Marlowetal.BMCBiology2014,12:7 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Larval body patterning and apical organs are conserved in animal evolution Heather Marlow1*, Maria Antonietta Tosches1, Raju Tomer1,2, Patrick R Steinmetz1,3, Antonella Lauri1,4, Tomas Larsson1,5 and Detlev Arendt1* Abstract Background: Planktonic ciliated larvae are characteristic for the life cycle of marine invertebrates. Their most prominent feature is the apical organ harboring sensory cells and neuronsof largely undetermined function. An elucidation of the relationships between various forms of primary larvae and apical organs is key to understanding theevolution of animal life cycles. These relationships have remained enigmatic due to the scarcity of comparative molecular data. Results: Tocompare apical organs and larval body patterning,wehave studied regionalizationof the episphere, theupper hemisphere ofthe trochophore larva of themarine annelid Platynereis dumerilii.We examined thespatial distribution of transcription factors and of Wnt signaling componentspreviously implicated inanterior neural development. Pharmacological activation ofWnt signaling withGsk3β antagonists abolishes expression of apical markers, consistent with a repressiverole ofWnt signaling in the specification of apical tissue. We refer to this Wnt-sensitive, six3- and foxq2-expressing part of the episphere as the‘apical plate’.We also unraveled a molecular signature of theapical organ - devoid ofsix3 butexpressing foxj,irx,nkx3 and hox -that is shared withothermarine phyla including cnidarians. Finally, wecharacterizedthe cell types that form partoftheapical organ by profiling by image registration,which allowsparallel expression profiling of multiple cells. Besides the hox-expressingapical tuft cells, this revealed thepresence ofputative light- and mechanosensory as well as multiplepeptidergic cell types that we compared to apical organ cell types of other animal phyla. Conclusions: The similarformation of a six3+, foxq2+apical plate, sensitive to Wntactivityand withan apical tuft inits six3-freecenter, is mostparsimoniously explained by evolutionary conservation. We propose that a simple apical organ -comprising an apical tuft and a basalplexus innervatedby sensory-neurosecretory apical plate cells- was present inthe last common ancestors of cnidarians and bilaterians. One of itsancient functions would have been thecontrol of metamorphosis. Varioustypes of apical plate cellswould thenhave subsequently been added to the apical organ in thedivergent bilaterian lineages.Our findings support an ancient and common origin ofprimary ciliated larvae. Keywords: Apical-blastoporalaxis, Apical organ, Body plan, Larval evolution Background ciliary locomotion [4]. Most conspicuously, an ‘apical The vast majority of animal phyla live in the ocean and organ’ is found in various groups, including cnidarians develop via small ciliated larvae that form part of the [5], protostome annelids, mollusks [2], flatworms [6] and zooplankton [1]. These larvae, called ‘primary larvae’, are nemertines [7], as well as deuterostome echinoderms [8] equippedwithsensorycellstoperceivevariousstimuliin- and hemichordates [9]. These groups belong to the cluding light, touch and chemical cues [2,3]. Simple ner- Neuralia (which includes cnidarians and bilaterian proto- vous systems integrate sensory information and control stomes and deuterostomes; Figure 1) [10]. Apical organs areoftenequippedwithan‘apicaltuft’oflongciliaandin- *Correspondence:[email protected];[email protected] clude a small set of sensory-neurosecretory cell types 1EuropeanMolecularBiologyLaboratory,DevelopmentBiologyUnit,EMBL [11,12]. As shown for cnidarians, mollusks and annelids, Heidelberg,Meyerhofstraße1,69117Heidelberg,Germany Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle apical organs play a role in the control of settlement ©2014Marlowetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(,whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited.TheCreativeCommonsPublicDomainDedication waiver(,unlessotherwise stated. Marlowetal.BMCBiology2014,12:7 Page2of17 Cnidarian Lophotrochozoan Deuterostome Figure1Thethreescenariosshowtheoriginofthepelagic pelagic benthic pelagic benthic pelagic benthic larvalbodyplan,indicatedbyredarrows.Thepresenceof pelagicformsisindicatedbybluelinesandthatofbenthicformsby brownlines. Asingle-colouredlineindicatesamonophasiclife cyclethatwouldbepelagicinscenarioBandbenthicinscenarioC. Doublelines(blueandbrown)indicateabiphasic,pelago-benthic lifecycle(withpelagiclarvalandbenthicadultforms).Notethatthe biphasiclifecycleisassumedtohaveevolvedmultipletimes independentlyinscenarioC.(A)Theclassicalviewimplies homologyofbothciliatedlarvaeandbenthicadultsthat,once evolved,haveremainedpartoftheeumetazoanlifecycle[17]. (B)Nielsen[16]modifiedthisviewtoproposethattheholopelagic neuralianancestorspersistedbeyondtheinitialdivergenceofthe majorneuralianclades,andthatthebiphasiclifecyclewithbenthic adultsaroseindependentlyinthecnidariansandonceortwicein ancestor pelagic benthic thebilaterians.(C)Instarkcontrast,otherauthorsassumethat today’sciliatedlarvaearoseconvergentlymanytimesbythe A Pelago-benthic neuralian ancestors: Single terminal addition repeatedintercalationofapelagicdispersallarvaintoprimarily of benthic adult stages (Jägersten 1972; Arendt et. al, 2013) monophasic,holobenthiclifecyclesandarethusevolutionarily unrelated.Thisviewimpliesthatthecharacteristicsoftoday’s swimminglarvaesuchasapicalorgansandequatorialciliarybands evolvedconvergently[18]. [13-15], facilitating the integration of multimodal sensory input and the coordination of effector cells. Development involving primary larvae (or any other kind of secondary larvae) is referred to as ‘indirect’; if itdoesnot involve a larvalstage,itisreferredtoas‘direct’[16]. Widespread occurrence of ciliated larvae, with similar overall body plans, has prompted radically different views regardingtheirevolutionarysignificance[16,18-20].While ancestor pelagic some authors consider them an ancient feature of the metazoan life cycle [16,17,19], others assume that they B Holopelagic neuralian ancestors.: Terminal addition of benthic evolved multiple times independently [18,20] (Figure 1). adult benthic stages two (or three) times (Nielsen 2012) In the past two decades, studies of developmental genes involved insettingupthelarvalbodyplanhavestarted to provideanewsourceofcomparativedatatoresolvethese conflicting views. These studies have revealed specific similarities such as the expression of the goosecoid and brachyurygenesinforegut,midlineandhindgutoflopho- trochozoan and deuterostome larvae [21] (in a manner distinct from direct developers such as insects or verte- brates).Also,theciliarybandscharacteristicforswimming larvae were found to specifically express otx and three conserved microRNAs in lophotrochozoans and deutero- stomes, corroborating the homology of shared larval fea- ancestor benthic tures [22,23]. Conversely, dissimilar expression reported for nk2.1 and hnf6 in the apical plate of sea urchins and C Holobenthic neuralian ancestors: Repeated intercalation of the episphere of abalone larvae [24] raised doubt regard- swimming larval stages; many times in each lineage (Raff 2008) ing the common origin of similar shared larval features. However,thesepioneeringstudiesthusfarreliedonsmall genesets. More recently, an extended set of transcription factors has been shown to play a conserved role in patterning the larval body plan in hemichordate [25] and in sea urchin [26,27], belonging to the deuterostomes, and in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis, a cnidarian Marlowetal.BMCBiology2014,12:7 Page3of17 [28].Thesefactorsrespondtothedifferentialstabilization of the Platynereis episphere [34], peripherally overlapping of β-catenin along the primary body axis, triggered by withtheexpressionofrx[35]. Wnt signaling [28,29]. In particular, six3 and foxq2 have Building on this, we set out to further refine the mo- been shown to negatively respond to Wnt signaling in a lecular topography of the Platynereis larval episphere. complexsequenceofpatterningevents[28,29].Thesefac- We found that, in Platynereis, the newly characterized torsspecifyapical territoryaroundthe apical pole[27,30]. foxq2 expression demarcated the ‘upper’ two thirds of For the first time, the conserved regional expression of the episphere (Figure 2A), largely overlapping with that similar sets of transcription factors provides a molecular of six3 (Figure 2B). We refer to this six3+, foxq2+ region framework for the comparison of larval cell types and as apical plate, in accordance with classical nomenclature tissues and thus important clues to larval body plan and for spiralian trochophore larvae (for example, see [2] and apicalorganevolution. discussion). Expression of the newly characterized fezf In our current study,weinvestigatedtheapicalpattern- (Figure 2C) and that of rx (Figure 2D) overlapped that of ing system in the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii six3andfoxq2peripherally(withrxbeinglargelyrestricted [31], a lophotrochozoan protostome with a canonical bi- tothedorsalandfezftotheventralbodysides).Moreper- phasicpelago-benthiclife cycle(involvingapelagicphase, ipherally,inthe‘lower’thirdoftheepisphere,wedetected that is, swimming, primary larvae, and a benthic phase, expression of otx (Figure 2E) [21], partially overlapping that is, bottom-dwelling adults). We examined the set of with that of rx dorsally and that of fezf ventrally. Even transcription factors involved in apical patterning, includ- more peripherally, expression of the otp gene (Figure 2G) ing six3 and foxq2, in the episphere of the Platynereis [12]demarcatedtheciliaryband,calledtheprototroch. trochophore larva and have shown that, as in deutero- The Platynereis episphere can thus be subdivided into stomesandcnidarians,expressionofthesefactorsissensi- a sequence of molecular regions, arranged in concentric tive to Wnt signaling. We found that the apical organ rings from apical to peripheral (Figure 3). This overall developsinasmallcentralterritorydevoidofsix3expres- sequence matches the molecular topography observed in sion, that instead expresses a number of other factors, deuterostomes and cnidarians (Figure 3). Another con- many of which are found in the same location in other served feature of apical patterning in sea urchin [24,36], neuralians. By expression profiling, we molecularly char- Saccoglossus [25] and again in Platynereis [12] is expres- acterized several cell types that form part of the apical sion of nk2.1 in an apical-ventral territory (Figure 2F), organ in Platynereis, which we compared to apical organ overlapping six3. In sea urchin, this domain includes celltypesdescribedforotheranimalgroups. cells positive for onecut (HNF6) [24], and we found that, Our results reveal that the larvae of cnidarians, proto- in Platynereis, expression of the same genes covers cells stomes and deuterostomes exhibit extensive similarity in located ventromedially at a similar distance to the apical the moleculartopographyof bodyregions aroundthe ap- tuft cells (demarcated by a yellow dotted line in the con- icalorgan,whichweusetogeneticallydefine‘apicalplate’ focal reflection microscopy panels; compare Figure 2F” and ‘apical organ’; the specification of these regions by a withFigure2J’),whichindicatesco-expression.Thisisim- conserved apical signaling system; and the molecular fin- portant because the two genes were shown to comprise gerprint ofa subset of apicalorgan cell types.These find- non-overlapping domains in the apical region of the red ings support homology of some primitive type of apical abalone Haliotis (where onecut is expressed dorsal to the organ (and thus of swimming ciliated larvae) in Neuralia apical organ only [24]; note that Platynereis also shows andaremostconsistentwithanearlyanduniqueoriginof dorsalpatchesofonecutexpressioninFigure2J’). animallarvalforms(Figure1A,B). The Platynereis trochophore also shares expression features with cnidarian and deuterostome larvae spe- cific to the developing apical organ. In sea urchin [37], Results Nematostella and Platynereis, the apical tuft and a girdle Moleculartopographyoftheapicalregion ofcells surroundingthe tuft are devoid of six3expression In the sea urchin [26,27], the hemichordate Saccoglossus (white dashed line in Figure 2B’and compare to Figure 3 kowalevskii[25]andtheanthozoancnidarianNematostella inPoustkaetal.[37]andFigure3dinMarlowetal.[28]). [28,30], expression of the transcription factors six3 and In Platynereis, the six3-free region extends into a dorsal foxq2demarcatesthemostapicalbodyregion.InSaccoglos- patch of cells that becomes separated from the central susandNematostella,thesix3+,foxq2+domainisperipher- patch by a band of six3+ cells (which includes the con- ally overlapping with a ring of rx and bounded by even spicuouscrescentcells,seebelow).Insidethesix3-freere- more peripheral rings of otx and otp expression [25,28]. gion, we detect restricted expression of several Likewise, fezf is expressed in the apical plate in sea urchin transcription factors (using the nuclei of the two apical [32] and the hemichordate [33]. We have previously tuft cells for reference; yellow circles in confocal apical shownthatsix3isexpressedinalargecontiguousdomain views in Figure 2): otp (Figure 2G”; in addition to its ring- Marlowetal.BMCBiology2014,12:7 Page4of17 A A’ A’’ J J’ A D D D D P V V V V foxq2 onecut B B’ B’’ K K’ A D D D D P V V V V six3 foxj C C’ C’’ L L’ A D D D D P V V V V fezf hox1 D D’ D’’ M M’ A D D D D P V V V V rx irx E E’ E’’ N N’ A D D D D P V V V V otx fgfR F F’ F’’ O O’ A D D D D P V V V V nk2.1 noggin G G’ G’’ P P’ A D D D D P V VV V otp trpV V H H’ I Q Q’ A D D D P V V V nkx3.1 Figure2(Seelegendonnextpage.) Marlowetal.BMCBiology2014,12:7 Page5of17 (Seefigureonpreviouspage.) Figure2ApicalregionalpatterningmRNAexpressioninearlytrochophorelarvae.(A-G)areventralviews,(A’-G’)and(J-Q)areapical views,and(A”-G”)and(J’-Q’)areapicalviewsusingconfocalreflectionmicroscopyofNBT/BCIPstaining(red)followinginsitumRNAand fluorescentDAPIstainingofnuclei(white),allowinglocalizationofindividualcellsintheapicalPlate.F”,I,J’,K’,L’,P’andQ’arehighmagnification apicalviews.Ampullarycellsaredemarcatedwithyellowdashedcircle.Allimagesareof24hourpost-fertilization(hpf)embryos,exceptC,C’,D, D’,E,E’,G,G’,L,M,O,O’,whichareof20hpfembryos.Asterisksmarkthetipoftheapicalpole.(A)Broadapicalexpressionoffoxq2in24hpftrocho- phores.(B)Broadapicalexpressionofsix3,excludingareaencompassingapicalorganandadorsalpatchofcells(demarcatedwithwhitedashedlines). (C)Fezfventrallyinapicalplate.(D)Rxindorsalandventraldomainsbetweenthesix3domainandtheprototroch.(E)Otxin ring-likedomainadjacenttoprototroch.(F)Nk2.1inaventralstripofcellsandintwospotsflankingthecrescentcells.(G,I)Otpinapicalclusterand inprototroch.(H,H’)Schematizedventralandapicalviewsat24hpfdepictingcrescentandampullarycellsandprototroch.(J)Onecutincrescentcells andincellsventraltotheampullarycells.(K)FoxJintheampullarycells,crescentcellsandprototroch.(K’)Antibodystainingtoacetylatedtubulin (green)andDAPI-labelednuclei(blue).(L)Hox1inampullarycells.(M)Irxinsix3-negativeterritoryandinanequatorialringbelowtheprototroch. (N)FgfRinacelldorsaltotheampullarycells.(O)Noggininacelldorsaltotheampullarycells.(P)trpVincellsventraltotheampullarycells.(Q)Nkx3 inasmallpatchofcellsventraltotheampullarycells.(Q’)Nkx3inmechanoreceptorcells(yellowarrows). like expression, see above), nkx3 (Figure 2Q’), foxj (Fig- (Tgfβ and Fgf signaling)and Wnt signalingin apicalplate ure 2K’) and hox1 (Figure 2L’). In addition, the irx gene is patterning. For example, Fgf signaling controls formation expressed in the dorsal patch of cells devoid of six3 oftheapicalorganinseaanemone[14];theapicalplateof expression (Figure2M’).Notably,nkx3[28],foxj[30],the sea urchins is patterned by Tgfβ signaling [39] and fgfr1 hox gene paralog anthox1 [28] and irx [28] are also localizes to the apical plate during apical organ formation expressed in the apical region devoid of six3 in Nematos- [37].Similarly,thePlatynereisapicalorganregionshowed tella; foxj matches the region devoid of six3 expression in specificexpressionoffgfrinahighlyrestrictedpopulation sea urchin [38] and apical irx expression has been docu- of cells (Figure 2N). We also found an apically restricted mentedinhemichordates,althoughbroaderthaninanne- domainoftheTgfβsignalingantagonistnogginincellsde- lids[25].Anapicalregiondevoidofsix3expression,‘filled’ void of six3 expression (white dashed line in Figure 2O’), bytherestrictedexpressionoffoxj,nkx3,hoxandirx,thus which indicates that both signaling systems also play a represents a larval-specific transcription factor signature role in apical patterning in Platynereis. Notably, ex- that molecularly defines the apical organ in several dis- pression of noggin has also been reported for the six3- tinct, phylogenetically remote neuralian groups such as free apical organ in sea anemone [40]. Consistent with a anemoneand annelid (Figure3)and lends strongsupport prominentroleofWnt signalinginPlatynereisapicalpat- toitsevolutionaryconservation(seeDiscussion). terning,wedetectedtheWntreceptormoleculefrizzled5/ Functional studies have demonstrated the role of fibro- 8 in a broad apical domain (Figure 4A; as seen in the blast growth factor (Fgf), transforming growth factor hemichordate Ptychodera [41] and sea urchin [42]) and Figure3Comparisonofapicalmolecularterritoriesinaseaanemoneplanulalarvaandanannelidtrochophore.Apical(above)andlateral (below)viewsofaschematizedplanulalarvaofaseaanemone(leftpanel).GeneexpressionbasedonpublisheddataforNematostellavectensis(for referencesseetext).Apical(above)andlateral(below)viewsofaschematizedannelidtrochophorelarva(rightpanel).Geneexpressionbasedonourdata. Marlowetal.BMCBiology2014,12:7 Page6of17 A A’ A’’ D A V P fz5/8 16hpf fz5/8 20hpf B B’ B’’ D A V P wnt4 16hpf wnt4 20hpf C C’ C’’ D D V V sfrp1/5 24hpf sfrp1/5 48hpf Figure4Wntpathwaymembersareexpressedintheepisphereandhyposphereduringearlydevelopment.Theprototrochismarked withadashedline.Thetipoftheapicalplateismarkedwithanasterisk.Arrowsindicatedorsal(D),ventral(V),anterior(A)andposterior(P). (A)Frizzled5/8acrosstheapicalplate,16hourspost-fertilization(hpf)apicalviewanda(A’)20hpfventralview(insetshowsasurfaceventral view).(B)Wnt4alongtheblastopore,16hpflateralview.(B’)ConfocalimageofventralviewofWnt4expressioninwhichantibodystainingto acetylatedtubulinisvisiblewithagreensecondaryantibody,reflectionsignalofinsituhybridizationisredandnucleiarevisible,stainedwith DAPI,inblue.(C)Apicalviewofsfrp1/5expressionat24hpfandat(C’)48hpf.(A”,B”andC”)Schematicrepresentationsoftheexpressionpat- ternsin(A)and(B)and(C)and(A’)and(B’)and(C’). sfrp, which plays a conserved role in antagonizing Wnt EctopicWntsignalingabolishesspecificationoftheapical signaling in deuterostomes [42,43], specifically in the ap- organregion ical organ region (Figure 4C,C’,C”). Furthermore, we de- IndeuterostomelarvaesuchasseaurchinandSaccoglossus, tected early expression of wnt4 in ventral peripheral as well as in the cnidarian Nematostella, the expression of episphere regions, outside of (but abutting) the six3 apicalmarkerssuchasfoxq2and six3criticallydependson domain, consistent with a role in apical patterning levels of active Wnt signaling [27,43,48]. Activation of ca- (Figure 4B,B’). Wnt4 is one example of a Wnt paralog nonical Wnt signaling via chemical inhibition of Gsk3β expressed at the right stage and location in developing via Li+and/or paullone treatment in sea urchins [37], Nematostella [44] and amphioxus [45] to be involved hemichordates [43] and cnidarians [28] results in the loss in patterning along the primary axis; yet, in the ab- of apical ectodermal markers. Conversely, degradation of sence of specific knockdown or knockout data, no case nuclear β-catenin in sea urchin leads to expansion of for the specific involvement of Wnt4 can be made. apical ectodermal genes including nk2.1, foxq2, six3, rx NotethatnoneofthemanyWntsexpressedinPlatynereis and fgfR [27], indicating that Wnt-mediated antagonism larvae [46,47] appears to be expressed in the six3+ apical of apical plate markers plays a role in the development of plate,inlinewithrepressionofWntsignalingbeingapre- apical territories in deuterostome and cnidarian larvae. requisiteforapicalspecificationtooccur,anotionthatwe To test the role of Wnt signaling in apical patterning setouttotestfurtherexperimentally. in Platynereis larvae, we exposed early trochophores to Marlowetal.BMCBiology2014,12:7 Page7of17 six3 foxQ2 otp hox1 pax6 A B C D E O S M D M u 1 0. M u 5 0. M u 1 M u 5 M u 0 1 Figure5Azakenpaullonetreatmentofembryosaltersgeneexpressionintheepisphereinadose-dependentmanner.Allimagesare apicalviewswithdorsalatthetopoftheimageandventralatthebottom.(A)Six3isseverelyreducedinembryostreatedwithazakenpaullone. (B)Foxq2expressionislostinallbutthemostapicalcellsoftheepisphereinazakenpaullonetreatments.(C)Fewerotpcellsarestainedat increasingconcentrationsofazakenpaulloneandexpressionisentirelylostat10μM.(D)Hox1,amolecularmarkeroftheampullarycells(arrows), isnotaffectedbyazakenpaullonetreatment.Ampullarycellsarespecifiedveryearlyindevelopment,earlierthantheinitiationofchemical treatmentsat12hourspost-fertilization,priortothedifferentiationoftheremainderoftheepisphere.(E)Pax6expression,whichmarksthe ventralregionsofthedevelopingapicalplate,isexpandedintheepisphereupontreatmentwithazakenpaullone.Countsoftheembryos displayingwild-type,reducedorexpandedexpressiondomainsfortworeplicatesat0,1and5μMconcentrationsaredisplayedinFigureS4. azakenpaullone, a selective inhibitor of Gsk3β [49] that Wnt4; Figure 4E), was expanded at 0.5 μM to 10 μM hasbeenshowntotriggernuclearβ-cateninaccumulation concentrations of azakenpaullone(Figure5E).Thenum- in Platynereis, mimicking ectopic activation of Wnt sig- ber of otp+apical organ cells was also reduced at higher naling [47,50]. We found that azakenpaullone specifically concentrations of azakenpaullone (Figure 5C), with all knockeddownorabolishedapicalexpressionofepisphere cells absent at 5 and 10 μM concentrations. By contrast, markers, includingthe broadly expressed six3(Figure 5A) the expression of hox1 in the apical tuft cells persisted and foxq2(Figure5B)inaconcentration-dependentman- at all concentrations (Figure 5D, arrows). This may ner, with the majority of expression reduced or lost be- have been because tuft cells are among the first cells tween 1 μM and 5 μM (Figure 5). Conversely, the to differentiate in the apical plate (Figure 6A). To expressionofpax6,whichoccupiesamoreventralperiph- test the dynamic role of Wnt signaling in episphere eralpositioninthelarvalepisphere[51](overlappingwith patterning, we conducted washout experiments in Marlowetal.BMCBiology2014,12:7 Page8of17 Figure6MolecularfingerprintofPlatynereisapicalorgancelltypes.(A)EdUincorporation(white)individingcellsbetween22and 24hourspost-fertilization(hpf)(apicalview).CentralEdU-negativecells(magenta)representpost-mitoticapicalorgancells.Inset:5μmz- projectionofapicalorgan.(B)Acetylatedtubulinstainingat30hpf,apicalview.Crescentcellslocateddorsaltoampullarytuftcells.Inset:Ciliaof theputativemechanosensorycells(arrowhead).(C)Lateralviewofampullarytuftcells,acetylatedtubulin(green)andDAPIstaining(blue),30hpf. (D)Serotoninergiccellsoftheapicalorganstainedwithananti-5HTantibody,48hpf.Whitearrowindicatesserotonergicinterneuron(magenta inschematic).(E)Fourotp+peptidergicflask-shapedcell(numbers)at48hpf(apicalview).OneoftheselabeledbyanFMRFamideantibody.In schematic,numbersindicateotp+cellsandtheFMRFamidergiccellisincyan.(F)Lateralviewofputativemechanosensorycells,48hpf(arrow- heads:stiffcurlytipsofthesensorycilia).(G,H)Mutuallyexclusivegeneexpressionat48hpf,23μmz-projectionofaveragedexpressionpatterns obtainedwithprofilingbyimageregistration(PrImR).(I)Celltypesoftheotp+domain.Theimageshowsnon-overlappingexpressionofmarkers ofeachcellasdeducedfromPrImR,11μmz-projectionofaverageexpressionpatterns.(J)4μmz-projectionoftheaverageaxonalscaffoldat48 hpf,showingthedeeppositionofthetwoampullarycellssurroundedbyneuropil.(K)Expressionofperopsinat24hpf(L)Expressionofc-opsin1 at20hpf.(M)Hierarchicalclusteringofthemolecularfingerprintofindividualcelltypesidentifiedwithintheapicalorganregionandofthepro- totrochforcomparison.Expressioninmagenta.Asteriskindicatesthetwoampullarytuftcells,redarrowsindicatecrescentcellsandyellowarrow- headsindicateciliaoftwoputativemechanosensorycells.InpanelsB-H,geneexpressionisinred,DAPIstaininginblueandtubulinstainingin greenunlessotherwisespecified.PanelsC-F,scalebaris10μm. azakenpaullone-treated embryos (Additional file 1: and foxq2 form core components, are opposed by a Wnt- Figure S3). Following washout at 24 hours, embryos dependentsignalingcenter. were assessed at 30 hours post-fertilization (hpf) for recovery of gene expression. We saw moderate recov- Morphologicalandmolecularcharacterizationofapical ery in the expression of foxq2 and six3 as well as a organcelltypes slight restriction of pax6, but no changeinthenumber Light and electron optic studies have revealed cell types and location of otp+cells. We attribute the moderate re- that make up the apical organs of different invertebrate covery in expression to the determinate lineage of Platy- larval groups [11,52-54]. In Platynereis, the apical tuft nereis larvae, in which stereotyped divisions may result in was visible by 16 hpf (cf. trpV channel expression at 24 arestrictedfatepotentialveryearlyindevelopment.Taken hpf,Figure2P)andotherapicalorgancells were likewise together, our data indicate that in Platynereis as in deu- post-mitotic by 24 hpf (Figure 6A), expressing markers terostome larvae, the transcription factors defining the indicative of neuronal differentiation. At 30 hpf, several molecular identity of apical body regions, of which six3 apical cell types were fully morphologically differentiated Marlowetal.BMCBiology2014,12:7 Page9of17 (Figure 6B; [31]). We found that the apical tuft was otp in specifying different types of peptidergic cells formed by two basket-shaped cells with intracellular [12]. These three neuropeptides mediate opposing effects tubulin support structures (Figure 6C); cells with a very on locomotor behavior with DLamide and FMRFamide similar morphology, referred to as ampullary cells, have exposure leading to an increase and WLDamide leading previously been described in mollusk larvae [11]. These to a decrease in ciliary beating frequency [55]. The otp + cellspersisteddeep inthe medial brain at later stagesin peptidergiccellsalsoexpressedMIP,therecentlydescribed thecenterofamassivecommissuralandneurosecretory settlement-inducing neuropeptide [15]. In addition, we neuropil(Figure6J),andmaythusrepresentastructural foundthatallotp+sensory-neurosecretorycellswereposi- organizing center for the juvenile nervous system, as tive for the newly identified peropsin gene (Figure 6K), an suggestedforotherpolychaetelarvae[50]. Dorsal tothe opsin-related photopigment that may function as ampullary tuft cells, we found another set of large cells photopigment or photoisomerase [56], indicating that with multiple motile cilia in a crescent-moon shape, these cells (or adjacent cells) are light-sensitive. Com- known as crescent cells (Figure 6D). Two serotonergic plementing this, we observed that the previously char- cells have also been found in the apical organ region acterizedc-opsin1[35],anorthologofrhodopsinandother by30hpf[31].Closesttothetuftwasaserotonergicinter- c-opsins, was expressed in cells around the apical organ neuron (white arrow, Figure 6D) lacking sensory den- (Figure 6L). As c-opsin1 expression is difficult to score in drites. This cell was located deep in the epithelium, 48 hpf larvae (the stage for which the PrImR resource is adjacent to an assembly of previously described sensory- available), we were not able to further characterize the c- neurosecretory flask-shaped cells (Figure 6E) that, mor- opsin1+cells.Oneoftheotp+cellswasdemarcatedbythe phologically, resemble chemosensory cells [12] (called expression of lmx1ab (a terminal selector gene for seroto- parampullary cells in mollusks [11]). More ventral to the ninergic neurons [57]) and by position correlates to the parampullary cells, we detected a median pair of cells serotonergic interneuron (Additional file 1: Figure S5A; bearing short, stiff and curly sensory cilia resembling Figure 6I). The ampullary apical tuft cells (Additional mechanoreceptors(Figure6F). file 1: Figure S4F) specifically expressed hox1 (Figure 2L) These distinctive morphologies, in conjunction with andatrpVchannelpreviouslyimplicatedtoservemechan- the recently established Profiling by Image Registration osensory roles in other protostomes (Figure 2P) [58], (PrImR) technique, enabled us to assign a molecular fin- indicative of multiple sensory modalities. Finally, and gerprint to these cells, providing them with unique mo- consistent with their specialized morphology, the two lecular identities [47]. PrImR utilizes the stereotyped putative mechanosensory cells (Additional file 1: Figure development of the Platynereis axonal scaffold to gener- S5H) expressed miR-183 (Additional file 1: Figure S1), ate in silico alignments of mRNA in situ expression pat- a conserved microRNA that demarcates chemo- and terns, and allows single cell co-expression analyses to be mechanosensory cells across bilaterians [22,59,60]. Fur- conducted [47]. Of a collection of 140 genes currently thermore,theyweretheonlycellstoexpressotx(compare available for PrImR single cell co-expression analysis, 29 Figure2E’). were differentially expressed in cells of the apical organ region in the 48 hpf larva. Additional file 1: Figure S5 Hierarchicalclusteringrevealsdistinctgroupsofapical details the PrImR-based co-expression analysis for the organcells above-mentioned morphologically identifiable cells, In line with our observation that at 24 hpf the apical namely the ventral-most serotoninergic cell (Additional organ region including the tuft cells was devoid of six3 file1:FigureS5A),theparampullarysensory-neurosecretory expression, the tuft cells themselves and the directly cells (Additional file 1: Figure S5B-E), the ampullary tuft ventrally adjacent sensory-neurosecretory and serotonin- cell (Additional file 1: Figure S4F), the crescent cells ergic cells were six3-negative at 48 hpf. By contrast, the (Additional file 1: Figure S5G) and the pair of puta- crescent and mechanoreceptor cells expressed six3 and tivemechanoreceptors(Additionalfile1:FigureS5H). thus, by molecular identity, appear to represent differenti- PrImR revealedunique setsofgenesexpressedbyeach atedcelltypesofthesurroundingapicalplate.Hierarchical of these cell types, in line with their specialized sensory- clustering based on the 48 hpf PrImR data (Figure 6M) neurosecretoryand neuronalcharacteristics.For example, supports this distinction: one cluster comprised the flask- as determined previously, the flask-shaped parampullary shapedsensory-neurosecretorycellsandtheadjacentsero- cells expresses otp (Figure 6G; Additional file 1: Figure toninergic cell, which, in addition to the absence of six3 S5B-E;andseeabove),mir-7(Figure6H)andprohormone andpresenceofotp,miR-7andphc2(seeabove),expressed convertase 2 (phc2) [12]. Beyond that, PrImR allowed carboxypeptidase-E (cpe) and other genes not directly cellular allocation of transcripts encoding neuropep- linked to neurosecretion, such as smad2/3. This cluster tide precursors for DLamide, FMRFamide and WLDa- correspondedtotheotp+cellsdevoidofsix3expressionat mide (Figure 6I), consistent with a conserved role of 24 hpf (see above). Another well-supported cluster Marlowetal.BMCBiology2014,12:7 Page10of17 comprisedthecrescentcellsandtheputativemechanosen- partially nested pattern involving at least nine transcrip- sory cells, which, in addition to six3, expressed the micro- tion factors (rx, six3, foxq2, foxj, otx, otp, irx, nkx3, hox) RNA miR-29 (Figure 6H), the ctbl1 and bZIP.TF genes evolvesconvergentlytwice.Thecoreofthispatternthatis encoding transcription factors of unknown function, and sharedbetweenall neuralians appears tobetheapical co- tektin-2, a structural component of microtubules [61]. expression of two factors, six3 and foxq2, in sea urchin Note that in our clustering, absence and presence of six3 [26,27],hemichordate[25],annelid(ourdata),brachiopod and foxq2 strictly correlated, indicative of co-regulation [63], sea anemone [28,30] and hydrozoan [64]. In sea ur- [30](Figure6M). chin and spiralian larvae, these factors demarcate the Theampullarytuftcellsdevoidofsix3(andfoxq2)exhib- apical plate and we propose to expand this term to the ited a more separate identity with equal distance to either six3+,foxq2+regionofallneuralianprimarylarvae,which cluster. With the six+(and foxq2+) mechanosensory and shouldbeuniversallyreferredtoastheapicalplate(purple crescentcells,theysharedexpressionoffoxJ,whichplaysa in Figure 7). More peripherally, the apical plate co- roleintheformationoflongmotilecilia[62],andofthree expresses rx, as demonstrated here for the annelid but as microRNAs of the ‘ciliary’ group that have previously alsofoundintheseaanemone[28]andhemichordate[25] been found to demarcate locomotory ciliary bands across (dark purple in Figure 7). (In sea urchin, rx appears to be Bilateria [22].They shared the expression of the transcrip- expressed in the entire apical plate.) In all neuralians in- tionchx10withthepeptidergiccells(Figure6M). vestigated, the specification of the apical plate is sensitive to Wnt signaling, in that pharmacological activation of Discussion Wnt signaling abolishes the expression of six3, foxq2 Evolutionaryconservationofapicalpatterning and of other apical markers ([27,28,43,48] and our data). We detected strong similarities in molecular topography The gene regulatory network establishing six3 and foxq2 around the apical organ of ciliated larvae in protostomes, expression is only beginning to be elucidated and appears deuterostomes and cnidarians that we interpret as com- to commonly involve activation of foxq2 by six3 [30]. In mon heritage. It is highly unlikely that a specific and bilaterians,theapicalplatealsoappearstoperipherallyco- miR183+ miR7+ miR7+ miR183+ miR183+ Hemichordata Echinodermata Cephalochordata Cnidaria Mollusca Annelida Chordata Ambulacraria Protostomia Deuterostomia Bilateria Specialized sensory cell FMRFamide cell noktp2.1 snikx23.,1fo,rxxq2 (RFericzezpletodr )(LWigannt d) Wnt Eumetazoa otx hox Antagonism Ciliated Tuft cell Serotonin cell Photosensitive cell rx nk2.1, otx Figure7Larvalmolecularterritoriesandcelltypesshowglobalconservationofancientlarvalpatterning.Foranimalsinwhichmolecular dataisavailable,spatialtranscriptionfactorexpressiondatahavebeenmappedontothelarvalbodyplan(larvaeasseenfromtheventralside; amphioxusispicturedfromadorsalperspective).Morphologicallydescribedor‘molecularlyfootprinted’cellsfoundintheapicalorganare picturedabovelarvalforms.TheactivityofWntsignalingonlarvalbodyformationispicturedwithbarsflankingthelarvae.Dataiscompiledfrom thisandpreviousstudiesinCephalochordata[45,59,65-73],Hemichordata[9,25,41,43,60,74-77],Echinodermata[26,32,36,37,42,48,78-83],Mollusca [24,84]andCnidaria[30,40,44,64,85-90].