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Langtang, Gosainkund and Helambu, 7-30 May 1993. Birdquest tour. PDF

26 Pages·1993·1.2 MB·English
by  RedmanN.
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Preview Langtang, Gosainkund and Helambu, 7-30 May 1993. Birdquest tour.

~~" N. llq~~) (P~) I THE HIGH HIMALAYAS 7 .. 30 MAY 1993 CHECKLIST The list consists of those species recorded on previous visits to the areas concerned. Naturally you will not record anything like the total number of species listed during the course of a single visit. To give some idea of the probability of a particular species being seen during the tour, species are marked as follows: No star signifies a high probability (chances approximately 80,100%) 1 star (*) signifies a moderate probability (chances approximately 50,70%) 2 stars (**) signifies a low probability (chances approximately 20,40%) 3 stars (***) signifies an exceptionally rarely seen species. The English names and taxonomy used in the bird list mostly follow Ali, S. & Ripley, S. D. (1983): A Pictorial Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent. Species not included in Ali & Ripley (marked with the symbol 0) are inserted at the appropriate place and given the English name in most widespread use. Where the name given in Fleming, R. L., Sr., Fleming, R. L., Jr. & Bangdel, L. S. (1984, 3rd edition): Birds of Nepal with reference to Kashmir and Sikkim differs from that used by Ali & Ripley, the former is given in rounded parentheses. Where the standard Western Palearctic name for a species differs from that used by Ali & Ripley, the former is given in square parentheses. The English names and taxonomy used in the mammal list mostly follow Corbet, G. B. & Hill, J. E. (1991, 3rd edition): A World List of Mammalian Species. Where the name given in Prater, S. H. (1980): The Book of Indian Animals differs from that used by Corbet & Hill, the former is given in parentheses. The symbol ++ denotes that a taxonomic note referring to that species will be found at the end of the list. BIRDQUEST CHECKLIST DATE ITINERARY (Note: the 15 rows match the 15 checklist columns) ~~l:' O{;oo. Ikf 0640 . f\..: 4Dk~: 0100 - 12-00 . 1'600 -, 15&0 .C~rM l4-?:.o) -Mo~ 1~3 f1~kpGV<>t 063.0. ~ 0,00 . f\ ~ ~t0~ -Tn~~ b"l2o...~. 1015 Ills- . 12Js . Isls ' . t~l~ BIRDQUEST CHECKLIST DATE ITINERARY (Note: the 15 rows match the 15 checklist columns) . Bn .~G,~ - S~ Uf oJ: ~~. ~lc~~~no 0500 . 2Dl~. fo-c ( g~~t OfrJ... ~ tk~ O~30 . ~c;k . &~ ~~. ~ Pff\'\ . !>kw S.I1~(l4~1'I'-) . VAN t130.(~ IcJo I.t\ ~~~ SI"6 ttoMf-' U( aKb600. ~ o~3~. wo.ik«-<..f h ~t ll((l OIf'(L S(1~C\-~f~) ~. OA<. ~~ -t\~ (N~~MDkll) p-~j oC~ , UJ cJ,k ~ ~ -r\~ h> 8. \ (\\ M.- ~ ~ I\;-r n?() • g~ (UO~ ~P~q ro nls- SfNi~\ .t1' <cM ;'G~~- tq toAAsh¥..t~ (.)~,c)Lo .. ~ ~0 ,00 ~0oo. -J\P.e.:..rr ~ 0 <~> '.3ro0. ..,.C..(.lA M~. 4.'p k~> . ~o~ _ (~(+30-0"') An-Il~ C\o~I\~-CortL. U~ cvt o5~'O ,~(, 0600. ~ O{.3D. Of J-ol..;{,~ ~Is- ~ ~1..0f\ to btQ... h.o~ (slovJ~). LlM-\ul... <tX P~. f'tr\. 40rtL 1130 (6'300..) CD.-fI".I ~~h D.AV~ ~ l~0D , r 2sf-((; . C; 0 ~ Q.I<lO... C(.ow<.r 1; "(tL). U <>k 0,"00.o f ~. ...-e..v'''''-> NW 'F. ~f:r ~(1./)l;- o~oo . RJwd.o~~ ~\J s~ O<1.00-\2-0~. ~ ~~ ~~'-~. ~~ 1300· No b~ cvt- cJA \M. J> (V\ . . GtD(te.~~(Low~~ .Uf·~05D~. Ro-NLILto NvJ ~~61x). 2~1s- ()~t 013'0. W . t-Jw of ~ 0 ~oo - l2..c)o . 1300 , S\~to-.. ~ (~c>O, E~o[ (C~\: l~ 31> -l9.c:>o • tqSo tfolLw -l: 1(t.w1:vJ'\f~· . Viol; &-~ ~ w..\k. OS-DO. 0<;10. Ob!!; • 2£,/5- . ~~ o.t-\. k ~)~u-Le:.t \' Loo) , ("oM-\~ {-o ~tk ~ (L~.stU\.( (150 0 f'A. • ~ l ~oo , ' . '!' 2.-7k, J(J:lIvMt?,~- fah' ~A\O--'l~ ~(M"j. VI o-t Osso . . ~~h fe..-.~ 070,0' fJe.i o7~o. ~~~Ikr CJ~~i~. ~p ~.Je.. fOt-h 6~h~(/~~Or.-)tYr./800, 0."- fct\gh~~()Mj ---3 U1-ZJO-f"U~. Of cvt o~30. ~~~ ~V'Jq . aOD, 21J~ w~l..-"'f 0 T\~<>1- le" 2A=o ,{~eLwVlIv S~«"l'~oL.f'ry-r- I~?o I~te ~~~o ~dh,n:~ TCbOD-hoo\ \+~ 1~ ::.1l"o.f{.€CYlooA.. ' ~~OwQt 0600. ~' ob30, ~ '-J 2,'1/( A~JD~ '1~~ ~~~I ~ ~~~~ 1-0 v-~ ~\,...( ~-t C/t~ ey ~ Mn lA, !IA·<:"" \2,00. ' Oijf. ~e..O.-, ~W-er" s~~Cs~j lkci.n~&, 0715 - 1..-, I~ ~~~. ~vJ~ 1-:0 ~\ti [2boo~'j .~woJk {kp~, .{.. ~ olv~t\ . (G -~ M 1130 ~ j'f'O.-tll l.Vc-~ VV\t~tt~. I -' " ~~I\'\~:- ~~t oGOO. ~ 09\;-5". Jk:\v~ f-o. ~ cUt:- . 3DIG. t:={:tU ~ Lo('<ior\. ~ o~oo. BIRDQUEST CHECKLIST SHEET: 1 I YEAR: 1993 I DATE: 1'Zls '1/G 91< ,vls {~5 11/& t~S 13/~ ItH~ d~ ~(j~ 11/~ I~) (vir- '1/0{, THE HIGH HIMALAYAS 1 Pond Heron [Indian Pond Heron] JL 10 4 2-- , 2 Cattle Egret if' 0 ~ 10 3 Little Egret* / I / 4 Night Heron* 5 White,necked Stork** 6 Black Stork*** 7 Ruddy Shelduck**)( 8 Black Kite ++ {Dark Kite} / '2D 30 f:J 2£> lo / 9 Goshawk* I 10 Shikra** / I 11 Sparrowhawk ~ k \ L I 12 Besra Sparrowhawk* -L L I 13 Upland Buzzard*** {Upland Buteo} J 14 Japanese Buzzard (Eurasian Buteo) [Buzzard] I 15 Hodgson's Hawk,EaglJ+{Mountain Hawk,E} 16 Bonelli's Eagle* / I 17 Booted Hawk,Eagle** ([Booted Eagle]) 18 Golden Eagle J L 2;> 3 19 Black Eagle .j L I I • 20 Cinereous Vulture** [Black Vulture] I I Sr 21 Griffon Vulture** {Eurasian Griffon} .j I 22 Himalayan Griffon 'L 0 ~ 23 Indian Long,billed Vulture*1 (I Griffon) d I l- 24 Indian White,backed Vulture! (W,b Vulturr/ 'L 20 * vi 25 Egyptian Vulture 26 Lammergeierf J' to it 'L I 4- 27 Crested Serpent Eagle ~ 1 2- IH 28 Peregrine Falcon* ++ [Peregrine] .;- 29 Hobby** (Eurasian Hobby) I, .; 30 Kestrel (Eurasian Kestrel) I 3 \ I 1- I *- / 31 Snow Partridge 32 Tibetan Snowcock* 33 Himalayan Snowcock*** 34 Black Partridge [Black FrancoHn] ~ / ill 35 Common Hill Partridge** / /11 ,~ (f)t'H ~P""'" \ ( 3 P,w,f'l 36 Blood Pheasant eK / 2- " 37 Satyr Tragopan**(Crimson Horned PheasansY If 21 38 Impeyan Pheasant J 2.£1 bti" 2..r?' 39 Kaleej Pheasant* (Kalij Pheasant) L 3 40 Red Junglefowl ~. BIRDQUEST CHECKLIST I I SHEET: 1 YEAR: 1993 DATE: zoIr: Z-I/C -22/f; 213J5 ~24/5 zsh u.(~ i21/G ~b 1.-~IS" 2-1/£ I~ THE HIGH HIM ALA YAS Pond Heron [Indian Pond Heron} ~ 2- 2 Cattle Egret 2- ro 3 Little Egret* 4 Night Heron * 2..1 5 White,necked Stork** 6 Black Stork*** 7 Ruddy Shelduck** 8 Black Kite ++ (Dark Kite) I 9 Goshawk* 10 Shikra** 11 Sparrowhawk i Isp I Z- I 12 Besra Sparrowhawk* 13 Upland Buzzard*** (Upland Buteo) 14 Japanese Buzzard (Eurasian Buteo) [Buzzard} I ~I ~~. 2- 3> ~.t. 15 Hodgson's Hawk,Eagle (Mountain Hawk,E) oJ 16 Bonelli's Eagle* 17 Booted Hawk,Eagle** ([Booted Eagle)) 18 Golden Eagle I 19 Black Eagle I I Z- 20 Cinereous Vulture** [Black Vulture} 21 Griffon Vulture** (Eurasian Griffon) 22 Himalayan Griffon S- I 23 Indian Long,billed Vulture** (I Griffon) 24 Indian White,backed Vulture* (W,b Vulture) 25 Egyptian Vulture J 26 Lammergeier* f I I 27 Crested Serpent Eagle I 28 Peregrine Falcon* ++ [Peregrine) 29 Hobby** (Eurasian Hobby) 1NL I . fJL 30 Kestrel (Eurasian Kestrel) 31 Snow Partridge 8 32 Tibetan Snowcock* 33 Himalayan Snowcock*** 34 Black Partridge [Black Francolin} 3ij (11-11 35 Common Hill Partridge** IH 21-\ IH 2Jl IH '" 3~ l~ IH 36 Blood Pheasant Id'! (k.. ti 37 Satyr Tragopan**(Crimson Horned Pheasant) tf I~ ~ 38 Impeyan Pheasant I!? IH l!f- 2P"I ')..ff' ~'flj It:f! I~+I\ 39 Kaleej Pheasant* (Kalij Pheasant) 40 Red Junglefowl BIRDQUEST CHECKLIST I I SHEET: 2 YEAR: 1993 DATE: lir; 4(5 ,(6 Ibl6 [0/5 IIh; 1l1!$' ,3/~ 141< Isf)" l~~ Il/~ I'l/f ,gl&" Il{~ THE HIGH HIMALAYAS I Ibisbill " 10 :L "L 2 Red~wattled Lapwi'ngLRed~wattled Plover] 3 River Lapwing ++ :!:f< I I J 4 Little Ringed Plover* (Little Ring Plover) :3 5 Common Sandpiper }#::... 6 Wood Snipe*** 7 Pintail Snipe** ~ 8 Fantail Snipe* [Snipe) ~ ~ 9 Woodcock * * 10 Wedge~tailed Green Pigeon if :3 I I~ t 11 Snow Pigeon j loo loo 'lo 10 50 '200 12 Hill Pigeon** 13 Blue Rock Pigeon [Rock Dove) / V' / ~ L C, ..3 J 14 Speckled Wood Pigeon* 1.- 4- I I j 15 Ashy Wood Pigeon** 2- 16 Rufous Turtle Dove V Z- 2..... 14- 4 fa I I 3 t ./ 17 Spotted Dove 'l- 2- I 4- fa 2- 18 Rose~ringed Parakeet* [Ring-necked P) / 10 -± 19 Slaty-headed Parakeet** I 20 Large Hawk-Cuckoo / I~ I~ z.~ ill " IH ,« _'L ( 21 Indian Cuckoo 211 Hk 22 Cuckoo (Eurasian Cuckoo) / I 'L 'L 't+~ 2+~ 23 Oriental Cuckoo n (Himalayan Cuckoo) 1/ 2-lj I~ '" I~ (~ 'H 24 Small Cuckoo I 25 Indian Plaintive Cuckoo* ++ j 26 Koel* (Koel Cuckoo) 2- I~ ~~, ~ I" 27 Spotted Scops Owl** 1\ 28 Eagle Owl** 29 Brown Fish Owl*** 30 Collared Pygmy Owlet* 31 Barred Owlet* 32 Spotted Owlet* 33 Brown Wood Owl** 34 Himalayan Wood Owl*** L I 35 (Tawny Wood Owl) [Tawny Owl) 36 Indian Jungle Nightjar** {Jungle Nightjar) ./ 37 Himalayan Swiftlet (Edible Nest Swiftlet) / 10 4- c, 20 i 38 White-throated Spinetail Swift* s£ I 39 ([White~throated Needletail]) ./ 40 Alpine Swift** I BIRDQUEST CHECKLIST I I SHEET: 2 YEAR: 1993 DATE: Qlk ZI\f; u(s- ~S-~Ib 2-51s-21,1(; J:lJr ~'il 19J6 ~k ~I~ THE HIGH HIMALAYAS Ibisbill 2 Red,wattled Lapwing [Red,wattled Plover] 3 River Lapwing ++ 4 Little Ringed Plover* (Little Ring Plover) . 5 Common Sandpiper 6 Wood Snipe*** 7 Pintail Snipe** 8 Fantail Snipe* [Snipe] 9 Woodcock * * 10 Wedge,tailed Green Pigeon L I I 11 Snow Pigeon 12 Hill Pigeon** 13 Blue Rock Pigeon [Rock Dove] ~ 3 \0 'bO / 14 Speckled Wood Pigeon* L 15 Ashy Wood Pigeon** 16 Rufous Turtle Dove IS- 2- t 3 I 17 Spotted Dove Z- 18 Rose,ringed Parakeet* [Ring-necked P] 19 Slaty-headed Parakeet** \ 20 Large Hawk-Cuckoo I~ l1\ 2.4 IH I~ I" I-/-OH Z+'tI/ l:l-2J 2+-~ 21 Indian Cuckoo 22 Cuckoo (Eurasian Cuckoo) 3 3 IH f« IH otH 2...r~ l..H 2.H '" 23 Oriental Cuckoo n (Himalayan Cuckoo) Z" 2..+" I~ IH IH IH 2..;H~ I-rH ~ij lH 24 Small Cuckoo I 2.~ 2.H1l 21-\ 1JI \~ 25 Indian Plaintive Cuckoo* ++ 26 Koel* (Koel Cuckoo) 27 Spotted Scops Owl ** IH 28 Eagle Owl** 29 Brown Fish Owl*** 30 Collared Pygmy Owlet* 31 Barred Owlet* 32 Spotted Owlet* 33 Brown Wood Owl** 34 Himalayan Wood Owl*** 35 (Tawny Wood Owl) [Tawny Owl] 36 Indian Jungle Nightjar** (Jungle Nightjar) 2- 37 Himalayan Swiftlet (Edible Nest Swiftlet) 10 30 ~ I 2.0 ~ 38 White-throated Spinetail Swift* 2..sp ([White,throated Needletail]) 39 40 Alpine Swift** BIRDQUEST CHECKLIST SHEET: 3 I YEAR: 1993 I DATE: lifr:; t~k 1/< IOI~ ID! 5 II[S IJ( 1315 I4ls db" ,q( 17(r Ig/r 19/r (1{~ THE HIGH HIMALAYAS Large White,rumped Swift! [Pacific Swift] J 0 .30 '2tJ 2- 10 S 2 House Swift ++ [Little Swift] / 0 2.D ~ z.o lo 12 3 Himalayan Pied Kingfisher** (La~e P 4 Lesser Pied Kingfisher (Small P KJ1Pie<fK] 5 Common Kingfisher* ~~ (Eurasian Kingfisher) [Kingfisher] 6 7 White,breasted Kingfisher / "L t / 8 Chestnut-headed Bee,eater* L 711_0.f-- 9 Green Bee-eate~ [Little Green B~'e-eiter] 10 Indian Roller * * ~~ 11 Hoopoe*~ :~ 12 Great Hill Barbet (Great Himalayan Barbet)\/ 4+U If H I+~ 4 1-\ 13 Lineated Barbet* 3K ~ ~ / 14 Golden-throated Barbet* 2..+1" 6K 7 15 Blue,throated Barbet lot+\ 2{j UI~ 16 Crimson' breasted Barbet* 1-/ IH I1 J, lLt. 7 I 17 Honeyguide* (Himalayan Honeyguide) l ~ ~ NL-/ 18 Speckled Piculet** (Spotted Piculet) I wl 1 19 Scaly,bellied Green Woodpecker* 7- I' 20 (Large Scaly,bellied Woodpecker) 21 Black-naped Green Woodpecker! J 0 22 (Black,naped W) [Grey-headed W] 23 Large Yellow,naped Woodpecker** J 24 Small Yellow,naped Woodpecker* fJ-- 25 Rufous-bellied SapsuckerK j ( 4- 2- I 26 Darjeeling Pied Woodpecker I I 27 Crimson' breasted Pied Woodpecker* J 28 (Small Crimson,breasted Pied Woodpecker) 29 Brown-fronted Pied Woodpecker* J I 30 Fulvous-breasted Pied Woodpecker* j I I 31 Red-eared Bay Woodpecker*** J 2- 32 (Red-ea red Rufous Woodpecker) * 33 Plain Sand Martin (Sand Martin) \/ fn 1NL , 34 [Brown,throated Sand Martin] 35 Swallow (Barn Swallow) / 10 C:- V' I 36 Red-rumped Swallow (Striated Swallow) j I L (0 2-D 37 House Martin*** (Eurasian H M) 38 Nepal House Martin / 2- 10 50 .3 2n 39 Asian House MartinI ++ .j fo IL 40 Grey,backed Shrike j 4 G b 2- I L BIRDQUEST CHECKLIST I J SHEET: 3 YEAR: 1993 DATE: 1b16 t4 J?t 23~ ~ ~ ?j,~ ~ ~ 2.-1 {~ 2-if 3o~ THE HIGH HIMALAYAS Large White-rumped Swift* [Pacific Swift] b 0 20 2 House Swift ++ [Little Swift] 'L 10 3 Himalayan Pied Kingfisher** (Large P K) 4 Lesser Pied Kingfisher (Small P K) [Pied K] 5 Common Kingfisher* 6 (Eurasian Kingfisher) [Kingfisher] 7 White-breasted Kingfisher 1- 8 Chestnut-headed Bee-eater* 9 Green Bee-eater [Little Green Bee-eater] 10 Indian Roller** 11 Hoopoe* 12 Great Hill Barbet (Great Himalayan Barbet) 2~ I+m I 4+« 13 Lineated Barbet* 14 Golden-throated Barbet* 2l\ 3 15 Blue-throated Barbet 16 Crimson-breasted Barbet* i l~t-l ~~. \\lI<\ \ 17 Honeyguide* (Himalayan Honeyguide) I 18 Speckled Piculet** (Spotted Piculet) ., 19 Scaly-bellied Green Woodpecker* I L 20 (Large Scaly-bellied Woodpecker) 21 Black-naped Green Woodpecker* 2- 22 (Black-naped W) [Grey-headed W] 23 Large Yellow-naped Woodpecker** 24 Small Yellow-naped Woodpecker* 25 Rufous-bellied Sapsucker* 3 I 2- 26 Darjeeling Pied Woodpecker I 3 'L.. r 27 Crimson-breasted Pied Woodpecker* 28 (Small Crimson-breasted Pied Woodpecker) 29 Brown-fronted Pied Woodpecker* 30 Fulvous-breasted Pied Woodpecker* 31 Red-eared Bay Woodpecker*** 32 (Red-eared Rufous Woodpecker) 33 Plain Sand Martin (Sand Martin) 34 [Brown-throated Sand Martin] , 35 Swallow (Barn Swallow) 2- 2.0 2D 10 36 Red-rumped Swallpw (Striated Swallow) 10 4 L 37 House Martin*** (Eurasian H M) 38 Nepal House Martin 39 Asian House Martin* ++ 2£> 10 10 2.0 i-~I 40 Grey-backed Shrike I BlRDQUEST CHECKLIST SHEET: 4 I YEAR: 1993 I DATE: is Ak 1(~ LoIs (ds I\I~ I~r 13{~ I~~ 15(~ Iq~ n({ (11s- (~l() l"lk THE HIGH HIMALAYAS Rufous~backed Shrike I I 'L. L 1- 2 (Black~headed Shrike) [Long~tailed Shrike] 3 Golden Oriole* ~ 4 Maroon Oriole* j I I / 5 Black Drongo 1 2- \ C, 0 'L 6 Ashy Drongo / I I 0 4- 7 Bronzed Drongo (Little Bronzed Orongo) -I if L 8 Lesser Racket~tailed Drongo* (Small R~t D) / 9 Hair~crested Drongo* 10 Ashy Swallow~Shrike (Ashy Wood~Swall~V 1NL j 11 Spotted~winged Stare* (Spot~winged Stare) 2.v , 12 Grey~headed Myna j b IS 13 Common Myna J L 10 v / 14 Jungle Myna L fa 'k> .~ to / 15 Red~crowned Jay* (Eurasian Jay) Day] 16 Black~throated Jay*** J 17 Yellow~billed Blue Magpie b J 3 L '*- 18 Red~billed Blue Magpie Indian Tree Pie j t ., 19 j 20 Himalayan Tree Pie if- 21 Nutcracker { 4 4- Z2 Yellow~billed Chough [Alpine Chough] J 2.0 loo loo 50 .3 3e> J 23 Red~billed Chough [Chough] (0 60 le 10 to 24 House Crow [Indian House Crow] -I V J / / J 25 Jungle Crow ++ / l- 10 I V / 2-0 lo lo IS 10 re re 2- .3 re. L 26 Raven*~ 27 Pied Flycatcher~Shrike* (Pied Wood~Shrikey 2- 28 Large Wood Shrike** 29 Large Cuckoo~Shrike* 30 Smaller Grey Cuckoo~Shrike** {Dark C~S} j I *- j 31 Scarlet Minivet I 32 Short~billed Minivet**f j t J 33 Long~tailed Minivet lo L 4- (0 " if 2- 34 Yellow~throated Minivet** t« 35 Common Iora * {Iora} H 1 36 Golden~fronted Leaf Bird** I 37 Orange~bellied Leaf Bird* j 4- 38 White~cheeked Bulbul ,/ 2- 4- lo G 4- 39 Red~vented Bulbul j t 2..- 2- Z-. 40 Striated Green Bulbul* (Striated Bulbul) j I

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