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Large Scale Scientific Computation. Proceedings of a Conference Conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, the University of Wisconsin–Madison, May 17–19, 1983 PDF

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Preview Large Scale Scientific Computation. Proceedings of a Conference Conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, the University of Wisconsin–Madison, May 17–19, 1983

LARGE SCALE SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION Edited by Se y m o ur V. Pa r t er Mathematics Research Center The University of Wisconsin—Madison Madison, Wisconsin Proceedings of a Conference Conducted by the Mathematics Research Center The University of Wisconsin-Madison May 17-19, 1983 1984 ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers) Orlando San Diego New York London Toronto Montreal Sydney Tokyo COPYRIGHT © 1984, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMAΉON STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Orlando, Florida 32887 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NWl 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Large scale scientific computation. Includes index. 1· Fluid dynamics—Data processing—Congresses. 2. Aerodynamics—Data processing—Congresses. 3. Numerical analysis—Data processing—Congresses. I. Parter, Seymour V. I I. University of Wisconsin—Madison. Mathematics Research Center. QA911.L32 1984 532'.05 84-45237 ISBN 0-12-546080-5 (alk. paper) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 84 85 86 87 9 8 7 6 S 4 3 2 1 Se n i or Co n t r i b u t o rs Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contnbutions begin. LOYCE ADAMS (301), Institute for Computer Applications in Science and En- gineenng, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia 23665 JOEL E. DENDY, JR. (1), Theoretical Division, MS-B284, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 ROLAND GLOWINSKI (23), Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France and INRIA, 78153 Rocquencourt, France JAMES M. HYMAN (51), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 AKIRA KASAHARA (85), National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 80307 H. T. KUNO (127), Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon Uni­ versity, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 DENNIS R. LILES (141), Safety Code Development Group, MS-K553, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 R. W. MACCORMACK (161), Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, FS-10, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 C. WAYNE MASTIN (195), Department of Mathematics and Statutics, Müsissippi State University, Mississippi State, Missusippi 39762 V. L. PETERSON (215), NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, California 94035 ROBERT E. SMITH (237), NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia 23665 PAUL N. SWARZTRAUBER (271), National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 80307 Vll PREFACE This volume is the collected invited lectures presented at a Conference on Large Scale Scientific Computation in Madison on May 17-19, 1983, under the auspices of the Mathematics Research Center of the University of Wisconsin, sponsored by the United States Army under Contract No. DAAG29-80-C-0041 and supported in part by the Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG02-83ER 13074, by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract No. NASW-3829, and by the National Sci­ ence Foundation under Grant No. MCS-7927062, Modification 2. This conference was devoted to a review of the various and diverse developments of modern large scale scientific computation. Speakers at this meeting addressed questions concerned with 1. Specialized architectural considerations 2. Efficient use of existing "state-of-the-art" computers 3. Software developments 4. Large scale projects in diverse disciplines 5. Mathematical approaches to basic algorithmic and computational problems Thanks are due to Gladys Moran for the careful handling of the confer­ ence details and to Joyce Bohling for the handling of all of the many tasks (including nagging the authors and the editor) which went into assembling the volume. Finally, thanks are due to the other members of the organizing committee of the conference. Without their participation, the conference might never have come into being and certainly would have been far less successful. They are Carl de Boor, Mac Hyman, and John Strikwerda. IX MULTIGRID SEMI-IMPLICIT HYDRODYNAMICS REVISITED Joel E. Dendy, Jr. 1. INTRODUCTION. The multigrid method has for several years been very successful for simple equations like Laplace's equation on a rectangle. For more complicated situations, however, success has been more elusive. Indeed, there are only a few applications in which the multigrid method is now being successfully used in complicated production codes. The one with which we are most familiar is the application by Alcouffe [1] to TTDAMG, stemming from [2], in which, for a set of test problems, TTDAMG ran seven to twenty times less expensively (on a CRAY-1 computer) than its best competitor. This impressive performance, in a field where a factor of two improvement is considered significant, encourages one to attempt the application of the multigrid method in other complicated situations. The application discussed in this paper was actually attempted several years ago in [4]. In that paper the mUltigrid method was applied to the pressure iteration in three Eulerian and Lagrangian codes. The application to the Eulerian codes, both incompressible and compressible, was successful, but the application to the Lagrangian code was less so. The reason given for this lack of success in [4] was that the differencing for the pressure Copyright©1984byAcademicPress,Inc. LARGESCALESCIENTIFICCOMPUTATION Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved. ISBN0-12-546080-5 2 Joel E.Dendy,Jr. equation in the Lagrangian code, SALE, was bad. For example, on a uniform grid with mesh size h, the approximation to the Laplacian ~ in SALE is the skewed Laplacian: sk 1 ~h Pi,j = 2h2(Pi-l,j-l + Pi-l,j+l + Pi+l,j-l (1.1) + Pi+l,j+l - 4Pi,j) why this is a bad differencing is discussed below. In [4] the differencing for the pressure equation was changed so that on a uniform grid, the Laplacian was approximated by the discrete five point Laplacian: 1 ~h p1..,.] h2(Pi-l,j + Pi+l,j + Pi,j-l + p. . 1 - 4p. .) (1.2) 1.,]+ 1.,] when this change was made, we were able to apply the multigrid method successfully. In this paper, we examine again the application of multigrid to the pressure equation in SALE with the goal of succeeding this time without cheating. 2. MULTIGRID REVIEW. To explain the difficulty with (1.1), it is helpful to review the multigrid method. Suppose that the = M equation LU F is approximated on a grid G by (2.1) In the simplest form of the multigrid method, one constructs a sequence 0f gr1..ds G1, ..., GM W1i.th corresponding mesh sizes hI' ..., ~, where hi-1 = 2hi· One does a fixed number, 1M, of relaxation sweeps (Gauss-Seidel, for example) on (2.1) and then drops down M-1 to grid G and the equation (2.2) Multigrid Semi-Implicit Hydrodynamics Revisited 3 vM-1 where is to be the coarse grid approximation to vM uM - M M M '= u , where v = u is the last iterate on grid M 1 M G , and where 1:- is an interpolation operator from G M1 to G - . To solve equation (2.2) approximately, one resorts to recursion, taking 1D relaxation sweeps on grid k k 1 G before dropping down to grid G - , M-1 > k > 2 and the equation Lk-1Vk-1 = fk-1 '= 1~-l(fk _ L~k) (2.3) 1 1 1 When grid G is reached, the equation L V = f1 can either be solved directly or to some precision by 2 2 iteration and v ~ v + 1~v1 can be performed. Then one k-1 ' does 1U relaxation sweeps on grid G before form~ng k k v ~ v + 1~_lvk-1, 3 < k < M. The motivation behind the multigrid method is that, k on a given grid G , relaxation methods like Gauss-Seidel generally do a fine job of reducing high frequency components of the error but a poor job of reducing low frequency components. More specifically, let the a = (al'a2) Fourier component of the error functions v v k and before and after a relaxation sweep on G be written as va,~ =Aaei(ala+a2~) and va,~ =Aaei(ala+a2~) . Suppose I ~(a) f~: = that is appreciably less than one for com ponents a with ~ ~ la\ =max<la11, /a21) < n; then such components can be efficiently reduced by relaxation k sweeps on G Components a with 0 ~ lal ~ ~ are the ones k-l which can be approximated on G ; components a with I I n < a < nz on Gk are mapped to components a with 4 ~ < IaI < n on Gk-1 and can be efficiently reduced by re1axat~on ' sweeps on Gk-1, wh~ '1e components a w~t'h o ~ IaI ~ n on Gk-1 are mapped to components a with I I o ~ a ~ ~ on Gk~2, which are the ones which can be ,K-2 1 approx~mated on G . Recursion leads to G , which is assumed coarse enough either to solve directly or to iterate efficiently. 4 Joel E. Dendy,Jr. For the operator (1.2), max{l..I(a):~~lal~n} = .5, 1..1 and the multigrid method performs admirably [3] . However, for the operator (1.1), ~ = 0 since l..I(n,n) = 0 for ~~k. Thus mu1tigrid for ~~k performs no better for ~~k than simple relaxation. A numerical example of this bad performance is given in Section 4. 3. RAY MULT1GR1D METHOD. The failure of mu1tigrid for 6~k was a source of annoyance to Brandt, which motivated him to derive a cure, the description of which from [8] we now summarize. First, however, we need to be more specific about the k M choice of L , k < M, in (2.2) and (2.3). Assuming L to be positive definite, rewrite (2.1) as (LM)V = (LM)-~~. Then given an approx~mat~on. . uM to _l-J.M-, f·~n d JM-1 so as to minimize 1M JM-1) _ (LM)-~~II . This M-1 GM,L2 minimization problem is equivalent to (2.2) if LM-1 = 1:-1LM1:_ and 1:-1 = (1:_1)* A similar result 1 k holds by induction for L , k < M-I. Let S = {a: /LM(a)1 «ILMI, lal < n}, where LM(a) is M the sYmbol of L (i.e., the function L(a) which satisfies LMeia'x/h = LM(a)eie'x/h), ILMI =maXILM(a)/, and h = ~. jal<n The Fourier modes eiaox/h, eeS are the slowly convergent modes in any reasonable local relaxation process. Hence, M 1 G - should approximate these modes well. Attempt to write RM = ~ - LMUM and JM = uM - uM as RM(X) RM(x)eisox/h R: smooth stsl s JM(x) JM(x)eisox/h ~ smooth sts· s where S' c S is a finite set such that if aeS, then there - exists seS• such that ei(a-s)'x/h is smooth, ioe. , such Multigrid Semi-Implicit Hydrodynamics Revisited 5 that e-s «1. The role of GM-1 1.S to approx1v.m_:~ate v~, 1, S£5 well, which should be possible since the should be smooth after relaxation. For each s£5' we want an equation like LM-1~-1 = IM-1RM (3.1) ssm,s s to do this, consider E({~-1}) = s Minimization of each term in the last sum leads to (1.6) WM1.th LMs -1is=.x/(~nM~M:~ftr's)*LMIMM-1,s' IMM-,ls = (IMM_1,S)*, and IM-1,S = e 1M-I. M M AfIt:e_r solution of (3.1), the correction u ~ u 1 + s~s' ,sV:- is made. Of course, by recursion (3.1) 1 can be solved approximately for each s£S' by relaxation and by construction of a set S~ consisting of the slowly converging modes for relaxation on (3.1). 4. APPLICATION OF THE RAY MULTIGRID METHOD TO ~~k. In this section we consider qpplication of the ray method to the equation (0, .96) x (0, .96) (4.1) au au o on an The reason we consider (4.1) is that it is a model equa tion for the problem in SALE considered in [4], which had zero Neumann boundary conditions and a lower order term with a small multiple. The discrete approximation we consider is cell-centered as in SALE. At the i,jth cell 6 Joel E. Dendy,Jr. center, the discrete equation we consider is sk__M -4__M -t.h-V.- . + 10 \J: . cos(25n(i-2)h)cos(25n(j-2)h) , ~, J ~, J (4.2a) Here h = ~ = .04, and the right hand side is chosen to be rich in the (n,n) frequency. There are at least two possible approximations to the boundary conditions, which we will refer to as the "finite element" and "finite difference" approximation. The "finite element" approximation (so called because it results from using piecewise bilinear elements on quadrilaterals with midpoint quadrature) we illustrate by giving two typical cases: at (2,2), -t.hs~ . . = ~,J 21h2(-u.~+ 1,J.+1 + u.~,J .), and at (2,j ), 2 < j < 25, -t.hs~. . = 2h12(-U. 1 . 1 - U. 1 . 1 + 2U. .). The "fin- ~,J ~+ ,J+ ~+ ,J- ~,J ite difference" boundary approximation to the boundary condition can be derived by using fictitious cells, wr~t~.ng. down a d~.fference approx~mat~on.. to aavu = 0 U .-U . (e.g., 1,J 2,J = 0, 2 < j < 25) and then eliminating the h fictitious cells in terms of the interior cells. Two typical cases are: at (2,2), -t.hs~ .. -L(-U. . -U. .-U. . +3U. .) (4.2b) ~,J 2h2 ~,J+1 ~+l,J ~+l,J+l ~,J and at (2,j), 2 < j < 25, -t.hS~ .. ~,J -U. 1 . 1+4U. .) (4.2c) ~+ ,J- ~,J For a uniform grid and -t., the differencing in SALE reduces to the above "finite difference" approximation on the boundary; hence, it is of more interest to us. Also, the "finite element" boundary approximation annihilates the (n,n) frequency, but the "finite difference" boundary approximation does not. Not annihilating the (n,n)

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