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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed1February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev1.4) Large-Scale Coherent Dipole Anisotropy ? S.Basilakos1,2 & M. Plionis1 1 National Observatory of Athens, Lofos Nimfon, Thesio, 18110 Athens, Greece 2 Physics Dept., Universityof Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Greece 8 1February2008 9 9 1 ABSTRACT n Wehavereanalyzedandcomparedthedipolesofthe1.2Jyand0.6Jy(QDOT) a IRAS galaxy samples. We find strong indications from both samples for (a) J significantcontributionstothegravitationalfieldthatshapestheLocalGroup 8 motionfromdepthsupto∼170h−1Mpcand(b)alarge-scalecoherenceofthe 2 dipoleanisotropy,indicationsprovidedmainlybythe factthatthedifferential dipoles of large equal volume shells are aligned with the CMB dipole and 1 v exhibit significant dipole signals. The two IRAS dipoles are indistinguishable 1 within 50 h−1 Mpc and beyond ∼ 130 h−1 Mpc while the QDOT dipole, 7 havinga lowerflux limit, continuesgrowingwith respectto the 1.2Jy sample 2 up to ∼100 h−1 Mpc in agreement with Rowan-Robinsonet al (1990). 1 0 Keywords: cosmology: observations - galaxies: distances and redshifts - 8 9 infrared: galaxies - large scale structure of Universe / h 1 INTRODUCTION probably implies that the apparent dipole convergence p is spurious, duetolack of adequately sampling thedis- - o ThepeculiarvelocityoftheLocalGroupofgalaxieswith tant density fluctuations. Only the optical Abell/ACO r respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) cluster sample is volume limited out to a large enough st with u =622 km/sec towards (l,b)=(277◦,30◦) is a depth ( 240h−1 Mpc) to allow a more reliable deter- :a well esLtaGblished fact (cf. Kogut et al. 1993). The most minatio≃n of Rconv which was found to be ≃ 160 h−1 v probablecauseforthismotionaswellasfortheobserved Mpc(Scaramella et al1991; Plionis &Valdarnini1991; i X peculiarmotionsofothergalaxiesandclusters(cf.Dekel Branchini&Plionis1996).Recently,thisresulthasbeen r 1997 and references therein) is gravitational instability confirmedusingX-rayclustersamples,whicharefreeof a (cf. Peebles 1980). This is supported by the fact that the various systematic effects from which the optical thegravitationaldipole(acceleration) ofmanydifferent catalogues suffer (Plionis & Kolokotronis 1998). samples of extra-galactic mass tracers is well aligned Ifthereisalinearbiasrelationbetweenthecluster, withthegeneraldirectionoftheCMBdipole(cf.Yahil, the galaxy and the underlying matter density fluctua- Walker & Rowan-Robinson 1986; Lahav 1987; Lynden- tions, as usually assumed (cf. Kaiser 1984), then the Bell et al 1988; Miyaji & Boldt 1990; Rowan-Robinson galaxy dipole should also have similarly deep contribu- etal1990; Straussetal1992; Hudson1993; Scaramella tions. In this study we reanalyse the 1.2 Jy and the etal1991;Plionis&Valdarnini1991;Branchini&Plio- deeper QDOT 0.6 Jy IRAS galaxy dipoles, initially in- nis1996).However,whatstillseemstobeunderdiscus- vestigatedbyStraussetal(1992) andRowan-Robinson sion is from which depths do density fluctuations con- et al (1990) respectively, with the aim of investigating tribute to the gravitational field that shapes the Local whetherthere are any such indications. Groupmotion.Thelargest suchdepthisdefinedbythe dipole convergence depth, R , which is that depth conv where the true gravitational acceleration converges to 2 IRAS GALAXY SAMPLES AND its final value.The outcome of many studies, using dif- SELECTION FUNCTIONS ferentfluxormagnitudelimitedgalaxysamples,isthat theapparentvalueofR differsfromsampletosam- Weuseinouranalysisthetwoavailableflux-limited60- conv ple,intherangefrom40to100h−1 Mpc,withastrong µmIRASsamples;onelimitedatS =1.2Jy(Fisher lim dependence to the sample’s characteristic depth. This et al 1995) and the other at S = 0.6 Jy (Rowan- lim (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 S.Basilakos & M.Plionis in-6 sampling rate (PSCz). It is evident that although theQDOTsample is deeper,it samples thegalaxy dis- tribution more sparsely than the1.2 Jy sample. 3 DIPOLE CALCULATION Wedetermine the peculiar acceleration of Local Group galaxiesbymeasuringmomentsoftheIRASgalaxydis- tribution. The dipole moment: D = φ−1(r)r−2rˆ, is calculatedbyweighingtheunitdirectioPnalvectorpoint- ing to the position of each galaxy, with the gravita- tionalweightofthatgalaxyandsummingoverallavail- able galaxies with distances greater than 5 h−1Mpc (on smaller scales the observed galaxies do not ad- equately represent the true distribution; cf. Rowan- Robinson et al 1990). Similarly the monopole term is: M = φ−1(r)r−2. Figure1.TheexpectedN(r)distribution,accordingtothe IRASgalaxyluminosityfunction,forthe1.2Jy,theQDOT WPethenestimatethegravitational acceleration in- 0.6JyandthePSCz0.6JyIRASsamples. ducedontheLGfromthedistributionofIRASgalaxies by: Robinson etal 1990), which hasa1in 6sampling rate. V (r)= H◦Rconv D(r) (2) g M( R ) The IRAS 1.2 Jy contains 5763 galaxies with b > 5◦ ≤ conv | | while theQDOT contains 2086 galaxies with b >10◦. (cf.Miyaji &Boldt 1990; Plionis et al1993). Usinglin- | | Note that although the two catalogues are not totally earperturbationtheory(cf.Peebles1980)andequation independent,acrosscorrelation revealedonly105com- (2)wecanrelatetheLocalGrouppeculiarvelocitywith mon galaxies (with δθ 0.6◦ and δcz 800 km/sec). theestimated acceleration by: ≤ ≤ To estimate the local acceleration field it is neces- u (r)=β V (r) (3) LG I g sary to recover the true galaxy density field from the observed flux-limited samples. This is done by weight- where βI = Ω0.6/bI and bI is the IRAS galaxy to un- ingeachgalaxybyφ−1(r),wheretheselectionfunction, derlyingmass bias factor. φ(r), is defined as the fraction of the galaxy number density that is observed above the flux limit at some 3.1 Treatment of the IRAS galaxy data distance r. Therefore 1 Lmax Duetosystematiceffectsandbiasespresentinthedata φ(r)= Φ(L)dL (1) wehavetoperformvariouscorrectionstotherawdipole n Z h gi Lmin(r) estimates.Firstlyweneedtotreattheexcluded,dueto where L (r) = 4πr2νS is the luminosity of a cirrusemission, galactic plane.Wedosobyextrapolat- min lim sourceatdistancercorrespondingtothefluxlimitS , ing to these regions the data from the rest of the unit lim ν = 60-µm and n is the mean galaxy number den- spherewith thehelp of a spherical harmonic expansion g h i sity, given by integrating the luminosity function over ofthegalaxysurfacedensityfieldandasharpmask(cf. thewholeluminosityrange,withLmin =7.5 107 h2L⊙ Yahil et al 1986; Lahav 1987). Secondly, about 4% of × sincelower luminosity galaxies arenot representedwell the sky is not covered by the catalogue and we apply intheavailablesamples(cf.Rowan-Robinsonetal1990; to these areas a homogeneous distribution of galaxies Fisher et al 1995), and Lmax = 1013 h2L⊙. Obvi- havingthemean weight, estimated from therest ofthe ously, φ(r) is a decreasing function of distance because sky.Thirdly,duetodiscretenesseffectsandthesteepse- asmallerfraction oftheluminosityfunctionfalls above lection function with depth we have an additive dipole theflux limit at greater distances. term, the shot-noise dipole, for which we have to cor- For the QDOT sample we used the Saunders et al rect our raw dipole estimates. Assuming Gaussianity, (1990) luminosity function while for the IRAS 1.2 Jy the Cartesian components of the shot noise dipole are weusedtheparameterisedselectionfunctionofYahilet equal (σ =σ =σ ) and thus σ2 =3σ2 (cf. Hud- x y z 3D i,1D al (1991). We have verified, however, that the two se- son 1993). Taking the coordinate system such that one lection functions are indistinguishable from each other of the shot-noise dipole components is parallel to the when applied to the same flux limit. In figure 1 we z-axis of the true dipole and we can attempt an ap- present the φ(r) of the IRAS 1.2 and 0.6 Jy samples, proximatecorrection oftherawdipoleaccordingtothe for the 1-in-6 (QDOT) as well as for the unavailable 6- following model: (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Large-Scale Anisotropy 3 Figure 2. Difference between the Monte-Carlo and the Straussetal(1992) 1-dshot-noiseestimates,forbothIRAS 1.2JyandQDOTsamples. D =D σ /√3 (4) cor raw 3D − Note that this correction model although more severe than the usual D2 = D2 σ2 model, it provides cor raw− 3D qualitativelysimilardipolecorrections.Wechoose,how- ever, to use this model in order to be conservative and toobtainasortoflowerlimittotheresultingdipole,as far as the shot-noise correction is concerned, and thus via eq.(3) an upperlimit to the estimated cosmological Figure3.Comparisonoflocal1.2JyIRASgalaxypeculiar β parameter (see section 4.4). velocities provided by our model and by the full iterative To calculate σ we use two methods; a Monte- algorithmwithincz∼3600km/sec(seetext). Thediagonal 3D Carlo simulation approach in which we randomise the linecorrespondstovrecons·ˆr=Vbulk·ˆr. angular coordinates of all galaxies while keeping their distance, and thus their selection function, unchanged v(r) ˆr d3r 0 and the last term of eq.(5) is domi- while the second method is the analytic estimation of · ≈ Rnated by the LG term; we thus obtain that in the LG Straussetal(1992):σ2 φ−1r−4(φ−1+1).Figure2 3D ≃ i i i frame (ie., when using cz =H◦r), structures in the di- showsthedifference(inveloPcityunits)betweenthetwo rection of our motion appear at aredshift smaller than shot-noiseestimates.Itisevidentthatthetwomethods theirtruedistanceintheCMBframeandthustheywill give equivalent results although due to the statistical artificially enhance the amplitude of the gravitational nature of the first method we believe that it performs dipole. better on large depths, where the number density of However, many studies indicate that local galax- IRASgalaxies is verylow. ies have peculiar velocities not randomly oriented but ratherparticipatinginacoherentflow(bulkmotion)to- 3.2 z to 3d frame correction getherwiththeLocalGroup(ie.,v(r) v(0))withinat ≈ leastavolumeofradius 5000km/sec(cf.Lynden-Bell The final but essential correction is to transform red- ∼ etal1988,Dekel1994;1997,Strauss&Willick1995).If shiftsto3-ddistancesinordertominimisethesocalled so, it would be reasonable to evaluate the IRAS dipole ‘Kaiser’ effect (Kaiser 1987). This effect can be under- in theLG frame, since in this case cz H◦r. However, stoodbynotingthatthedistributionofgalaxies inred- ≈ this is not absolutely true since there should exist also shift space differs from that in real comoving space by a velocity component due to the local, non-linear, dy- a non-linear term: namics acting between nearby galaxies and/or clusters cz =H◦r+(v(r) v(0)) rˆ (5) of galaxies. We can therefore view the galaxy peculiar − · velocitiesasconsistingoftwovectorcomponents;abulk where v(0)( u ) is the peculiar velocity of the Lo- ≡ LG flow and a local non-linear term: cal Group and v(r) the peculiar velocity of a galaxy at position r. If v(r) had random orientation, then v(r)=V (r)+v (r) (6) bulk nl (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 S.Basilakos & M.Plionis Inserting eq.(6) in eq.(5) and assuming that v(r) ˆr and lower dipole bounds respectively, differs very little · ≈ V (r) ˆr , ie., that the dominant component is that and thus the z to 3d frame correction does not have a bulk · ⋆ of the bulk flow we can use the observed bulk flow major consequence in our main dipole results. We do profile, as a function of distance, given by Dekel (1994; however investigate, in section 4.2, possible systematic 1997) and combined with that of Branchini, Plionis & effects that could be introduced by the frame transfor- Sciama(1996)tocorrectthegalaxyredshifts.Thezero- mation procedure in our IRAS-CMB dipole alignment point, V (0), and the direction of the bulk flow is results. bulk estimated applying eq.(6) at r = 0 and assuming, due to the “coldness” of the local velocity field (cf. Peebles 1988), that vnl(0) vinf (where vinf is the LG infall 4 MAIN RESULTS ≃ velocity to the Virgo Supercluster). Using the average Infigure4awepresentthetwoIRASdipolesinredshift valuefrom theliterature,ie.v 170km/sec,weob- inf tain V (0) 500 km/sec toward≃s (l,b) (276◦,15◦). space. We observe that they are consistent, although bulk ≃ ≃ up to 50 h−1 Mpc the 1.2 Jy dipole is systemati- Wetestourmodelbycomparingpeculiarvelocities ∼ cally higher than the QDOT dipole. However, once we that it provides with those resulting from the full dy- correctforredshiftspacedistortions(figure4b)thetwo namical algorithm (kindly provided by Dr. Enzo Bran- correcteddipolesalmostcoincidewithin50h−1Mpc,as chini)which estimates, usinglinear theory,thegravita- theyshouldsincebothsamples,duetotheirrelativelow tional acceleration at the position of each galaxy and flux limits, are good tracers of the Local Universe. Up thenrecoversthereal-spacegalaxydistancesbysolving to 130h−1 Mpctheamplitudesofthetworeal-space iteratively thegeneralised Hubblelaw of eq.5(cf. Yahil ∼ dipoles deviate with the QDOT being larger than the et al 1991; Strauss et al 1992). In figure 3 we present IRAS 1.2Jy, which is to be expected since the QDOT this comparison for relatively local galaxies in regions sample has a lower flux limit and thus it can ‘see’ the of δρ/ρ<1 (since at dense regions thenon-linear com- distantmatter fluctuationsbetterthanthe1.2 Jy sam- ponent that we neglect in our model will dominate the ple. Beyond 130 h−1 Mpc, however, the two IRAS galaxy peculiar velocity). We find a good correlation ∼ dipoles coincide again. As can be seen from figure 4, within cz 4000 km/sec which is in fact the region ∼ redshiftspacedistortionsenhancesignificantlythereal- where such corrections can affect the dipole. The cor- space dipole (by 12%) only within 50 h−1 Mpc. relation, at larger distances, progressively fades away ∼ ∼ Theuncertaintiesofthevelocityfieldmodel,probedby since the bulk flow amplitude is low at such distances theMonte-Carlosimulationsdiscussedpreviously,intro- andthegalaxypeculiarvelocitiesaredominatedbythe duceasmallscatterinthereal-spacedipoleasindicated distant local dynamics. In any case at such distances by the errorbars in figure 3b. Using the Lauer & Post- we do have v(r) ˆr d3r 0 and thus redshift space · ≈ man (1994) bulk-flow leaves unaltered our main dipole distortions aRre dominated by the LG term in eq.(5) for results with only a small ( 40 km/sec) amplitude de- which we do indeed correct the galaxy redshifts. Note ∼ crease. thatwehaveverifiedthattheamountofscatterseenin figure3iswellreproducedfromourmodelifweinclude arandomlyorientednon-linearvelocitycomponentwith 4.1 Evidence for >100 h−1 Mpc dipole (vnl ˆr)2 1/2 320 km/sec. contributions h · i ≈ Wehavefurthertestedtherobustnessoftherecov- Between 150 180 h−1 Mpc there is an apparent ered real-space distribution by performing 200 Monte- ∼ − amplitude bump, seen in both redshift and real-space Carlo simulations in which we vary v (and there- inf IRASdipoles.Thisbumpisaccompanied bya 5◦ de- fore also the amplitude and slightly the direction of ∼ creaseofthemisalignmentanglebetweenthetwoIRAS V (0)) as well as the amplitude of V (r) for all bulk bulk dipoles and that of the CMB, the overall misalignment r’s, by randomly sampling a Gaussian having as mean angles at r = 200 h−1 Mpc being 23◦ and 35◦ (µ) thenominal velocity valuesandσ=2µ/3. Further- ∼ ∼ for the 1.2 Jy and QDOT samples, respectively. These more,weinvestigatehowourresultschangewhenusing factssuggestthatthisdipoleamplitudebumpisnotdue thebulk-flowdirection of Lauer& Postman (1994); ie., (l,b) (343◦,52◦) with V (r) = 650 km/sec for to shot-noise uncertainties but rather it is an intrinsic bulk r 13≃0 h−1 Mpc. | | effect, indicating the existence of contributions to the ≤ Local Group motion from such large scales. Such con- Finally, we would like to point out that it so hap- tributions cannot be accurately determined, however, pensthattheIRASdipole,estimatedineithertheLGor from the present flux-limited samples and deeper sam- the CMB frames, which should provide a sort of upper plesarerequiredfor sucha task(see Kolokotronis etal 1996). TofurtherinvestigatetheseprobabledeepIRAS ⋆ in a sense we assume that the vector average of vnl(r)· dipole contributions we estimate the differential dipole ˆr over a whole sky distribution of galaxies is ≃ 0; not an in large equalvolumeshells (seePlionis, Coles & Cate- unreasonableassumptioninthelimitofdensesampling. lan 1993 for an earlier attempt in z-space). Weinvesti- (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Large-Scale Anisotropy 5 Table 2.QDOTdipoleresults(asinTable1). h−1Mpc Ngal S/N l◦ b◦ δθcmb pmc pf 5-110 1267 2.3±0.2 232.5 30.3 38±3 0.016 0.011 110-139 210 -0.1±0.2 98.8 36.6 113±26 0.89 0.71 139-159 96 1.2±0.2 271.1 -12.7 43±9 0.116 0.134 159-175 66 1.2±0.1 272.1 31.6 5±2 0.004 0.002 175-188 53 -0.9 164.4 -73.7 125 0.55 0.78 188-200 31 0.7 318.4 -15.6 60 0.55 0.25 S D = raw cos(δθ ). (7) N σ cmb 3D for the case of δV 5.5 106 h−3 Mpc3 (six shells). ≃ × We observe that for the QDOT sample there are 3 shells with relatively small misalignment angles and dipolesignaltonoiseratios>1,thedeepestshellbeing [159 175]h−1Mpc,inwhichδθ 5◦.Forthe1.2Jy cmb − ∼ sample,whichalthoughshallowerhasabettersampling, wehavesmall misalignment angles(δθ < 27◦)inthe cmb same shells but also in a deeper shell (18∼8 200 h−1 − Mpc). Out of these four aligned shells there are signifi- cantdipolecontributions(S/N >1)onlyinthreewhile theprobability thatthesealignmentsarerandomisex- tremely low. The formal probability that two vectors are aligned within δθ is given by the ratio of the solid anglewhich corresponds toδθ,tothesolid angle ofthe whole sphere, ie., p (δθ)=sin2(δθ/2). f Wecannowestimatethejointprobabilityofalign- ment,withintheobservedδθ ,ofN independentvec- cmb tors, which is given by: Figure 4. (a) IRAS 1.2 Jy (continuous line) and QDOT (dashed line) dipoles in redshift-space. (b) the correspond- N ing dipoles inreal-space. The errorbars(shown only forthe PN p (δθ)/p (90◦) (8) i i ≈ QDOT dipole)are estimated fromMonte-Carlo simulations Y i=1 ofthevelocityfieldmodel(seetext). Between three shells (first, fourth and sixth) the IRAS galaxycorrelation functioniszero,duetothelargedis- tancesinvolved,andconsequentlytheshellscanbecon- Table1.Differential1.2JyIRASdipoledirections,thecor- sidered independent. Due, however, to the vicinity and responding misalignment angles with respect to the CMB dipole, the dipole signal to noise ratio and probabilities of thereforethepossiblecorrelationbetweenthethirdand alignment within δθ (see text for complete definition). The fourthQDOTshellwewillconsidertheirjointprobabil- errorbarsareestimatedfromMonte-Carlosimulationsofthe ities as limits. Therefore, we havethat the joint proba- velocity field model, with the last two shells having no cor- bility of alignment between the CMB and the differen- responding uncertainties because we take Vbulk(r) = 0 for r>170h−1 Mpc(seetext). tialIRASequal-volumedipoledirections(forthosewith significant dipole signal S/N >1) is: h−1Mpc Ngal S/N l◦ b◦ δθcmb pmc pf 2 10−4< P2,3 < 8 10−4 5-110 4329 4.7±0.2 246.0 35.5 26±3 0.003 0.051 × ∼ QDOT∼ × 110-139 390 0.6±0.2 311.8 84.1 55±17 0.522 0.213 P3 2 10−4 . 139-159 220 1.7±0.2 268.9 8.5 22±4 0.026 0.036 1.2Jy ≃ × 159-175 128 0.6±0.2 307.1 31.5 26±7 0.073 0.051 for theQDOT and IRAS1.2 Jy samples, respectively. 175-188 72 0.0 96.6 61.4 89 0.655 0.492 188-200 59 1.6 282.8 43.2 14 0.029 0.016 4.2 Test for systematic alignment errors gate shell sizes ranging from 2.5 106 to 8.2 106 h−3 The observed differential dipole alignments could in × × Mpc3 which give qualitatively similar results. In tables principle be due to errors in the correction used to re- 1 & 2 we present the differential dipole directions and cover the 3-d frame in which we measure the dipole. misalignmentangleswithrespecttotheCMBdipoleas For example, if redshift errors especially at large dis- wellasameasureofthesignificanceofthedipoleofeach tances, were the sampling rate is low, were comparable individual shell, given by: to a significant fraction of the LG velocity, then using (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 S.Basilakos & M.Plionis the3-dgalaxydistancesestimatedfromeqs(5),(6)and v(0)=622km/sec, wecould artificially produceafalse alignment of the distant shells differential dipole with that of the CMB. We therefore address the question of which are the dipole alignments induced totally due to our frame transformation procedure ie., for the ex- treme case where there is no intrinsic dipole and no LG peculiar velocity. We run 5000 Monte-Carlo simu- lations in which we destroy the intrinsic IRAS galaxy dipoleaswellasredshiftspacedistortionsbyrandomis- ing the angular coordinates of the galaxies while keep- ingtheirdistancesandthereforetheirselectionfunction unchanged. On this intrinsically random galaxy distri- bution we apply our z to 3d space transformation and then measure the artificially induced differential dipole alignments due to the frame transformation itself. The couplingbetweenthespacedistortion andtheselection function results in a non-trivial alignment behaviour. In the first shell we observe anti-alignments while at more distant shells the artificial alignment effect does Figure5.Contourplotofthesmoothed1.2JyIRASgalaxy appear. For example at the last shell the median δθ is distributioninrealspaceandonthesupergalacticplane. 67◦ insteadof90◦.However,itisimpossibletocreate ∼ theobservedIRASdipolealignments ifthereisnotrue (Shapley 1930; Scaramella et al 1989; Raychaudhury signalpresent.Wequantifythisbymeasuringtheprob- 1989). ability, p (δθ), of observing in our Monte-Carlo simu- mc To investigate further the possible cause of the lationsdipolealignmentsaslargeastheobservedIRAS presentIRASdipoleresultswehavesmoothedtheIRAS differential dipole alignments. For the shells of interest 1.2 Jygalaxy distribution in a403 cubewith acell size we find that this probability is low and comparable to of10h−1 MpcusingaGaussian with smoothingradius theexpectedp ,whichimpliesthattheframe transfor- f equal to one cell and weighting each galaxy by φ−1. mation uncertainties cannot induce the observed IRAS Duetothecouplingbetween theselection functionand dipole alignments (see the corresponding values of p mc theconstant radiussmoothing, wecorrecttheresulting and p in thetables). f smoothed distribution for a distance dependent effect, We conclude that the differential dipole directions which we quantified using N-body simulations (details arenotrandomlyorientedwithrespecttotheCMBand willbepresentedinaforthcomingpaper).Infigure5we thereforewedonotonlyhaveindicationsforsignificant present the smoothed IRAS 1.2 Jy galaxy distribution dipole contributions from large depths but also for a onthesupergalacticplane(of10h−1Mpcwidth)within coherent anisotropy extendingtothese large scales. 170 h−1 Mpc. The contour step is 0.4 in overdensity while the δρ/ρ = 0 level appears as a thick continuous line. Well known structures appear in this plot; the 4.3 Possible cause of the large-scale IRAS largest and most evident is the Shapley concentration dipole contributions locatedat(X ,Y ) ( 120,60),thePerseus-Pisces sup sup ≈ − It is interesting that stronge evidence exist for deep supercluster at (X ,Y ) (60, 40), the Coma su- sup sup ≈ − dipole contributions from the available galaxy cluster percluster at (X ,Y ) ( 20,70), the Ursa-Major sup sup ≈ − data. Contributions up to 20% 30% of the total supercluster at (X ,Y ) (100,100), the Pisces- sup sup ∼ − ≈ cumulativeopticalandX-rayclusterdipole,werefound Cetus supercluster at (X ,Y ) (50, 140) while sup sup ≈ − from 140 160 h−1 Mpc depths (Scaramella et al the Great Attractor (Hydra-Centaurus complex ?), at ∼ − 1991; Plionis & Valdarnini 1991; Branchini & Plionis (X ,Y ) ( 30,30) appears in the foreground of sup sup ≈ − 1996; Plionis & Kolokotronis 1998). Similar coherence theShapleyconcentration.Furthermore,figure5isvery of the differential dipoles in equal volume shells was similartothecorrespondingAbell/ACOclusterdensity also found in galaxy cluster case (Plionis & Valdarnini field(cf.Tullyetal1992;Branchini&Plionis1996,their 1991;Plionisetal1993).Thesestudieshaveshownthat figure 3), and we therefore obtain a consistent picture, thecauseofthedeepdipolecontributionsshouldbeat- frombothIRASgalaxyandAbell/ACOclusterdata,in tributed mostly to the Shapley concentration, a huge which the Shapley concentration is the most probable mass overdensity located at 140 h−1 Mpc in the causeofthedeepdipolecontributionswhilethegeneral ∼ general direction of the Hydra-Centaurus supercluster alignment of the Great Attractor, Perseus-Pisces and (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Large-Scale Anisotropy 7 Shapleysuperclustersismostprobablythecauseofthe BranchiniE.,PlionisM.,SciamaD.W.,1996,ApJ,461,L17 apparent coherence of theIRASgalaxy dipole. DekelA.,1994,ARA&A,32,371 DekelA.,1997,inL.daCostaed.‘GalaxyScalingRelations: Origins,Evolution&Applications’,Springer,inpress 4.4 Ω◦0.6/bI from the IRAS dipoles Fisher,K.B.,Huchra, J.P.,Strauss, M.A.,Davis,M.,Yahil, A.&Schlegel,D.,1995,ApJS,100,69 Usingthereal-spacedipoleresultsandequation(3),we HudsonM.J.,1993,MNRAS,265,72 can estimate the density parameter β . However, IRAS KaiserN.,1984,ApJ,284,L9 the value obtained should be considered rather as an KaiserN.,1987,MNRAS,227,1 upper limit since the deep contributions to the dipole, Kogutetal,1993,ApJ,419,1 for which we do have strong indications, are probably Kolokotronis,V.,Plionis,M.,Coles,P.,Borgani,S.,Moscar- notfullyrevealedbythepresentsamples(seeKolokotro- dini,L.,1996,MNRAS,280,186 nis et al 1996). Taking into account the scatter among LahavO.,1987,MNRAS,225,213 thetwoIRASsamples,theamplitudevariationsatlarge LauerT.R.&Postman,M.,1994,ApJ,425,418 depthsandtheuncertaintiesofthevelocitymodelused Lynden-Bell, D., Faber, S.M., Burstein, D., Davies, R.L., Dressler, A., Terlevich, R.J. & Wegner, G. 1988, ApJ, to recover thereal-space galaxy distances, we find: 326,19 β < 0.78( 0.1), (9) Lynden-Bell, D., Lahav O. & Burstein, D., 1989, MNRAS, IRAS ∼ ± 241,325 in agreement with the QDOT analysis of Rowan- MiyajiT.,BoldtE.,1990, ApJ,353,L3 Robinson et al (1990) but slightly larger, although Peebles,P.J.E.,1988,ApJ,332,17 within 1σ, than the 1.2 Jy results of Strauss et al Peebles P.J.E.,1980. The LargeScale Structure of the Uni- (1992). This value of βI implies either that Ω◦< 0.66 verse,PrincetonUniversityPress,PrincetonNewJersey for bIRAS =1 or Ω◦ 1 for bIRAS> 1.28. ∼ Plionis,M.&Valdarnini,R.,1991, MNRAS,249,46 ≃ ∼ PlionisM.,ColesP.,CatelanP.,1993,MNRAS,262,465 Plionis M. & Kolokotronis, V., 1998, ApJ, 500, June 10th issue. 5 CONCLUSIONS Rowan-Robinson M., Lawrence A., Saunders W., Craw- Using a consistent analysis procedure we find that ford J., Ellis R.S., Frenk C.S., Parry I., Xiaoyang X., within 50h−1 Mpc, both the1.2Jy and 0.6Jy (QDOT) Allington-SmithJ.,EfstathiouG.,KaiserN.,1990, MN- RAS,247,1 IRASsamples,giveidenticaldipoleresultswhilebeyond Raychaudhury, S.1990,Nat.,342,251 this depth the QDOT dipole increases substantially up SaundersW.,Rowan-RobinsonM.,LawrenceA.,Efstathiou to 100 h−1 Mpc, in agreement with Rowan-Robinson G., Kaiser N., Ellis R.S. & Frenk, C.S., 1990, MNRAS, et al (1990). Furthermore there are significant indica- 242,318 tionsfor(a)dipolecontributionsfromdepths 170h−1 ∼ Scaramella,R.,Vettolani,G.,Zamorani,G.,1991,ApJ,376, Mpc,inagreement withotherrecentlarge-scale studies L1 (cf.Plionis&Kolokotronis1998)and(b)acoherenceof Scaramella, R., Baiesi-Pillastrini, G., Chincarini, G., Vet- the dipole anisotropy extending to similar depths. The tolani,G.&Zamorani,G.1989,Nat.,338,562 most probable cause of these deep dipole contributions Shapley,H.1930,HarvardObs.Bull.,874,9 is the Shapley mass concentration, while of the dipole StraussM.A.&Willick,J.A.1995,Phys.Rep.,261,271 coherence is the general alignment, on the supergalac- Strauss M.A., Yahil A., Davis M., Huchra J.P., Fisher K., 1992ApJ,397,395 tic plane, of the Perseus-Pisces supercluster, the Great Tully, R.B., Scaramella, R., Vettolani, G. & Zamorani, G., Attractor and theShapley concentration, which span a 1992, ApJ,388,9 range of 200h−1 Mpc. ∼ YahilA.,Walker, D.,Rowan-Robinson,M.,1986, ApJ,301, A similar study of the complete (6 in 6) IRAS L1 0.6 Jy sample (PSCz) should give better indications of YahilA.,StraussM.,DavisM.,HuchraJ.P.,1991,ApJ,372, these results, although the overall amplitude of the ef- 380 fect couldbeprobablyestimated byadeepercatalogue (limited at a lower fluxlimit). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wethank Enzo Branchini for providing uswith the re- constructed IRAS 1.2 Jy galaxy peculiar velocities. REFERENCES BranchiniE.,PlionisM.,1996,ApJ,460,569 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000

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