Large scale GW calculations Marco Govoni ,†,‡ and Giulia Galli ,†,‡ ∗ ∗ 5 1 0 InstituteforMolecularEngineering,TheUniversityofChicago,ChicagoIL,USA,andMaterials 2 n ScienceDivision,ArgonneNationalLaboratory,ArgonneIL,USA a J 3 1 E-mail: [email protected];[email protected] ] i c s - l Abstract r t m We present GW calculations of molecules, ordered and disordered solids and interfaces, . t a m which employ an efficient contour deformation technique for frequency integration, and do - d not require the explicit evaluation of virtual electronic states, nor the inversion of dielectric n o matrices. Wealsopresentaparallelimplementationofthealgorithmwhichtakesadvantageof c [ separable expressions of both the single particle Green’s function and the screened Coulomb 1 v interaction. The method can be used starting from density functional theory calculations per- 1 4 formed with semi-local or hybrid functionals. We applied the newly developed technique to 1 3 GW calculations of systems of unprecedented size, including water/semiconductor interfaces 0 . 1 withthousandsofelectrons. 0 5 1 : v i 1 Introduction X r a Theaccuratedescriptionoftheexcitedstatepropertiesofelectronsplaysanimportantroleinmany fieldsofchemistry,physics,andmaterialsscience1. Forexample,theinterpretationandprediction Towhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed ∗ †InstituteforMolecularEngineering,TheUniversityofChicago,ChicagoIL,USA ‡MaterialsScienceDivision,ArgonneNationalLaboratory,ArgonneIL,USA 1 of photoemission and opto-electronic spectra of molecules and solids rely on the ability to com- putetransitionsbetweenoccupiedandvirtualelectronicstatesfromfirstprinciples,aswellastheir lifetimes2. In particular, in the growing field of materials for energy conversion processes – including solar energy conversion by the photovoltaic effect and solar to fuel generation by water photocatalysis –ithasbecomekeytodeveloppredictivetoolstoinvestigatetheexcitedstatepropertiesofnanos- tructures and nanocomposites and of complex interfaces3–5. The latter include solid/solid and solid/liquidinterfaces,e.g. betweenasemiconductororinsulatorandwateroranelectrolyte6–10. In the last three decades, Density Functional Theory (DFT) has been widely used to compute structural and electronic properties of solids and molecules11–15. Although successful in describ- ing ground state and thermodynamic properties, and in many ab initio molecular dynamics stud- ies16,17,DFTwithbothsemi-localandhybridfunctionalshasfailedtoaccuratelydescribeexcited state properties of several materials18. However, hybrid functionals have brought great improve- ment for properties computed with semi-local ones, e.g. for defects in semiconductor and ox- ides19–22. In particular hybrid functionals with admixing parameters computed self-consistently have shown good performance in reproducing experimental band gaps and dielectric constants of broad classes of systems23. In the case of the electronic properties of surfaces, interfaces (and hence nanostructures), the use of hybrid functionals has in many instances not been satisfactory. Indeed calculations with hybrid functionals yield results for electronic levels that often depend on the mixing parameter chosen for the Hartree-Fock exchange; such parameter is system dependent andthereisnoknownfunctionalyieldingsatisfactoryresultsfortheelectronicpropertiesofinter- faces composed of materials with substantially different dielectric properties, as different as those of, e.g. water (ε = 1.78)24 and Si (ε = 11.9)25 or water and transition metal oxides of interest ∞ ∞ forphotoelectrodes(ε =5-7)26. ∞ The use of many body perturbation (MBPT) starting from DFT single particle states has proven accurateforseveralclassesofsystems27–36 anditappearstobeapromisingframeworktodescribe complex nanocomposites and heterogeneous interfaces. MBPT for the calculations of photoemis- 2 sion spectra in the GW approximation37, and of optical spectra by solving approximate forms of the Bethe Salpeter Equation (BSE)38 is in principle of general applicability; however its use has beengreatlylimitedbycomputationaldifficultiesinsolvingtheDyson’sequationandtheBSEfor realisticsystems. Recently we proposed a method to compute quasi particle energies within the G W approxima- 0 0 tion(i.e. thenon-selfconsistentGW approximation)thatdoesnotrequiretheexplicitcalculationof virtual electronic states, nor the inversion of large dielectric matrices39,40. In addition the method does not use plasmon pole models but instead frequency integrations are explicitly performed and there is one single parameter that controls the accuracy of the computed energies, i.e. the number of eigenvectors and eigenvalues used in the spectral decomposition of the dielectric matrix at zero frequency. The method was successfully used to compute the electronic properties of water41 and aqueoussolutions42andofheterogeneoussolids5,includingcrystallineandamorphoussamples40. However the original method contained some numerical approximations in the calculations of the headandwingsofthepolarizabilitymatrix;mostimportantlythecorrelationself-energywascom- puted on the imaginary axis and obtained in real space by analytic continuation. Finally, although exhibitingexcellent scalability, themethod wasnotyetapplied tosystemswith thousandsofelec- trons,e.g. torealisticinterfaces,duetothelackofparallelizationinitsoriginalimplementation. In this paper we solved all of the problems listed above, by (i) eliminating numerical approxima- tions in the calculation of the polarizability; (ii) avoiding the use of an analytic continuation and using efficient contour deformation techniques; (iii) providing a parallel implementation of the algorithm based on separable forms of both the single particle Green function and the screened Coulombinteraction. ThemethodpresentedherecanbeusedstartingfromDFTorbitalsandener- giesobtainedbothwithsemi-localandhybridfunctionals. Weappliedourtechniquetothecalcula- tion of the electronic properties of systems of unprecedented size, including water/semiconductor interfaceswithmorethanonethousandelectrons. Thesecalculationsallowonetoaccuratelystudy states at heterogeneous interfaces and to define an electronic thickness of solid/liquid interfaces usingMBPT. 3 Therestofthepaperisorganizedasfollows. Sec.Section2describestheG W methodologythat 0 0 we implemented in a computational package called West. Sec. Section 3 presents results for the ionization potentials of closed and open shell molecules and for the electronic structure of crys- talline, amorphous and liquid systems, aimed at verifying and validating the algorithm and code West against previous calculations and measurements. Sec. Section 4 presents the study of the electronic properties of finite and extended large systems, i.e. nanocrystals and solid/liquid inter- faces,ofinteresttophotovoltaicandphotocatalysisapplications,respectively. Ourconclusionsare reportedinSec.Section5. 4 2 Method WithinDFT,then-thsingleparticlestateψ andenergyε ofasystemofinteractingelectrons nkσ nkσ isobtainedbysolvingtheKohn-Sham(KS)equation11–15: Hˆσ ψ =ε ψ (1) KS nkσ nkσ nkσ | (cid:105) | (cid:105) where Hˆσ = Tˆ +Vˆ +Vˆ +Vˆσ is the KS Hamiltonian, Tˆ is the kinetic energy operator, and KS ion H xc Vˆ ,Vˆ andVˆσ are the ionic, Hartree, and exchange-correlation potential operators, respectively. ion H xc The indexes k and σ label a wavevector within the first Brillouin zone (BZ) and spin polarization, respectively. Hereweconsidercollinearspin,i.e. decoupledupanddownspins. QP InafashionsimilartoEq.(Eq.(1))onemayobtainquasiparticle(QP)statesψ andQPenergies nkσ QP E bysolvingtheequation: nkσ Hˆσ ψQP =EQP ψQP (2) QP nkσ nkσ nkσ (cid:12) (cid:69) (cid:12) (cid:69) (cid:12) (cid:12) where the QP Hamiltonian Hˆσ is form(cid:12)ally obtained by(cid:12)replacing, in Eq. (Eq.(1)), the exchange- QP correlation potential operator with the electron self-energy operator Σσ = iGσWΓ; Gσ is the in- teractingone-particleGreen’sfunction,W isthescreenedCoulombinteractionandΓisthevertex operator28,43. All quantities entering the definition of the self-energy are interdependent and can be obtained self-consistently adopting the scheme suggested by L. Hedin44–46. In the GW ap- proximation, Γ is set equal to the identity, which yields the following expression for the electron self-energy47: +∞ dω Σσ(r,r;ω)=i (cid:48)Gσ(r,r;ω+ω )W (r;r;ω ), (3) (cid:48) (cid:48) (cid:48) RPA (cid:48) (cid:48) 2π (cid:90) ∞ − where W is the screened Coulomb interaction obtained in the random phase approximation RPA (RPA). Due to the non-locality and the frequency dependence of the electron self-energy, a self- consistent solution of Eq. (Eq.(2)) is computationally very demanding also for relatively small 5 QP systems,containingtensofelectrons,andusuallyoneevaluatesQPenergiesE perturbatively: nkσ EQP = ε + ψ Hˆσ Hˆσ ψ (4) nkσ nkσ (cid:104) nkσ| QP− KS | nkσ(cid:105) = ε + ψ Σ(cid:0)ˆσ(EQP ) ψ(cid:1) ψ Vˆσ ψ . (5) nkσ (cid:104) nkσ| nkσ | nkσ(cid:105)−(cid:104) nkσ| xc| nkσ(cid:105) QP We note that E enters both the left and right hand side of Eq. (Eq.(3)), whose solution is nkσ usually obtained recursively, e.g. with root-finding algorithms such as the secant method. The use ofEq.(Eq.(3))toevaluateQPenergiesfromKSstatesandofthecorrespondingKSwavefunctions isknownastheG W approximation. 0 0 WithinG W ,usingtheLehmann’srepresentation,theGreen’sfunctionis: 0 0 dk ψ (r)ψ (r) Gσ (r,r;ω)= ∑ nkσ n∗kσ (cid:48) (6) KS (cid:48) − (2π)3ε ω iηsign(ε ε ) nB(cid:90)Z nkσ − − nkσ − F where η is a small positive quantity and ε is the Fermi energy. In Eq. (Eq.(6)) we used the F subscript KS to indicate that the Green’s function is evaluated using the KS orbitals obtained by solvingEq.(Eq.(1)). InRef.[39,40]analgorithmwasintroducedtocomputetheself-energymatrixelementsofEq.(Eq.(3)) withouttheneedtoevaluateexplicitlyempty(virtual)electronicstates,byusingatechniquecalled projective eigendecomposition of the dielectric screening (PDEP). A diagram of the method is re- portedinFig.Figure1. AfterKSsingleparticleorbitalsandenergiesareobtainedusingsemilocal or hybrid functionals, the screened Coulomb interaction is computed using a basis set built from the eigenpotentials of the static dielectric matrix at zero frequency. In this way W entering RPA Eq.(Eq.(3))isexpressedinaseparableform,similartothatofGσ inEq.(Eq.(6)). Inthefollow- KS ingsectionswedescribeindetailallthestepsoutlinedinFig.Figure1. TheseparableformofW RPA isgiveninSec.Section2.1. Calculationofthepolarizabilityandthespectraldecompositionofthe dielectricmatrixaredescribedinSec.Section2.2andSection2.3,respectively. Matrixelementsof G andW are then obtained without the explicit use of empty electronic states and simultane- KS RPA ously at several frequencies by using a deflated Lanczos technique, described in Sec. Section 2.4. 6 Finally the frequency integration is carried out by introducing a contour deformation method, as described in Sec. Section 2.5. The use of the analytic continuation used in the original method of Ref.[39,40]isthusavoided. DDFFTT PDEP Lanczos W Contour Lanczos G Deformation ⌃(!)= d!0G(!+!0)W(!0) Z QP-energies Figure 1: (Color online) Schematic representation of the steps involved in the calculations of quasiparticle (QP) energies, within the G W approximation, using the method proposed in this 0 0 work. The KS energies (ε) and occupied orbitals (ψ) computed at the DFT level are input to the i i PDEP algorithm, which is used to iteratively diagonalize the static dielectric matrix (ε 1) at zero − frequency. Thesetofeigenvectors φ constitutesthebasissetusedtocomputebothGandW at n { } finitefrequencieswiththeLanczosalgorithm. ThefrequencyintegrationofEq.(Eq.(3))iscarried out using the contour deformation technique. The frequency dependent matrix elements of the electron self-energy are thus obtained and introduced in Eq. (Eq.(3)) to compute the QP energies QP E . i 2.1 Separable form of the screened Coulomb interaction In order to solve equation Eq. (Eq.(3)) and obtain QP energies, one needs to compute the ma- trix elements of the electron self-energy between KS states, which in the G W approximation is 0 0 given by Eq. (Eq.(3)). The Green’s function may be expressed in a fully separable form using its Lehmann’srepresentation,Eq.(Eq.(6)). HoweverW isnottriviallyseparable;itisgivenasthe RPA sumoftwoterms: W (r,r;ω)=v(r,r)+W (r,r;ω) (7) RPA (cid:48) (cid:48) p (cid:48) 7 where v(r,r)= e2 is the bare Coulomb interaction48 and W is a nonlocal and frequency de- (cid:48) r r p | − (cid:48)| pendent function. Using Eq. (Eq.(7)), we write the self-energy as the sum of two contributions Σσ =Σσ +Σσ,whereonlythelatterdependsonthefrequency: X C +∞ dω Σσ(r,r) = i (cid:48)Gσ (r,r;ω+ω )v(r;r) (8) X (cid:48) 2π KS (cid:48) (cid:48) (cid:48) (cid:90) ∞ − Nσ occ dk = ∑ ψ (r)v(r,r)ψ (r) (9) − (2π)3 nkσ (cid:48) n∗kσ (cid:48) n=1(cid:90) BZ Nσ is the number of occupied states with spin σ; Σσ is usually called exchange self-energy occ X becauseitisformallyequivalenttotheFockexactexchangeoperator49; +∞ dω Σσ(r,r;ω)=i (cid:48)Gσ (r,r;ω+ω )W (r,r;ω ) (10) C (cid:48) 2π KS (cid:48) (cid:48) p (cid:48) (cid:48) (cid:90) ∞ − Σσ is referred to as correlation self-energy. Using Eq.s (Eq.(7))-(Eq.(10)) the QP Hamiltonian of C Eq.(Eq.(2))maybeexpressedas: Hˆ (ω)=Tˆ +Vˆ +Vˆσ +Σˆσ(ω) (11) QP ion HF C where Vˆσ is the Hartree-Fock potential operator. The ionic potential Vˆ is treated within the HF ion pseudopotentialapproach50. In this work we expressW in a separable form by adopting the projective dielectric eigendecom- p position (PDEP) technique, proposed in Ref. [51-52], and we use a plane wave basis set to express thesingleparticlewavefunctionsandchargedensity,withinperiodicboundaryconditions: ψ (r)=eikru (r)=∑c (G)ei(k+G)r (12) nkσ · nkσ nkσ · G where G is a reciprocal lattice vector, c (G) = 1 dru (r)e iGr and Ω is the unit cell nkσ Ω Ω nkσ − · volume. In Eq. (Eq.(12)) all reciprocal lattice vectors (cid:82)such that 1 k+G 2 <E are included 2| | cutwfc 8 inthesummation. UsingaplanewavedescriptionalsoforW wehave p dq W (r,r;ω)= ∑ ei(q+G)r v +Wp (q;ω) e i(q+G(cid:48))r(cid:48) (13) RPA (cid:48) (2π)3 · GG(cid:48) GG(cid:48) − · (cid:90) GG BZ (cid:48) (cid:2) (cid:3) wherev = 4πe2 δ (δ istheKroneckerdelta)and GG(cid:48) q+G2 GG(cid:48) | | χ¯ (q;ω) p GG W (q;ω)= (cid:48) . (14) GG(cid:48) q+G q+G (cid:48) | || | In Eq. (Eq.(14)) we have introduced the symmetrized reducible polarizability χ¯, related to the symmetrizedinversedielectricmatrixε¯ 1 bytherelation: − ε¯ 1 (q;ω)=δ +χ¯ (q;ω). (15) G−G(cid:48) GG(cid:48) GG(cid:48) Thesymmetrizedform χ¯ ofthepolarizability χ is √4πe2 √4πe2 χ¯ = χ . (16) GG GG (cid:48) q+G (cid:48) q+G (cid:48) | | | | The reducible polarizability χ is related to the irreducible polarizability χ by the Dyson’s equa- 0 tion,whichwithintheRPAreads: χ =χ0 + ∑ χ0 v χ (17) GG(cid:48) GG(cid:48) GG1 G1G2 G2G(cid:48) G1,G2 orintermsofsymmetrizedpolarizabilites: χ¯ =(1 χ¯0) 1χ¯0. (18) − − Within a plane wave representation each quantity in Eq. (Eq.(18)) is a matrix of dimension N2 , pw and in principle χ¯ can be obtained from χ¯0 via simple linear algebra operations. In practice, the matrices of Eq. (Eq.(18)) may contain millions of rows and columns for realistic systems; 9 for example for a silicon nanocrystal with 465 atoms, placed in a cubic box of edge 90bohr, 1.5 million plane waves are needed in the expansion of Eq. (Eq.(12)) with E =25Ry. It is thus cutwfc important to find alternative representations of χ¯ and reduce the number of elements to compute. Onecouldthinkofastraightforwardspectraldecomposition: N pdep χ¯ (q;ω)= ∑ φ (q+G;ω)λ (q;ω)φ (q+G;ω) (19) GG i i ∗j (cid:48) i=1 where φ and λ are the eigenvectors and eignvalues of χ¯, respectively. Unfortunately this strategy i i is still too demanding from a computational standpoint, as it implies finding eigenvectors and eigenvaluesatmultiplefrequencies. Acomputationallymoretractablerepresentationmaybeobtainedusingthespectraldecomposition of χ¯ at ω = 0. As apparent from Eq. (Eq.(18)), eigenvectors of χ¯ are also eigenvectors of χ¯0; 0 the latter is easier to iteratively diagonalize than χ¯, and the frequency dependency may be dealt with iterative techniques, starting from the solution at ω = 0, as discussed in Sec. Section 2.4. Therefore we proceed by solving the secular equation for χ¯0 only at ω =0, generating what we call the PDEP basis set φ : i=1,N , which is used throughout this work to represent the i pdep | (cid:105) polarizability χ¯: (cid:8) (cid:9) N pdep χ¯ (q;ω)= ∑ φ (q+G)Λ (q;ω)φ (q+G); (20) GG i ij ∗j (cid:48) i=1, j=1 hereΛ (q;ω)isamatrixofdimensionN2 . IngeneralN N ,51,52 leadingtosubstantial ij pdep pdep pw (cid:28) computational savings.53 The N functions φ may be computed by solving the Sternheimer pdep i equation54,withoutexplicitlyevaluatingempty(virtual)electronicstates. Inaddition,N turns pdep out to be the only parameter that controls the accuracy of the expansion in Eq. (Eq.(20)). The detailsofthederivationofthePDEPbasissetaregiveninSec.Section2.3. Wenotethatalternative basis sets, based on the concepts related to maximally localized Wannier functions, have been proposedintheliteraturetoreducethedimensionalityofthepolarizabilitymatrices55. 10