GUAGE AND NUMBER ThEem ergeonfCc oegn iStyisvtee m a JAMES R.HURFORD Tot hteh rgereao cfet shm ea gNiucm b1e4r LANGUAGE AND �ER The Emergencoef C ogruttSvyset em a JAMERS. HURFORD BasIl Blackwell CopyrighJta meHsu rfo1r9d8 7 © Firpsutb lis1h9e8d7 Reprin1t9e9d0 BasBilla ckwLetldl 108C owleRyo adO,x forOdX 4 IJF, UK BasBilla ckwIenlcl., 3 CambriCdegnet er CambridMgaes.s achu0s2e1t4tU2sS, A Allr igsh rteservEexdc.e pfto rt heq uotatoifos nh orpta ssafgoerst he purposoefsc riticainsdrm e vienwo, parotf thipsu blicamtaiyo bne reproduscteodr,ie nda retriseyvsatle omr,t ransmittaendy,f )onr mo r by any meanse,l ectromneicch.a nicpahlo,t ocopyriencgo.r dionrg otherwwiisteh,o tuhtpe r ipoerr misosfti hopenu blisher. Excepitnt heU niteSdt atoefsA merictah.ib so oki ss olsdu bjetcott h e condittihoanit t s hanlolt b,y w ayo ft radoero therwbiesl ee.n rt.e -sold, hireodu to, ro therwciisrec ulwaittehdo tuhte p ublishperri'ocsro nsent ina nyf ormo fb indionrgc oveort hetrh atnh aitn w hiciht i sp ublished andw ithoau ts imilcaorn ditiinocnl udtihnigcs o nditbieoinn igm posed ont hseu bseqpuuerncth aser. BritLiisbhr Caartayl oguiinpn ugb licDaattiao n HurfoJradm,e Rs. Languaagnedn umb:e rtheem ergeonfca e cognistyisvtee m. 1.P sycholingu2i.sG triacmsm ar. Comparative I.T itle 401.'9 P37 ISBN0 -631-15568-6 4 LibrarCyo ngrCeastasl ogiinPn ugb licDaattiao ll HurfoJradm.e Rs. Languaagnedn umber. Bibliogrpa.p hy: Incluidnedse x. 1.G rammaCro,m paraatnidgv een eral-Numerals. 2.L inguicshtaincg e3..U niver(sLailnsg uistics) 4.N umberTsh,e orofy. 3 .P sycholinguIi.s tics. Title. P275.H8179 87 401.'9 87 5167 ISBN0 -631-15568-6 Typeseitn1 1o n 12po1i/n2tB ,e mbo byP hotograHpohniictsoD,ne ,v on. PrintienGd r eaBtr itbayi n AthenaePurme sLst dN,e wcasutpolne T yne. Contents Praecfe Acknodwgleements VB XB TheO bjecto fS tudy 1 1 InetreisnNt u merals 1.1L ang,uP asgyecghioslamon,td h Nea turoef 1 1.2N umbers TheS tuodfyL anguSaygset ems 7 1.3 15 ExplainiLnign guisUtniicv ersals 2 36 ChomskAyc'cso oufnU tnv iersaanlds the 2.1S traotfeG geyn erGartaivmem ar ConflicGteinnegr aliCzoamtpiloenaxsni,dt y, 36 2.2I rregularity SomUen iveIrrsraelg ularities 44 2.3E xlpainNionng- absUonliuvteer sals 49 2.4I nvenatnido Nnto hne- univoefNr usmarelailt y 61 2.5S ystems ExplatihnUein nvige rsEavollsu tionarily6 8 2.6 78 3 AC ontinuoSuesq uenceo f CuontinWgo rds 86 Continofu iBttahyes L iecx iSceaqlu ence 3.1T heR efeenrtial/PHryapgomtahteisci s 86 3.2T heC oncepVteurabHlay/lp othesis 90 3.3T heR itHuyaplo thesis 95 3.4S ynth-easP ilsu rAaclciosutn t 102 3.5T hJeo iAnctq uisoifNt uimorenaa lnsNd u mber 110 3.6 121 Numbers:t heM eaningosf N umerals 4 132 FregBeo'ostN su:m bresa nCdo llections 4.1N umeraalssC ollectioEnx-pdreenostsiinogn1 3s2 4.2 141 Contents 4.3' AtbrsaIcntt'e rproefBt aarNteui moenr als 185 4.4O rdinals 176 45. KnowleodfNg uemb er 137 SyntactIinct egratoifoC no untingW ords 178 5 51. CountWionrgdB se coAmdjee ctoirNv oeusn s 178 5.2S emanMtoitci vaotfAi djoenca tlCi avtegoriz1a79t ion 5.3C ollecatsOi bjoencsNt usme,r aalsNs o unasn,d Multciaptliion 207 5.4N umerCalla ssCiofinesrt ructions 214 5.5A djevcet-iuNmerWaolr Odr der 218 5.6A dditainCodon jn nuction 226 StandardizatoifoC no mplexN umeralts& a 6 FixedB ase 239 61. SummaorfCy o nstruScot iFoanrs 239 6.2T heP ackSitnrga -teaUg nyi veCrosnaslt orna int ComplNeumxe rals 242 6.3T heP ackSitnrga itsNe ogtyI nnate 252 6.4S tandarodfiN zuametria-olSnse mantic/Pragmatic Motivation 262 6.5E voluotfaiS otna ndaBradsibezyS e odc ial N��� 6.6C ompuStiemru lations 2m 85 Denouemenatn dP rospect 302 7 Reefrences 307 Index 318 Preface A workliinngg wuhiors etg alridnsg uaisass tciicessnh ceed ding lightm inodnls a,n guaangdle asn,gg eu-acommuansri etaile s ojbcet,ms entoarsl o csihaolufi,ln dd btohoickso ngae.lTn hiough Iw riftorema l ingbuaicsktg'rsIoa ulhnsodop, e ptshyacth ologists andp hilos(oapnhpdeer rsh apsm aetvheenm atwiictaihna ns) interest ainnnd u lmabnwegirulfi alng dpe o initnts h ibso ok usuelf tthoei mnt hdee veloopfmt ehneti ri doewaansIs h ,a ve drawonnt heiBrustt.h ' eoh cupsoc-ulsi'un igcsotn ceornnleyd witcho nstrfaorimnailniagsn tmdhs me e redleys crliipntgiuvies t, botohfw homa voqiude stoifoo nntso laongdey x planation, probawbillnylo p ti ciktu p. Theb ooikis n tenadsae c do ntritbolu itnigounti hsetoiirncy thber oadseessnet. o ffeIrtas v ieowfl angu(aiglterl auitsne d detfaorimlo nep artiscuublsayrsw theimcb)hr intgosg ether consideorfia ntdiiovnpissd yucahloa lnoodgf cy o mmunication witahs ipenec ho-mcmutnyTi.h etsweso t ratnhdpess c,yh ological antdh seo cairapelu ,tt o getghievarne e tvoo lutpieornsapreyc tive onl anguwahgiec,h esxapllicaehinantrs a ctoefr ifiosrttmsi. c s Thpes ycholcoognisciadler realbtaoittotehno t s hi en venatnido n tot hoer dinaacrqyu iosfil tainognut ahgseeo ;cc ioanles riadtions reltaott eh ew ayisn w hicihn divindeugaoltcsio amtmeo n standaerxdpirzeesdfso rit ohnemsie ra nsi.Ln agngugaogrwe s throtuhgiehn teroafc tiinodnmi ivnioddnstu hafelor msv einnted ands ocinaelgloyt biyat theedpi rre dseoc.reT sshigsr owth of languagetsr alfcoeremaswv heisc thhl eig nuiwsotr,k ilnigk e ana rchoageioasl gte,o gliosotri, dn eead n nieteenttuhr-yc en comparlaitnigvcueair nse tcs,ot nrtuhcet lpiaktetolefdyr e nv elop ment. Ttuhrpene irnsgp eaocrutnihdve,ec auns teh pea ttoefr n develotpoem xepnltwa hiyln a nguaartgehe wesa tyh eayrn eo .w Praecfe VlSlolm ewhat stuor prtmihybse oe o,k callasiom msa ktaeo contritbout thipeoh ni losoofnp uhmyb hrceeen tral chapt3e,4r ,as n,5d , a raetl eaassmt u cahb otuhtne a ture of numebrasst h eayra eb oluatn guaanagdnea ,r gumiedsne tv eloped thaotu rk nowleodfng uem biesri nf cata prodoufco tu r posseosfls ainognu agaef ca,u lpftorlcy uo sn strcuocltliencgt ions forma at ccoiusgn itv oeftn h rei osfet hneu mber sequeanncodef c onstruecxtpiroensssb iansgai rcit thhem etical operaotfia odndsi atnimdou nl tipltihcleaa ttbityoet nru, r ning thtee chnoifdq euneost asteimoannoatnlit ncous em te mayb ec onventiote anlatkb onuutm bearsas b stPrlaactto nic ojbcettsh,ae c cohuenrte asw haooywf es x plathfinp ionsgs ibility ofi nnvteianngkd n owingo jbseuccths ltihnrgouuigsht ic devices. Thiisn tiutrcsno ublefd de b acikn ator gumtehnlatnatsg uages, linkuem berasb,s taorrjbaeec ctst usc,hK aatsz p uhftaor sw a.r d Oncneu mbetrhsPe,l antiospta'rsa deixgamm polfe t arbasct ojbcetsh,a vbee esnh owtnod evetlhorpho luagngutahgee , argumenatl atnhgauitasa g Pel atoojbneiccbt e commeusc h hardteosr u stain. NevelrethsIesd ,oc latihma t langiunsa ogmesese nasree abrsatocjbte c,t thsree suolftt hshe i stoirnitcearloa fcbt oitohn pshyoclogicsaolc ficaaatnlod Br ust.u, n liCkheo mys,kw ho alsboe litehvateths ai tsw halta nguaargeIeb ,se litehvaietti s posstiosb alsyeo metihnitnegr aebsottuihtine ng t eorfpfcal taoyr s thagti vreists oet heamn,d thteobr eegbtiyon e xpltahieni r form.A comp'utational model osfo ctinhaeelg otioaft ion standaerxdpirzeesdsd ieovnesli ontip hsefe dma lc hapter. AfteIrf n iishwerdi tTihneg LinTghueioosfrN tyui mce raablosu t twelyveeaa rgsoI t, h ouIgw hotu lndow tr iatneo tbhoeorok n thsea mteo pAincdi. n as enIsh ea v'eten,v etnh outghhi s book iasb oluitn gutihsetowiricyts hp ecifict orn euelmralatsIif. eeo ln Ih avcel imtbheseda mmeo unttawiibncy ec ompldetifreefelnyt routseese,ic nogm pledtifeefrleyln atn adpseocsnt hwea yT.h e basdiactf orat htew ob ooakrste h sea m(et nheum ersayls tems ofn atulraanlg uabguets )t,h e jbeocotkaisrvc'eeo smo pbletely difefrent. TheL ignuisTthiecoo rfN yu merwaalsas na ttemptm,a nyl ike studbiype eso ple goefn emrayar toiuotnnhd ta itm 'ete,ox tend andm odyi tfhdee tatihleeodor fyg eneragtriavm'em .aI rt shared 'thmee tphrodionlacosimgsppiautclia aolbn os"u dto ing linguipsretosifsciesnd"s ucwho rkassC homs(k91y6 5a)n d ChomsaknyHd a l(l91e6 8T)h'e.wr aes aw ideslhya rveids ion Preafce IX int h1e69 0osf g energartaimvmeaa sar m onolciutmhuilca tive corpoufps r oposaibtoiuuontni sv egrrsaamlmB aurtb. y 1 795 work wgietnheirnga rtaimvemw aarss pleirnitinngt moa ny distsiunbhcsotco laslw,li tdhif refentth eoreemtpihcaaaslnd e s preopcactuinoonnsoe,fw hichhap petnofie nddt hdea tfoarm numesryaslt peamrst iciutnleraer.slT tyhi edn agtaars et tihlelr e antdh eayri en terteosa tniynowgnh eow ill ac tlaoksee a tl ook the.m Thed isustoiloofnt hissh arveids iloenmda yn,i ncluding mysetlosf t,u tdhpyeh ilosaonpmdhe itchaold oflouongdiactailo ns ofg energartaimvmeaa nrtd,h ewraesa g rowotfih n teresting anpdr ovocwaotriikvnt e h pihsi losaonpmdhei tchaold ological veiTnh.e rwee rceo enrfenacnedsc ollecotfpi aopnesor ns explanaltiinogniusc,e is vsiatnl ulaitnignughi ysptoitcht ehsee s, relaotfdi aotnt aot heoirnly i nguainssdto io cnsS.,c h oalsa rs divearss eI tKkaotnFzeo,nd ,oa rnC,dh omshkiym sperlofd uced a numboefrc hallemnognionggr oanpt hhsoe n tolaondg y episteomofll ionggyu. i psIut bilcitsshhrseemdea elffolr itnst his vei(nH uorrfd1,79 71,79 9abn 1d8 90)Al. lt howifos r tkh,o ugh itm adietn etreisnagn dw orthwhile ctootn htoruigbhutt,i ons cleaorffelryen doh ope (iistf h reti hgawhtot r do)fr euniting genergartaimvmeAa nrd.m eanwhtihlpeer ,a ctiitnit ohnee rs splteirnseudbh socowlesr gee ttoinwn igt 'hod inlgi nsgtuiiicns ' theoiwrnw ayIsh .e atrhdoe p intihoaantl t lh diiss cuosfs ion thfeuo ndatoiflo innsg uwiasostf ni ocu ss teh:e tthoi wndagos tog eotn w ithj otobhf de e scrainbedix npgl alianniggneug(.a s) Linguhiasgstr iocwtsno l oa rged iavnefdror sa en yotnobe e ablteoa rticaunulyan tceo ntrsoevoteff rou snidaaltp iroenmails es foirtA .st hearreme a nmye taphsytsaircptaoilin ntgth sew,ri el l probaabllwyab yeas w ide orfas ncgheoo ofll isn gutihsotuigch t anrde separrocghr aimntm hesesuj lhle,r e rseommaei ns conseonnsw uhsa cto untisl lausim niagnn adit ntereisnt ing linguCihsotmiscskm.yo 'sistm poritnaflnute Inb ceel,il eivees, hiesm phaosni shl oiwn guwiosrstkhi ocut lrtdyoi lluminate tin hseu jbemcatt treart,th hearmn e redleys ciritin bt ei dwya y.s Wea ldlie ffrw ideilnoy u vri eowfws h acto unatsas na dequate �xplanabtutitho enir,ase g reetmhesanottm kei nodfe xplanation 15th eg oaolfw oriknl inguIinst thiics sIo.b ff oeoarks pecimen of' doing litnhgaiutsai d settiacdisil'se,cd u osfsd iaotinana particaurleawarh, i cihsa tt hsea mtei mcee ntrcaolnlcye rned withe xplaitnhdiean tgaa n dc onsidtehrgeie nngef roramlo f expaltainonlsi ngiunTi hsuttsih ciss. a btotoekmt pot sp romote x Praecfe a partivciuelowaf re xplanIantl iionng ubiysw toircksi ng thorouwgihtalhnye xample. Thpe revbiooouskse verreesltyrt ihdceat iteatadc coufnort.e d Iw aasw armea noiyfm pincgoinnsrgia dteiwohnisIcr he solutely kepatta r'mlse n.gI tnth his Iob poeounkpt hecsoen siderations, baremleyn tiporneeuvdsi lobyu,rt e letvoat nhwtei dtearso kf explatihnseit nrgu ocftnu urmees ryasmlts Te.h etsoep iinccsl ude: the activityo rdoifnn uacmloel urslna,at nignugwa,ig tenhso numesryaeslmt st,hi en tegorafnt uimoenr alnso upinhn rtaos es ansde nte,esn nucemrcall aisecsroi nfstrutchtdeie onnost,a tional semanotfni ucmse rals, word-noornd-esrt aunndiavredriszaelds , numertahlaesc ,q uisoifnt uimoenr paslhysoc,l ingeuxipsetric imenotnts h pee rceopftn iuomnb etrhee,v oluotfni uomne ral systaenmcdso ,m municativbee tiwnsetpeeenra aukcsetirinsog n numerianasl pse ecmhm-ucnoiIti yd.ea alwiazfyeor dmc ondseir atiooftn h efscaet oarssa w, a yo fs earcwhhienrge l itghihest tgvihal lliu dee aliazndta htpeir oensb eonotk contmaainniysd eaolnisIzb, ae tliitehvtaeat k tihnegts oep iinctso consideraptrioodnua c mehodar sse a taicstfoerxipllya natory accooufn tw thhyip sa rtiscuubslstayerom fl anguhaagtseh e charasctttiehcirasditt o .eI sdealiiazsu a stueilfo nr eseayr,c h strateg buptr ogirasel ssso bmyta rdyeti onr ge aocuhit n tthode i mness beyoonudri dealsi.z ation A preerfenforci en tegarndas tyinotnh iensso itsi cienta hbilse boo.k tIrt yob ritnhgi tnoggse tlhienrg:u isticsa,n dp sychology, philosloapnhgyuu;as agene ld a ngusaytgseems ;yc nhroannyd diachwrhoanitysv ; a luianbC lheo mskiyd'easan sid n t hoosfe hicsr itTihcers e.s unlotft su iiso( no Irh ,o pceo,un sfni,)ob ut stateomfeilnntaksnsr d e iloantsbheitpwsae reenaa nsad p proaches thaatra el l otfotioesn ao tlefodrm e acoht her. A 'ijltleodvs eyrn drcoambnee s' e eonv etrhl ea dsetc aidnae numboefr boboyfk rosm egre nerlaitnigv.ue i tIshnte wssoekr s, thaed vecrrsiet iocfCi hsomm skwyo'rsik su nconstructively shrialndlt ,hc eo ndemnrahteotrooyfr tioecbn s ecsu rrtehael issuIh easv.e itsaeskw ueintC hh omsaktsy e veproailin ntt sh is boobku,It h avter ieadv otiodi rraant tioonIneb a.el l itehvaet ag eneraaptopiarvceth ol angupargoev iudswe ist thh meo st refinsetdr ayteedtge yv ifsroed dio svcerliinngg usitsrtruiecc,t u anIdw ounlodrt e noutnhcaieps p roaancmyho rwei llitnhgalny ane xpertiamslec niewnotuilsdt ugphi ivlsea boraBtuotr y. simpwloyrk wiintgsh o pthiicslaatebdo reaqtuoirpydm oeennsot t makaene xperismiceennttaailns dt ,s idmepsclryli ibnignugi stic