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Laser Breakdown of Dielectric Materials by Alan Heins Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the ... PDF

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Preview Laser Breakdown of Dielectric Materials by Alan Heins Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the ...

Laser Breakdown of Dielectric Materials by Alan Heins Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Supervised by Chunlei Guo Institute of Optics Arts, Sciences and Engineering Edmund A. Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences University of Rochester Rochester, New York 2013 ii Biographical Sketch The author was born in Park Ridge, Illinois. He attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physics in 2002. He began doctoral studies in Optics at the University of Rochester in 2006. He pursued his research in the interaction of strong laser fields with matter under the direction of Chunlei Guo. The following publications were a result of work conducted during doctoral study: A. Heins and C. Guo, “High-Intensity Femtosecond Laser Interactions with Gases and Clusters,” p. 69-84 in Nanomaterials: Processing and Characterization with Lasers, 1st Ed., edited by S. Singh, H. Zeng, C. Guo, and W. Cai A. Heins and C. Guo, “High stability breakdown of noble gases with femtosecond laser pulses,” Optics Letters 37, 599 (2012) A. Heins and C. Guo, “Spatial mode cleaning in radically asymmetric strongly-focused laser beams,” Appl. Phys. B, DOI: 10.1007/s00340-013-5483-5 A. Heins and C. Guo, “Shock-induced concentric rings in femtosecond laser ablation of glass”, J. of Appl. Phys. 113, 223506 (2013) DOI: 10.1063/1.4810847 iii Abstract The breakdown of dielectric solids and transparent gases by high-intensity femtosecond laser pulses are experimentally investigated. The plasma emission from atmospheric- pressure gases is studied. The plasma emission strength is shown to exhibit much less shot- to-shot variance than the plasma generated by longer-pulse lasers; this observation is explained by the different breakdown mechanism active for very short pulses. The breakdown plasma defocuses the pulse which creates it; this process is studied experimentally and through a Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) simulation. The plasma also causes a spectral blueshift in the generating pulse; the spectrum of the transmitted pulse is investigated. Time-resolved measurements of the evolving plasma shape are presented. The defocus, blueshift, and plasma shape experiments are all conducted for both linear and circular polarization – and it is found that a circularly polarized pulse behaves exactly like a linearly polarized pulse of lower intensity. The intensity shift is determined to be 1.36 times, and is consistent among all three experiments, but disagrees with the 1.5 times shift seen in vacuum experiments. In spite of possessing a lower overall number of ions, the plasma generated with a circular pulse is shown to emit more brightly than one produced with a linear pulse. This is connected with theoretical descriptions of ionization which predict higher electron kinetic energies following a circularly polarized breakdown pulse, and shows that kinetic energy plays a major role in producing plasma emission. The role of impact excitation is reaffirmed in a mixed-gas experiment, in which it is shown that a lower- ionization-potential gas can increase emission from a higher-ionization-potential gas. In dielectric solids, it is found that circular pulses produce a narrower but deeper crater. The crater profiles are well fit by an atomic model which primarily considers lattice heating from electron collisions. In both solids and gases, the role of dephasing of the electron motion – induced either through collisions or continuous blueshifting of the pulse – is found to be the critical factor in moving energy from the pulse to the material. Finally, the effects of the shockwave generated when a solid is ablated in air are studied. iv Contributors and Funding Sources This work was completed in the laboratory of Professor Chunlei Guo, and supervised by a dissertation committee consisting of Professors Chunlei Guo of the Institute of Optics, Professor Carlos Stroud of the Institue of Optics, Professor Nick Bigelow of the Department of Physics, and Professor Chuang Ren of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. All work for the dissertation was completed independently by the student. The work published in this dissertation was funded by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research. v Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2: Laser System..................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Oscillator 5 2.2 Amplifier 7 2.3 Pulse Measurement 18 Chapter 3: High Intensity Atomic and Molecular Physics ............................................................ 23 3.1 Tunneling Ionization 24 3.2 Multiphoton Ionization 29 3.3 Electron Energies 33 Chapter 4: Gas Breakdown ............................................................................................................... 40 4.1 Background 40 4.2 Spectra From Gas Breakdown 44 4.3 Breakdown Stability 60 4.4 Plasma Defocusing 66 4.5 Spectral Blueshifting 80 4.6 Plasma Imaging 88 4.7 Combining Defocusing, Blueshifting, and Plasma Luminous Yield 95 4.8 Additional Evidence for a Hot Plasma 101 4.9 Conclusion 105 Chapter 5: Surface Breakdown ...................................................................................................... 107 5.1 Background 107 5.2: Z-Scan 113 5.3: Crater Diameter and Ablation Threshold 120 5.4: Crater Depth and Energy Absorption 126 5.5 Conclusion 133 vi Chapter 6: Air-Surface Interaction ................................................................................................. 134 6.1 Background 134 6.2 Concentric Rings 135 6.3: Model: Shockwave Reflection 141 6.4: Conclusion 152 Chapter 7 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 154 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................... 156 Appendix A: Tunneling Models of Ionization ............................................................................... 174 Appendix B: Experimental Measurement of Ionization Rates .................................................... 183 Appendix C: Nonlinear Propagation of an Intense Pulse ........................................................... 190 vii List of Figures and Tables Figure 2-1: Diagram of complete amplifier. ............................................................................... 9 Figure 2-2: Impact of second (β ) and third (β ) order dispersion on a Gaussian pulse, initially 2 3 of 60 fs FWHM ................................................................................................................. 12 Figure 2-3: details of regenerative amplifier ............................................................................ 13 Figure 2-4: Compressor length scans for three different values of TOD. ............................... 22 Figure 3-1: Tunneling Ionization .............................................................................................. 25 Figure 3-2: Predicted ionization rates for the PPT and ADK models for N2 and O2 .............. 27 Figure 3-3: Heuristic model of multiphoton ionization. ............................................................ 32 Figure 3-4: Simpleman prediction for the kinetic energies of electrons created by a Gaussian pulse ................................................................................................................................. 35 Figure 3-5: Simpleman prediction of kinetic energies for a parabolic pulse envelope of total width 68 fs ........................................................................................................................ 37 Figure 4-1: A typical LIBS spectrum for argon ........................................................................ 45 Figure 4-2: Verifying the radiometric calibration of the Ocean Optics spectrometer .............. 45 Figure 4-3: Comparison of LIBS and arc spectra. ................................................................... 47 Figure 4-4: Nitrogen afterglow ................................................................................................. 48 Figure 4-5: Time evolution of the continuum component of the plasma emission for several gases ................................................................................................................................ 51 Figure 4-6: Time evolution of the various spectral components ............................................. 52 Figure 4-7: Voigt fitting to the width of an excited oxygen atom triple line. ............................. 55 Figure 4-8: Attempted fit of Equation 4-2 to the xenon continuum, at two different times. ..... 59 Table 4-1: Stability (RSD) of the plasma emission of argon, krypton, and xenon under femtosecond pulse breakdown.. ...................................................................................... 60 Figure 4-9: Multiphoton versus avalanche ionization. ............................................................. 63 Figure 4-10: Stability of plasma emission signals ................................................................... 65 Figure 4-11: Fluence (F) distribution for a pulse defocusing in air .......................................... 71 Figure 4-12: Center detail of Figure 4-11 ................................................................................ 72 Figure 4-13: Intensity distribution produced by the highest energy time slice ........................ 73 Figure 4-14: Oxygen ion density following a 0.5 mJ pulse focused with a 60 mm lens. ........ 74 Figure 4-15: Same as Figure 4-14, but covering nitrogen ions. .............................................. 75 viii Figure 4-16: Comparison of ablation crater areas in vacuum and air on soda-lime glass for a 0.5 mJ, 63 fs pulse ........................................................................................................... 76 Figure 4-17: Energy lost to defocusing at a function of pulse energy in air. ........................... 79 Figure 4-18: Setup for the polarization gating experiment ...................................................... 83 Figure 4-19: Branching ratio versus wavelength for 0 – 5 waveplates (delay stages) ........... 84 Figure 4-20: Effect of third order dispersion on blueshift spectra ........................................... 87 Figure 4-21: Images of a 900 μJ pulse focused in air ............................................................. 89 Figure 4-22: Projections of the plasma ball onto the y axis, same pulse as Figure 4-21 ....... 90 Figure 4-23: Projections of the plasma ball onto the z axis, taken at t = 3 ns ........................ 91 Figure 4-24: Projections of the plasma ball onto the z axis, for varying pulse energy (vertical axis) – linear polarization.. ............................................................................................... 92 Figure 4-25: Projections of the plasma ball onto the z axis, for varying pulse energy (vertical axis) – circular polarization .............................................................................................. 93 Figure 4-26: Growth of plasma left “edge” with pulse energy ................................................. 94 Figure 4-27: Centroid of the spectral distribution for pulses which have passed through an air focus. ................................................................................................................................ 96 Figure 4-28: Total luminescence yield of the plasma, taken in a 3 ns window around the emission peak .................................................................................................................. 97 Figure 4-29: Same data as Figure 4-28, plotted on a linear scale .......................................... 99 Figure 4-30: Mixed gas emission ...........................................................................................102 Figure 4-31: Pulse train measurement ..................................................................................104 Figure 5-1: Reflectivities predicted by the Drude model for three different assumptions about the electron collision rate ...............................................................................................112 Figure 5-2: Damage (thermal) and cratering for a 0.5 mJ pulse, focused by a 60 mm achromatic lens onto a soda-lime microscope slide ......................................................114 Figure 5-3: Same as previous, but 530 μm before the geometric focus ...............................116 Figure 5-4: Continuation of Figures 5-2 and 5-3, at (a) z = -76 μm, (b) z = -25 μm, and (c) z = 25 μm .............................................................................................................................117 Figure 5-5: Astigmatism in passing through the focus ..........................................................118 Figure 5-6: Ablation of glass by a 0.5 mJ pulse 430 μm after the geometric focus ..............119 Figure 5-7: Measured crater areas in soda-lime glass as a function of z .............................122 Figure 5-8: Craters at z = -1 mm, taken for three different limiting aperture diameters ........123 Figure 5-9: Diameter of the craters in linear and circular polarization ..................................125 ix Figure 5-10: Radially averaged crater profiles in linear polarization .....................................127 Figure 5-11: Similar to Figure 5-10, but with circular polarization .........................................128 Figure 5-12: Modeling the crater shape ................................................................................132 Figure 6-1: Damage spots obtained for an unclipped, 1 mJ, 90 fs, 19 GW peak power pulse focused in air ..................................................................................................................136 Figure 6-2: Rings around the damage spot at z = 0 for 1 mJ pulses in air (a), argon (b), and vacuum (c) ......................................................................................................................137 Figure 6-3: Damage spots created with a clipped “half moon” beam ...................................138 Figure 6-4: Effect of astigmatism on the ablation of glass in air ...........................................139 Figure 6-5: Evolution of beam with horizontal stripe removed, from z = -450 μm to z = 0 ...140 Figure 6-6: Evolution of the beam with a horizontal stripe removed, from z = +50 μm to z = +550 μm .........................................................................................................................140 Figure 6-7: Pump-probe experiment with 0.2 mJ pulses, z = 0 ............................................142 Figure 6-8: Origin of the rings ................................................................................................143 Figure 6-9: Fluence flattening ................................................................................................146 Figure 6-10: Comparison of theory and experiment ..............................................................147 Figure 6-11: Damage spots in air with a much weaker (~1%) prepulse ...............................150 Figure 6-12: Pump-probe experiment at short and long delays ............................................151 Figure 6-13: Enhancing radial symmetry as a shockwave expands .....................................153 Figure B-1: Ion counting spectrometer ..................................................................................184 Figure B-2: Closeup of a microchannel plate, an ion amplifier .............................................187 Figure B-3: Diagram of a delay-line anode ............................................................................187 Figure B-4: dissociation of molecular hydrogen in a WATRIMS setup, p polarization .........188 Figure B-5: dissociation of molecular hydrogen in a WATRIMS setup, s polarization .........189 Figure C-1: Self-focusing of a beam ......................................................................................192 Figure C-2: Filamentation models .........................................................................................194 x Table of Symbols β electric field absorption parameter γ Keldysh (adiabicity) parameter Δφ change in SOD with compressor length 2 Δφ change in TOD with compressor length 3 Δf full-width, half-maximum in frequency space FWHM Δλ full-width, half-maximum in wavelength FWHM Δt full-width, half-maximum pulse width in time FWHM ε permittivity; electric field (Appendix A only) Θ electric field energy density λ laser wavelength ρ electron density ρneutral neutral atom density σ conductivity σ DC conductivity 0 τ electron dephasing time τ pulse half width (e-2 in intensity) 0 φ Carrier-Envelope Phase (CEP) φ Second Order Disperson (SOD) 2 φ Third Order Dispersion (TOD) 3 ψ electric field phase (zero at peaks) ψ hydrogen-like ground state g ψ vacuum state p ω laser angular frequency ω plasma frequency p ω inverse tunneling time tunnel a atomic radius (5.292 x 10-11 m) 0 e electron charge (1.602 x 10-19 C)

A. Heins and C. Guo, “High stability breakdown of noble gases with cavity, the pulse has been amplified to nearly a millijoule and exhausted the
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