature. Fazeel’s masterful replies are excellent July 2015 –June 2016 — BASHARAAT AHMADIYYA NEWS 3 explanations and clarifications of the prophethood to Hazrat Mirza Sahib. in the form of the invaluable litera- issue of Prophethood. He clearly We will, inshallah, publish this ex- ture produced by Hazrat Mirza shows by quotations from Hazrat change as a booklet. Ghulam Ahmad and our elders such Mirza Sahib’s writings how a wrong We thank Almighty Allah in all as Maulana Muhammad Ali. May interpretation of Hazrat Mirza Sahib’s humility for the opportunities that Almighty Allah Grant us the strength use of the word prophet by Qadian He gives us to serve His Religion, and and patience to fulfill our commit- Jama’at has led to attributing for providing us the means to do so ment to the Faith. Ameen! Last Address of the Late Hazrat Ameer, Dr. Saeed Ahmad of blessed memory Introduced by Samina Malik N THE OCCASION OF THE ANNUAL and in view of the circumstances of Convention of the USA jamaat my poor health, which are well O By samina Malik known to my friends, I had expressed my inability to comply It was customary for the USA jamaat to with the request. However, so pro- request the late hazrat Ameer, Dr. Saeed found was their insistence that I was Ahmad (affectionately known as Jaanji) left with no other choice but to give to send them a message which was read in to their loving and affectionate out to the attendees on the occasion of pressure. their Annual convention and sympo- Instead of writing out a lengthy sium each year. The message reproduced message, I have decide to write a few below was his last before his passing verses of the Holy Quran and convey away in 1996. their meanings as is applicable to the Jaanji is the person who inspired me prevailing global situation. and the rest of the USA jamaat directors 13:31 And if there could be a Qurån to get involved in the publication, trans- with which the mountains were made lation and spread of the Holy Quran to pass away, or the earth were cloven and our other jamaat literature. give us the strength and ability to asunder, or the dead were made to speak achieve this goal. Just as Maulana Muhammad Ali in his — nay, the commandment is wholly sole recording, a short jumma khutba, My Dear Brothers and Sisters Allåh’s. Do not those who believe know laid out succinctly and clearly the objec- Assalamo Aliakum wa Rahmatullahi that, if Allåh please, He would certainly tive of the jamaat’s existence and the was Barakatuhu guide all the people? And as for those means of obtaining it, so does Jaanji do The USA Jamaat have once again who disbelieve, disaster will not cease the same in this short address. May asked me to send a message to be to afflict them because of what they do, Almighty Allah, the most Merciful read at their convention. Consider- or it will alight close by their abodes, Grant Jaanji a place in Paradise and ing the arduous nature of the task until the promise of Allah come to pass. 4 BASHARAAT AHMADIYYA NEWS — July 2015 –June 2016 Surely Allah will not fail in (His) prom- the teachings of Islam to every nook guered early Muslims of yesteryears. ise. and cranny of the World as was done We therefore have every reason to be This first verse which I have by the early followers of Islam both hopeful once again of receiving the selected is the thirty first verse of during and after the life the Holy great good fortune from Allah, but Surah Al Rad Chapter 13 ( The Thun- Prophet ( peace and blessing of Allah the same, as has been pointed out in der) be upon him) these verses shall only be granted to Al Rad was revealed to the Holy 41:33 And who is better in speech those who do good, repel evil and Prophet (peace and Blessing of Allah than one who calls to Allah and does are patient. be upon him) in the last Meccan good, and says: I am surely of those I am convinced that our jamaat is period. While the first part of the who submit? qualified to spread the Light of Islam verse contains a reference to the 41:34 And not alike are the good and to dispel the gloom and magnitude of the opposition which and the evil. Repel (evil) with what is darkness which is apparently en - is likened to a Mountain that con- best, when lo! he between whom and com passing the entire World. I am fronted Islam and Muslims in those thee is enmity would be as if he were a fully satisfied with the endeavors of days, the latter part bears a promise warm friend. my friends in North Armerica, who that all obstacles would be removed 41:35 And none is granted it but have within a short span of time and the spiritually dead opponents those who are patient, and none is done so much to deliver the message would be transformed into devout granted it but the owner of a mighty of Islam all over the World. Those of believers. And indeed, as was wit- good fortune. you who are actively involved in this nessed by the whole world, not only This Surah Ha Mim (Chapter 41) stupendous work should have the the entire Arabia within the life time was also revealed at Mecca when satisfaction and be grateful to Allah of the Holy Prophet (peace in bless- opposition to the Holy Prophet for being among the chosen ones ings of Allah be upon Him) but also (peace and blessing of Allah be upon referred to by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam the entire world from China in the him) was very bitter and severe per- Ahmad Shaib, the founder of the east to Spain in the west responded secution which culminated in their Ahmadiyya Movement, in the fol- to the call of Islam within a hundred first flight to Abyssinia had begun. lowing words in his book Izala-e- years after his death. Circumstances of the Muslims today Auham: My dear friends, the hurdles con- closely those at the time of the early “… Therefore I suggest that fronting the Muslims today surpass Makkan period; perhaps only the instead of these preachers, we all times hitherto fore in their grav- tormentors and tormented have should send literature of a high stan- ity. I find in this verse a glimmer of changed. dard to these (Western) countries. If hope for Islam. But to achieve this These verses of Surah Hamim are my jamaat helps me heart and soul, miracle, we will have to strive to the thus as much a source of comfort for I wish to produce a commentary of utmost in spreading the Quran and us today as they were for our belea- the Holy Quran, and get it translated into English, and send it to these people (of the West). But I must Muhammad in strongly emphasize that such a work is a task that shall be achieved by World Scriptures myself and by none other except myself, or by one who is an offshoot of mine and is thus included in me”. By Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi My dear brother and sisters, I end this message with my earnest prayers Translated into french by for your long and prosperous life Taslim-ul-Mahmud, this adds and for this Convention to succeed to our growing list of titles by in every sense of the word. May renowned Muslim authors Allah Bless you all Ameen! we have published in French. Dr. Saeed Ahmad President, Ahmadiyya Anjuman [email protected] Ishaat Islam Lahore July 2015 –June 2016 — BASHARAAT AHMADIYYA NEWS 5 Alhamdulillah! Arabic Translation of Maulana Muhammad Ali’s English Commentary of the Holy Quran is Complete It is with great thankfulness to Almighty Allah and with abundant happiness that the USA Jama’at announces the completion of the Arabic translation of Maulana Muhammad Ali’s English Commentary (Tafsir) of the Holy Quran. This epoch-making translation has been a labor of love for Professor Hussein Ali, PhD, Head of the Translation Department at American University of Cairo, Egypt. Dr. Hussein was eminently qualified for this monumental task, and his sincerity of faith and dedication to the religion of Islam has been evident throughout this process. May Allah, the Most High, bless and reward him for his efforts. Ameen. The Publisher's Foreword and an abridged version of the speech delivered by Professor Hussein at the USA Jama’at's 2016 Annual Convention are reproduced below: Publisher’s Foreword to the Arabic Translation of the Commentary of the English Translation of the Holy Quran by Maulana Muhammad Ali T IS WITH SINCERE THANKFULNESS AND such as jihad in Islam, the defensive Muhammad Ali’s English commen- utmost gratitude to Almighty Allah, nature of permissible war, religious tary made available in Arabic for the I the Most High, that the USA Jamaat freedom, Women’s rights, the com- benefit of Arabic speaking people. announces the publication of the patibility between religion and The delay in satisfying this need was Arabic translation of the commen- science, etc. In doing so, it illustrated due to the difficulty in finding a per- tary in Maulana Muhammad Ali’s how the Quranic teachings can solve son with the necessary credentials for English translation and commentary the problems besetting mankind undertaking this important task. By of the Holy Quran. today. In 1951, Maulana Muham- the Grace of Almighty Allah, this This monumental work first pub- mad Ali revised the translation and quest ended in 2013 when Mrs. Sam- lished in 1917 was the first English commentary himself, thus further ina Malik found Dr. Hussein Ali, language translation to be widely ensuring the relevancy of the Professor and Head of the Translation available in the West. It projected Quranic teachings in the current Department at the American Univer- the peaceful and tolerant message of post-World War II modern age. sity of Cairo and Associate Professor Islam and removed many miscon- There has been a great demand for of Translation Studies at Helwan Uni- ceptions about important topics a long time to have Maulana versity, to undertake this work. Volume One and Volume Two. Dr. Hussein Ali was eminently Director of the Languages Depart- work in supervising this entire proj- qualified for this work. He obtained ment in 2013. Dr. Ali has labored ect and bringing it to a successful his PhD in Translation Studies in a long and hard on this project to pro- completion in particular. We also joint program between Helwan Uni- duce an excellent translation which note that the costs associated with versity of Egypt and Middlesex does justice to the original. May this translation project and its print- University in UK. He was a Lecturer Almighty Allah bless and reward ing have been funded by Dr. Noman of Translation Studies in the London him for his dedication and hard Malik as sadaqa jaariyah in the Metropolitan University, where he work. names of his late parents. It is our taught literary translation and theo- We would also like to thank earnest prayer to Almighty Allah ries of translation. He also worked as Sheikh Abdul Aziz Najjar of Al- that this commentary increases the a freelance translator for the BBC. Azhar Cairo Egypt for supervising understanding of the Holy Quran Upon returning to Egypt, he joined the review of the Hadith references amongst the masses so as to bring the American University in Cairo as in the commentary. Last but not about a spiritual healing resulting in the Program Manager of the Transla- least, we would like to thank Mrs. peace to all humanity. tion Program in 2011. He Samina Malik for her continued ded- subsequently held the posts of the ication to the Lahore Ahmadiyya The Publishers, Director of the Arabic and Transla- Islamic Society’s translation projects June 2016 tion Studies in 2012, and then in general, and for her exemplary July 2015 –June 2016 — BASHARAAT AHMADIYYA NEWS 7 Reflections on my translation of Maulana Muhammad Ali’s Commentary in his English Translation in the Holy Quran By Professor Hussein Ali NTHENAMEOFALLAH, THEBENEFICENT, the Holy Prophet. However, I could extremely busy and could barely the Merciful. not understand why these commen- find time for my own readings, I I Allah will exalt those of you who taries contained so many stories, agreed. She said she wanted it trans- believe and those of you who are some even contradicting one lated within one year. For me, with given knowledge to high ranks. And another, when it came to interpret- my busy schedule this was not pos- Allah is aware of what you do. And ing certain verses. Some were even sible, and so, I thought perhaps above everyone possessed of knowl- childlike and fantastical such as Allah did not want me to do that edge is the All Knowing. those related about the “compan- work. I was about to decline, but she, ions of the cave” and “Gog and as if she could almost read my mind, There is no god but Allah, the Lord Magog”. continued “but there is no problem of the Mighty Throne, the Lord of At that time, I gave up reading if it takes more than one year.” the heavens and Lord of the earth. any more interpretations. Also at That lady was Mrs. Samina Malik May peace be upon the Holy that time, secular humanists and whom I like to call Mother Samina, Prophet Muhammed, the seal of freethinkers grew in number and vis- who was speaking earlier today. She prophets, whom Allah has sent ibility in Egypt. They began to cast is indeed an inspiring person, and with the final message to mankind. doubt on everything religious. I was she inspired me in many of the confused for a while, and I could not things I do in my life. She came to Three years ago, I started the find any logical answers when argu- my office looking for a translator, translation of the commentary of ing with my freethinker colleagues. and spent fifteen minutes with me, the Holy Quran by Maulana In addition, terrorism and violence but by the time she departed, she left Muhammad Ali. Two years prior to in the Muslim world worsened the behind her a great deal of inspiration that, I had been studying most of the situation as Islam was accused of and love. She left behind her a man well-known Quran interpretations being violent. praying to God to take him closer to such as Ibn Kathir, Qurtubi, However I never lost my faith in the truth. Working on that transla- Zamakhshari etc., and I want to relay Allah; I never stopped reading the tion has indeed taken me many my impression about these interpre- Holy Quran, but I was praying every steps closer to the truth, to the Holy tations; in other words, what I liked day to find answers to the questions Quran, to life and to myself. about them and what I did not. raised all the time by secular human- As a person who works in the field There is no doubt that these inter- ists who tried to cast doubt on the of education and as a linguist, I find pretations were very useful, and they Holy Message of Quran. myself consciously and uncon- helped my understanding of the While I was trying to find my way sciously analyzing how people Quran, particularly when it came to out of the darkness of doubt, I process information. And I want to vocabulary which is not originally received a telephone call from a lady tell you something about education Arabic. In addition, these interpreta- who asked to meet me. She came the in Egypt, maybe the whole Arab tions cited many of the Holy next day to my university and met world. In fact, in the Egyptian edu- Prophet’s Hadith which were origi- with me for fifteen minutes. She cational system, we focus more on nally said to explain some verses. asked me if I would be willing to rote acquiring of knowledge rather More importantly still, they translate Maulana Muhammad Ali’s than on developing skills. Therefore, explained some of the occasions on Commentary of the Holy Quran into you find people who memorize which certain verses were revealed to Arabic. Although at that time I was Quran interpretation by heart. They 8 BASHARAAT AHMADIYYA NEWS — July 2015 –June 2016 think that there is some authority attempt to evaluate or examine Middle Ages as the final word on springing from their knowledge, and them critically is taken as heresy. the interpretation of the Holy for them as well as for many people This introduction cannot be com- Qur’an is very injurious and prac- particularly when it comes to the plete without referring to Maulana tically shuts out the great Holy Quran interpretation, skills like Muhammed Ali’s approach in his treasures of knowledge which an analyzing, criticizing, evaluating etc. commentaries. He writes in the exposition of the Holy Book in do not have any value or merit. For introduction to his Quran transla- the new light reveals. A study of them, it is simply knowing that mat- tion: the old commentators, to ignore ters rather than knowing how and whose great labor would indeed why. As a result, they looked at the “I must add that the present be a sin, also shows how freely interpretations of the Holy Quran as tendency of Muslim theologians they commented upon the Holy sacred writings themselves. Any to regard the commentaries of the Book. The great service which Dr Hussein Aly and Samina holding Volume one and two of the Holy Quran at the USA Convention. July 2015 –June 2016 — BASHARAAT AHMADIYYA NEWS 9 they have done to the cause of sounds safe and logical; however; it My work on this translation was Truth would indeed have been makes the meaning shallow and indeed a blessing from Allah. It lost to the world if they had restricts critical thinking and creativ- helped me to understand what I looked upon their predecessors as ity on the part of the reader in could not understand from Arabic uttering the final word on the comprehending the Holy Text. religious literature. In reading many exposition of the Holy Qur’an, as The only translation, I may claim, Arabic books, many people find most theologians do today.” that kept the richness of the spiritu- themselves driven by emotions, ality of the Holy Quran, is Maulana mainly fear and love without criti- Maulana Muhammed Ali did not Muhammad Ali’s. That is due to a cally thinking of what they read. take the final interpretations of pre- number of features that Maulana With Maulana Muhammad Ali’s vious commentators without critical Muhammad Ali introduced in his calm language, readers are encour- thinking. His commentary is in fact translation. First of all, Maulana aged to think while they read. I can training for readers to think criti- Muhammad Ali explains in the claim that this is what we need at cally. The most significant feature of introduction his approach to trans- this time in the Arab world. We have his commentary is that it is written lating the Holy Quran. In the Preface seen the print word as a sacred word in an academic style that keeps a bal- to the Revised Edition, he states for too long, and it is time to read lit- ance between the Holy Quran as a erature, particularly religious, that “I have tried to be more faithful Book of Guidance and the Holy stimulates thinking and creativity. to the Arabic Text than all existing Quran as a Book for contemplation. Maulana Muhammad Ali, follow- English translations. It will be The commentary addresses the ing in the steps of Hazrat Mirza noticed that additional words as mind, the heart and the soul. Ghulam Ahmed, has been a great explaining the sense of the origi- In addition, his commentary is reformer of his age. In his introduc- nal have generally been avoided, multi-faceted. He carries out linguis- tion to the translation, Maulana and where necessary – and these tic analysis to find out the original Muhammad Ali explained that the cases are very few – they are given meaning of words; he uses historical miracle of the Holy Quran cannot be within brackets. Wherever a and geographical evidence to sup- solely explained in light of the ele- departure has been made from the port the meaning; and he uses the gance and purity of language. The ordinary or primary significance Bible to disambiguate and prove that uniqueness in form is indeed accom- of a word, reasons for this depar- Quran is the Final message from panied with uniqueness in impact. ture has been given in a footnote Allah. The Holy Quran has transformed the and authorities have been amply I had the chance in my career to lives of millions of people. With the quoted.” examine various Quran translations: introduction of Maulana Muham- as a scholar, as a supervisor and as a Faithfulness to the Holy Text can- mad Ali’s English Translation and teacher of translation trying to find not be achieved by conveying the Commentary of the Holy Quran, the practical examples to support theo- intended meaning alone, and transformation has reached and still ries of translation that we teach in Maulana Muhammad Ali did not has to reach the lives of many more classes. Taking into consideration find that enough. Instead, Maulana people. The speakers of Arabic are in that the Holy Quran is multi-layered Muhammad Ali gave all necessary need today more than anytime else in meaning, and that its style is too explanations in the footnotes. The for the commentary of Maulana elegant and pure for any translator, explanations are supported by Muhammad Ali. They are in need of I could not find a translation which authorities, references or at least a book that stimulates thinking and is academic enough to support my sound arguments. In addition to the revives spirituality, rather than a views on translation. Most transla- footnotes, Maulana Muhammad Ali book that inspires fear or love. tors realize that Quran translation commenced each Chapter with I have done my best to keep all cannot contain the multi-layered ample introduction explaining the the features and the meaning of the meaning of the Holy Quran. The development of the chapter and the text intact. And I hope the Arabic solution and even the recommenda- relationship among its sections as version motivates people to exert tion of scholars is to convey the well as the relationship between the more effort to study Islam and intended meaning rather than the Chapter and the preceding and the reform the religious Islamic dis- literal meaning. That solution following Chapters. course. 10 BASHARAAT AHMADIYYA NEWS — July 2015 –June 2016 Distribution of the German Holy Quran In Germany by the USA Jama’at LHAMDULILLAH! WEAREVERYHAPPYTOINFORMYOUTHAT United States, South Africa, Australia, Russia and India. 4,000 copies of Maulana Muhammad Ali’s German trans- Arrangements are also being made for their free distribu- A lation and commentary of the Holy Quran have been tion in the UK, France and Italy. distributed free to professors of religion and theology, Maulana Muhammad Ali’s revised 1951 edition of the university and public libraries in Germany. English Translation of the Holy Quran was translated This free distribution is part of the USA Jamaat’s proj- into German by the USA Jamaat twenty years ago. It was ect to distribute free, Maulana Muhammad Ali’s Quran recently revised to conform to the new German spelling translation and his encyclopedic work, Religion of Islam, rules, and advantage was taken at this time to make some to professors of religion and theology, and university and minor revisions to further improve the translation. This public libraries in all countries of the world in whose lan- new edition has been beautifully printed on Bible paper guages we have translated these books. with gold edges. We contracted with a German shipping To date, by the Grace of Almighty Allah, the books company to pack and ship the Holy Qurans. have been distributed free in the We are very grateful to the Holland Stichting Jamaat and Mr. Shabbier Hoeseni for assistance in arranging for the distribution of these books. DER HEILIGE KORÅN adMdrre. ssSehs aobf bpireor feHssooersse annid hlieblrpaerdie s uasn dt oto ofibntda ian s htihpe- ping company, and Mr. Dost Mohamed, President of the Stichting Ahmadiyya Jamaat, facilitated us bring- ing the Quran shipment into the European common market. Mr. Dost Mohamed also very kindly offered us the facilities of the Stichting Jamaat center for packing and shipping the German Holy Quran, but on further investigation, it was decided that it would be more convenient and efficient to use a German shipping company. The response from professors and librarians has been very heartening. They have expressed their thanks and admiration for the copies received, mit Deuuntds cKheorm Ümbeenrtsaertzung afnodr D tshro.e mNire oc mohlaalvenae g Maulaeslosi.k r ,e bqouaersdte md eamddbietrio onfa tlh ceo UpiSeAs Jamaat, has borne all expenses for printing and shipping the German Holy Quran as sadaqa Jaariya for his late parents Mr. Ijaz Malik and Mrs. Nasra Malik. May Almighty Allah Bless and Reward all Maulana Muhammad Ali tjhihoasde .who are participating in this great Ameen!