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Laser-Shock Compression and Hugoniot Measurements of Liquid Hydrogen to 55 GPa PDF

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Preview Laser-Shock Compression and Hugoniot Measurements of Liquid Hydrogen to 55 GPa

Laser-Shock Compression and Hugoniot Measurements of Liquid Hydrogen to 55 GPa T. Sano,1 N. Ozaki,2 T. Sakaiya,3 K. Shigemori,1 M. Ikoma,4 T. Kimura,2 K. Miyanishi,2 T. Endo,2 A. Shiroshita,1 H. Takahashi,3 T. Jitsui,2 Y. Hori,4 Y. Hironaka,1 A. Iwamoto,5 T. Kadono,1 M. Nakai,1 T. Okuchi,6 K. Otani,1,7 K. Shimizu,8 T. Kondo,3 R. Kodama,2 and K. Mima1 1Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan 2Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan 3Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan 4Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, Meguro, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan 5National Institute of Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu 509-5292, Japan 1 6Institute for Study of the Earth’s Interior, Okayama University, Misasa, Tottori 682-0193, Japan 1 7Advanced Research Center for Beam Science, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan 0 8KYOKUGEN, Center for Quantum Science and Technology under Extreme Conditions, 2 Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan n (Dated: January 7, 2011) a J The principal Hugoniot for liquid hydrogen was obtained up to 55 GPa underlaser-driven shock loading. Pressure and density of compressed hydrogen were determined byimpedance-matching to 6 aquartzstandard. Theshock temperaturewas independentlymeasured from thebrightness of the ] shockfront. Hugoniotdataofhydrogenprovideagoodbenchmarktomoderntheoriesofcondensed i matter. The initial numberdensity of liquid hydrogen is lower than that for liquid deuterium, and c s thisresultsinshockcompressedhydrogenhavingahighercompressionandhighertemperaturethan - deuterium at thesame shock pressure. l r t PACSnumbers: 62.50.-p51.30.+i52.72.+v64.30.-t m . t a I. INTRODUCTION terium. The principal Hugoniot for liquid deuterium m was measured up to 220 GPa using laser-driven shock - The properties of hydrogen at high pressure and high waves16. For the case of liquid hydrogen, the Hugoniot d was studied experimentally only to 10 GPa by a gasgun n density are of great scientific interest. The equation and explosive method more than two decades ago18,19. o of state (EOS) of hydrogen at these conditions is es- The metallization of hydrogen on the Hugoniot is ex- c sential for modeling of the interior structure of gas gi- [ ant planets1–3. The large diversity in the estimation pected to occur at much higher pressure. In this work, 1 of Jupiter’s core mass is resulted from the uncertainty wecarriedoutlaser-shockexperimentsofliquidhydrogen topressuresexceeding10GPainordertomakeaquanti- v in the EOS data especially in the region around the tative comparison of the hydrogen Hugoniot around the 3 insulator-to-metal transition. The EOS of hydrogen- 4 isotopes has important practical applications for iner- metal transition with the deuterium data. 1 tial confinement fusion4, and metallic hydrogen is sug- 1 gested as a prospective candidate of high-temperature . 1 superconductor5. Chemical free-energy models6–8 and II. EXPERIMENTS 0 ab initio simulations9,10 have been used to predict the 1 properties of warm dense hydrogen, but the results vary The experiments were performed on the GEKKO 1 : widely and have not converged yet. Therefore accurate HIPER laser facility at the Institute of Laser Engineer- v experimentaldataforthe hydrogenEOSarerequiredfor ing, Osaka University. The laser is a neodymium-doped Xi evaluation of the theoretical models and for further un- glasssystemoperatingatthethirdharmonicswavelength derstanding of the fundamental nature of hydrogen. of 351 nm. Laser energies between 0.8 and 1.4 kJ were r a It is more difficult to generate high pressures in hy- delivered to generate the shock pressures using a nomi- drogen than in deuterium because of its lower shock nally square pulse of 2.5 ns in duration. The laser focal impedance. For this reason, most of the recent exper- spot of 600 µm in diameter was smoothed using Kino- imental measurements by shock compression have fo- form phase plates. This resulted in the effective laser cused on the heavier isotope11–16. However, it should intensities between 4 and 8×1013 W/cm2. be noted that the Hugoniots for the two isotopes do Figure 1 shows the experimental setup and target ar- not scale in density. Owing to the difference in zero- rangement. The cryogenic hydrogen target consisted of pointenergy,themolevolumeofliquidhydrogenislarger two z-cut α-quartz plates, by which the hydrogen layer than deuterium8,17. As a result, hydrogenis expected to was sandwiched. The thickness of the quartz was 50 µm have higher compression and higher Hugoniot tempera- for both of them. These quartz plates were glued to ture than deuterium at the same pressure. kovar flanges attached to a copper cell filled with liq- There is a large gap in the experimental achievement uid molecular hydrogen at 15 K. The gap between the of shock compression between liquid hydrogen and deu- twoquartzwindowswas30-250µmthick. The laser-side 2 quartz was deposited by 40 µm aluminum as a pusher. uncertaintyin U . Thereforetransparentstandardshave s Thealuminumlayerhasanotherimportantroletoshield a greatadvantagefor laser-shockexperiments,and actu- thequartzandhydrogenagainstthex-rayradiationfrom allyprovideasignificantimprovementinthe accuracyof ablationplasma. The free surface of the rear-sidequartz the evaluation of the pressure P and density ρ along the had an anti-reflective coating to minimize spurious re- Hugoniot23,24. Shock planarity was observed to extend flections. In this target, the quartz was designed to be over 400 µm which ensures more than 5 fringes to be usednotonlyasawindowmaterialbutalsoasareference available for the Fourier analysis. In this spatial range, standardfortheimpedance-matchingmeasurement. The the systematic variation in the shock arrival time was initial density of quartz and liquid hydrogen were 2.65 less than about 0.1 ns. Preheat in quartz and hydrogen and 0.0760 g/cm3. At the probe laser wavelength 532 canbe neglectedbecausepreheatinthe laser-sidequartz nm, the index of refraction of quartz and hydrogenwere was estimated to be less than 0.04 eV and no motion of 1.547and1.12120. Smallchangeintheopticalproperties the quartz-hydrogeninterface was observedbefore shock of quartz at cryogenic temperature is ignorable16. breakoutin1Dradiationhydrodynamicsimulationswith the MULTI code25. Figure 3 shows a impedance-match diagram in the P- III. RESULTS: SHOCK VELOCITIES Up plane, where Up is the particle velocity. The quartz Hugoniot was previously established by the OMEGA- laser experiments to have a linear U -U relation given Shock velocities in the laser-side quartz U and hy- s p sQ byU =a +a (U −β),wherea =20.57±0.15,a = drogen U were measured using a line-imaging velocity sQ 0 1 pQ 0 1 sH 1.291±0.036, and β = 12.7423,26. This formula is valid interferometersystemfor anyreflector(VISAR)21,22. At atthepressureover200GPaandingoodagreementwith the high pressure involved in these experiments, shock the Kerley-7360 EOS model27. Impedance-matching oc- waves in the initially transparent quartz and hydrogen curs at the intersection of the hydrogen Rayleigh line are reflecting. Then the VISAR can provide a direct and the release isentrope of quartz. Because of the low time-resolved measurement of shock velocities in these shockimpedanceofhydrogen,quartzreleasecurvesfrom media. The probe light for VISAR was a Q-switched severalhundredsofGPadowntomorethanoneorderof yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser operating at a magnitudeareneeded. Inthiswork,thequartzisentrope wavelength of 532 nm. Two VISARs were run concur- was calculated from the tabulated Kerley model. rently on each shot to resolve the 2π phase-shift ambi- Pre- and post-shock conditions are related by the guities atshockbreakout. The velocitysensitivitieswere Rankine-Hugoniot conservation equations: 4.14and14.53km/s/fringeforquartz,and5.71and20.05 km/s/fringe for liquid hydrogen. Post processing of the ρ U =ρ(U −U ) , (1) VISAR images using Fourier transform methods deter- 0 s s p mines the fringe position to ∼ 5% of a fringe. The re- sulting velocities were measured to ∼1% precision since P −P =ρ U U , (2) 0 0 s p shockvelocitieswerehighenoughtocausemultiplefringe shifts. A sample VISAR trace is shown in Fig. 2(a) and the 1 1 1 e−e = (P +P ) − , (3) accompanying profile of shock velocities in Fig. 2(b). 0 2 0 ρ ρ The time-resolved VISAR measurements allowed veloc- (cid:18) 0 (cid:19) ities to be tracked continuously during transit through where e is the specific internal energy and subscript 0 both the standard and sample. The transit distance in denotes initial conditions. The pressure and density of the quartz determined from the time-integrated VISAR shocked hydrogen are derived from measured U and U s p velocity agreedconsistently with the thickness measured using Eqs. (1) and (2). The results for the hydrogen byinterferometrybeforetheshockexperiment. Shockve- Hugoniot are listed in Table I. Random errors shown in locitiesimmediatelybeforeandafterthequartz-hydrogen the table come from measurement uncertainties in U . s interfacewereadoptedfortheimpedance-matchinganal- Random error propagation in the impedance-matching ysis. To precisely determine the velocity at the break- procedureisillustratedbyFig. 3. Systematicerrorsaris- out, a linear fit was taken of the velocities over 0.5 ns ingfromuncertaintiesintheprincipalHugoniotofquartz andextrapolatedtoforwardorbackwardtheimpedance- arealsoconsidered. Figure4depicts the principalHugo- matching time t = 0. The velocities were calculated by niot of liquid hydrogen in the P-ρ plane, where ρ is nor- averaging the shock profile over 0.1 ns, which is equiva- malizedbythe initialhydrogendensity ρ . Theseresults 0 lent to the temporal resolution of the streak camera. areshownalongwiththepastexperimentaldata18,19and As seen from Fig. 2(b), the shock velocity in quartz theoretical models calculated for hydrogen with the ini- decreased with time more than 15% within ∼ 2 ns. De- tial density ρ =0.071 g/cm38,10,28. 0 caying shock is a common feature of laser-driven shock The pressure range of shocked hydrogen obtained in waves. This means that the estimation of shock veloc- this work was 25-55 GPa. The highest pressure is more ity by transit time requires corrections taking account than 5 times higher than the previous data. The com- of the deceleration rate, and thus it could bring a large pression ρ/ρ of hydrogen ranges from 3.8 to 5.6, which 0 3 is mostlycomparabletothe modelsbut slightlysofter at a 3000-K tungsten quartz-halogen reflectorized lamp to 30-50 GPa. Note that the slope change near 15 GPa in find the radiance at our SOP wavelength. The radiance the Hugoniot curve predicted by the quantum molecular of this lamp was calibrated with a bolometric calibra- dynamicssimulationsisrelatedtothe dissociationofhy- tiontraceabletotheNationalInstitute ofStandardsand drogen molecules29. The compression of deuterium, on Technology (NIST). theotherhand,hasbeenmeasuredas3.3-4.4atthesame pressure range14,16,30, so that hydrogen exhibits system- Absolute reflectivity is determined by comparing the atically higher compression compared to deuterium (see shock reflectivity to that from the aluminum surface Fig. 4). This trend is qualitatively consistent with the- which has a known value, 86±6%. The obtained R of oretical predictions8 and can be seen in the earlier data shockfrontinhydrogenislistedinTableII.Thereflectiv- below 10 GPa19. ity just after the shock breakout was calculated by the TheuncertaintiesintheHugoniotpressureanddensity same algorithm as the shock velocity Us using VISAR are caused mostly by the random errors associated with signals. The reflectivity of shocked hydrogen increases velocitymeasurements,δU andδU ,whichareevaluated from 8% to 23% as the pressure increases from 25 GPa s p by to 41 GPa. The Fresnel formula for the reflectivity of the shock front is R = |(nˆ −n )/(nˆ +n )|2, where nˆ s 0 s 0 s 2 2 is the complex refractive index behind the shock front δP δU δU s p = + , (4) and n is the refractive index in the undisturbed liquid. 0 P s(cid:18) Us (cid:19) (cid:18) Up (cid:19) At low pressures, the refractive index of liquid hydrogen follows an empirical form, n−1 ∝ ρ20. Assuming the fluid remains mostly in its molecular form under shock 2 2 δρ ρ δUs δUp compression,the refractiveindex atfivefold compression = −1 + . (5) ρ (cid:18)ρ0 (cid:19)s(cid:18) Us (cid:19) (cid:18) Up (cid:19) would be n ∼ 1.6, and the reflectivity ∼ 4%. The much higherreflectivityweobservedsuggeststhatthefluidbe- As seen from Fig. 4, the uncertainties in density are comes conducting. much larger than those in pressure. Since hydrogen is highly compressible at this pressure range, the factor in The Hugoniot temperature can be obtained using the Eq. (5) becomes considerably large, ρ/ρ −1≈ 4. Then reflectivity and SOP spectral intensities. An example of 0 the errors in density are enhanced up to about 6%, even the intensity versus time data is shown in Fig. 5. The when the velocity errorsare sufficiently small, δU /U ∼ emission dropped dramatically when the shock front en- s s δU /U ∼1%. tered the hydrogen layer from quartz. Compared to the p p VISAR data, material boundary on SOP records is not clear due to the poorer temporal resolution ∼ 0.2 ns. IV. RESULTS: TEMPERATURE The self-emissionprofile ofhydrogenjust after the shock breakout is then determined from extrapolating a linear Using a streaked optical pyrometer (SOP), the fit to measurements back to t = 0, in order to eliminate temperature T of shocked hydrogen was measured thecontaminationofthequartzemission. Thetimeaver- simultaneously24,31. Despite temperature is fundamen- age ofthe fitted intensity overthe temporal resolutionis tal to thermodynamics, T is not a part of the Rankine- adopted for the derivation of the Hugoniot temperature Hugoniot relations, and thus must be measured sepa- ofhydrogen. Theresultsofthehydrogentemperatureare rately from shock pressure and density. We extracted listed in Table II. The size of the uncertainty in temper- thetemperaturebyfitting theabsolutespectralradiance atureis6-19%,whichstemsfromthe systemcalibration, I to a gray body Plank spectrum, optical transmission, and measurements of self-emission λ and reflectivity. 2πhc2 1 Iλ(T)=ε(λ) λ5 ehc/λkT −1 , (6) Figure 6 depicts the Hugoniot temperature of liquid hydrogen as a function of measured pressure. Theoreti- with T as a fit parameter, where c is the speed of light, cal models predicted that Hugoniot temperatures of liq- h is Planck’s constant, and k is Boltzmann’s constant. uidhydrogenarehigherbyafactorof∼1.3thanthoseof The radiance was obtained in a single spectral band liquid deuteriumatthe same pressure8. Deuterium tem- centered at 455 nm with a bandwidth 38 nm. The emis- perature measured by previous shock experiments30,32 sivity ε is related to the reflectivity R of the shock front are also shown in Fig. 6. Although the uncertainty throughε(λ)=1−R(λ). Forthe reflectivity atthe SOP in temperature measurements is still large, the hydro- wavelength, we adopted the reflectivity measured at the gentemperatureobtainedinthisworkishigherthanthe VISAR wavelength assuming a weak dependence of R deuterium data. This is another experimental evidence on the wavelength (see Fig. 7). To relate the diagnos- of the isotope difference in the hydrogen Hugoniot. At tic system output to a source radiance, in situ measure- this temperature, molecular hydrogen begins to dissoci- mentswereperformedtodeterminethespectralresponse ate and the fraction reaches to ∼ 14% (39%) at P = 25 ofthe system. We usedcalibrationsignalsrecordedwith GPa (40 GPa) according to Kerley’s model8. 4 V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS c2 = (∂P/∂ρ) . The second term of Eq. (7) is larger s S for the Z-fit case due to the lower density, and then the particlevelocityincreasesfasterwiththedecreaseofden- Drude-type models are often applied to parameterize the optical properties of liquid metal33,34. Within the sity. Therefore, two release curves shown in Fig. 2 are graduallyapproachingatthe lowerpressure. The result- Drude description, the complex index of refraction is given by nˆ2 = 1 − (ω2/ω2)(1 + i/ωτ )−1 where ω = ing differences in the Hugoniot pressure and density for s p e p hydrogen are ∼ 1% and ∼ 4% compared to those de- (4πn e2/m )1/2 istheplasmafrequency,n isthecarrier e e e rived by the OMEGA-fit. Apparently, improvement of density, e is the electroncharge,m is the electronmass, e the quartz EOS is essential for the further development andω =2πc/λistheopticalfrequency. Heretheelectron of Hugoniot measurements using quartz standards36. relaxation time is assumed to be τ = R /v where R e 0 F 0 In summary, we have obtained the principal Hugoniot is the interparticle spacing and v is the electron Fermi F data P-ρ-T for liquid hydrogen, not deuterium, in an velocity. We adopt R = 0.126 nm corresponding to a 0 unexplored range of pressure up to 55 GPa. The re- density 0.4 g/cm3. Then the Drude reflectivity of liq- sults demonstrate that the hydrogen Hugoniot cannot uidmetallic hydrogencanbe derivedasafunctionofn , e be scaled by density from the deuterium data in conse- which is depicted in Fig. 7. quence of the initial density effects16,37,38. As for the High reflectivity is produced when the carrier density study of planetary interiors, the hydrogen EOS data at exceeds the critical density n defined by ω2(n ) = ω2. c p c muchhigherpressurearerequiredsince the transitionto The critical density is n = 3.9×1021 cm−3 at λ = 532 c metallic hydrogen is anticipated to be at P ∼ 200-400 nm. Taking R = 23%, for example, the carrier density GPa in Jupiter1. However, the hydrogen temperature is given by 3.7×1022 cm−3, which is about 31% of total must be kept lower because the Hugoniot temperature hydrogen number density n = 1.2×1023 cm−3 and max at this pressure range is too high to reproduce Jupiter’s equivalent with ωτ =0.37. The Fermi energyestimated e conditions. Therefore off-Hugoniot measurements of hy- from this carrier density is 4.0 eV, which is higher than drogen by means of reflection shocks13 and/or precom- the shock temperature. This indicates that the observed pressedsamples38–40 willbe aquiteimportantnextstep. highlyreflectivestatewouldbecharacteristicofadegen- erateliquidmetal. BasedontheDrudemodel,thereflec- tivity increases with the carrier density and saturates at Acknowledgments R=36%. This implies that the maximum reflectivity of hydrogenmaybeslightlylowerthanthatofdeuterium34, We thank G. Kerley, B. Holst, and M. Ross for pro- although it depends on the assumed compression ratio. viding us with their EOS data and W. Nellis for use- It will be interesting to confirm the saturated value of ful discussions. We also thank the anonymous referees the reflectivity by future experiments. whose comments and suggestions improved this paper. The hydrogen Hugoniot obtained in this work is We are deeply grateful to the GEKKO technical crew strongly dependent on the quartz EOS. Recently the for their exceptional support during these experiments quartz Hugoniot was reexamined by using magnetically and the Daico MFG Co. for their outstanding work on driven flyer impact on the Z machine and a new fitting quartztargets. This workwasperformedunderthe joint function was derived35. For comparison, the hydrogen researchprojectoftheInstituteofLaserEngineering,Os- Hugoniots calculated by using the Z-fit and Kerley re- ′ ′ ′ akaUniversity. This researchwaspartially supportedby lease (U , P , and ρ ) are listed in Table I. The stiffer pH H H grantsfor the Core-to-CoreProgramfromthe JapanSo- Hugoniot of quartz reduces the initial pressure of the re- cietyfor the PromotionofScience,the GlobalCOEPro- lease isentrope (see Fig. 2). At the initial shock state of gram, “Center for Electronic Devices Innovation”, from quartz, the pressure and density inferred from the Z-fit the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Hugoniot, P =716GPaandρ =6.61g/cm3, arelower 1 1 Technology of Japan, and the Core Research for Evolu- than those of the OMEGA-fit case, P = 746 GPa and 1 tionalScience andTechnology(CREST) fromthe Japan ρ =7.05 g/cm3). 1 Science and Technology Agency. In our analysis, the quartz release cannot be approxi- matedby areflectionofthe Hugoniotinthe P-U plane, p and thus the off-Hugoniot EOS of Kerley’s model deter- minestheshapeofthecurve. Theparticlevelocityalong the release isentrope can be calculated by using the Rie- mann integral: ρ U =U − c ρ−1dρ, (7) p p1 s Zρ1 where U is the particle velocity at the initial shock p1 state, and the sound speed is obtained from the pres- sure derivative of the density at constant entropy S, 5 FIG.1: (Coloronline)Sketchofthecryogenichydrogentarget usedintheexperiments. Thedrivelaserirradiatesthetarget from the left with an incident angle of 30 degree, while the VISARandSOPmeasuretheshockvelocityandself-emission from the rear-side of thetarget. FIG. 3: (Color) Impedance-matching in the P-Up plane il- lustrating measurement error propagation. Black dot-dashed curvesshowtheRayleigh linesforquartz(upper)andhydro- gen (lower). Red solid curve is the quartz Hugoniot derived by laser experiments (Ref. 26). Blue solid curve is a release isentropeofquartzcalculatedfromKerley’smodel(SESAME 7360) (Ref. 27), and blue dashed curves show the propaga- tion of uncertainty in the quartz shock velocity. The inset is amagnifiedviewaround theintersection of theRayleigh line of hydrogen with the release isentrope of quartz. Black dot- tedcurvesshowtherangeofuncertaintyintheRayleighlines associated withthemeasurementerrorinhydrogenshockve- locity. For the purpose of comparison, the quartz Hugoniot basedonZexperiments(Ref. 35)andthecorrespondingKer- ley release are shown byorange and green solid curves. FIG.2: (a)SampleVISARtraceshowingthesignalfrom the reflectingshockfrontinthelaser-sidequartzandliquidhydro- gen in experiment No. 32275. (b) Resulting velocity profile extractedfromtheVISARfringeshiftin(a)withdashedlines representing measurement uncertainties. TABLE I: Hugoniot data for liquid hydrogen resulted from impedance-matching to a quartz standard. UsQ and UsH are the shock velocities in quartz and hydrogen withmeasurementerrors. UpH,PH,andρH aretheparticlevelocity,pressure,anddensityofshockedhydrogenshowingbothrandomandsystematicerrors: (ran,sys). U′ , P′, and ρ′ are reference data derived by using the Z-fit quartz Hugoniot (Ref. 35) instead of the OMEGA laser fit (Ref. 26). Shot numbers with an asterisk pH H H indicate targets with a thinneraluminum pusher(23 µm) and VISARswith lower sensitivities, 9.79 (13.51) and 14.72 (20.31) km/s/fringe for quartz(hydrogen). Shot No. UsQ [km/s] UsH [km/s] UpH [km/s] PH [GPa] ρH [g/cm3] Up′H [km/s] PH′ [GPa] ρ′H [g/cm3] 32275 21.24±0.21 30.31±0.20 24.16±(0.38,0.01) 55.7±(0.9,0.0) 0.375±(0.024,0.001) 24.03±(0.39,0.14) 55.4±(1.0,0.3) 0.367±(0.023,0.008) 33159 19.33±0.16 26.89±0.30 21.44±(0.27,0.04) 43.8±(0.7,0.1) 0.375±(0.025,0.003) 21.29±(0.29,0.13) 43.5±(0.7,0.3) 0.365±(0.025,0.008) 33144 19.27±0.14 26.64±0.20 21.37±(0.26,0.05) 43.3±(0.6,0.1) 0.384±(0.020,0.003) 21.21±(0.27,0.13) 42.9±(0.6,0.3) 0.373±(0.020,0.009) 32270 19.04±0.34 25.71±0.25 21.10±(0.54,0.06) 41.2±(1.1,0.1) 0.424±(0.054,0.005) 20.92±(0.56,0.13) 40.9±(1.2,0.3) 0.408±(0.054,0.011) 31912∗ 17.54±0.28 23.72±0.45 18.95±(0.49,0.07) 34.2±(1.1,0.1) 0.378±(0.053,0.006) 18.77±(0.44,0.20) 33.8±(1.0,0.4) 0.364±(0.045,0.014) 33151 16.58±0.17 22.21±0.27 17.43±(0.32,0.11) 29.4±(0.6,0.2) 0.353±(0.028,0.008) 17.50±(0.28,0.22) 29.5±(0.6,0.4) 0.358±(0.027,0.016) 31917∗ 15.49±0.44 21.14±0.54 15.78±(0.68,0.14) 25.4±(1.2,0.2) 0.300±(0.052,0.008) 15.97±(0.67,0.17) 25.7±(1.2,0.3) 0.311±(0.054,0.010) 31922∗ 15.26±0.48 20.93±0.71 15.45±(0.74,0.14) 24.6±(1.4,0.2) 0.290±(0.062,0.008) 15.64±(0.74,0.14) 24.9±(1.4,0.2) 0.301±(0.066,0.008) 6 7 FIG. 6: (Color online) Temperature versus pressure for the FIG. 4: (Color online) Pressure versus compression for the principalHugoniotofliquidhydrogen. Experimentaldataare principal Hugoniot of liquid hydrogen. Data are from Dick from Holmes et al. (Ref. 30) (green squares) and this work and Kerley (Ref. 18) (blue triangles), Nellis et al. (Ref. 19) (red circles). For comparison, the Hugoniot temperature for (green squares), and this work (red circles). Error bars rep- liquid deuterium (Refs. 30 and 32) are depicted by gray dia- resent the quadrature sum of random and systematic errors. monds. Also shown are theoretical predictions from Kerley’s Also shown are theoretical predictions from the model EOS EOS model (Ref. 8) for hydrogen (solid line) and deuterium of Kerley (Ref. 8) (solid line), quantum molecular dynamics (gray line). simulations (Ref. 10) (dashed line), and the linear mixing model (Ref. 28) (dot-dashed line). For reference, the Hugo- niot data for liquid deuterium (Refs. 14, 16, and 30) are de- pictedbygraydiamonds,andgraycurveistheKerleymodel for deuterium (Ref. 8). FIG. 5: Time profile of theemission intensity at 455 nm cal- culatedfromthecentralregionofthestreakedshockemission data for experiment No. 33151, which is shown in the inset image. Thethicknessofthehydrogenlayerwas∼250µmfor thisshot,sothatthetransittimeismuchlongerthan2.5ns. FIG. 7: Drude reflectivity plotted as a function of carrier TABLE II: Reflectivity RH and Hugoniot temperature TH density at the VISAR wavelength 532 nm (solid line) and forliquidhydrogen. Thereflectivityofshockedhydrogenwas SOPwavelength 455 nm (dashed line). The difference in the measured at thewavelength 532 nm usingVISARsignal and reflectivitybetweenthesetwowavelengthsisatmost2%. The aluminumknownreflectivity. TheHugoniotpressureandden- sity for each shot are listed in Table I. criticaldensityncandmaximumdensitynmaxofelectronsare indicated bythe arrows. Shot No. RH [%] TH [eV] 32270 22.7±2.8 0.93±0.08 33151 14.1±1.9 0.77±0.05 31922 8.3±1.8 0.69±0.13 8 1 D.SaumonandT.Guillot,Astrophys.J.609,1170(2004). 23 D. G. 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