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Lateglacial and Middle Holocene Coleoptera assemblages from coastal environments in south-western Sweden PDF

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Lateglacial and Middle Holocene Coleoptera assemblages from coastal environments in South-Western Sweden GEOFFREY LEMDAHL & GUNNAR GUSTAVSSON Lemdahl, G. & Gustavsson, G.: Lateglacial and Middle Holocene Coleoptera assemblages from coastal environments in South-Western Sweden. [Senglaciala och mellanholocena skalbaggliimningar fr6n kustmiljiier i sydviistra Sverige.l - Ent. Tidskr. I l8 (4):177-187. Uppsala, Sweden 1997. ISSN 0013-886x. Ninety-eight insect taxa were recorded in lagoon deposits at a site in SW Sweden. Remains of beetles totally dominate the insect assemblages. The bottom peat, which dates to ca. 10,300 BP consists of insect remains belonging to an arctic/alpine fauna. The upper peats and gyttja, that were deposited during the Middle Holocene (ca. 7,800 to 5,100 BP), during the Tapes transgression, contain temperate species. The majority ofthese species are found in southern Sweden today. However, a portion of the species in the fossil assemblages have not previously been recorded from the province of Halland and in several cases not in the entire area of southern Sweden either. The results suggest a relatively high faunal diversity and a spectrum of habitats within this lagoon environment, which probably has no modern analogue in S. Sweden today. The reasons for the extinction of species in the study area are discussed, including changes in climate and local environment. G. Lendahl, Department of Quaternary Geology, Lund University, Tornavtigen ],3, S-223 63 Lund, Sweden. G. Gustavsson, Drottninggatan 20, S-432 4l Varberg, Sweden. Introduction In connection with excavation work for a new In addition to macroscopic plant remains and railway at Moarna, near the village of Tvfliker, 10 shells, subfossil insects were abundant in the km south-east of Varberg in the province of Hal- gyttja and peat samples. We thus decided to carry land, SW Sweden, clayey sediments and peat were out a more systematic palaeoentomological study exposed (Fig. l). Samples taken from the bottom at the site, so the section was resampled and dated. clay, upper clayey gyttja and peat layers were Palaeoecological studies, including insect analy- analysed. Macroscopic remains of plants and ses, on contemporary deposits from lagoonal sites mollusc shells indicated that the gyttja and peat along the coast of the Baltic Sea in southernmost were of limnic/brackish origin, whereas the bot- Sweden have demonstrated the high diversity of tom clay was deposited in a marine environment. the flora and fauna that characterised this type of Based on the stratigraphic information from this environments (Lemdahl 1988a, Gaillard et al. brief survey and earlier studies (Miirner 1969, 1988, Gaillard & Lemdahl 1994). In the paper we Pisse 1990) together with geomorphological present and discuss the fossil beetle record from features, it was concluded that the exposed section the investigated site at Moarna. was a part of an ancient lagoon. Similar basins are rather frequent along the coast of Halland. Many of these lagoons were formed during the Early Study area and site Holocene by a period of sea-level rise (the Tapes The basin of the ancient lagoon is situated less transgression). The limnic sedimentation often than 5 km from the present shoreline of the Katte- ceased when the sea-level began to drop around gatt Sea (Fig. l). The area is dominated by sandy 6,000 BP (Mcirner 1969, Pflsse 1983,1990). clayey deposits with a thickness that sometimes 17'7 Geoffrey Lemdahl & Gunnar Gustavsson Ent. Tidskr. I l8 (1997) Batrachium) spp., and Potamogeton. The lower part of the slightly gyttja clay (layer 5) is rather rich in mollusc shells of species such as Cardium edule (L.), Mytilus edulisL., Littorina littorea (L.) and Hydrobia sp., while shells are very rare in the upper part. This suggests that the clay was deposited in marine or brackish water, probably during the Tapes transgression. The carr peat (layer 4) may have been formed during a shorter b period with a lower sea level. The peat is composed mainly of remains of Phragmites and ; wood pieces. In layer 3, the clay gyttja, mollusc e# shells of the species mentioned above were recorded in the lowermost part, while in the upper TvAAker part no shells were found. Macroscopic remains of vascular plants such as Ruppia, Zannichellia and Chenopodium spp. are also abundant in the gyttja, 0 l0km especially in the uppermost part. This suggests that the gyttja was deposited in brackish water. Fig. 1. Map of the study area, situated in south-v,estern The upper reed peat (layer 2), dominated by Sweden (insert map). The bold line indicates the shore line during the Tapes trangressio-n maximum. The Phragmites remains, may have began to form sampled ancienl lagoon site at Moarna is indicated by after the regression of the sea. The gyttja and peat the bold arrow. deposits are covered by about one metre of aeolian sand. Karta som visar undersdkningsomrddet i Halland, syd- vdstra Sverige (infdlld korta). Ijock linje visar den forn- tida strandens ldge under Tapeslransgressionens (mel- Methods and material lun ca 8000-6000 dr sedan (BP)) naximala nivd. Pilen pekar pd den undersdktaforntida lagunen. Samples for insect analysis were disaggregated in a l}Vo sodium carbonate solution and washed through a sieve with 0.25 mm mesh. The insect exceeds 35 m. The Quaternary deposits cover a remains were sorted out under a binocular micro- Precambrian bedrock of granitic gneiss, which is scope at low magnification. The identifications of exposed as outcrops directly east of the basin, the remains were carried out by using keys for where thin deposits of till are also found. West of modern specimens and by comparison with mo- the basin the area is dominated by sand dunes, dern specimens from reference collections. The probably mainly of postglacial origin. determinations are mainly based on complete The climate in the region today is rather oceanic body parts or fragments of heads, thoraces and with a mean July temperature around l7'C and a elytra. In a number of cases, such as Badister cf. mean January temperature of ca. -l'C. The annual dorsiger, Helophorus cf. arvernicus, Simplocaria precipitation is around 600 mm (Raab and Vedin cf . elongata and Galerucella cf . grisescens (Tab. 1995). The study area is situated in the Northern l) the fossil remains resembles the modern speci- Temperate vegetation zone (Ahti et al. 1968) and mens very much, however, we are not able to the vegetation at the site today is dominated by a confirm the identifications with certainty. Mini- grass-rich pine forest. mum numbers of individuals for each taxon and The lithology of the studied section is shown in sample are calculated from the most abundant ske- Fig. 2. In the bottom silty clay (layer 7) no macro- letal part. For further details concerning the scopic remains of plants or animals were found. It methods of insect analysis, readers are referred to was probably deposited during the period when e.g. Coope (1986), Lemdahl (1988b) or Elias the area was deglaciated. The bottom peat (layer (1994). 6) includes remains of plants, such as Betula nana, The chronostratigraphy of the sampled section Dryas octopetala, Carex spp., Ranunculus (s.g. was established on the basis of three radiocarbon 178 Ent. Tidskr. I l8 (1997) C o I eop t e ra as s em bl age s from s out h-wes t er n Swe d e n dates on selected terrestrial material (Fig. 2). All dates mentioned in this paper are presented in radiocarbon years before the present (BP). The Radlocarbon daies radiocarbon ages 5,000 BP, 8,000 BP and 10,300 BP corresponds approximately to 3,160, 7,010 and 9,600 calendar year BC respectively (Stuiver & Long 1993, Bjdrck er al. 1996). The nomenclature of plants follows Mossberg I 5,100 i8o Bp (Lu-3510) et al. (1992) and the Coleoptera are according to Silfverberg (1992). Results Ninety-eight insect taxa were identified from the ten analysed samples, together with a few remains of mites and marine polychaete worms. Beetles totally dominate the assemblages, both in number of taxa (92) and in number of individuals (Tab. I ). However, there are frequency variations between the samples (Fig. 3). Examples of some recorded beetle remains are shown in Fig. 4. Taxa of the orders Trichoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera ! z,eao tso Bp (Lu-35r r) wine reth aisls op afopuenrd. ,T bhuet tihnesye acrte ansost efmurbthlaegr epsr ecsaenn tebde described based on information concerning the species' modern biology and geographical distri- bution derived from Angus (1992), Bily & Mehl (1989), B<jcher (1988), Dahlgren (1979), Fiuer & Manuel (1986), Fjellberg (1972), Fiirsch (196'7), I 10,320 tl20 BP (Lu-35s4) M. Hansen (1987), V. Hansen (1968), Hansen & Henriksen (1,927), Harde (1984), Landin (1957), Lekander et al. (1977), Lindroth (1985,1986), Fig. 2 The studied section from the ancient lagoon at Lohse (1969), Lundberg & Gustafsson (1995), Moarna, Tvddker, SLII Sweden Lithology, sampling and Palm (1948), Paulus (1979),Peez (1967), Silfver- radiocarbon dates are indicated. Depth in metres aboye berg (1992) and Vogt (1967). Habitat preferences, sea level. The litholog is illustrated by symbols including selected environments and food sub- commonly and the exposed layers consist of (l) slightly strates, for the recorded taxa are presented in Tab. silty sand, (2) reed peat with a lhin sand layer in the upper part, (3) clayey gyttja, (4) reed peat, (5) slightly 1. A synthesis of indicated habitats concerning the gyttja clay, (6) moss peat, (7) clayey sand. 2A+B and beetles is shown in Fig. 5. 6A+B represent double samples. The major part of beetles found in all but sample eight, have today at least a part of their Den undersdkta skdrningen vid Moarna ncira Tvddker. geographical distribution in southern Sweden. Den schematiska figuren visar avlagringarnas ldge i Exceptions are species such as Bembidion nor- meler river nuvarande havsytan, lagernummer och ut- mannum, B. iricolor, Badister dorsiger and Gale- lagna prover. Resultaten av kol-14-dateringarna redo- rucella grisescens, which today have their closest visas ltingst till hdger. Stratigrafin av de framgrtivda occurrence in Denmark or Finland. jordlagren tir enligtfdljande: (1) svagt siltig sand, (2) vasstorv med ett tunnt sandskikt i dvre delen, (3) lerig Sample one contained very few insect remains gyttja, (4) vasstory, (5) svagt gttjig lera, (6) mosstorv, and the recorded taxa just indicate that aquatic (7) lerig sand, vilka illustrerats med qllmdnt anvcinda (Aq) and moist environments (H) existed in the symboler under "Lithologt". 2A+B och 6A+8 dr study area around 5,000 BP. In samples two to dubbelprover. seven, subfossil insects are more abundant. The t79 Geoffrey Lemdahl & Gunnar Gustavsson Ent. Tidskr. I l8 ( 1997) pine (Pinus) and spruce (Picea), but is occasio- nally also found on oak. A number of taxa prefer aquatic or moist habitats. Only the record of E Amara tibialis in sample 28 suggests dry ground io.3 (X). The majority of the hygrophilous taxa are c riparian (Mw). Stilibus oblongus and Donacia Es clavipes are phytophagous beetles living on reed 6A vegetation (Vr) such as common rced (Phrag- 6B mites) and bulrush (Typha). Prasocuris phel- 7 landrii feeds on shore plants such as water 8 dropwort (Oenanthe) and water parsnip (Sium), whereas Galerucella grisescens prefers Lysi- machia. Macroplea species are found on the floa- Fig. 3. Number of individuals and taxa of Coleoptera ting-leaved water plants (Vwp) such as pondweed recorded in each sample. (Potamogeton). Tanysphyrus lemnae feeds on Antal individer och taxa av skalbaggar i varje analyse- duckweed (Lemna). A number of species are rat prov. predominantly found in coastal environments (C) and several of these are confined to saline sites (Sa). such as salt marshes. The insect assemblage dated to ca. 10,300 BP beetle assemblages suggest a relatively diverse (sample 8) is outstanding compared with those environment, with a spectrum of different habi- from the other samples. It consists of species pre- tats, for the period ca. 5,700 to 7,800 BP. Species sently found in northern Fennoscandia, apart from preferring an open landscape (O) dominate. Simplocaria elongata (synonymous with S. /rigi However, obligate forest species (F) are also da Krogerus) which today is not found anywhere found in samples two and six. The presence of in Europe except on the Kanin peninsula. No both deciduous (Tde) and coniferous (Tco) trees is obligate forest species (F) were recorded in the indicated. Adrastus pallens is mainly phyto- sample. The species are predominantly found in phagous on willow (Salix), while Galerucella open areas (O) in arctic/alpine regions. The main lineola is found on willow and alder (Alnus). part of the recorded species are aquatic (Aq), Dryocetes villosus is found under the bark of oak riparian (Mw) or prefer other types of moist (Quercus) or beech (Fagus). Rhagium inquisitor habitats (H) such as rich fens (e.g. Diacheila arc- lives predominantly on coniferous trees such as tica). Helophorus glacialis is confined to very Tab. I . Taxonomic list of Coleoptera recorded from the ancient lagoon at Moarna. Species that do not belong to the modern beetlefauna in southern Sweden are indicated by *. Minimum numbers ofindividualsfor each taxon and samplearecalculatedfromthemostabundantskeletalpart. Habitatpreferences,includingselectedenvironments and food substrates, of recorded taxa are indicated as: Open landscape (O), forest (F), coastal habitats (C), aquatic species (Aq), moist habitats (H), stagnant water (L), running water (R), water margins (Mw), dry habirats (X), rich fens (Rfl, oligotrophic bogs (Ob), bare soils (Bs), saline habitats (Sa), grass/shrubland (Gs), tree habitats (T), conderous trees (Tco), deciduous trees (Tde), shrubs (S), birch (+be), willows (+sx), oak (+qu), beech (+fo), herbs (Vhe), reed vegetation (Vr), water plants (Vwp), on roots (Vro),fungi (Vfl, leaf litter (Ll), moss (M), dung (Du), and decaying organic matler (Do). Artlista dver skalbaggsfyndenfrdn denforntida lagunen vid Moarna. Arter som idag inte tillhdr den sydsvenska faunan anges med *. Individantal frir varje taxon i ett prov har berciknats pd den kroppsdel som fdrekom i sttirst antal. Habitatkrav anges medfdljandefdrkortningar: Oppen mark (O), skog 1F). kustbiotoper (C), vattenlevande (Aq), fuktig miljd (H), stillastdende vatten (L), rinnande vatten (R), vid kanten av vatten (Mw), torr mark (X), rikkirr (Rfl, mossar (Ob), exponerad mineraljord (Bs), salino biotoper (Sa), grr)s-/buskmark (Gs), trtid (T), barr- trrid (Tco), ltivtrrid (Tde), buskar (S), bjr;rk (+be), sdlg (+sx), ek (+qu), bok (+fa), drter (Vhe), strandvdxter (Vr), vattenvdxter (Vwp), pd rdtter (Vro), svamp (Vfl, ldufi)rna (Ll), mossa (M), spillning (Du), och multnande vtixr och djurrester (Do). 180 Ent. Tidskr. ll8 (1997) Coleoptera assemblages from south-western Sweden Samples Taxon 2A283 6A 68 '7 Habitat Carabidae, jordliipare Lo r ice ra p i I ic o rnjs (Fabr.) -l H,F,Mw C a lo s oma sy cop hanta (L.)+ F Diac he i la a rc t ic a (Gyllh.)* I H,Rf D1,sc h i rius g lobasas (Herbst) He,A,Sa Bembidion no rmannum Dej.* C,Sa,Mw B. doris (Panz.) 2 H,Mw,Ob B. assimile Gyllh. H,Mw,Vs B. iricolor Bedel* C,Sa,Bs B. gutrula (Fabr.) Mw,Vs B. mannerheimi Sahlb. I H,Fd,MwLl P te ro s tic hu s ant hrac inus (lll.) H,F,O,MW P. minor (Gyllh.) I I H,MW P dillgens (Sturm) H,Mw,Ob Amara tibialis (Payk.) C,O,X,VS Badister cf. dorsiger (Duft.)* Fd,Mw,Ob Dytiscidae, dykare -r I - - - - . Hydroporus sp. l Aq Acilius sp. Aq,L Gyrinidae, virvelbaggar Gyrinus sp. l- Aq,L Hydrophilidae, palpbaggar H e lopho rus si biricus (Motsch.)* Aq,R,L H. cf . arvernicus Mulsant* Aq,R H. glacialis Yilla* Aq,L Berosus sp. Aq,L Enoc h r us subgen. M et hydrus Aq,L E sp. l- I Aq -l HCey drc ryoo bn i ulsil tfou srca ilpise s(G (Ly.ll)h.) 916 4- I CA,qS,Ra,,DLoe 31 253 C. depressus Steph. 94 C,Sa,Do -'7 C. lateralis (Marsh.) Do,Du,Ca -15 62 CC.. btriifsetnise s( tI rlla.t)us Kij,saer -l l- 239 MMww,,BDso,Vp 45 C. srernalis (Sharp) I Mw,Do -21 192 c. spp. M e gas I e rnum obscurum (Marsh.) Do,Du Hydraenidae, vattenbrynsbaggar 1-t2 Ochthebius cf. auriculatus Rey Aq,L,Sa 322 O. cf . minimus (Fabr.) Aq,Le Ptiliidae, fjddervingar Ptenidium sp. l- Do Silphidae, asbaggar Phosphuga atrata (L.) I F,T Staphylinidae, kortvingar 4- Quedius spp. H,Do,Ll,M Xantholininae indet. -t7 5 Paederinae indet. t8 Stenus spp. -l l- ll I H,Mw Omalium riparium Thomson 15 29 12 I C,Do,Ca Olophrum fuscum (Grav.) l0 H,Mw'M O. boreale (Payk.)* I H,Mw'I-l,M Eu cne c osum cf . b rac hy pte rum (Grav.) 6 H,Mw,Ll A c ido ta c re nata (F abr.) H,Ob,LtA. A. cruentata (Mannh.) H,Do,Ll B o re ap hi I us he nn i n g ianu s S ahlb. l- 2 Gs,Ll,Mw,M Tachinus sp. 63 Aleocharinae indet. 2 2 Gen. indet. I l9 Continued l8r Geoffrey Lemdahl & Gunnar Gustavsson Ent. Tidskr. I l8 ( 1997) Samples 2A283 64 Taxon 68 Habitat Histeridae, stumpbaggar Hypocaccu s me tal I ic u s (Herbst) I C,Bs Scirtidae, mjukbaggar Cyphon spp. 5-8 2t 3 Aq,Vwp Scarabaeidae, bladhorningar t- Ae gialia are na ria (F abr.) C,Bs Aphodius spp. Du P hy I lope rt ha ho rt ic o la (L.) T,Vl,Vro Elateridae, kndppare A t hous su bfu scus (Mij ll.) F Agriotes sp. Vr Dalopius marginatus (L.) F Adrastus pallens (Fabr.) I Tsx Byrrhidae, kulbaggar Simplocaria cf . elongata Sahlb.* I M S. metallica (Sturm)* 5 M Byrrhus sp. -l M Curimopsis cf . nigritaPalm l- H,M Nitidulidae, glansbaggar Epuraea sp. I Tfu Sphindidae, slemsvampbaggar Aspidiphorus orbiculatus (Gyllh.) - I vf Cryptophagidae, fuktbaggar Atomaria sp- I Do,Mw Gen. indet. 632 Do Phalacridae, sotsvampbagggar Olibrus cf . corticalis (Panz.) I Vhe Srilibus cf . oblongus (Erich.) H,VT Coccinellidae, nyckelpigor H ippodamia va r ie gata (Goeze) H,VT Latridiidae, miigelbaggar C artode re co nst ricta (Gyllh.) H,DO Colydiidae, barkbaggar Bitoma crenata (Fabr.) I T Anthicidae, snabbaggar Anthicus ater (Panz.) I Do A. antherinus (L.) Do Omonadus cf . formicarius (Goeze)- I Do Co rdic omus in s t abi li s (Schmidt) 2 Do Cerambycidae, l6nghorningar Rhag ium inquisito r (L.l Tco Chrysomelidae. bladbaggar 22 M ac rop lea ap pe ndic ulata (P anz.)l mut ic a - 26 H,Vwp (Fabr.) Donacia clavipes Fabr. H,Vr P ras oc u ris p he llandrii (L.) I H,VT Chrysomela collaris L. Ssxbe Cale ruce lla cf . g rise scens (Joan.)* H,VT G. cf . lineola (Fabr.) Tde Galeruca tanaceti (L.) Vhe Lupe rus lon gico rni s (F abt.) Vro Chaetocnema sp. Vhe Apionidae, spetsvivlar Apion spp. Vhe Curculionidae, vivlar Tany s p hy ru s I e mnae (P ayk.) 2 H,Vwp Ceutorhynchus sp. I Vhe Scolytidae, barkborrar Dryocoetes cf. vil/osus (Fabr.) I Tqufa 182 Ent. Tidskr. I l8 ( 1997) Coleoptera assemblages from south-western Sweden Fig. 4. A portion ofbeetle remainsfound in the sediments ofthe ancient lagoon at Moarna, Tvddker SIY Sweden. The picture shows elytra, thoraces, head and legs ofground beetles, water scavenger beetles (Cercyon spp.), rove beetles and true weevilsfrom sample 2A. Photo: G. Lemdahl. Exempel pd skalbaggsrester funna i sedimenten frdn forntidslagunen vid Moarna ntira Tvddker. Bilden visar trick- vingar, halsskdldar, huvud och ben avjordlcipare, palpbaggar (Cercyon spp.), kortvingar och vivlarfunna i prov 2A. cold stagnant water (L), such as meltwater from metallicus and Aegialia arenaria are today char- snow patches or glaciers. Several of the rove acter species of the coastal sand dunes. These four beetles (Staphylinidae) are common in leaf litter species seem also to have been relatively frequent (Ll) from dwarf shrubs of willow and birch (Ber- in the area during the period ca. 8,000 to 6,000 BP. ula), and Chrysomela collaris is a phytophagous However, Cercyon depressus and C. sternalis beetle feeding on the leaves of that type of vegeta- which are numerous in samples 2 and3, are rarely tion. found in the area today. Ochtebius auriculatus is rare throughout Scandinavia today. In North Eu- rope it only occurs with any frequency in SW Discussion Denmark. In Sweden it has only been recorded It is interesting to compare the occurrence of spe- from a few localities, including sites in the pro- cies in the fossil assemblages with the present vince of Halland. Species of the genus Macroplea fauna in the study area (Gustavsson unpublished). have rarely been found in the study area, but may Species such as Cercyon littoralis and Omalium be disregarded because they are difficult to collect riparium are very common today along the sea- (Nilsson 1996). shores, particularly in drift of seaweed (Fucus) or Moreover, there are species in the fossil assem- other types of decaying plant litter. Hypocaccus blages that have not previously been recorded r83 Geoffrey Lemdahl & Gunnar Gustavsson Ent. Tidskr. I l8 ( 1997) OFCLR MW XSa TcoTde Vr Vwp Do Fig. 5. Habitat and food substrate preferences of recorded Coleoptera. Number of taxa selecling open landscape (O), forests (F), coastal habilats (C), stagnant waters such as lakes and ponds (L), running water (R), moist environments (H), water margins (Mllt), dry ground (X), saline sites (Sa), conderous trees (Tco), deciduous trees (Tde), shore vegetation (Vr), Jloating-leaved water plants (Vwp), and decaying organic maner (Do). A taxon may indicate more lhan one environmental factor. Habitat- och f6dosubstratpreferenser hos de listade skalbaggarna. Staplarna visar antql taxa som trivs i miljtier som: dppen mark (O), skogsmark (F), kustmiljder (C), sjdar och dqmmar (L), rinnande vatten (R), fuktiga platser (H), vid kanten av stillastdende eller rinnonde vatten (MW), torr mork (X), salina biotoper (Sq), barrtrdd (Tco), ldvtrtid (Tde), strandvrixter (ltr),flytbladsvrixter (Vwp) och multnande vcixt- och djurrester (Do). Ett taxon kan ange mer cin en miljdfaktor. from the province of Halland and in some cases rope Galerucella grisescens is today only recor- not in the whole area of southern Sweden either. ded in Finland, Karelia and the Baltic nations. Only a few single finds of Calosoma sycophanta Around 7,000 BP it may have dwelled in coastal are reported from southern Sweden during mo- environments in southwestern Sweden. Other spe- dern time and it is probably not resident in Scan- cies that have not previously been recorded from dinavia or Denmark today. This subfossil record the province of Halland arc Cartodere consticta of the species together with other more or less and Cordicomus instabilis. contemporary records (Lindroth 1942, Welinder The reasons for the extinction of a number of 1970) may suggest that it belonged to the Swedish species in the study area are most likely changes fauna at least around 5,000 BP. Bembidion nor- in climate, local environment and/or human mannum and, B. iricolor have their northern Euro- impact. Extinction caused by climatic change is pean distribution limit in SW Denmark, where evident concerning the disappearance of the arc- they are found along the tidal coast. Pterostichus ticlalpine fauna recorded in sample 8. This type of anthracinus is rare today in southern Sweden, fauna dominated during the major part of the Late- except on the islands of Oland and Gotland (SE glacial period (ca. 1 3,000 - 1 0,000 BP) in southern Sweden) where it is common. Badister dorsiger Sweden according to subfossil insect records which may have lived at the margin of the ancient obtained from a number of sites (Lemdahl 1997). lagoon, is today closest found in southern Den- Around 10,000 BP a very rapid and marked faunal mark, where it is very rare, predominantly in- change is indicated. The arctic/subarctic insect habiting forest swamps or the borders of shaded fauna, which probably moved north to the ret- temporary pools in deciduous forests. In north Eu- reating ice margin in southern central Sweden, 184 Ent.Tidskr. ll8(1997) Coleoptera assemblages from south-western Sweden was replaced by species found in southern Sweden that the lagoon was transformed into a reed today. This faunal change was most likely a re- swamp. The rapid Tapes transgression and the la- sponse to a contemporary strong climatic amelio- ter subsequent regression (Pisse 1990) may have ration, when mean summer temperatures rose been locally destructive and generative resp- rapidly by 6 to 7'C and mean winter temperatures ectively to the coastal environments. even more (Berglund et al. 1994). The occurrence of species such as Calosoma sycophanta, Bembi- dion normannum. B. iricolor and Badister cf. Conclusions dorsiger in samples 2,5, and 6 may partly indicate The present study of course gives a very limited a slightly warmer climate during the Middle view of the total insect or beetle fauna in the study Holocene compared with today. However, their area during the time period considered. However, required habitats may also have been more com- even this little peep-hole into ancient time gives mon during that period and provided populations surprisingly interesting and valuable information large enough for the survival of species today concerning certain beetle species that today are extinct in area. Sea-level rises along both the Swe- very rare or locally/regionally extinct. More dish west coast and the Baltic coast in southern systematic studies at similar sites along the south- and south-east Sweden (Gaillard et al. 1988, western coast of Sweden would probably help to Gaillard & Lemdahl 1994) evidently caused the supplement our knowledge of these relatively formation of lagoons and environments that temporary and unique lagoon ecosystems. Such presently have no analogs in southern Scan- knowledge may contribute to both nature dinavia. The palaeoecological results suggest that conservancy and studies of species diversity. the vegetational and faunal diversity in these types of environments were relatively high, providing a Acknowledgement large spectrum of different habitats. The lifetime We are very thankful to a number of colleagues that of these lagoons seems in general to have been helped us during the study. The collections at the less than ca. 3,000 years. In the case of the lagoon Entomological Museum in Lund were frequently used at Moarna the limnic sedimentation ceased around when determining the subfossil specimens' and we are 6,000 BP and it developed into a reed swamp. At indebted to its curator Roy Danielsson for all sorts of ca. 5,000 BP the swamp was covered by aeolic help. The chronology of the sampled profile was esta- blished with the help of Gciran Skog at the Radiocarbon sand that formed dunes. Laboratory, Lund University. The work of Tore PiLsse duCrinhgan tghees p ienr iothde c faa.u 7n,a5l0 0d itvoe r5s'i0ty0 0a BreP i n(Fdiicga. te3d). hCarvoez iinesrp kiriendd olyu rc soerarerccht efodr tHhoelo Ecenngeli slahg olaonng suitaegse. .A Wlane They could be ascribed either to changes in the thank the two reviewers Anders Nilsson and Sven-Ake local environment or taphonomical (processes Berglind for valuable comments on the manuscript. 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