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Larva and pupa of Eurhodope dichromella Ragonot (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) PDF

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Preview Larva and pupa of Eurhodope dichromella Ragonot (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan axEwh 7),OtoGa 45(1): 42'46,March 1994 Larya and pupa of Earhodope dichromella Ragonot (Lepidopt e: rPayralidae) SigeruMoRIuTI TakesiKADoHARA and Entomologica lLaboratory ,Colleg eof Agricultur eU,niversity of Osaka Prefectur eS,akai ,593 Japan Abstract The lanra and pupa of EurkodoPe dichromella Ragonot are describe dfor the first time. Key words Lepidopter aP,yralidae, Euijleodop edichromella Ragonot, larva ,pupa. Although the host-plant of EurhodoPe dichromegl aRagonot, belongin gto the pyralid subfamily Phycitinae, was recorded by Mutuura in 1957 ,it simmature forms have hitherto been unknown, In 1992 and 1993 we could collect the larvae feedin gon leave sof Cekzstrzts orbiculatzts Thunberg in the precincts of Zinmu-Tenn6-Ry6 (th etomb of Zinmu) at the northeast foot of Unebiyama Hil lin Nara Prefectur eJ,apan .In this paper, a detailed account is given of the larva and pupa of E, dichromella and some notes are added on the bionomics. On the basis of the adults reared from larvae co]rected by us, the identity of the present materials was determined by reference to Yamanaka's 1980 work. In the larva ldescripti otnhe nomenclature used for the setae is that of Hinton (1946). Eurhodope dichrometla Ragonot (Figs1-18) Mature larva .Average length 18 mm. Head predominantly black ,with mottled appear- ance under magnification, Body yellowish-green ; pinacula faintly paler than, and not well contrasted with body ; all setae pale ochreous ; prothoracic shield black ,except for a broad yellowish-green dorsa larea; thoracic legs pale ochreous, with claws brown; peritreme of spiracles brown ; anal shield almost concolorous withbody. When more than mature, the dorsum of body tinged with red. Head much broader than long <l 4: 10) ,with fronto-clypeal apotome extending about three- fourths of distance to vertical triangle ,and with part of fronto--clypea lapotome enclosed by adfrontal sutures extending about two-thirds of distance to vertical triangle ,the part being appreciably longer than wide ; ocelli II Iand IV close together (Fig 3.) . Labrum as shown in Fig .4. Mandible (Fig 5.) with three teeth and twe innef ridges. Pinacula rather small and indistin ctV,entral prolegs (Fig 1.2) with about 70 crochets in a nearly biordinal, Fig. 1 . Ebuthodop edechromelin Ragonot, mature larva. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Larva and Pupa of Eurhodope dichro"fe lRgodgonot 43 ' 1 V23-"Va" X vt,'x<vckx L a x p; ''' i / /' 3 l y " ' VJvLt 2 A3 - 5" O・25mm Figs2'5. Eu'tiiodoP edichromel laRagonot, mature larva, head. 2, dorsal aspcct ;3, ocellar region ; 4. Iabrum, dorsal aspect ; 5. Ief tmandible, Anal 60 in Spiracles uniserial circle. proiegs with about crochets a semi-circle, round or nearly so; that of eighth abdominal segment almost twice as large as that of seventh, and about half large rthan that of prothorax. Chaetotaxy: cranial setae as shown in Figs2 and 3 ; Va nearer to V2 than to V3 ; P2 mesad from and well behind Pl ; Pb directl aybove Pl, sometimes above and laterad of it;Aa above A2;A2 directly behind Al; SOa between SOI and S02; AFa nearer to AF2 than to AFI. A distinc tpuncture present between ocelli III and IV. Prothorax (Fig 6.} with MXDI out of shield. Mesothorax with pinaculum of SDI typical of the Phycitinae ; setae like those of metathorax, except for SD- setae (of F.ig .6 with Fig. 7) ; mesothoracic SDI about 2 >S times the lengt hof metathoracic one. Abdomen as in Figs8-11 and 13; Dl slightly above leve lof D2 on first-six taht, much the same leve las D2 on seventh, and a litt lbeelow leve lof D2 on eighth segments; SD2 minute, equal in size to the rnicroscopic seta, and antero-dorsad of spiracles; Ll and L2 on a common pinaculum on first-eigh steghments ; SV group trisetose on first-six atndh bisetose on seventh-ninth segments. On eighth segment SDI with pinaculum of the ordinary type of the Phycitinae; SDI is the longest of all the setae in head and body, being nearly twice as long as that of seventh segment, Ninth segment with setae D2 on a common dorsa lpinaculum ; Dl and SDI with their respective pinacula ; L group typical of the Phycitinae i,.e .t,hree setae on a common pinaculum. Anal shield as shown in Fig. 13. Material examined : 5 exs., feeding on leaves of Celastri torsbiculatus, Japan ,Honsya, Nara, Kashihara, Zinmu-Tenn6-Ry6 (S .Moriuti & T. Kadohara), fixed on 24. IX, 1993. The larva is characterized by the prothorax with a conspicuous large black patch on the shield, and by the ninth abdominal segment with a dorsal pair of the setae D2 on a common pinaculum and with the pinaculum of seta Dl separated from that of seta SDI, NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society oofJfap anJapan 44 SigeruMoRIuTI and TakesiKADOHARA mm S LO mm @ Vl8 ' rx × '.Dl D2 ' 1・O rnm ,. .,D2 ,Dl DlMDI MB2 H " 'XMrDrIros..t; MDIt, D2' ,., .1.. . L 2 S D 2iO sDl SD 2 . ,. ..si.o. SDI S D 2v -o".,. ,SDI MDi Di sDi NX .1,,Ll ?t ・-・・..,i/,Ll x s' L2 '・・・.. ., ..L:l$..11' L2",.-.・ ,.L'T/L3 x g - ・ , t't Ltt3' L9 L3 '// sv3x)h)$u-SVI:. SVISasD$v2.'',・ tMV3 SV 2 ・ ・ ・.・SVI SV2 -j:-・ :s-viM V13.,'. sV2M-tL-'D.3Ofas bMV3 . .・A8Vl A9 A7 Vl " - 10 - Vl 9 Vl 1・O tnin 1.0 O.5mm O.25 r ' i "/"'/1/il/r't"'t SDI.,,1,1・1'111,,1,1,'・111-111,/, , '"11'1/1' i ,,L'i・l'il}t,・・ -'t/l".tl,.t't/..:,.t../t/-1;/./" rsal - sD2 o 11 12 Figs6-13, EurhodOPe dichromella Ragonot, mature larva. 6, pro- and mesothorax ; 7, SD-setae of metathorax ; 8. Ist abdominal segment ;9. 3rd abdominal segment; IO. 7th-9th abdominal segments; 11. SD-setae of 8th abdorninal segment;12. crochets on 6th abdominal, right, ventral proleg ; 13.anal shield. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Larva and Pupa of Euritodopedichromella Regonot 45 1 4 1 5 1 6 Figs14'18. EberhodoPe dichromella Ragonot,pupa. 14. di,ventralaspect:15, di,lateral aspect; 16. dP,dorsal aspect; 17. 8th-10th abdominal segments, di,ventral as pe ct ; 18. Ditto ,9,ventra alspect, Pupa, No sexual differenc e.Average length 9mm. When pupated, head and thorax green and abdomen brown, later changing to dark brown throughout, Pilifer ,maxillary palpus, and labia lpalpds distinc ; ttentoria linvaginati ownell marked ; epicranial suture and clypeo-labral suture discernibl e,Foreleg extending beyond half the lengt hof maxilla, Maxilla ,midleg, antenna, and forewing of perfectly the same length, and extending over about three-fourths of fourt habdominal segment, Exposed hindwing extending to posterior corner of third abdominal segtnent, Spiracle sa littl eproduced. Ninth abdominal segment short, with a distinc btlack-pigmented ,transversely elongate plate on dorsum, Cremaster {Fig s17 and 18) well defined w,ith three pairs of hooked setae on caudal margin. Material examined : 4 exs,, reared from larvae on Celastr uosrbiculatets, same localit yand collectors as the larvae ,fixed on 27. IX, & 4. X, 1993, The pupa is characterized by the antenna, maxilla, midleg, and forewing of the same length ,by the ninth abdominal segrnent with a distin ctblack-pigmente dplate on the dorsum, and by the cremaster with three pairs of the hooked setae, Host-plant,Celastrus Thunberg (Celastraceae). orbiculatzts Ecologica lnotes, We found the young and mature larvae feedin gon leaves of Cekrstrzts orbiculattts lat ein August and in September at Zinmu-Tenn6-Ry6, Nara Prefecture. The larva live ssolitarily between two full-grown leaves fastene dwith silk, in which it con- structs a cocoon composed of frass ,lined with silk ; pupating from lat ein September to NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 46 Siger uMoR 正uTI and  Takesi KADoIIARA early  in October .  The  pupae overwinter .  In l992 some  adults  abnormally  appeared  in early  October under  laboratory conditions . Acknowledgements We  wish  to express  our  thanks to Mr  H .Yamanaka , Toyama , for his informatio nabout Ettrlzodo, paend  to Prof. T. Yasuda , of our laboratory, for his directio.n LiteratUre  Cited Hinton, H ,E ,ユ946.  On the homology  and  nomenclature  of the setae of lepidoptero ulsarvae, with some   notes 〔〕n the phylogeny of the Lepidoptera、 コ擁 ηs. R. ent. Soc. Lond,97:1−37. Mutuura, A.,1957.  Eurhodope dichromella Ragonot .  Jn Esaki, T . et al.、 fcone sHeteroceroru fmaPonic−or   um  in ‘o!と)ribzts natzaralibzas ’1:99−100, P1.17, HQikし1sha , Osaka (ir lJapanese). Yamanaka , H,1980.  Descriptio nosf two new  species  of Eurhodope alld synonymic  notes  on twQ known ,   species− bclongillg to Eurhodope and .4ssara from Japan(Lepidoptera;Pyralidae, Phycitina).e 乃δGa   31:6673. 摘 要 ・ フ タグ 卩 マ ダラ メ イガの幼虫と蛹 (鱗翅目 :メ イガ科)(森内 茂 門原武志) EurJtodoPedichromellRaagonot フ タ グロ マ ダラ メ イガ     の寄主植物がツ ル ウメ モ ドキ 〔ニ シキギ科}で あるこ とは知られてい たが (六浦, 1957), その 幼虫と蛹は 未知であっ た.奈良県橿原市の神武天皇陵で , ツ ル ウメ モ ドキの葉を 2枚合わせ,そのなかに潜み食害中の 本種の幼虫を採集,飼育した機会に,幼虫 と蛹を記載した.成熟幼虫は体長 18mm 前後,頭部は黒色,胴部黄緑色,前胸背楯は大ぎな黒紋を も つ .蛹は体長約9mm ,図示の ように触角,小腮,中脚,前翅は同長である.蛹で越冬するが,周年経 過は未詳で ある. (Accepted Octobcr 29,1993) Published by the Lepidopterological Societ yQf Japan, cfo Ogata Building,2−17, Irnabashi 3℃ home , Chuo−ku, Osaka,54ユJapan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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