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LAPLACIANS ON PERIODIC DISCRETE GRAPHS ANDREY BADANIN, EVGENY KOROTYAEV, AND NATALIA SABUROVA Abstract. We consider Laplacians on Z2-periodic discrete graphs. The following results are obtained: 1) The Floquet-Bloch decomposition is constructed and basic properties are derived. 2) The estimates of the Lebesgue measure of the spectrum in terms of geometric 3 parameters of the graph are obtained. 3) The spectrum of the Laplacian is described, when 1 the so-called fundamental graph consists of one or two vertices and any number of edges. 4) 0 2 We consider the hexagonal lattice perturbed by adding one edge to the fundamental graph. There exist two cases: a) if the perturbed hexagonal lattice is bipartite, then the spectrum n a of the perturbed Laplacian coincides with the spectrum [ 1,1] for the unperturbed case, b) − J if the perturbed hexagonal lattice is not bipartite, then there is a gap in the spectrum of the 9 perturbed Laplacian. Moreover,some deeper results are obtained for the perturbation of the 2 square lattice. ] P S . h t 1. Introduction and main results a m 1.1. Introduction. WediscussthespectrumofLaplaciansonperiodicdiscretegraphs. Lapla- [ cians on periodic graphs are of interest due to their applications to problems of physics and 1 chemistry. They are used to describe and to study properties of different periodic media, v including nanomedia, see [NG04], [Ha85], [SDD98]. 6 9 There are a lot of papers, and even books, on the spectrum of the discrete Laplacian on an 8 infinite graph. One ofthemainproblems is todescribe thespectral properties ofthe Laplacian 6 in terms of geometric parameters of the graph. Useful sources concerning operators acting . 1 on infinite graphs are the books [Ba98], [Bo08], [BH12], [CDS95], [CDGT88], [P12] and the 0 3 papers [HN09], [Me94], [MW89], [MRA07]. See also the references therein. 1 There are papers about the spectrum of discrete Laplacians on periodic graphs. Higuchi : v and Shirai [HS04] (see also [RR07]) obtain the decomposition of the Laplacian into a constant i X fiber direct integral. Higuchi and Nomura [HN09] prove that the spectrum of the Laplacian r consists of an absolutely continuous part and a finite number of flat bands (i.e., eigenvalues a with infinite multiplicity). The absolutely continuous spectrum consists of a finite number of intervals (spectral bands) separated by gaps. Moreover, they also show that for each flat band there exists a finitely supported eigenfunction. There are results about spectral properties of the discrete Laplace and Schro¨dinger opera- tors on specific periodic graphs. The hexagonal lattice can be viewed as a discrete model of graphene, which is two-dimensional single-layered carbon sheet with honeycomb structure. It was recently discovered by Geim and Novoselov [NG04]. Graphene is a very hot subject in physics, where tight binding models for the Schro¨dinger operator are standard and give inter- esting band structures. Ando [A12] considers the spectral theory for the discrete Schro¨dinger Date: January 30, 2013. Key words and phrases. spectral bands, flat bands, discrete Laplacian, periodic graph. 1 2 ANDREYBADANIN,EVGENY KOROTYAEV,AND NATALIASABUROVA operators with finitely supported potentials on the hexagonal lattice and their inverse scat- tering problem. Korotyaev and Kutsenko [KK10] – [KK10b] study the spectra of the discrete Schro¨dinger operators on graphene nano-tubes and nano-ribbons in external fields. See more about graphene in Section 5. Schro¨dinger operators with decreasing potentials on the lattice Zd areconsidered byBoutet deMonvel-Sahbani [BS99], Isozaki-Korotyaev [IK12], Rosenblum- Solomjak [RoS09]. Gieseker-Kn¨orrer-Trubowitz [GKT93] consider Schro¨dinger operators with periodic potentials on the lattice Z2, the simplest example of Z2-periodic graphs. They study its Bloch variety and its integrated density of states. We describe our main goals of the paper: 1) to construct the Floquet theory for Laplacians on periodic graphs. 2) to estimate the Lebesgue measure of the spectrum of the Laplacian in terms of geometric parameters of the graph. 3) to describe the spectrum of the Laplacian under the perturbation of the square lattice and the hexagonal lattice. 4) It is known [C97] that the investigation of the spectrum of the Laplacian onan equilateral quantum graph (i.e., a graph consisting of identical segments) can be reduced to the study of the spectrum of the discrete Laplacian. Thus, we have to do the needed spectral analysis of the discrete Laplacian given in this paper, in order to describe spectral properties (including the Bethe-Sommerfeld conjecture) of the Laplacians on quantum graphs [KS]. It should be noted that the results obtained in this work can be generalized to the case of Zd, d > 3, periodic graphs [KS1]. 1.2. The definitions of periodic graphs and fundamental graphs. Let Γ = (V, ) be a E connected graph, possibly having loops and multiple edges, where V is the set of its vertices and is the set of its unoriented edges. The graphs under consideration are embedded into R2. EConsidering each edge in to have two orientations, we can introduce the set of all E A oriented edges. The inverse edge of e is denoted by e¯. The oriented edge starting at ∈ A u V and ending at v V will be denoted as the ordered pair (u,v). Vertices u,v V will be∈called adjacent and d∈enoted by u v, if (u,v) . We define the degree κ of th∈e vertex v v V as the number of all oriented ed∼ges from s∈taArting at v. Below we consider Z2-periodic ∈ A graphs Γ, satisfying the following conditions: 1) the number of vertices from V in any bounded domain R2 is finite; ⊂ 2) the degree of each vertex is finite; 3) there exists a basis a ,a in R2 such that Γ is invariant under translations through the 1 2 vectors a and a : 1 2 Γ+a = Γ, Γ+a = Γ. 1 2 The vectors a ,a are called the periods of Γ. 1 2 In the plane R2 we consider a coordinate system with the origin at some point O. The coordinate axes of this system are directed along the vectors a and a . Below the coordinates 1 2 of all vertices of Γ will be expressed in this coordinate system. Then it follows from the definition of Z2-periodic graph that Γ is invariant under translations through any integer vector: Γ+p = Γ, p Z2. ∀ ∈ Examples of periodic graphs are shown in Figures 4a, 7a. LAPLACIANS ON PERIODIC DISCRETE GRAPHS 3 We define the fundamental graph Γ of the periodic graph Γ as a graph on the surface R2/Z2 0 by Γ = Γ/Z2 T2, where T2 = R2/Z2. (1.1) 0 ⊂ The vertex set V , the set of unoriented edges and the set of oriented edges of Γ are 0 0 0 0 E A finite (see Proposition 6.2). We introduce an edge ”index”, which is important in the study of the Laplace operator. We identify the vertices of the fundamental graph Γ = (V , ) with the vertices of the periodic 0 0 0 E graph Γ = (V, ) in the set [0,1)2. Then for any v V the following unique representation E ∈ holds true: v = [v]+v˜, [v] Z2, v˜ V [0,1)2. (1.2) 0 ∈ ∈ ⊂ In other words, each vertex v can be represented uniquely as the sum of an integer part [v] Z2 and a fractional part v˜ that is a vertex of the fundamental graph Γ . For any oriented 0 ∈ edge e = (u,v) we define the edge ”index” τ(e) as the integer vector ∈ A τ(e) = [v] [u] Z2, (1.3) − ∈ where u = [u]+u˜, v = [v]+v˜, [u],[v] Z2, u˜,v˜ V . 0 ∈ ∈ If e = (u,v) is an oriented edge of the graph Γ, then by the definition of the fundamental graph there is an oriented edge e˜ = (u˜,v˜) on Γ . For an edge e˜ we define the edge index 0 0 ∈ A τ(e˜) by τ(e˜) = τ(e). (1.4) In other words, indices of periodic graph edges are inherited by edges of the fundamental graph. The edge indices, generally speaking, depend on the choice of the coordinate origin O. But in a fixed coordinate system the index of the fundamental graph edge is uniquely determined by (1.4), since due to Proposition 6.3.iii we have τ(e+p) = τ(e), (e,p) Z2. ∀ ∈ A× Edges with nonzero indices will be called bridges. They are important, when we describe the spectrum of the Laplacian. The bridges provide the connectivity of the periodic graph and the removal of all bridges disconnects the graph into infinitely many connected components. 1.3. Laplace operators on graphs. Let ℓ2(V) be the Hilbert space of all square summable functions f : V C, equipped with the norm → f 2 = f(v) 2 < . k kℓ2(V) | | ∞ v V X∈ Recall that the degree κ of the vertex v V is the number of oriented edges starting at the v ∈ vertex v. We define the Laplacian (or the Laplace operator) ∆ acting on the Hilbert space ℓ2(V) by 1 1 ∆f (v) = f(u), f ℓ2(V). (1.5) κ κ √ √ ∀ ∈ v u (v,u) (cid:0) (cid:1) X∈A Note that sometimes 1 ∆ > 0 is also called the Laplace operator. − A graph is called bipartite if its vertex set is divided into two disjoint sets (called parts of the graph) such that each edge connects vertices from distinct sets (see p.105 in [Or62]). Examples of bipartite graphs are the square lattice (Figure 7a) and the hexagonal lattice (Figure 4a). The triangular lattice (Figure 9b) is non-bipartite. Note that for a bipartite 4 ANDREYBADANIN,EVGENY KOROTYAEV,AND NATALIASABUROVA periodic graph there exists a bipartite fundamental graph (see Lemma 6.4.ii), but not every fundamental graph is bipartite. Indeed, the square lattice (Figure 7a) is bipartite, but its fundamental graph shown in Figure 7b is non-bipartite. We recall well-known properties of the Laplacian ∆, which hold true for finite and infinite graphs (in particular, for periodic graphs) (see [Ch97], [Me94], [M92], [MW89]): Main properties of the Laplacian: 1) The operator ∆ is self-adjoint and bounded. 2) The spectrum σ(∆) is contained in [ 1,1]. − 3) The point 1 belongs to the spectrum σ(∆). 4) The graph is bipartite the point 1 σ(∆) the spectrum σ(∆) is symmetric with ⇔ − ∈ ⇔ respect to the point zero. Denote by v ,...,v the vertices of V , where ν < is a number of vertices of V . Thus we 1 ν 0 0 ∞ have V = v : j N , N = 1,...,ν . 0 j ν ν { ∈ } { } WepresentourfirstresultsaboutthedecompositionoftheLaplacian∆intoadirectintegral. Theorem 1.1. i) The operator ∆ acting on ℓ2(V) has the decomposition into a constant fiber direct integral 1 ℓ2(V) = ⊕ℓ2(V )dϑ, T2 = R2/(2πZ)2 = [ π;π]2, (2π)2 0 − T2 Z (1.6) 1 U∆U 1 = ⊕∆(ϑ)dϑ, − (2π)2 T2 Z for some unitary operator U. Here the fiber space ℓ2(V ) = Cν and ∆(ϑ) = ∆ (ϑ) , ϑ T2, 0 jk { } ∈ is a Floquet ν ν matrix given by × 1 ei τ(e),ϑ , if (v ,v ) ∆jk(ϑ) =  √κjκk e=(vjP,vk)∈A0 h i j k ∈ A0 , (1.7)  0, if (vj,vk) / 0 ∈ A where κj is the degree ofvj and , denotes the standard inner product in R2. In particular, h· ·i 1 cos τ(e),ϑ , if a loop (v ,v ) κ j j 0 ∆ (ϑ) = j e=(vj,vj) 0 h i ∈ A . (1.8) jj  P ∈A  0, if (vj,vj) / 0 ∈ A ii) Let ∆(1)(ϑ) be the Floquet matrix for ∆ defined by (1.7) in another coordinate system with the origin O . Then the matrices ∆(1)(ϑ) and ∆(ϑ) are unitarily equivalent for each 1 ϑ T2. ∈iii) The spectrum σ ∆(ϑ) is contained in [ 1,1] for each ϑ T2. − ∈ iv) The entry ∆ ( ) is constant iff there is no bridge (v ,v ) . jk j k 0 ·(cid:0) (cid:1) ∈ A v) The point 1 is never a flat band of ∆. vi) The Floquet matrix ∆( ) has at least one non-constant entry ∆ ( ) for some j 6 k. jk · · vii) A fundamental graph Γ is bipartite iff the spectrum σ(∆(ϑ)) is symmetric with respect 0 to the point zero for each ϑ T2. ∈ LAPLACIANS ON PERIODIC DISCRETE GRAPHS 5 b v3+ba2b b (cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2) b (cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2) b b (cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2) b b b (cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2) (cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)v4+a1+a2 a2 b6AvA2 (cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)v(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:17)(cid:2)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:2)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:2)νb(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)bv(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)3(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)bv2+a1b b Ab(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:17)(cid:2)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:2)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:2) b b b v1 v4 b - O a1 Figure 1. A periodic graph Γ; only edges of the fundamental graph Γ are 0 shown; the bridges of Γ are marked by bold lines. Remark. 1) The representations (1.7), (1.8) are new. Recall that the existence of ∆(ϑ) was proved in [HS04]. 2) The graph Γ with ν = 5 on Figure 1 has the following bridges (v ,v +a ), (v ,v +a ), (v ,v +a ), (v ,v +a +a ) 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 3 4 1 2 because they connect vertices with different integer parts in the sense of the identity (1.2). 3) There are always some bridges on a graph Γ, if Γ is connected. Otherwise, if there are no bridges on some graph Γ, then this graph is not connected and is a union of infinitely many connected components. In this case the spectrum of the Laplacian on Γ consists of only a finite number of eigenvalues with infinite multiplicity. Due to Theorem 1.4 i, it is impossible. The presence of bridges on the graph ”enlarges” the spectrum of the Laplacian. 1.4. Spectral properties of Laplacians. Theorem 1.1 and standard arguments (see The- orem XIII.85 in [RS78]) describe the spectrum of the Laplacian. Each Floquet ν ν matrix ∆(ϑ), ϑ T2, has ν eigenvalues λ (ϑ), n = 1,...,ν. They are real and local×ly analytic n functions∈on the torus T2, since ∆(ϑ) is self-adjoint and analytic in ϑ on the torus T2. The parameter ϑ is called quasimomentum. If some λ ( ) = C = const on some set T2 n n · B ⊂ of positive Lebesgue measure, then the operator ∆ on Γ has the eigenvalue C with infinite n multiplicity. We will call C a flat band. Due to [HN09] we have that λ is an eigenvalue of n ∆ iff λ is an eigenvalue of ∆(ϑ) for any ϑ T2. Thus, we can define the∗multiplicity of a flat ∗ ∈ band by: an eigenvalue λ of ∆ has the multiplicity m iff λ = const is an eigenvalue of ∆(ϑ) for each ϑ T2 with the∗multiplicity m (except maybe for∗a finite number of ϑ T2). Thus ∈ ∈ if the operator ∆ has r > 0 flat bands, then we denote them by µ = λ (ϑ), j N , j ν j+1 r − ∈ and they are labeled by µ 6 µ 6 ... 6 µ , (1.9) 1 2 r counting multiplicities. Thus, all other eigenvalues λ (ϑ), n = 1,...,ν r are not constant. n − They can be enumerated in decreasing order (counting multiplicities) λ (ϑ) 6 λ (ϑ) 6 ... 6 λ (ϑ), ϑ T2. (1.10) ν r ν r 1 1 − − − ∀ ∈ 6 ANDREYBADANIN,EVGENY KOROTYAEV,AND NATALIASABUROVA Each λ (ϑ) is a piecewise analytic function on the torus T2 and defines a dispersion relation. n Its plot is a dispersion curve. Define the spectral bands σ by n σ = [λ ,λ+] = λ (T2), where λ = minλ (ϑ), λ+ = maxλ (ϑ), n N . (1.11) n −n n n −n ϑ T2 n n ϑ T2 n ∀ ∈ ν ∈ ∈ For each n = 1,...,ν r we have λ < λ+ and the spectral band σ is open (non-degenerate). − −n n n For each n = ν r+1,...,ν we have λ = µ and the spectral band σ is close (degenerate). If λ+ < λ fo−r some n N , then±nthe inrterval (λ+ ,λ ) is calledn a gap. n+1 −n ∈ ν−r−1 n+1 −n Thus the spectrum of the operator ∆ on the periodic graph Γ has the form σ(∆) = σ (∆) σ (∆), ac fb ∪ ν−r (1.12) σ (∆) = σ , σ (∆) = µ ,...,µ , ac n fb 1 r { } n=1 [ where σ (∆) is the absolutely continuous spectrum and σ (∆) is a set of all flat bands ac fb (eigenvalues withinfinite multiplicity). Wenowdescribeprecisely allbandsforspecificgraphs. Theorem 1.2. i) Let all bridges of the fundamental graph Γ be loops, i.e., the indices of all 0 edges (v ,v ), 1 6 j < k 6 ν, of Γ be zero. Then j k 0 λ+ = λ (0), n N . (1.13) n n ∀ ∈ ν Moreover, the eigenvalue λ (0) is a flat band of ∆ iff λ = λ+. The multiplicity of the flat n −n n band µ = λ+ of the Laplacian ∆ is the multiplicity of λ+ as the eigenvalue of the operator n n ∆(0). ii) Let, in addition, cos τ(e), ϑ = 1 for all bridges e and some ϑ T2. Then 0 0 0 h i − ∈ E ∈ σ = [λ ,λ+], λ = λ (ϑ ), n N . (1.14) n −n n −n n 0 ∀ ∈ ν iii) Let Γ be a bipartite periodic graph, satisfying the condition i) (Γ is not bipartite, since 0 there is a loop on Γ ). Then λ are the eigenvalues of the matrix ∆(0). 0 ±n ± Remark. 1) λ+, n N , are the eigenvalues of the operator ∆(0) defined by (1.7) that is n ∈ ν the Laplacian on the fundamental graph Γ . The case of item ii) is similar to the case of 0 N-periodic Jacobi matrices on the lattice Z (and for Hill operators). The spectrum of these operators is absolutely continuous and is a union of spectral bands, separated by gaps. The endpoints of the bands are so-called 2N-periodic eigenvalues. 2) For some classes of graphs one can easily determine ϑ such that cos τ(e), ϑ = 1 for 0 0 all bridges e . Let τ(e) = (τ (e),τ (e)) Z2 be the index of a bridgehe of Γ .iThe−n 0 1 2 0 ∈ A ∈ (π,0), if τ (e) is odd for all bridges e 1 0 ∈ A ϑ = (0,π), if τ (e) is odd for all bridges e . (1.15) 0  2 ∈ A0 (π,π), if τ (e)+τ (e) is odd for all bridges e  1 2 0 ∈ A 3) The fundamental graph Γ on Figure 2a has only 4 oriented bridges, which are loops with 0 indices (0, 1) and ( 1,0). All other edges of Γ have zero indices. Thus, τ (e)+τ (e) is odd 0 1 2 ± ± for all bridges e and according to Theorem 1.2.i–ii and the identity (1.15) the spectrum 0 of the Laplacian∈onAΓ, see Figure 2b, has the form σ(∆) = ν σ , σ = [λ (π,π),λ (0)]. n=1 n n n n S We estimate the spectrum σ(∆) of the Laplacian. LAPLACIANS ON PERIODIC DISCRETE GRAPHS 7 b b b A (cid:1)A (cid:1) Ab (cid:1)b Ab b(cid:1) b b b b b b 6 (cid:0)b(cid:0)b @b@b @b@b (cid:0)b(cid:0)b @b@b (cid:0)b(cid:0)b a2 @@b(cid:0)(cid:0) b(cid:0)(cid:0) @@(cid:0)b(cid:0) @@b (cid:1)A A (cid:1)A (cid:1) (cid:1)b Ab Ab (cid:1)b Ab b(cid:1) - O a b b b b 1 @b@b (cid:0)b(cid:0)b @b@b (cid:0)b(cid:0)b (a) (b) b(cid:0)(cid:0) @@b(cid:0)(cid:0) @@b Figure 2. a) The fundamental graph Γ ; b) the periodic graph Γ. 0 Theorem 1.3. i) The Lebesgue measure σ(∆) of the spectrum of the Laplacian ∆ satisfies | | ν r ν − b σ(∆) 6 σ 6 2 jk , (1.16) | | | n| √κ κ j k n=1 j,k=1 X X where b is the number of bridges (v ,v ) on the fundamental graph Γ , κ is the degree of jk j k 0 j v . Moreover, this estimate is sharp, i.e., estimates (1.16) become identities for some graphs. j ii) For any ν > 2 there exists a periodic graph such that σ(∆) = 8 . In particular, | | ν+3 σ(∆) 0 as ν . | | → → ∞ iii) Let a fundamental graph Γ be bipartite. If ν > 1 is odd, then µ = 0 is a flat band of ∆. 0 Remark. 1) The estimate (1.16) is effective for the case ν b jk < 1. (1.17) κ κ √ j k j,k=1 X Iftheinequality (1.17)doesnotholdtrue, then(1.16)yields onlyasimpleestimate σ(∆) 6 2, | | which follows from the basic property σ(∆) [ 1,1]. The inequality (1.17) holds true when ⊂ − for each vertex v V the ratio of the number of bridges starting at v to the degree of v is 0 ∈ rather small. Increasing the degree of each vertex and fixing the bridges we can construct a graph such that the Lebesgue measure of the spectrum of the Laplacian is arbitrarily small. 2) The total length of spectral bands depends essentially on the bridges on Γ . If we remove 0 the coordinate system, then the number of bridges on the corresponding fundamental graph Γ is changed in general. 0 @@b(cid:16)(cid:16)(cid:16)1bPPPb(cid:0)(cid:0) 0 0 (cid:2) B (cid:2) B 1 (cid:2)b Bb 1 − B (cid:2) − B (cid:2) 0BPb P (cid:16)(cid:16)b(cid:2)0 (cid:0) P(cid:16)b @ (cid:0) @ 1 Figure 3. The cycle that is the support of the eigenfunction with the eigen- value 0. The values of the eigenfunction in the vertices of the support are 0, 1. ± 8 ANDREYBADANIN,EVGENY KOROTYAEV,AND NATALIASABUROVA 3) Recall that for each flat band there exists a finitely supported eigenfunction. It is well- known that for some specific case these eigenfunctions can easily be determined using some analysis of graph cycles. For example, if the graph has a cycle of length 4n, n N, and the ∈ degree of each second vertices of the cycle is 2, then one can easily construct an eigenfunction supported on this cycle (see Figure 3) with the eigenvalue 0. Theorems 1.2 and 1.3.iii give the simple sufficient conditions for the existence of flat bands, not based on an analysis of cycles. This is the only test for the existence of flat bands, that we know of. Now we describe possible positions of flat bands. Theorem 1.4. i) The first spectral band σ = [λ ,1] is open, i.e., λ < 1. Moreover, the 1 −1 −1 number of flat bands r < ν and the spectrum of the operator ∆ has at most ν r 1 gaps. − − ii) Let ν > 2. Then 1) There is a graph Γ, such that the spectrum of the Laplacian on Γ has exactly 2 open spectral bands and between them, in the gap, ν 2 flat bands, counting multiplicity. − 2) There is a graph Γ, such that the spectrum of the Laplacian on Γ has [ν] different simple 2 flat bands embedded in the absolutely continuous spectrum [ 1,1]. − 3) There is a graph Γ, such that a point 1 is a flat band of the Laplacian on Γ (the Kagome −2 lattice, see subsection 5.5) and lies at the endpoint of the absolutely continuous spectrum σ (∆) = [ 1,1]. ac −2 There is an open problem: does there exist a graph with any ν > 2 vertices in the funda- mental graph such that the spectrum of the Laplacian on Γ has only 1 spectral band and ν 1 − flat bands, counting multiplicity? 1.5. Perturbations of the hexagonal lattice. Let G = (V, ) be the hexagonal lattice E (Figure 4a). The periods of G are the vectors a = (3/2,√3/2), a = (0,√3) (the coordinates 1 2 of a , a are taken in the orthonormal basis e , e ). The vertex set and the edge set are given 1 2 1 2 by V = Z2 Z2 + 1 , 1 , ∪ 3 3 = p,p+ 1 , 1 , p,p+ 2 , 1 , p,p+ 1 , 2 p Z2 . E 3 3 −(cid:0)3 3 (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) 3 −3 ∀ ∈ Recall that the coordinates of all vertices are taken in the basis a , a . The fundamental (cid:8)(cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1)1 2 (cid:9) graph G consists of two vertices v , v , multiple edges e = e = e = (v ,v ) (Figure 4b) 0 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 and e¯ = e¯ = e¯ with the indices 1 2 3 τ(e ) = τ(e¯ ) = (0,0), τ(e ) = τ(e¯ ) = (1,0), τ(e ) = τ(e¯ ) = (0,1). 1 1 2 2 3 3 − − It is known that the spectrum of the Laplacian ∆ on G has the form σ(∆) = σ (∆) = [ 1,1]. ac − v b b b b b2 (cid:10) J (cid:10) J (cid:8)(cid:8) b(cid:10) Jb b(cid:10) Jb (cid:8)(cid:8) J (cid:10) J (cid:10) v2(cid:8)b(cid:8) Jb b(cid:10)v2+a2 Jb b(cid:10) 6e (cid:10) 6J (cid:10) J 3 b(cid:10)JJb a2(cid:10)rv(cid:10)J1r3a1 b(cid:10)JvJ2+b a1b(cid:10)(cid:10)Jb a2 e1 rv1(cid:8)e(cid:8)2(cid:8)*bv2 (cid:10)O=v2J (cid:10) J (cid:8)(cid:8)a1 (a) (cid:10)b Jb (cid:10)b Jb (b) (cid:8)r v 2 Figure 4. a) Graphene G; b) the fundamental graph G of the graphene. 0 LAPLACIANS ON PERIODIC DISCRETE GRAPHS 9 We describe the spectrum under the perturbation of the graphene G by adding an edge to its fundamental graph. Theorem 1.5 (Perturbations of the graphene). Let G be a perturbed graph obtained from ′ the hexagonal lattice G by adding one edge (i.e., two oriented edges e,e¯ with the indices τ(e) = τ(e¯) = (τ ,τ )) to its fundamental graph G . Then the spectrum σ(∆) of the 1 2 0 ′ − Laplacian ∆ on the perturbed graph G satisfies: ′ ′ i) σ(∆) = σ (∆), i.e., the Laplacian on G has no flat bands. ′ ac ′ ′ ii) σ(∆) = [ 1,1] iff G is bipartite. ′ ′ − iii) Let G be non-bipartite. Then ′ 2 σ(∆) = [λ ,0] [λ ,1], 0 < λ 6 , if τ τ 3Z, (1.18) ′ −2 ∪ −1 −1 5 1 − 2 ∈ 1 σ(∆) = [λ ,λ+] [0,1], 6 λ+ < 0, if τ τ / 3Z, (1.19) ′ −2 2 ∪ −5 2 1 − 2 ∈ where 3 1 < λ 6 . (1.20) − −2 −5 Moreover, the Lebesgue measure of the spectrum satisfies 6 σ(∆) > , if τ τ 3Z; ′ 1 2 | | 5 − ∈ (1.21) 7 σ(∆) > , if τ τ / 3Z. ′ 1 2 | | 5 − ∈ Remark. This theorem shows that if the perturbation keeps the bipartition of the graph, then the spectrum of the operator does not change. If the added edge breaks the bipartition of the graph, then there appears a gap in the spectrum and the lower point of the spectrum moves to the right. We present the plan of our paper. In section 2 we prove Theorem 1.1 about the decompo- sition of the Laplacian into a direct integral and prove some basic properties of the Floquet operator. In section 3 we estimate the Lebesgue measure of the spectrum in terms of geo- metric parameters of the graph in Theorem 1.3. In sections 4 and 5 we consider the periodic graphs with one, two and three vertices in the fundamental graph. In particularly, we describe the spectrum of the Laplacian on the square lattice and the hexagonal lattice, perturbed by adding edges to its fundamental graphs. In Appendix we recall some well-known properties of matrices and give some auxiliary statements, needed to prove our main results. 2. Proof of Theorem 1.1 In Appendix we recall some well-known properties of matrices, which will be used below. Also we prove that the fundamental graph of a periodic graph is finite and show that a bipartite periodic graph has a bipartite fundamental graph. Properties of an edge index, needed to prove our main results, are given in Appendix. Proof of Theorem 1.1.i) Let H = L2 T2, dϑ , = ⊕ dϑ be a constant fiber direct (2π)2 H T2 H (2π)2 integral, where = Cν. It is the Hilbert space of square integrable functions f : T2 Cν, H (cid:0) (cid:1) R → 10 ANDREYBADANIN,EVGENY KOROTYAEV,AND NATALIASABUROVA equipped with the norm dϑ f 2 = f(ϑ) 2 . k kH k kCν(2π)2 T2 Z Let S(V) be the set of all finitely supported functions f ℓ2(V). Recall that v ,...,v are 1 ν ∈ the vertices of the fundamental graph Γ . We identify the vertices of Γ with the vertices of 0 0 the periodic graph Γ from the set [0,1)2. We define the operator U : ℓ2(V) H by → (Uf) (ϑ) = e i p,ϑ f(v +p), (ϑ,n) T2 N . (2.1) n −h i n ν ∈ × p Z2 X∈ Using standard arguments (see pp. 290–291 in [RS78]), we will show that U is well defined for f S(V) and uniquely extendable to a unitary operator. For∈f S(V) the sum (2.1) is clearly convergent. For such functions f we compute ∈ dϑ Uf 2 = (Uf)(ϑ) 2 k kH k kCν(2π)2 T2 Z ν dϑ = e i p,ϑ f(v +p) ei q,ϑ f¯(v +q) −h i n h i n (2π)2 ZT2 n=1(cid:18)p Z2 (cid:19)(cid:18)q Z2 (cid:19) X X∈ X∈ ν dϑ = f(v +p)f¯(v +q) e i p q,ϑ n n −h − i(2π)2 n=1p Z2q Z2(cid:18) ZT2 (cid:19) X X∈ X∈ ν = f(v +p) 2 = f(v) 2 = f 2 . n | | k kℓ2(V) n=1p Z2 v V X X∈ (cid:12) (cid:12) X∈ (cid:12) (cid:12) Here we have used the identity V = v +p : (n,p) N Z2 . Then U is well defined and n ν has a unique extension to an isometry. To see that∈U is ×onto H we compute U . We note ∗ (cid:8) (cid:9) that each vertex v V can be written as ∈ v = v +p for some (n,p) N Z2 (2.2) n ν ∈ × and this representation is unique. Let g = g (ϑ) : T2 C H . Then we define n → n Nν ∈ ∈ (cid:0) dϑ (cid:1) (U g)(v) = ei p,ϑ g (ϑ) , v V, ∗ h i n (2π)2 ∈ T2 Z where p and naredefined by (2.2). Adirect computation shows that this is indeed the formula for the adjoint of U. Moreover, ν ν 2 dϑ U g 2 = (U g)(v) 2 = (U g)(v +p) 2 = ei p,ϑ g (ϑ) k ∗ kℓ2(V) ∗ ∗ n h i n (2π)2 v V n=1p Z2 n=1p Z2(cid:12)ZT2 (cid:12) X∈ (cid:12) (cid:12) X X∈ (cid:12) (cid:12) X X∈ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ν ν dϑ dϑ = g (ϑ) 2 = g (ϑ) 2 = g 2 , n (2π)2 n (2π)2 k kH T2 T2 n=1Z Z n=1 X (cid:12) (cid:12) X(cid:12) (cid:12) where we have used the Pars(cid:12)eval r(cid:12)elation for the Fou(cid:12)rier s(cid:12)eries.

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