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Lecture Notes in Statistics 120 Edited by P. Bickel, P. Diggle, S. Fienberg, K. Krickeberg, I. OIkin, N. Wermuth, S. Zeger Springer New York Berlin Heidelberg Barcelona Budapest Hong Kong London Milan Paris Santa Clara Singapore Tokyo Maia Berkane Editor Latent Variable Modeling and Applications to Causality , Springer Maia Berkane Department of Mathematics Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 CIP data available. Printed on acid-free paper. II:> 1997 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, etc., in this publication, even if the former are not especially identified, is not to be taken as a sign that such names, as understood by the Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act, may accordingly be used freely by anyone. Camera ready copy provided by the editor. 9 876 543 2 I ISBN 0-387-94917-8 Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg SPIN 10490443 Preface This volume gathers refereed papers presented at the 1994 UCLA conference on "La tent Variable Modeling and Application to Causality." The meeting was organized by the UCLA Interdivisional Program in Statistics with the purpose of bringing together a group of people who have done recent advanced work in this field. The papers in this volume are representative of a wide variety of disciplines in which the use of latent variable models is rapidly growing. The volume is divided into two broad sections. The first section covers Path Models and Causal Reasoning and the papers are innovations from contributors in disciplines not traditionally associated with behavioural sciences, (e.g. computer science with Judea Pearl and public health with James Robins). Also in this section are contri butions by Rod McDonald and Michael Sobel who have a more traditional approach to causal inference, generating from problems in behavioural sciences. The second section encompasses new approaches to questions of model selection with emphasis on factor analysis and time varying systems. Amemiya uses nonlinear factor analysis which has a higher order of complexity associated with the identifiability condi tions. Muthen studies longitudinal hierarchichal models with latent variables and treats the time vector as a variable rather than a level of hierarchy. Deleeuw extends exploratory factor analysis models by including time as a variable and allowing for discrete and ordi nal latent variables. Arminger looks at autoregressive structures and Bock treats factor analysis models for categorical data. Berkane brings differential geometric approaches to covariance structure models and shows how estimation can be improved by use of the different measures of curvatures of of the model. Bentler considers the problem of esti mating factor scores and proposes equivariant estimators as an alternative to conventional methods such as maximum likelihood. Jamshidian and Browne offer new algorithms and computational techniques for parameter estimation. All these contributions present new results not published elsewhere. I believe this volume will provide the readers with opportunities to capture the various connections between techniques, viewpoints and insights that would not be possible otherwise. I would like to thank the following sponsors who made the conference happen through their support and help: The Drug Abuse Research Center, the Cognitive System Labo ratory, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing, the National Research Center for Asian American Mental Health, and the National Science Foundation. Maia Berkane Lexington, MA 1996 Contents Preface Causality and Path Models Embedding Common factors in a Path Model 1 Roderick P. McDonald Measurement, Causation and Local Independence in Latent Variable Models 11 Michael E. Sobel On the Identifiability of Nonparametric Structural Models 29 Judea Pearl Estimating the Causal effects of Time Varying Endogeneous Treatments by G-Estimation of Structural Nested Models 69 James Robins Latent Variables Model as Instruments, with Applications to Moment Structure Analysis 119 Jan de Leeuw Bias and Mean Square Error of the Maximum Likelihood Estimators of the Parameters of the Intraclass Correlation Model 133 Maia Berkane and Peter M. Bentler Latent Variable Growth Modeling with Multilevel Data 149 Bengt Muthen High-Dimensional Full-Information Item Factor Analysis 163 Darrell R. Bock and Steven Shilling Dynamic Factor Models for the Analysis of Ordered Categorical Panel data 177 Gerhard Arminger Model Fitting Procedures for Nonlinear Factor Analysis Using the Errors-in-Variables Parameterization 195 Yasuo Amemiya and Ilker Yalcin Multivariate Regression with Errors in Variables: Issues on Asymptotic Robustness 211 Albert SatorTa Non-Iterative fitting of the Direct Product Model for Multitrait-Multimethod Correlation Matrices 229 Michael E. Browne and H. F. Strydom An EM Algorithm for ML Factor Analysis with Missing Data 247 Mortaza Jamshidian Optimal Conditionally Unbiased Equivariant Factor Score Estimators 259 Peter M. Bentler and Ke-Hai Yuan Embedding common factors in a path model Roderick P. McDonald University of Illinois 1. Introduction In models containing unobservable variables with mUltiple indicators--common factors, true scores--it seems to be common practice not to allow, except in special cases, nonzero covariances of residuals of indicators of the common factors and other variables in the model. Indeed, those models, such as LISREL and LISCOMP, that separate a "measurement" model from a "structural" model, exclude these by their defining matrix structure. Yet it is not at all obvious that such covariances should not be allowed, and it seems desirable to look for some explicit principles to apply to such cases, rather than settle the matter by default. This question will be examined in the context of the reticular action model. The following section sets out some necessary preliminaries from the case of path models without common factors, then section 3 treats the problem of embedding a block of common factors in a path model. Section 4 gives a numerical example. 2. Path models without common factors Let v be a qx1 random vector of observable variables, that is, of variables whose values can be realized in a sampling experiment. We suppose v is so scaled that its expected value is null. A special case of the Reticular Action Model (RAM--see McArdle and McDonald, 1984) may be written as v = Bv+e (1) with Cov{v} = L, (2) Cov{e} = \f, (3) where the elements ~jk' \lfjk' of B, \f are functions of a tx1 vector of parameters. We will refer to the components of e neutrally as error terms. From (1) without further assumptions we have e (I-B)v, (4) and v (I-B) -le. (5) We define . . A [ujkl = (I B) -1, and ~mmed~ately have, further, L (I - B)-l\f(I - B) ,-1 (6) or L A\fA' , (7) and \f A-1LA ,-1. (8) We write <I> Cov{v, e}, 2 and by (3) and (5) we have <I> =A'¥ (9) and <I> =L (I-B) , (10) With the variables (11) or y = BOy + rx + d, (12) following a widely accepted though unnecessary convention that separates variables corresponding to null rows of B in (1) into an mx1 vector x of exogenous variables and the remainder as a p x 1 vector y of endogenous variables. It is easily seen that there is a correspondence between a specification of the structural model (1) and the specification of a path diagram, such that (a) the nodes (vertices) of the diagram correspond to the variables v,," .,v (b) a possibly q, nonzero Bjk corresponds to a directed arc (an arrow) from the node vk to the node Vj (c) a possibly nonzero ajk corresponds to a directed path (a chain of unidirectional arcs) from the node Vk to the node Vj' (d) a possibly nonzero \j!jk corresponds to a nondirected arc (a line) between the nodes Vj and Vk' including a nondirected arc from Vj to itself corresponding to a variance. We will always suppose that Diag{B} is null; thus, there cannot be a directed arc from a variable to itself. We consider only recursive models here. A recursive model is one in which (possibly after permuting components of v) B is a (lower) triangular matrix. (In the corresponding path diagram, there are no closed loops formed by unidirectional arcs.) It is nonrecursive if and only if it is not recursive as just defined. (Some writers--e.g. Fox, 1984; Bollen, 1989--require also that in a recursive model '¥ is diagonal. Others--e.g. Wright, 1934; Duncan, 1975; Kang and Seneta, 1980--do not.) It is well-known that if B is lower triangular then A is lower triangular with unities on the diagonal (and conversely). We rewrite (1) as Vj B(j)'v(j)+ej, (13) and (5) as Vj a(j)'e(j) +ej, j=l, ... , q, (14) where B(j)" a(j)' contain the j-1 elements of the jth row of Band of A except the diagonal unity, and v(j)' e(j) contain the corresponding components of v, e. We note that while certainly at most j-1 components of B(j)', a(j)' are nonzero, in applications some number less than j-1 may be nonzero because of the pattern of B and the patterning of A that is in general induced by the pattern of B. We therefore rewrite (13) as (15) and (14) as 3 Vj = a's(j)es(j) + ej' (16) in which I3r(j) contains only the rj:S:j-1 nonzero elements of l3(j) and as(j) contains only the sj:S:j -1 nonzero elements of a(j) and vr(j)' es(j) the corresponding components of v(j) and e(j). We will say that Vk directly precedes Vj if in the path diagram there is a directed arc from Vk to Vj. Correspondingly, I3jk is then possibly nonzero. We will say that Vk precedes Vj if there exists at least one directed path from vk to vj. Correspondingly, ujk is then possibly nonzero. We will say that two variables are ordered/unordered if one precedes/does not precede the other. We are now in a position to list a number of possible "rules" suggested in the literature governing the specification of nondirected paths. The word "rule" is used here deliberately to avoid pre-judging the status of these as assumptions or definitional statements. They are at least commonly offered as rules for the guidance of a user of path models. We consider the following: 1. The Direct Precedence Rule (DPR) states that if I3jk *0, then <l>kj=O. That is, the error-term of variable Vj is orthogonal to each variable in its own equation ( Land, 1969; Kang and Seneta, 1980; Wright, 1960; Schmidt, 1982; Duncan, 1975; James, Mulaik and Brett, 1982). 2. The General Precedence Rule for Variables (GPRVl states that if ujk *0, then <l>kj=O That is, if Vk precedes Vj' directly or indirectly, vk and ej are orthogonal. (See McDonald, 1985. Duncan, 1975, pp. 27-28 states that in a recursive model "each dependent variable is predetermined with respect to any other dependent variable that occurs later in the causal ordering.") 3. The General Dependence Rule for Errors (GPREl states that if ujk * 0, then IjIjk = 0 (Kang and Seneta, 1980; McDonald, 1985). That is, the errors ek, ej of ordered variables are orthogonal. 4. The Exogenous Variable Rule (EVR) states that if V is exogenous and Vj is endogenous, then <l>kj = 0 or, k equivalently, IjIjk = O. (See, for example, Fox, 1984; Bollen, 1989. Note that we do not here assume that the variables are ordered. Note also that the components of e are not interpreted as exogenous variables in the application of this rule.) 5. The Orthogonal Errors Rule (OERl states that IjIjk = 0 unless both Vj and v are exogenous ( Fox, 1984; Land, 1969; k Bollen, 1989). This list of six rules appears to cover the main recommendations offered, authol~itatively, in the literature. In principle one or more of these "rules" may be used by an investigator to determine the location of the nondirected arcs when a substantive hypothesis has been represented by a specification of directed arcs. The problem is that it does not seem obvious how to choose between them. McDonald (in prep.) proves the following mathematical propositions, intended to 4 assist in an evaluation of these rules. The proofs follow fairly readily from the simple algebra of model (1). Proposition 1: The direct precedence rule is a sufficient condition that a (recursive or nonrecursive) path model (without unobservable variables with mUltiple indicators) is just identified, if all nonzero ~jk' \l!jk are unconstrained. Corollary: Under any stronger rule the model is overidentified. Proposition 2: In a recursive model, the general precedence rules for variables and for errors imply each other. Proposition 3: In a recursive model the orthogonal errors rule implies the general precedence rules which imply the direct precedence rule. The orthogonal errors rule implies the exogenous variables rule. (Here "implies" can be read as "includes" and "is at least as strong as".) Note that we do not have a relationship of implication between the general precedence rules and the exogenous variables rule, or, more importantly, between the latter and the direct precedence rule. By Proposition 1 the direct precedence rule gives a weak sufficient condition for identifiability. In contrast, it is well-known that the exogenous variables rule does not. 3. Path models containing common factors In the more recent literature the term "latent variable" has been used, commonly without explicit definition, in a number of distinct senses, including but not confined to its original sense as a synonym for a latent trait or common factor. To avoid confusion, we will avoid the term "latent variable" and confine attention to cases where the random variables in the model are (i) observable variables, (ii) error-terms, and (iii) latent traits or common factors (including in particular "true scores") defined by the weak principle of local independence (McDonald, 1981) and hence necessarily possessing more than one indicator. We define a selection matrix J as a p x q matrix of zeros and unities that selects a proper subset v from the components of v*, q x 1, by v = Jv*. (17) We then have the general form of the Reticular Action Model as v = J(I - B)-ie, (18) yielding Cov{v} = Lv = J(I-B)-l'¥(I-B) ,-lJ', (19) where now B, '¥ are path coefficient matrices and error covariance matrices of v*. The mathematical statement that y=All +E (20) with COV{E} Ily, diagonal, (21) so that Cov{y} AL~~A ' + Ily , (22) where

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