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Land Use Policy Index to Volume 8 January, April, July and October 1991 Articles — titles and land use over an aquifer, Had- Articles — authors Catchment control and planning: rian F. Cook, 8, 1, 16-28 Adams, C.D.., and R.F.W. Kent, emerging patterns of definition, Opencast coal mining in England and Landed interests and local planning policy and legislation in UK water Wales: a review of legislation and in the UK, 8, 1, 36-49 management, Malcolm Newson, 8, policy, Ralph Horne and Stan Bartarya, S.K., Watershed manage- 1, 9-15 Frost, 8, 1, 29-35 ment strategies in Central Hima- Climate hazards, climatic change and Private sector involvement in irriga- laya: the Gaula river basin, Ku- development planning, William E. tion agriculture: an Australian maun, India, 8, 3, 177-184 Riebsame, 8, 4, 288-296 perspective, John J. Pigram and Charoenphong, Suraphol, Environ- Coastal zone management, John R. Helen K. Mulligan, 8, 2, 133-142 mental calamity in southern Thai- Clark, 8, 4, 324-330 Public policy and land development: land’s headwaters: causes and rem- Computer-assisted land use planning the Maine Land Use Regulation edies, 8, 3, 185-188 in Singapore, Belinda Yuen, 8, 3, Commission, Paul B. Frederic, 8, Clark, John R., Coastal zone manage- 214-226 1, 50-62 ment, 8, 4, 324-330 EC agricultural policy and the en- Rio reconstruction and flood preven- Cook, Hadrian F., Nitrate protection vironment: land use implications in tion in Brazil, Mohan Munasinghe, zones: targeting and land use over the UK, Guy M. Robinson, 8, 2, Braz Menezes and Martha Preece, an aquifer, 8, 1, 16-28 95-107 8, 4, 282-287 Crabtree, J.R., National park designa- Environmental calamity in southern The environment and disaster man- tion in Scotland, 8, 3, 241-252 Thailand’s headwaters: causes and agement, Alcira Kreimer and Cuny, Frederick C., Living with remedies, Suraphol Charoen- Mohan Munasinghe, 8, 4, 269-281 floods: alternatives for riverine phong, 8, 3, 185-188 The impact of the EC’s set-aside flood mitigation, 8, 4, 331-342 Flood phenomena and damage in the programme: the response of Duffy, Paul D., and Stanley J. Ursic, Italian Tyrol, Lorenzo Marchi, Pia farm businesses in Rendsburg- Land rehabilitation success in the Rosella Tecca and Vigilio Villi, 8, 3, Eckernférde, Germany, Alun Yazoo basin, USA, 8, 3, 196-205 189-195 Jones, 8, 2, 108-124 Frederic, Paul B., Public policy and Headwater management: problems The link between reconstruction and land development: the Maine Land and policies, Martin J. Haigh and development, Jelena Pantelié, 8, 4, Use Regulation Commission, 8, 1, Josef Krecek, 8, 3, 171-176 343-347 50-62 Landed interests and local planning in The political economy of land reform Frost, Stan, see Horne, Ralph the UK, C.D. Adams and R.F.W. in Iran, M.G. Majd, 8, 1, 69-76 Haigh, Martin J., and Josef Kreéek, Kent, 8, 1, 36-49 The present and future of coastal zone Headwater management: problems Land rehabilitation success in the management in the UK, Hance D. and policies, 8, 3, 171-176 Yazoo basin, USA, Paul D. Duffy Smith, 8, 2, 125-132 Horne, Ralph, and Stan Frost, Open- and Stanley J. Ursic, 8, 3, 196-205 The US Farmland Protection Policy cast coal mining in England and Land use planning and_ industrial Act: another case of benign neg- Wales: a review of legislation and hazards: a role for the European lect, Robert M. Ward, 8, 1, 63-68 policy, 8, 1, 29-35 Community, Gordon P. Walker, 8, UNDP coordination of disaster and Jones, Alun, The impact of the EC’s 3, 227-240 development planning, Seyril R. set-aside programme: the response Lessons on emergency recovery from Siegel and Peter Witham, 8, 4, 297 of farm business in Rendsburg- past experience, Alcira Kreimer 8, 309 Eckernférde, Germany, 8, 2, 108 4, 310-323 Water resources at Cape Coral, Flor- 124 Living with floods: alternatives for ida: problems created by p« y0T Kent, R.F.W., see Adams, C.D. riverine flood mitigation, Frederick planning and development, Hubert Kreéek, Josef, see Haigh, Martin J. C. Cuny, 8, 4, 331-342 B. Stroud, 8, 2, 143-157 Kreimer, Alcira, Lessons on emergen- Managing drought and locust inva- Watershed management strategies in cy recovery from past experience, sions in Africa, Thomas R. Central Himalaya: the Gaula river 8, 4, 310-323 Odhiambo, 8, 4, 348-353 basin, Kumaun, India, S.K. Bar- Kreimer, Alcira, and Mohan Muna- National park designation in Scotland, tarya, 8, 3, 177-184 singhe, The environment and disas- J.R. Crabtree, 8, 3, 241-252 t-r management, 8, 4, 269-281 Nitrate protection zones: targeting Majd, M.G., The political economy of 355 Index to Volume 8 land reform in Iran, 8, 1, 69-76 of benign neglect, 8, 1, 63-68 Rural Society by P. Cloke and J. Marchi, Lorenzo, Pia Rosella Tecca Witham, Peter. see Siegel, Seyril R. Little (reviewed by Andrew Gilg), and Vigilio Villi, Flood phenomena Yuen, Belinda, Computer-assisted 8, 3, 256-258 and damage in the Italian Tyrol, 8, land use planning in Singapore, 8, The Unpromised Land: Agrarian Re- 3, 189-195 3, 214-226 form and Conflict Worldwide by Menezes, Braz, see Munasinghe, Demetrios Christodoulou (re- Mohan Reports/Viewpoints, etc viewed by Keith Griffin), 8, 2, 161- Mulligan, Helen K., see Pigram, John A set of ethical principles to guide 162 J land use policy, Timothy Beatley, Transport Planning for Third World Munasinghe, Mohan, Braz Menezes 8, 1,3-8 Cities edited by Harry T. Dimitriou and Martha Preece, Rio reconstruc- Debt-for-nature — swaps, Michael assisted by George A. Banjo (re- tion and flood prevention in Brazil, Potier, 8, 3, 211-213 viewed by Brian G. Field), 8, 1, 85 8, 4, 282-287 EC agricultural policy and land use: Urbanization in Asia: Spatial Dimen- Munasinghe, Mohan, see Kreimer, milk quotas and the need for a new sions and Policy Issues edited by Alcira approach, Christopher J. Downs, Frank J. Costa, Ashok K. Duff, Newson, Malcolm, Catchment control 8, 3, 206-210 Laurence J.C. Ma and Allen G. and planning: emerging patterns of Urban land markets in developing Noble (reviewed by Anthony Gar- definition, policy and legislation in countries: do planners know On Yeh), 8, 2, 164-166 UK water management, 8, 1, 9-15 enough about them?, Michael Mat- Odhiambo, Thomas R., Managing tingly, 8, 2, 90-94 Conference reports drought and locust invasions in Commonwealth Geographical Bureau Africa, 8, 4, 348-353 Book reviews Workshop on Geography and De- Pantelié, Jelena, The link between re- Agriculture in Britain: Changing velopment in Pacific Asia in the construction and development, 8, Pressures and Policies edited by 21st Century, Hong Kong, 10-14 4, 343-347 Denis Britton (reviewed by Ian December 1990, Yue-man Yeung, Pigram, John J., and Helen K. Mulli- Bowler), 8, 2, 163-164 8, 3, 253-254 gan, Private sector involvement in American Development Control: Paral- Conference on Revitalizing the Rural irrigation agriculture: an Austra- lels and Paradoxes from an English Economy — How Can It Be Done?, lian perspective, 8, 2, 133 142 Perspective by Richard Wakeford University College Galway, Ire- Preec e, Martha, see Munasinghe, (reviewed by David E. Dowall), 8, land, 6-9 June 1990, Mary Owens, Mohan 3, 260-261 8, 2, 158-159 Riebsame, William E.., Climate Costing the Earth edited by Ronald First National Workshop on Planning hazards, climatic change and de- Banks (reviewed by Paul Ekins), 8, and Development of Eldoret Town velopment planning, 8, 4, 288-296 1, 84-85 and its Environs, Eldoret, Kenya, Robinson, Guy M., EC agricultural Ecology and Land Management in 14-18 August 1989, Cleophas policy and the environment: land Amazonia by Michael J. Eden (re- Lado, 8, 1, 80-81 use implications in the UK, 8, 2, viewed by F.T. Last), 8, 1, 81-82 Meeting of the Committee on Forestry 95-107 Geographical Information Systems - of the FAO Council, 10th Session, Siegel, Seyril R., and Peter Witham, Developments and Applications Rome, Italy, 24-28 September UNDP coordination of disaster and edited by Les Worrall (reviewed by 1990, Margaret R. Biswas and Asit development planning, 8, 4, 297 Peter Dale), 8, 3, 259-260 K. Biswas, 8, 2, 160-161 309 Global Forest Resources by Alexander Rural Policy in the 1990s: The Use Smith, Hance D., The present and S. Mather (reviewed by Fred Hum- and Appearance of Scotland’s future of coastal zone management mel), 8, 2, 162-163 Countryside, Royal Town Planning in the UK, 8, 2, 125-132 Headwater Management: The Voice of Institute (RTPI) Scotland’s Spring Stroud, Hubert B., Water resources at Experience by H.C. Pereira (re- Conference, Inverness, Scotland, Cape Coral, Florida: problems cre- viewed by Martin J. Haigh), 8, 1, UK, 11 May 1990, Aileen Grant, 8, ated by poor planning and develop- 82-83 1, 78-80 157 ment, 8, 2, 143 Land and Property Development in a The Rainforest Harvest Conference, Tecca, Pia Rosella, see Marchi, Changing Context edited by Patsy London, UK, 17-18 May 1990, Lorenzo Healey and Rupert Naborro (re- John Madeley, 8, 1, 77-78 Ursic, Stanley J., see Duffy, Paul D viewed by Yvonne Rydin), 8, 3, The Royal Town Planning Institute’s Villi, Vigilio, see Marchi; Lorenzo 258-259 Annual Conference on the theme, Walker, Gordan P., Land use plan- Land—Use Change: Proceedings of the Whose Countryside is it Anyway?, ning and industrial hazards: a role Asahikawa-Sapporo International London, UK, 23 November 1990, for the European Community, 8, 3, Symposium, August 1987 edited by Jean Badman, 8, 3, 254-256 227-240 R.D. Hill (reviewed by A.H. Daw- Ward, Robert M., The US Farmland son), 8, 1, 83-84 Publications Protection Policy Act: another case The Rural State? Limits to Planning in 8, 1, 86-88; 8, 2, 167; 8, 3, 261-262 356 LAND USE POLICY October 1991

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