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Larousse Encyclopedia of Prehistoric and Ancient Art: Art and Mankind PDF

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ARTAIMDMAIMKIIMD LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PREHISTORIC AND ANCIENT ^ /' j-. General Editor RENEHUYGHE \ $ 17.95 Jan.i!963 ART AND MANKIND LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PREHISTORIC AND ANCIENT ART Edited by RENE HUYGHE Spanninga periodoftensofthousandsof years,thismagnificentlyillustratedvolume tracesindetailthedevelopmentofartin everycorneroftheglobe — rediscovering theartobjectsofpaleolithictimes,relating themtotheartifactsofthe dimagesof protohistoryandtheartofhvingprimitive societies, andexaminingtheirevolutioninto themonumentaltreasuresofClassicaland Orientalantiquity. Scrupulouslyeditedbya notedarthistorianandreproducingart treasuresfromtheworld'sgreatestmuseums, thisvolumeencompassestheentirerangeof man'sactivitiesasreflectedinhisartistic creations — religionandmyth,cultureand philosophy,estheticsandcivilization. Indeed, itisanepicaccountofthefirstlong,eventful stageinthedevelopmentofmankind. Incorporatingthelatestfindingsinthefields ofartcriticism,archeology,history, anthropology,mythography,ethnology,and comparativerehgion,thisvolumeisnotjust anotherhistoryofart. Indeed,itpreients anewviewofan — notonlytheartofthe WesterntraditionbutalsoofAsia,Africa, thePacificislands,Austraha,andtheAmericas — fromtheearliestman-madeobjectstothe massiveachievementsofGreeceandRome. ThemagicritualartoftheStoneAge hunters;themegahthsofStonehengeand Carnac;themysteriouscivilizationsofHarappa andMohenjo-Daro;theartofSumeria, Babylonia,Assyria,oftheMedesandPersians, oftheEgyptians,Canaanites,Mycenaeans, Etruscans,Minoans — theseareonlypartof therichesfoundinthesepages. Thereare chaptersonthe'barbarian'artsoftheCelts, Htms,andVikings;ontheartsofChina, (Continuedonbackflap) '^^ f*- .-'* --^ ART AND MANKIND LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PREHISTORIC AND ANCIENT ART ^ ART AND MANKIND LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PREHISTORIC AND ANCIENT ART RENE HUYGHE General Editor Professor in the College de France Honorary Chief Curator of the Louvre O <^ PROMETHEUS PRESS NEW YORK • Translatedby Michael Heron, Corinne Lambert andWendela Schurmannfromthe Frenchoriginal L'ART ET L'HOMME © 1957Auge, Gillon, HoUier-Larousse, MoreauetCie (LibrairieLarousse,Paris) Thisedition '£) 1962PaulHamlyn Ltd London LibraryofCongress CatalogCardNumber62-7998 Printedin Czechoslovakia CONTENTS 10 INTROD\JCTlO'i<i Rene Huyghe PREHISTORIC ART 1 16 ART FORMS AND SOCIETY Rene Huyghe 26 THE BEGINNINGS OF ART Andre Leroi-Gourhan 30 THE PALAEOLITHIC AGE Abbe HenriBrenil 40 HISTORICAL SUMMARY l.ydie Huyghe FROM THE NEOLITHIC TO THE EARLY BRONZE AGE 53 Andre Varagnac 57 HISTORICAL svMMAKYLydieHuyghe 58 THE AGRARIAN REVOLUTION Pia Laviosa-Zambotti 61 EARLY EMPIRES OF THE MIDDLE EAST Georges Comenau 65 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Marie-Louise Tisserant 68 THE FIRST ASIATIC CIVILISATIONS Vadime Elisseejf PRIMITIVE ART 2 72 ART FORMS AND SOCIETY Rene Huyghe 78 THE ART OF LIVING PRIMITIVE PEOPLES Andre Leroi-Gourhan 81 AFRICAN ART Marcel Griaule 85 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Annie Masson-Deiiourbet 91 OCEXtilC XK^ HenryLavachery 96 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Henry Lavachery 99 PRE-COLUMBIAN CIVILISATIONS Raould'Harcourt 104 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Henry Reichlen THE AGRARIAN EMPIRES 3 114 ART FORMS AND SOCIETY ReneHuyghe 123 EGYPT AND MESOPOTAMIA Georges Comenau THE RIVALRY AND THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE EMPIRES 135 Etienne Drioton 154 HISTORICAL SUMMARY PhilippeJeanandAiarie-LouiseTisserant THE METAL CIVILISATIONS 4 166 ART FORMS AND SOCIETY ReneHuyghe THE APPEARANCE AND SPREAD OF METAL 176 ClaudeF. A. Schaeffer 181 HISTORICAL SVMMAKYJacques-Claude Courtois 183 THE AEGEAN WORLD Pierre Demargne 194 HISTORlCAl. svMMAKY Pierre Demargne * 196 THE RISE OF EUROPE ChristopherHazukes 199 HISTORICAL svMM\RYJacgues-Claude Courtois NORTHERN EUROPE 215 Ole Klirxdt-Jensen 219 EURASIA AND THE EAST VadimeElisseeff 230 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Vadime Elisseeff THE EARLIEST CIVILISATIONS OF 5 ANTIQUITY 234 ART FORMS AND SOCIETY Rene Huyghe 246 THE ORIGINS OF GREEK ART CharlesPicard 251 GREEK ART FROM THE 6TH TO THE 4TH CENTURIES FrangoisChamoux 285 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Simone Besques-Mollard 292 THE PERSIAN EMPIRE MargueriteRulten 298 HISTORICAL SUMMARY MargueriteRutten 302 THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN 302 1 THE CARTHAGINIAN WORLD Gilbert Charles Picard 305 2 SICILY AND MAGNA GRAECIA Gilbert CharlesPicard 308 3 THE ETRUSCANS RaymondBlock 310 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Lydie Huyghe andRaymondBlock ANTIQUITY AND THE SHAPING OF 6 THE MODERN WORLD 31? ART FORMS AND SOCIETY ReneHuyghe THE HELLENISTIC WORLD AND ROME BEFORE SULLA 322 Gilbeit Charles Picard 330 THE ROMAN WORLD FROM SULLA TO SEVERUS Fran(ois Ckamoux 340 THE ROMAN EMPIRE AND LATE ANTIQUITY Ernest Will 346 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Simoiie Besques-Mollard 353 TOWARDS THE FAR EAST Jeannine Auboyer 356 HISTORICAL SVMM^^R\Jeannine Auboyer 7 THE DEVELOPMENT OF ART IN ASIA 358 ART FORMS AND SOCIETY Pkilippe Stern 368 INDIA AND ITS CULTURAL EXPANSION UP TO 1000 A.D. Jeannine Auboyer 371 HISTORICAL svMMkKYJeantiine Auboyer 381 CHINA AND ITS DEVELOPMENT FROM THE HAN TO THE T'ANG DYNASTIES Madeleine Paul-David 394 HISTORICAL svMMkn^Jeannine Auboyer andMadeleine Paul-David 398 THE AESTHETICS OF INDIA AND CHINA Jeannine Auboyer INDEX 401

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