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Preview Laparoscopic Repair of Incidentally Found Spigelian Hernia.

S P CIENTIFIC APER Laparoscopic Repair of Incidentally Found Spigelian Hernia Khanjan H. Nagarsheth, MD, Todd Nickloes, DO, Greg Mancini, MD, Julio A. Solla, MD ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION BackgroundandObjectives:ASpigelianherniaisarare Spigelian hernias are now defined as an anterior wall typeofherniathatoccursthroughadefectintheanterior defect in the transversus abdominis close to the arcuate abdominal wall adjacent to the linea semilunaris. Estima- lineofDouglas,lateraltothelateralborderoftheanterior tion of its incidence has been reported as 0.12% of all rectussheathalongthesemilunarline.1Klinkoshwasthe abdominal wall hernias. Traditionally, the method of re- firsttoidentifythepresenceofaherniainthisarea,andit pair has been an open approach. Herein, we discuss a is now referred to as a spigelian hernia after Adrian van series of laparoscopic repairs. der Spieghel who first reported on the anatomy of the linea semilunaris in the rectus sheath.2 Spigelian hernias Methods: Case series and review of the literature. areararetypeofherniathatoccursthroughadefectinthe Cases: Three patients are presented. All were evaluated anteriorabdominalwalladjacenttothelineasemilunaris. and taken to surgery initially for a different disease pro- Estimations of their incidence have been reported as cess, and all were incidentally found to have a spigelian 0.12% of all abdominal wall hernias.3 Usually these her- hernia. These patients underwent laparoscopic repair of nias are identified once there is pain or obstruction from their hernias; 2 were repaired intraperitoneally and one incarceration of the hernia. Therefore, traditionally the was repaired totally extraperitoneally. Two patients ini- methodofrepairhasbeenanopenapproach.Therehave tially underwent a mesh repair, while the third had an been several case reports and a few case series that dis- attempted primary repair. cusstheeffectivenessofusingalaparoscopicapproachto repair these hernias. Herein, we present 3 patients who Conclusions: There is evidence that supports the use of were all incidentally found to have Spigelian hernias that laparoscopy for both diagnosis and repair of spigelian were laparoscopically repaired. hernias. There are also reports of successful repairs both primarily and with mesh. In our experience with the CASE ONE preceding3patients,wefoundthatlaparoscopicrepairof incidentally discovered spigelian hernias is a viable op- An 87-year-old woman presented to an outside facility tion, and we also found that implantation of mesh, when withasyncopalepisodeandwasdiagnosedwithaurinary possible,resultedinsatisfactoryresultsandnorecurrence. tract infection and normocytic anemia. Her hemoglobin and hematocrit dropped from 10 and 29 to 6.8 and 19.5, Key Words: Spigelian, Hernia, Laparoscopic, Repair. respectively.Shewastransferredtoourtertiarycarecenter after passing a large clot per rectum. On physical exami- nation after transfer, she was found to have a large, full thickness, rectal prolapse that was incarcerated and not reducible, but it was not ischemic or strangulated. Gastroenterologists were brought in for a consult on this case due to the full-thickness rectal prolapse. They were unabletoreducetheprolapsesecondarytoextremepain felt by the patient on examination. The recommendation UniversityofTennesseeMedicalCenter,DepartmentofSurgery,Knoxville,Ten- to call in a colorectal surgeon for further evaluation and nessee(allauthors). suggestions for therapeutic options was made. On hospi- Address correspondence to: Khanjan Nagarsheth, MD, 4850 Briar Rock Lane, tal day 4, after cardiology clearance was obtained, the Knoxville, TN 37920, USA. Telephone: (732) 757-7618, E-mail: khanjan. patient was taken to surgery and underwent a perineal [email protected] rectosigmoidectomy with levatorplasty to tent her incar- DOI:10.4293/108680811X13022985131372 ceratedrectalprolapse.Perinealproceduresforrectalpro- ©2011byJSLS,JournaloftheSocietyofLaparoendoscopicSurgeons.Publishedby theSocietyofLaparoendoscopicSurgeons,Inc. lapse have a higher recurrence rate than abdominal pro- JSLS(2011)15:81–85 81 LaparoscopicRepairofIncidentallyFoundSpigelianHernia,NagarshethKHetal. Figure1.CTScanimagerevealingrightsidedSpigelianhernia. Figure2.LaparoscopicviewofSpigelianherniadefect. cedures but have a lower morbidity rate. Perineal CASE TWO procedure or Altermeier’s4 procedures are often per- formed in elderly and high-risk populations. A 79-year-old female was admitted to our facility with a diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. She had recently had a Postoperatively,thepatientwassenttotheintensivecare cardiacpacemakerplacedandwasquiteconcernedabout unit for close monitoring and management. In the ICU, undergoing surgery and potentially getting an infection this patient became more distended and began to have that would compromise her pacemaker. She was started tenderness in her abdomen. She was obstipated after on antibiotic coverage until the cardiology department surgeryandhadnothadabowelmovementsinceherday wasabletoclearherforsurgery.Radiographicandsono- oftransfer.Itwasfeltthatthepatienthadapostoperative graphicstudiesrevealedgallbladderwallthickening,cho- ileus but with her worsening distention and then nausea lelithiasis, and pericholecystic fluid. Once the cardiology and vomiting, a CT scan of the abdomen was obtained departmentclearedthepatientforsurgery,shewastaken that revealed an enlarged Spigelian hernia with a portion to the operating room for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. of ileum that appeared kinked (Figure 1). On examina- Once the abdomen was entered with the laparoscope, a tion, she had an extremely tender right-sided ventral her- surveyrevealedaSpigelianherniaintheusuallocationat nia with inflammatory changes to the overlying skin. The thelineasemilunarisintherightlowerquadrant,andthis hernia was not reducible at bedside, so it was decided to defect contained herniated omental fat. The hernia was take the patient emergently to the operating room for a takendownlaparoscopically,andthedecisionwasmade laparoscopic Spigelian hernia repair with mesh. totryandclosethedefectprimarilyandnotimplantmesh, Intraoperatively, we were able to reduce the hernia and because the defect was only 2.5cm x 2cm, and there was the hernia sac (Figure 2). The portion of ileum in the an acutely infected gallbladder present. The hernia was hernia appeared viable, and peristalsis was visualized in closed primarily by way of transabdominally placed 2-0 thissegmentonceitwasreduced.A12-cmx12-cmround Prolene sutures. The repair appeared to be good and Parietex mesh was implanted against the hernia defect attention was turned to the gallbladder, which was noted that was 4cm x 4cm in size. At the end of the procedure, to be very edematous and tense. Bile was aspirated with the hernia defect was widely covered by the mesh. only a little amount spilled and then suctioned. The gall- bladderwasremovedinthestandardfashionandaspec- Postoperatively, the patient began having flatus and a imen was sent for analysis. bowelmovementonpostoperativeday2,andhernausea andvomitinghadresolved.Shewastransferredoutofthe Postoperatively, the patient was sent to the floor where ICU and to the floor and eventually was discharged to a she began returning to normal function quickly and was skillednursingfacilityforrehabilitationandphysicalther- discharged on postoperative day number 2 with minimal apy. tenderness and tolerating a regular diet. She did suffer 82 JSLS(2011)15:81–85 Figure 3. Laparoscopic view depicting Spigelian hernia and Figure4.Laparoscopicviewshowingcontusedbutviablesmall reducedbowel. bowel,reducedfromSpigelianhernia. fromsomeurinaryretentionandwasthereforereferredto staff, and she was found fit for discharge a few days after theurologydepartmentfortreatment.Shewasseeninthe surgery. She is currently doing well without any further office approximately one week after discharge and was issues from her hernia or the repair. noted to be doing well. CASE THREE However, this patient returned to the emergency depart- ment approximately 1 month after her office visit with A 67-year-old man arrived at ambulatory surgery to un- complaints of nausea, vomiting, and crampy abdominal dergolaparoscopicrepairofbilateralinguinalhernias.He pain in the right lower quadrant. Physical examination hadbeensufferingfromtheright-sidedherniaformonths. revealed tenderness in this area, and as per the patient, When he was evaluated in the surgeon’s office, he was she had not been able to have a bowel movement in noted to have a left-sided hernia also. The patient was several days. A CT scan revealed a recurrence of the prepped for bilateral repair to be done laparoscopically. Spigelian hernia now with a loop of small bowel stuck Duringsurgery,aperiumbilicalincisionwasmadeandthe within it and a small bowel obstruction. The patient was preperitoneal area was entered. Space was created using taken to the operating room emergently for risk of isch- a balloon dissector. Two more 5-mm trocars were placed emia to this segment of bowel. in the midline, and dissection commenced to reduce the The patient underwent a laparoscopic reduction and re- bilateral inguinal hernias. On visualization of the left lat- pairofherrecurrentSpigelianhernia.Itappearedthatthe eralwall,therewasanabnormalitynotedthatappearedto priorprimaryclosureofherherniahadbrokendown,and beanotherherniaatthelineasemilunaris.Onpalpationof nowthedefectcontainedtheterminalileum.Thisloopof the abdominal wall, it was noted that there was a small, bowel was gently reduced, and although the bowel barelyvisibleherniaontheleftside.ThisSpigelianhernia lookedbruised,itdidnotlookfranklyischemicorhavea was delineated in the preperitoneal space, and the sack perforation (Figures 3, 4). At this point, the defect was was reduced into the abdomen. The defect was noted to noted to be about 3cm in diameter, and a closure was be 3cm x 3cm. performed with a 15-cm Parietex mesh and the aid of At this point, our Parietex mesh was placed bilaterally to transfascial sutures and absorbable tacks. cover our direct hernia defects, and the left side was Again the patient tolerated this procedure well and was positioned such that the Spigelian hernia defect was also sentbacktothefloorinstablecondition.Shecontinuedto covered. Tacks were placed at the pubic tubercle and on do well and again recovered quickly. Her cardiac issues Cooper’s ligament as well as out laterally on the muscle were being controlled by the internal medicine house wall. JSLS(2011)15:81–85 83 LaparoscopicRepairofIncidentallyFoundSpigelianHernia,NagarshethKHetal. Thepatienttoleratedtheprocedurewellandwasreleased theaddedmorbidityandcostofforeignmaterials,namely home that same day. On follow-up he was doing well, mesh implantation. with no recurrence of his inguinal hernias and no pain at the Spigelian hernia site. This patient did very well with All the patients in this series were seen or admitted for his laparoscopic repairs and tolerated repair of his inci- another surgical pathology, and either during their ini- dentally found Spigelian hernia. tialsurgeryorduringtheirsubsequenthospitalcoursea Spigelian hernia was identified and repaired. Two of our 3 patients had no further recurrences or problems DISCUSSION withtheirlaparoscopicSpigelianherniarepairs,andwe attributethistotheuseofmeshfortheirrepair.Theone As mentioned previously, the incidence of Spigelian her- patient that did have some difficulty after repair had a nias is quite low, and part of that is likely the anomalous primary laparoscopic repair without mesh, and did constellationofsymptomsthatcanaccompanyit,suchas have a recurrence with subsequent incarceration and a vague abdominal pain, nausea, and an area of swelling neededameshrepair.Wefeelthatplacingmeshduring that may or may not be present.5 A reason that the swell- theinitialsurgerycouldhavepotentiallybeenproblem- ing or mass of a Spigelian hernia is not always readily atic given the nature of the planned operation and risk evident is because it protrudes through the transversus ofcontaminationandinfectionofaprostheticmeshifit abdominis and is still covered by the external oblique had been used. As stated before, very little information aponeurosis.This additional layer masks the hernia and isavailableontheserarehernias,andnothinghasbeen may prevent it from being palpable thus making the said about repairing them when operating on a patient diagnosisdifficult.Infact,itisreportedthatonly50%of for other pathology. all Spigelian hernias are diagnosed in the preoperative period.6 This makes it all the more important to deter- mine whether repair of incidentally identified Spigelian CONCLUSION hernias is justifiable and under what circumstances one should proceed with repair. It has additionally been Givenourexperiencewiththeselimitedsituations,wedo notedthatthefascialdefectforSpigelianherniasisvery advocate laparoscopic repair of incidentally identified often quite narrow. There are reports of incarceration Spigelian hernias, but the caveat we add to this is that and strangulation in as many as 24% of these hernias.7,8 mesh should be utilized in the repair when possible, especiallyifthedefectisnotedtobeover2cmindiameter Moreno-Egea et al9 tackled the question of open versus and there is no risk of contamination of the mesh with laparoscopic repair in 2002 when they attempted a pro- entericorbiliarycontents.Wealsocitetheneedforlarger spectiverandomizedtrialtoanalyzeelectivesurgicaltreat- series’ to help identify the true benefit of repair of inci- ment of Spigelian hernias. In their analysis of 22 patients dentally found Spigelian hernias. (11 open repairs, 11 laparoscopic repairs), they found significantly less morbidity and shorter hospital length of References: stayinthelaparoscopicrepairs,allofwhichwererepaired with the use of prosthetic mesh.9 The information that is 1. 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Long-term outcome of Altemeire’s procedure for yieldedacceptableresults.Bittneretal12reportedin2008 rectalprolapse.DisColonRectum.2009;52:698–703. that based on their experiences and extensive review of 5. LeffDR,HassellJ,SufiP,HeathD.Emergencyandelective the literature, mesh-free repair of small Spigelian hernias laparoscopicrepairofspigelianhernias:twocasereportsanda ((cid:1)2cm)wasareasonableoptionandgavethebenefitsof review of the literature. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. laparoscopic localization, reduction, and closure without 2009;19:e152–e155. 84 JSLS(2011)15:81–85 6. OlsonRO,DavisWC.Spigelianhernia:rareorobscure?AmJ 10. Palanivelu C, Vijaykumar M, Jani KV, Rajan PS, Maheshku- Surg.1968;116:842–846. maar GS, Rajapandian S. Laparoscopic transabdominal preperi- tonealrepairofspigelianhernia.JSLS.2006;10:193–198. 7. Baucom C, Nguyen QD, Hidalgo M, Slakey D. Minimally invasivespigelianherniarepair.JSLS.2009;13:263–268. 11. 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