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Preview Landau Damping of Geodesic Acoustic Mode in Toroidally Rotating Tokamaks

Landau Damping of Geodesic Acoustic Mode in Toroidally Rotating Tokamaks Haijun Ren1,∗ and Jintao Cao2 1 The Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Fusion Energy and Plasma Science, and Department of Modern Physics, 5 1 University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, P. R. China 0 2 2 Bejing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and n a CAS Key Laboratory of Soft Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, J 6 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China 1 (Dated: January 19, 2015) ] h Abstract p - m Geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) is analyzed by using modified gyro-kinetic (MGK) equation applicable s to low-frequency microinstabilities in a rotating axisymmetric plasma. Dispersion relation of GAM in the a l p presence of arbitrary Mach number is analytically derived. Toroidal rotation plays the same effects on . s the GAM regardless of the orientation of equilibrium flow. It is shown that the toroidal Mach number M c i increases the GAM frequency and dramatically decreases the Landau damping rate. The valid of classical s y gyro-kinetic(CGK) equationis alsoexamined. Forzeroelectrontemperature,CGK is identicalwith MGK. h p For non-zero electron temperature, CGK gives the same real frequency of GAM as MGK but induces an [ instability with a growth rate proportional to M3/q, where q is the safety factor. 2 v 0 Keywords: Geodesic Acoustic Mode, Toroidal Rotation, Collisionless 5 7 1 0 . 1 0 5 1 : v i X r a ∗Electronic address: [email protected] 1 I. INTRODUCTION Geodesic acoustic mode (GAM)[1], seen as the high-frequency branch of zonal flows, is a well- known phenomenon naturally existing in tokamak plasmas[2]. It was experimentally observed in many tokamak devices (see, for examples, Refs. 3–5) and intensively investigated in terms of theoretical analyses[6–13]and numerical simulations[14–17]. GAM is basically a sort of electostatic perturbationwithtoroidally symmetrical andpoloidally nearlysymmetrical structure. Thatis, the thermalpressureanddensityperturbationshavewavenumbersm = 1andn = 0,whilethepolodial Lagrangian perturbation has a poloidal symmetrical structure with m = 0. The typical frequency of GAM in the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model reads ω2 = c2(2+q−2)/R2, where q is s s the safety factor and c = (Γ(T +T )/m )1/2 is the soundspeedwith the ion mass m , electron and s e i i i ion temperature T and T , and adiabatic index Γ. The ideal MHD model yielded Γ = 5/3 while e i kinetic models predicted ω2 = (7/4+τ)v2 /R2[18, 19], where v = 2T /m is the ion thermal Ti Ti i i velocity and τ denotes T /T . It was shown that the account of theppressure anisotropy via the e i parallel ion viscosity exactly recovered the adiabatic indexes obtained in kinetic models[20, 21]. By using drift kinetic equation, the GAM in the plasma with bi-Maxwellian distribution for ions was investigated and the previous kinetic result was recovered when zeroing the anisotropy[22]. Recently, Ren studied the GAM in an anisotropic plasma by using the Chew-Goldberger-Low (CGL) double entropy equations and found that the kinetic result for zero electron temperature was recovered when zeroing the anisotropy[23]. On the other hand, owing to the significant applications to the E~ B~ shear flow control of × anomalous transport and turbulence, the magnitude, radial profile, and evolution of toroidal flow in tokamak plasmas has been an important issue for tokamaks[24–26]. The equilibrium toroidal rotation flow (ETRF) can be on the order of ion thermal velocity [27–29] and has been shown to be important for GAM and attracted much attention since the seminal monograph by Wang[7]. Wang first investigated the GAM in a toroially rotating tokamak by using the magnetic surface averaged poloidal motion equation to eliminate the fast magnetosonic wave. Later, Wahlberg found the dispersion relation of GAM by solving the Frieman-Rotenberg eigenvalue equation for the Lagrangian perturbation in the presence of ETRF[9] and presented more detailed analysis about the GAM and low-frequency MHD modes in a following paper 30. Lakhin and Ilgisonis used the ideal MHD equations in axisymmetric toroidal systems to investigate the GAM by taking into account both ETRF and equilibrium poloidal rotation flows (EPRF)[31]. Recently, Ren studied the GAM in a toroidally rotating tokamak plasma with an arbitrary β by following Wang’s way[7] 2 to deal with the poloidal motion equation[32] and then re-studied the effect of β on GAMs in the presence of ETRF by considering the harmonics coupling in lieu of magnetic surface averaging manipulation[33]. TheETRF can increase the frequency of GAM and induce a new low-frequency branch of zonal flows[7, 9], and the perturbation is always stable in the MHD model. In view of that the GAM has a Landau damping rate γ q5e−7q2/4, it is of great interest to study the collisionless damping ∝ of GAM in the presence of ETRF, which is the scope of the present work. We also note that the GAM driven by the energetic particles can be unstable[8, 17, 34, 35]. Considering that the plasma rotation flow widely exists in tokamak plasmas, even if no external momentum source is injected[36]. In that case, the energetic particles may not start to play a role. Then it is of great importance to consider the kinetic effect of ETRF on the GAM. Here with the aid of modified gyro-kinetic (MGK) equation[37], we theoretically analyze the effects of arbitrary toroidal rotation on GAM. It is found the Mach number M increases the GAM frequency and remarkably decreases the damping rate. The validity of classical GK (CGK) equation is also discussed and shows that only for zero τ, CGK is identical with MGK. In the case of non-zero τ, CGK yields the same real frequency of GAM as MGK but introduce an instability with a growth rate proportional to τ2M3/q. The rest content is organized as follows. In Section II, the equilibrium distribution and MGK equation is presented. The dispersion relation of local GAM in a toroidally symmetric tokamak plasma is derived in Section III. Section IV is devoted to the detailed discussion about the GAM frequency and damping rate. The validity of CGK equation is checked in Section V and finally, the conclusion is performed in Section VI. II. EQUILIBRIUM AND MGK EQUATION We consider a large-aspect-ratio tokamak plasma with a toroidally symmetric magnetic field B~ = I(ψ) ζ+ ζ ψ,andworkinthe(r,θ,ζ)coordinatesystem,whereψ(r)isthemagneticflux, ∇ ∇ ×∇ and ζ and θ are the toroidal and poloidal angles, respectively. Circular cross-section is assumed in our calculation with R = R +rcosθ. The subscript 0 denotes the equilibrium profile and the 0 prefix δ denotes the perturbedone, butthe subscriptis omitted and the equilibrium magnetic field is referred to by B~ directly. The equilibrium distribution function for ions with an ETRF is given by [29, 38] F0i = n0(ψ,θ)(πvT2i)−3/2e−(~v−~u0)2/vT2i, (1) 3 where ~u = ω (ψ)R2 ζ is the toroidal rotational velocity and n is the number density of ions, 0 T 0 ∇ n (ψ,θ) = N(ψ)eM2/(1+τ). (2) 0 Here,M = ω R/v istheMachnumber. NotingthatT andT arebothfunctionsofψ,M depends T Ti e i on the poloidal angle via R. As for electrons, the equilibrium distribution function has a standard Maxwellian from, Fe = n (πv2 )−3/2e−mev2/(2Te). Such a distribution requires τ m /m . That 0 0 Te ≫ e i is, the time scale for electron relaxation can be much shorter than the ion time scale[29]. The two distribution functions above are the cornerstones of the analysis. The perturbed distribution function is determined by MGK equation, which reads[37, 39, 40] j ∂F δF = (∂Fj/∂E)q δφ+[1 J2(k ρ )] 0 +J δh , (3) j 0 j − 0 r j B∂µ 0 j in which δh is governed by j ∂ +(w ~b+~u +~v ) δh k 0 D j ∂t ·∇ (cid:20) (cid:21) j ∂F ∂ q = q J 0 +~u δφ J j ~b δφ Fj − j 0 ∂E ∂t 0·∇ − 0m ωj ×∇ ·∇ 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) j c j q ∂F +J j~b δφ [(w ~b+~u ) ~u + ~u (w ~b+~u )] 0. (4) 0ωj ×∇ · k 0 ·∇ 0 ∇ 0· k 0 ∂E c Only perturbed electrostatic potential is taken into account, which is justified for electrostatic GAM in a low-β plasma. Here, µ = 1 m w2 is the magnetic moment, E is the energy defined in 2B j ⊥ Eq. (6) below, k is the radial wave number of GAM, δφ is the perturbed electrostatic potential, r q (= e) is the charge of species j (j = i,e for ions and electrons, respectively), J is the zeroth- j 0 ± j j order Bessel function, ρ = w /ω is the Larmor radius, ω = q B/m is the gyro frequency with j ⊥ c c j j m being the mass, w~ =~v ~u is the particle velocity in the local reference frame moving with the j 0 − velocity ~u relative to the lab frame, and ~v is the leading order drift velocity. In the lab frame, 0 D electric field can be expanded as E~ = E~ +E~ + , where E~ = ~u B~ and E~ is related to −1 0 −1 0 0 ··· − × Φ . Equilibrium analysis[29] shows eΦ = miωT2R2 . Hence in the local reference frame, particles 0 0 2(1+τ−1) only feel the potential Φ . As a result, the drift velocity can be expressed as 0 ~v = [(w2 +w2/2)/ωj]~b lnB D k ⊥ c ×∇ ~b q + j Φ +~u ~u +w (~b ~u +~u ~b) . (5) ωcj ×(cid:20)mj∇ 0 0·∇ 0 k ·∇ 0 0·∇ (cid:21) Meanwhile, the energy E is defined as 1 1 E = m w2 m u2+q Φ . (6) 2 j − 2 j 0 j 0 4 As a result, the equilibrium distribution can be arranged as Fj =N(ψ)(πv2 )−3/2e−E/Tj. (7) 0 Tj III. PERTURBED DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION AND DISPERSION RELATION We focus on the ions perturbed distribution function first. Using the properties of ~u , one can 0 show that ~u = ω R( R ζ ζ R)+R2 ω ζ, ~u ~b =~b ~u , and 0 T T 0 0 ∇ ∇ ∇ −∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ·∇ ·∇ IB 1 ω2I ~v ψ = (w2+w2/2) + T R2 D ·∇ ωi k ⊥ ∇k B 2ωi(1+τ)∇k c (cid:18) (cid:19) c w ω B + k T R2, (8) ωi ∇k c as well as Iw (w ~b+~u ) ~u + ~u (w ~b+~u ) = k +ω R2 ω . (9) k 0 0 0 k 0 T T ·∇ ∇ · B ∇ (cid:18) (cid:19) In view of the two equations above, MGK equation is reduced to ω eω ∂ δh ini sinθδh i δh = iJ Fiδφ. (10) θ i − d i− ωi i − 0T ωi 0 t i t Here, ωi = w /(qR) is the transit frequency and ni = k δi, whereδi is the ions orbit width defined t k d r b b as 1 w2+1w2 +M2vT2i+2w v M . Byassumingδφ = δφ einθ,thedisturbeddistribution ωiωiR k 2 ⊥ 1+τ k Ti n t c (cid:18) (cid:19) function can be easily solved as P e e δF = Fi[1 J2(k ρ )]δφ J2Fi i −T 0 − 0 r i − T 0 0 i i (l k)δφ eikθ in−kJ (ni)J (ni) − n . (11) × n+l−k d l d l k+ω/ωi n,k − t X Generally for ions, the finite-Larmor-radius (FLR) effect is taken into account by assuming k ρ ∼ r i ∆ 1 and the finite-orbit-width (FOW) effect is also considered by assuming ni ∼ ∆. While for ≪ d electrons, we have k ρ 0 and ne 0. The electron disturbed distribution function is simplified r e ≃ d ≃ to[6] e δF = Fe δφ eikθ. (12) e T 0 k e k6=0 X The dispersion relation of GAM is derived by using quasi-neutrality condition, δn = δn , i e namely, d3wδF = d3wδF . Inserting δF into the quasi-neutrality condition will yield the i e j dispersioRn relation. BeRfore doing that, we need to simplify δF by cutting off the coupling chains. i 5 Considering δφ ∼ (k ρi)nδφ , we take into account only the coupling between δφ and δφ by n r 0 0 ±1 neglecting all high-order harmonics. Here, ρi = v /ωi is the ion Larmor radius. Consequently, Ti c we write δF = δF0 + δF±1e±iθ. Eventually, using Eqs. (11) and (12) and the quasi-neutrality i i i condition, δφ is obtained as [1+τ(1+ζ (ζ))]δφ = i1qk ρiτk (kM)δφ for k = 1. For k = 0, k Z k − 2 r G 0 ± we find i i (M)δφ (M)δφ + ( M)δφ = 0. (13) S 0 − qk ρiG 1 qk ρiG − −1 r r Finally, we obtain the following dispersion relation 1 2(M)+ 2( M) S τG G − = 0, (14) − 2 1+τ(1+ζ (ζ)) Z in which we have denoted 1 3 6+4τ (ζ) (M) = + + M2+ζ2+ Z ζ4 S q2 2 1+τ ζ (cid:20) 6+4τ 1 M2 M2 + 1+ M2 ζ2+ + 1+ , (15) 1+τ 2 1+τ 1+τ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) 1 M2 (M) = ζ +2M + ζ2+2ζM + + (ζ). (16) G 2 1+τ Z (cid:18) (cid:19) Here, ζ is defined as qωR/v and (ζ) is the plasma dispersion function. The previous result[41] Ti Z is recovered by zeroing M. For convenience of discussion, the Mach number M is assumed to be positive since the dispersion relation above is an even function about M. In other words, effects of ETRF on the GAM is independent of the fact that the rotational flow is parallel or antiparallel to the longitude current as predicted in the MHD model[9]. IV. GAM FREQUENCY AND DAMPING RATE Explicitanalytical solutions to thedispersionrelation (14)for arbitraryζ aredifficultto obtain. Here we are restricted to the GAM with ζ 1 to find the asymptotic solution. Since there is ≫ ζ2 = q2(7/4+τ) in the non-rotating plasma, ζ 1 requires large safety factor. Hence, analytical ≫ results below are expected to be accurate enough only when q is high enough. Now we can asymptotically expand the plasma dispersion function (ζ) = iσ√πexp( ζ2) ζ−1(1+ζ−2/2+ Z − − 3ζ−4/4+15ζ−6/8+ ). Neglecting all terms of order higher than (ζ−6) leads to the following ··· O reduced dispersion relation: 1 G1 G0 +i√πσζ3e−ζ2 = 0, (17) q2 − ζ2 − ζ4 6 in which 7 τ M4 = +τ + +4M2 + , (18) G1 4 2q2 1+τ 23 9τ 3τ M4 = + + +5M2+ , (19) G0 8 8 4q2 2(1+τ) We now separate ζ into two parts, qΩ + iqγ with Ω γ . Here, Ω is the normalized K d K d K ≫ frequency of GAM and γ is the damping rate. Ω is then determined by d K 2 Ω2 = G1 + G1 + G0, (20) K 2 s 4 q2 and the imaginary part of (17) gives the damping rate of GAM in the presence of ETRF as γd = √πq5Ω6K e−q2Ω2K, (21) −2 2+4 /q2 G1 G0 where σ = 1 is adopted due to the factor pthat γd ΩK. The two equations above are the major ≪ results representing the effects of ETRF on the GAM. Before further discussion about Eqs. (20) and (21), let us pay attention to the case of M = 0. The original dispersion relation is reduced to the one in Ref. 41 when zeroing M, while the simplified dispersion relation (17) is different with previous results. To illustrate this difference clearly, previous results are written here [see, for example, Eq. (7) in Ref. 41 and Eq. (30) in Ref. 42] as 1 1 7 1 23 τ2 +τ +2τ + q2 − ζ2 4 − ζ4 8 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) +i√πζ3e−ζ2 = 0. (22) The coefficients of ζ−2 and ζ−4 terms are different with their analogs in Eq. (17). These tiny differences are induced by different asymptotic expansion. To obtain a more accurate expression of simplified dispersion relation, we multiplied Eq. (14) by 1+τ(1 +ζ (ζ)) and then kept the Z terms to the leading order. However, on the order of (1/q2), Eq. (17) yields the GAM frequency O in non-rotating plasma as 7 46+32τ +8τ2 Ω2 = +τ 1+ , (23) G 4 (7+4τ)2q2 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:21) which is identical with the one in Ref. 41. Now we take into account the presence of Mach number. Eq. (20) illustrates the dependence of GAM frequency on the safety factor q, temperature ratio τ, and the Mach number M. For general Mach number M ∼ (1), by ignoring terms proportional to 1/q2, GAM frequency is reduced to O 7 M4 Ω2 = +τ +4M2+ . (24) K 4 1+τ 7 WhiletheMHDmodelyields(ΩMHD)2 = Γ(1+τ)+4M2+ M4 accordingtoRef. 9. Thecoefficients K 1+τ of M2 and M4 derived in the GK model are identical with their MHD analogs. The only difference between the MHD and GK results lies on the adiabatic index Γ(1+τ) and 7 +τ. Obviously, the 4 GAM frequency is increased by the increasing Mach number as shown in the MHD framework[9]. The toroidal Mach number is shown to decrease the damping rate by increasing the frequency. Thedependenceof theLandaudampingrate ontheMach numberis plotted inFig. 1. Onecan see that the damping rate is dramatically decreased by the increased M. That is, the Mach number tends to increase the GAM frequency and destabilize the GAM by diminishing the damping rate. Besides, according to Fig. 1, the analytical result (21) differs from the exact numerical result for q = 1 or for q = 2 when M < 0.3. For q > 2 or large M, Eq. (21) agrees well with the numerical result. It is, of course, not surprising since Eq. (21) is valid for large ζ, which requires large q or large M. V. DISPERSION RELATION IN CGK MODEL It is argued that CGK model is suitable for describing the toroidally rotating plasmas or not. For convenience of discussion, we still focus on ions first. CGK equation gives the ions perturbed distribution function as δF = e(∂Fi/∂U)δφ+(1 J2)∂F0i +J δh with δh determined by[39, 40] 0 − 0 B∂µ 0 ( iω+V~ )δh = ieJ Qδφ. (25) 0 0 − ·∇ Here, U = 1m v2+eΦ is the total energy and Q = ω∂Fi/∂U +~k ~b Fi/(eB). The equilibrium 2 i 0 × ·∇ 0 potential reads Φ = Φ + miωT2R2 in the lab reference frame with Φ (ψ) = ω dψ. As a −1 2e(1+τ−1) −1 − T result, the equilibrium electrostatic field is E~ = ω ψ miωT2R2. The lowest orRder velocity is 0 T∇ −∇2e(1+τ) V~ = v ~b+[(v2+v2/2)/ωj]~b lnB+~v . It is easy to obtain that ~v δh = ω R(~b )δh+ 0 k k ⊥ c ×∇ E E ·∇ − T ·∇ ω2Rsinθ ik T δh. rωi(1+τ−1) c Poloidal asymmetry of Fi needs to be taken into account due to the definition of U. Noting 0 that the spacial dependence of Fi should be calculated at fixed energy U and magnetic moment 0 µ, we rearrange Fi as 0 F0i = N(ψ)e−TUi+mωTTiRuk(πvT2i)−3/2. (26) We can find rv v2 v2 τM2 ∂ Fi = 2M TiFi k + ⊥ sinθ. (27) θ 0 − Rv 0 v2 2v2 − 1+τ k (cid:18) Ti Ti (cid:19) 8 0.00 (a) Numerical -0.03 Analytical -0.06 d -0.09 -0.12 -0.15 q = 1.0 -0.18 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0000 (b) Numerical -0.0002 Analytical d -0.0004 -0.0006 q = 2.0 -0.0008 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 (c) -9 Numerical -1.0x10 Analytical -9 -2.0dx10 -9 -3.0x10 -9 -4.0x10 -9 -5.0x10 q = 3.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 M FIG. 1: The dependence of Landau damping rate on M according to the exact numerical solution to the dispersionrelation(14) (solidcurves)and to the analyticalexpression(21),respectively,forτ =1and fixed safety factor, q = 1 (a), q = 2 (b), and q = 3 (c). That is to say, due to the outward shift of ions, the ions distribution function becomes poloidally asymmetric under fixed energy U and µ. As a result, we can reexpress Q as Qc sinθ with i −N Qc = ω∂Fi/∂U and 0 k v Mv = r d TiFi. (28) Ni − T v 0 i k 9 The CGK equation (25) is rewritten as ω Qc i ∂ δh in sinθδh i δh = ieJ δΦ ieJ N sinθδφ. (29) θ d 0 0 − − ω ω − ω t t t Here, n = k v /ω , v = v2 + 1v2 M2vT2i /(Rωi) is the zeroth-order radial drift velocity, d r d t d k 2 ⊥ − 1+τ−1 c (cid:18) (cid:19) and ω = (v /R ω )/q is the modified transit frequency. It should be noted that ω = ωi and t k − T t t v = δiωi by recalling v = w and v = w + ω R. After some algebraic manipulation, the d b t ⊥ ⊥ k k T perturbed distribution function of passing ions is analytically given as ∂Fi ∂Fi ∂Fi δF =e 0 + 0 [1 J2(k ρ )]δφ+J2e 0 i ∂U B∂µ − 0 r i 0 ∂U (cid:18) (cid:19) l k in−kJ (n )J (n ) − δφ eikθ n+l−k d l d n × l k+ω/ω t − X e +J2 Ni eiθδφ e−iθδφ 0 2iω − (cid:20) (l k)(n+l k) +2 in−k−1 − − J J δφ eikθ. (30) n+l−k l n (l k+ω/ω )n t d − X For zero M, the total energy U is replaced by the kinetic one E = 1m v2. One then can find 2 i = 0 and the perturbed distribution function above is reduced to the previous one in a non- i N rotating plasma. As for electrons, there is = 0. Neglecting the FLR and FOW effects, the e N electron disturbed distribution function is the same as Eq. (12). According to Eq. (26), one has ∂Fi Fi Mv 0 = 0 1 Ti , (31) ∂U −T − v i(cid:18) k (cid:19) ∂Fi Mv 0 = TiFi. (32) B∂µ − T v 0 i k In view of ∂F0e = F0e and after some similar manipulation, we obtain the following dispersion ∂U −Te relation 1 (M) (M) ( M) ( M) S(M) τ G D + G − D − = 0, (33) − 2 (M) ( M) (cid:20) A A − (cid:21) in which (M) and (M) are defined in Eqs. (15) and (16), respectively, and (M) and (M) S G A D are defined as ζ2 (ζ)+M2 (M) (M) =1+τ 1+ Z Z , (34) A ζ +M (cid:18) (cid:19) M2 (M) =(ζ +M)(1+ζ (ζ)) D Z − ζ ζ2 (ζ)+M2 (M) 1 τM2 + Z Z . (35) ζ(ζ +M) 2 − 1+τ (cid:18) (cid:19) 10

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