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Large scale shell model calculations along Z=28 and N=50 closures: towards the doubly-magic 78Ni PDF

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Preview Large scale shell model calculations along Z=28 and N=50 closures: towards the doubly-magic 78Ni

Large scale shell model calculations along Z=28 and N=50 closures: towards the doubly-magic 78Ni K. Sieja and F. Nowacki Institute Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, 23 rue du Loess, Strasbourg, France (Dated: today) We present the state-of-the art shell model calculations in a large model space (pf for protons, fpgdfor neutrons),which allow tostudy simultaneously excitations across theZ =28 and N =50 shell gaps. We explore the region in the vicinity of 78Ni, being a subject of intense experimental investigations. Our calculations account correctly for the known low lying excited states in this region, including those which may correspond to cross-shell excitations. We observe the minimum of the N = 50 mass gap at Z = 32 consistent with experimental data and its further increase towards Z =28, indicating a robustness of the N =50 gap in 78Ni. The evolution of N =50 gap 2 alongthenickelchainisshowntobearsimilaritieswithwhatisknowinoxygenandcalciumchains, 1 providinga new opportunity for thestudies of 3-body monopole effects in medium mass nuclei. 0 2 The search for the breaking of shell closures known at of the 78Ni based on the currently available data alone. n the stability valley when going towards the drip lines is To shed light on the physics of this nucleus one needs a a J one of the main interests of contemporary nuclear struc- theory, capable to reproduce the spectroscopic details of 1 ture studies. Last decades provided many examples of the region, and robust enough to be extrapolated to the unexpected shell erosions, 42Si being a famous example yet unknown. As the crucial information about the un- ] [1], and of appearances of deformed intruders in suppos- derlying shell evolution can be extracted from the struc- h t edly semi-magic nuclei, known as the phenomena of is- ture of odd nuclei, one is left with the choice of the shell l- lands of inversions [2, 3]. The issue of the occurence of model to study the shell effects in the vicinity of 78Ni. c shell quenching in connection with astrophysical scenar- From the shell model point of view it is a very de- u n ios has been widely debated, in particular for N = 50 manding region but computionally tractable. Recently, [ and N =82 around the r-process waiting points [4–6]. we have addresed the problem of the quenching of the Experimental progress allows for studying more and Z = 28 gap in 78Ni, using a large valence space con- 1 v more exotic systems including the nuclear structure to- taining pf orbitals for protons and pf5/2g9/2 orbitals for 3 wards the still unknown, possibly doubly magic nucleus: neutrons [19]. These calculationsallowedto study inde- 7 78Ni. The region around 78Ni is particulary interesting tail the role of proton core excitations on the structure 3 for several reasons. As this nucleus (in some scenarios) of the copper nuclei (Z =29) and proved,that these de- 0 is one of the waiting-points in the r-process, testing the grees of freedom are crucial for a correct description of . 1 rigidityof its gapsremains ofa specialinterest. Further, nucleardatainthisregion. Thisappearedduetoaslight 0 the evolution of the N = 50 gap between 68Ni and 78Ni reduction of the Z = 28 gap, of about 0.7MeV between 2 may be due to the repulsive character of the effective 3- 68Ni and 78Ni. 1 : body force,inanalogytowhathasbeenfoundinoxygen In this work we discuss the evolution of the neutron v and calcium chains [7, 8]. Thus constraining its size is N = 50 gap due to the proton-neutron interaction be- i X of a paramount importance for future developments and tween 78Ni and 86Kr and due to the neutron-neutronin- r tests ofstate-of-thearteffective interactionswiththe in- teraction between 68Ni and 78Ni. The calculations are a clusion of many-body forces. Finally, the knowledge of performed in an enlarged model space, which contains single particle energies of 78Ni is crucial for shell model pf-shellorbitalsforprotonsandf ,p,g ,d orbitals 5/2 9/2 5/2 studies whichutilise this nucleus asa core[9]andto val- for neutrons. The effective interaction starts with the idate the empirical universal monopole interactions, like samesetsoftwo-bodymatrixelementsasusedinRef. [3] those proposed in Refs. [10–12]. howeverwehaveintroducedfurthermonopolechangesto Though a lot of experimental evidence in this region constraintheprotongapevolutionfrom68Nito78Ni,de- hasbeenaccumulated,thedata,ortobeprecisethecon- ducedinRef. [19],aswellasfinechangesinthemultipole clusions drawn by different authors, seem contradictory. part of the interaction, which however leave unchanged The possibility of the weakening of the N = 50 closure the physics of the island of inversion studied in [3]. To has been anticipated e.g. in Refs. [13–15] while the con- probereliabilityofsuchaninteractionweinvestigatethe trary has been deduced by other authors, e.g. in Refs. low lying states of even-even N = 50 nuclei, between [16–18]. One shouldhowevernotice,that experimentally 78Ni and 84Se as well as in even-odd N = 49 isotones, itisstillnotpossibletoreachthe78Niitself,andsincethe between 79Zn to 85Kr, which provides the insight into shelleffectsmanifestthemselvessuddenlyattheshellclo- the evolution of the N = 50 gap. We have dwelled on sures,whilebeinghinderedbycorrelationsinsemi-magic the evolution of the Z = 28 gap and its consequences nuclei, it is not possible to conlude firmly on the rigidity on the calculated magnetic moments of copper isotopes 2 in a previous work [19] and recently also calculations of magneticmomentsinzincisotopes[20]becameavailable. ForthecompletenessofSMdescriptioninthisregion,we discuss here transition rates in nickel and copper chains. The calculations are performed using the m-scheme code ANTOINE [21], allowing up to 12p-12h excitations with respect to π0f and ν0g orbitals. The largest 7/2 9/2 dimensions of matrices treated here reach 3·109. Let us start the discussion with reminding the cur- rent status of experimental knowledge on the structure ofN =49and N =50 isotones. Inthe low lying spectra of the N = 49 nuclei one observes the negative parity states, corresponding to the holes in the p orbital, as 1/2 wellaspositive paritystates amongwhichthe lowestex- cited 5/2+ may correspond to a 1p-1h excitation across the N =50 gap and can be thus addressed in our model space which includes the d neutron orbital. The sys- 5/2 tematicsof5/2+statesinN =49isotonesisknownupto 81Ge (4 protons away from 79Ni) but experimental data should be soon available as far as for 79Zn (2 protons away from 79Ni) [22]. The states corresponding to the excitations across the N =50 gap serve as a perfect test for its size assumed in our interaction in the vicinity of 78Ni. In the spectra of even-even nuclei, 1p-1h excita- tion can form the first excited 5+,6+ states. They are FIG. 1: Calculated vsexperimental spectrum of 82Ge. known experimentally up to 82Ge and the relatively low excitation energy of these states at Z = 32 has lead the authors of Ref. [14] to anticipate the possible weakening of the N = 50 closure. We start thus the presentation TABLE I: Occupation numbers in the wave function of low of our results with the example of 82Ge. In Figure 1 we lying excited states in 82Ge. show the spectra calculated in our approach compared protons neutrons to experimental data for the case of 82Ge. The known Jπ f f p g d 7/2 5/2 9/2 5/2 energy levels 2+,4+ are reproduced with a great accu- 0+ 7.64 3.74 0.41 9.65 0.37 racy and theoretical counterparts for the experimental 2+ 7.77 3.73 0.33 9.60 0.42 candidates of 5+,6+ spins are located within 200 keV. 4+ 7.84 3.79 0.23 9.6 0.36 We have added to the spectrum also the second excited 5+ 7.59 3.61 0.50 8.53 1.48 5+ and 6+ levels. The occupation numbers in the corre- 1 6+ 7.59 3.62 0.49 8.57 1.44 sponding wave functions are given in Table I. The first 1 excited 2+,4+ states are clearly of a proton nature. On 5+2 7.79 3.01 0.81 9.52 0.49 the contrary, it is seen that the lowest calculated 5+,6+ 6+2 7.82 3.04 1.02 9.64 0.37 levels correspond indeed to the 1p-1h excitations to the νd orbital, as proposed in Ref. [14], and thus probe 5/2 the size of the N = 50 gap assumed in our model at are correctly reproduced and, similarily to the case of Z = 32. The second calculated 5+,6+ states, located even-even nuclei, the increase of the 5/2+ is observed at around 4 MeV, are again of the proton nature, hav- towards Ni. The first excited state 5/2+ in 79Zn is pre- ingnearlythesameoccupationsoftheneutrong ,d 9/2 5/2 dicted to be located at 1 MeV. orbitals as the ground state. In both systematics a minimum appears around Z = In Fig. 2 we present the systematics of lowest excited 32. Such a minimum however does not reflect any 5+,6+ states from Z = 28 to Z = 36 compared to the changes in the spherical mean-field in these nuclei. This known experimental data, which probes the evolution of isillustratedinFigs. 2and3. Theformershowsthe cor- the gap when moving away from Z = 32. Our calcula- related gap, i.e. the gap obtained from mass differences: tions match well the decreasing trend observed from Kr to Ge, but the increase of the excitation energy is pre- ∆=BE(Z+1,N)+BE(Z −1,N)−2BE(Z,N). (1) dicted towards Ni. In addition, we present in the same figure the systematics of the calculated and experimen- The latter is the shell model prediction for the evolution tallyknown5/2+statesinN =49isotones. Thesestates of the effective single particle energies (ESPE), which 3 5 5 6+ V) 4 5+ 0 e 3 M V) (exc 2 5/2+ Me -5 E 1 (a) E ( 0 P -10 S 28 30 32 34 36 E Z -15 f5/2 p3/2 6 p1/2 g9/2 d5/2 eV) 5 -20 28 34 38 M Proton number E ( B 4 ∆ FIG. 3: Evolution of the neutron effective single particle en- (b) ergies with theproton numberat N =50. 3 28 30 32 34 36 Z FIG. 2: Systematics of the low lying 1p-1h states in N =50 duce the shell evolution, and in particular the observed and N = 49 isotones (a) and the evolution of the N = 50 spin-orbit splittings. The blame has been put on the gap calculated from masses (b). Black symbols represent the missing three-body force [24]. Only recently the first at- experimental data. Extrapolated values from [23] have been tempts of SM calculations with effective 3-body forces used for 79,81Zn and 83Ge in thegap estimates. based on the chiral N3LO potential became available [7,8]. Thesecalculationssuggestthatatleastsomeofthe missing repulsion between d and s orbitals in oxy- 5/2 1/2 gen and f and p orbitals in calcium can be gained are obtained as the differences of monopole energies of 7/2 3/2 closed shell and closed shell ±1 particle configurations. by including the 3-body contribution between 2 valence andonecoreparticles. As the 3-body effects canexplain ThedifferenceofthecorrespondingESPEdefinestheun- the spin-orbit shell closures observed experimentally at correlated shell gap and allows to separate the spherical Z = 8 (N = 1 harmonic oscillator shell closure) and mean-field from correlation effects contained in ∆. One Z = 20 (N = 2 h.o. closure), one could search for sim- should also note that the ESPE represent schematically ilar effects at Z = 40 (N = 3). However, the harmonic the evolution of the monopole field in nuclei, which is oscillator to spin-orbit closure transition is taking place notanobservableitself. Inparticular,itassumesagiven between Z = 20 and Z = 40, making the next place in filling ordering scheme broken in reality by the residual theSegr`echartavailableforsuchstudiesalreadybetween interactionbutformanyyearsthemonopoleHamiltonian 68Ni and 78Ni. hasbeenusedsuccesfullytoinvestigateandvisualizethe shell effects in nuclei. In Fig. 4 we show the evolution of neutron effective In Fig. 3 we present the evolution of the neutron ef- single particle energies in the considered region. Ap- fective single particle energies (ESPE) with the proton parently, in the nickel chain a shell gap is created when number, where no clear variation of the gap is observed adding neutrons to the g9/2 orbital due to the repulsive between78Niand86Kr. Atthesametime,thegapcalcu- T = 1 g9/2-d5/2 monopole interaction, in full analogy to latedfrommassdifferences variesfrom5 MeVin 78Ni to what is observed in oxygens and calciums. It appears only 3.9 MeV in 82Ge and then increases again towards that the nickelchainoffers indeed another possibility for 86Kr as can be seen from Fig. 2. This indicates that investigating the 3-body effects in medium mass nuclei. the correlation effects lead to a minimum in the mass Note, that such a behavior of N = 50 gap has not been gap at Z = 32, which explains the observed pattern of imposed in our model but results from the study of the theexcitedstates,butatthesametime,noindicationfor islandofinversionaround64Cr,whichallowstoconstrain theweakeningofthesphericalgaptowards78Niisfound. approximatelythe positionof the d5/2 orbitalat N =40 One should point out, that such a parabolic behavior is and from the study of the N = 49−50 isotones, which typical for semi-magic nuclei, where the correlations are allowed for testing the size of the N =50 gap in 78Ni. the largest in the mid-shell (we can quote the scandium In a previous work [19] we have belabored on the evo- chain as a prominent example). lution of the Z = 28 gap, its weaknening between 68Ni Let us now discuss the variation of the N = 50 gap and 78Ni and the consequences on the shell model de- from 68Ni to 78Ni due to the T = 1 part of the nuclear scription of this region, which we have illustrated with force. It has been anticipated already decades ago, that thesystematicsofmagneticmomentsincopperisotopes. the pure 2-body interactions are not sufficient to repro- Thesecalculationshavebeenachievedinasmallermodel 4 5 4 EXP, Ni EXP, Cu 2+ 0 SM, Ni SM, Cu V) 3 7/2- e MeV) -5 (Mexc 2 E E ( -10 1 P 0 S E -15 40 42 44 46 48 50 f7/2 N p3/2 -20 f5/2 p1/2 g9/2 20 EXP, Ni EXP, Cu d5/2 SM, Ni SM, Cu -25 u.) 15 40 50 W. Neutron number 2) ( 10 FIG. 4: Evolution of the neutron effective single particle en- B(E 5 ergies between 68Niand 78Ni. 0 40 42 44 46 48 50 N space, i.e. without the d5/2 orbital. In the isotopic FIG. 5: Excitation energies and reduced transition probabil- chains near Z = 28 (Cu, Ni, Zn) the major effect of itiesin thenickeland copperchains. TheB(E2;2+ →0+)is the inclusion of the d orbital, the quadrupole part- plotted for Ni, B(E2;7/2− →3/2−) for coppers. 5/2 ner of g , is enhancing the calculated B(E2) values by 9/2 10−20%. Recently we havediscussedthe transitionval- ues andmagneticmoments ofzinc isotopes[20]obtained strained in the monopole Hamiltonian and the correla- in such an enlarged model space, finding a fair agree- tions brought to the system by the configuration mixing ment with experimental data for both quantities. Also should be reliable in the shell model interaction. As can transition rates in odd-odd coppers have been addressed be seen from Figure 5, the evolution of 2+ and 7/2− withinthismodelspace[25],showinghowtheinclusionof energies away from N = 40 is correct in the present simultaneous excitations across the Z = 28 and N = 50 calculations, too. The rapid increase of collectivity be- gapscanaccountforthe largecorepolarizationobserved tween 68Ni and 70Ni, reflected in the enhancement of in SM calculations within truncated model spaces out- B(E2;2+ → 0+) value, is however underestimated con- side the 56Ni core. Here, to complete the SMdescription siderably in 70Ni (note that a larger value for this tran- of this region, we present the systematics of 2+ states sition was found with the original LNPS interaction [3], and B(E2;2+ → 0+) values in nickel isotopes in Figure whichmaybeconsideredasatheoreticaluncertaintydue 5. We have added for comparison the systematics of the to the slight variation of the parameters of the Hamilto- 7/2− states and 7/2− →3/2− transition rates in copper nian). Interestingly, the known B(E2;7/2− → 3/2−) − isotopes. The 7/2 state in coppers may be formedby a transition in copper isotopes is accurately reproduced coupling of the odd proton to the 2+ state of the nickel also at N = 42. This is however as well the only case core, thus the transition rates might follow the trend of between N = 42 −48, where the neutron occupancies the B(E2;2+ →0+) ones in nickels. The wavefunctions are clearly different in the 2+ of Ni and the first excited of the 2+ and 7/2−,3/2− states are given in Table II. − 7/2 level of Cu, which may point to a slightly inaccu- It is seen that at shell closures N = 40 and N = 50 rate balance between proton and neutron excitations in − the 7/2 state corresponds to one hole in the πf7/2 or- thetheoreticalmodel. Moreexperimentalinformationon bital, otherwise it has a more collective nature, with the the systematics of B(E2;2+ → 0+) would be helpful to oddprotondistributed betweenf5/2 andp orbitals. One understand the puzzling case of 70Ni. − shouldalsoremind, that the 3/2 state has a single par- The ground state of 78Ni is calculated to have 79% ticle nature at N =40 and then gains in collectivity due of the closed shell configuration, the largest value in the totherapidlydescendingf5/2 orbitalwhichbecomesthe whole nickel chain (around 60% of closed shell is found groundstatein75Cu. AsseenfromtheTable,itcontains in pf calculations in 56Ni with various interactions and again ∼ 1 particle in the p3/2 orbital when the N = 50 only 50% in 68Ni, here or in previous SM studies [27]). closure is reached. Thefirst2+ statein78Niispredictedatnearly4MeV,a As has been shown in [26], our calculations account value analogous to the 2+ state of its ”big sister” 132Sn. very well for the complex physics of 68Ni, in which the Thisfirstexcitedstateisofaneutronnature,having1.35 coexistenceofsphericalanddeformed0+ stateshasbeen particleinthed orbital(0.16particleinthe0+ state). 5/2 found experimentally. This evidences that the interplay The gaps estimated from calculated mass differences in between the size of the Z = 28 and N = 40 gaps con- 78Ni are 5 MeV for neutrons and 5.25 MeV for protons. 5 the robustness of both, Z = 28 and N = 50 gaps from TABLE II: Occupation numbers in the 2+ states of nickel the spectroscopic study in this region. 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