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LAND COMMUNE AND PEASANT COMMUNITY IN RUSSIA Land Commune and Peasant Community in Russia Communal Forms in Imperial and Early Soviet Society Edited by Roger Bartlett Reader in Russian History School of Slavonic and East European Studies University of London Palgrave Macmillan UK ISBN 978-1-349-20648-3 ISBN 978-1-349-20646-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-20646-9 © School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 1990 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1990 978-0-333-46248-5 All rights reserved. For information, write: Scholarly and Reference Division, St. Martin's Press, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 First published in the United States of America in 1990 ISBN 978-0-312-04066-6 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Land Commune and Peasant Community in Russia: Communal Forms in Imperial and Early Soviet Society/ edited by Roger Bartlett in association with the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. p. em. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-0-312-04066-6 1. Mir-History. 2. Collective farms-Soviet Union-History. 3. Communism and agriculture-Soviet Union-History. 4. Peasantry Soviet Union-History. I. Bartlett, Roger P., 1939- 11. University of London. School of Slavonic and East European Studies HD1289.S65L36 1990 338.7'63'0947-dc20 89-24139 CIP Contents List of Plates vii List of Tables Vlll Notes on the Contributors xiii 1 Introduction 1 Roger Bartlett 2 Egalitarianism and the Commune 7 Dorothy Atkinson 3 The Obshchina and the Village 20 Moshe Lewin 4 Land Re-allotment in the Peasant Communes of Late-Feudal Russia 36 Vadim Aleksandrovich Aleksandrov 5 The Northern Commune: Archangel Province in the Late Nineteenth Century 45 Judith Pallot 6 Regional Variation in the Commune: the Case of Siberia 66 John Channon 7 The Post-Emancipation Russian Peasant Commune in Orel Province, 1861-90 86 Christine D. Worobec 8 Landholding and Commune Origins among the Odnodvortsy 106 Denis J. B. Shaw 9 Landlords and the Mir: Transaction Costs and Economic Development in Pre-Emancipation Russia (Iaroslav Guberniia) 121 Carol S. Leonard 10 Stratification and the Russian Peasant Commune: A Statistical Enquiry 143 Daniel Field 11 Differentiation in Russian Peasant Society: Causes and Trends, 1880-1905 165 Heinz-Dietrich Lowe v vi Contents 12 Agricultural Advance Under the Russian Village Commune System 196 Robert Bideleux 13 The Peasant Commune and the Stolypin Reforms: Peasant Attitudes, 1906-14 219 David A. J. Macey 14 The Russian Peasant Community in the Agrarian Revolution, 1917-18 237 Orlando Figes 15 The Final Stage of the Russian Peasant Commune: Its Improvement and the Strategy of Collectivisation 254 Hiroshi Okuda 16 Communes with Communists: The sel' sovety in the 1920s 272 John Slatter 17 The Commune in the Life of the Soviet Countryside before Collectivisation 287 Viktor Petrovich Danilov 18 Peasant Family Divisions and the Commune 303 Cathy A. Frierson 19 Women and the Peasant Commune 321 Rose L. Glickman 20 Face to the Village: The Russian Teacher and the Peasant Community, 1880-1914 339 Ben Eklof 21 The Artel' and the Beginnings of the Consumer Cooperative Movement in Russia 363 Yoshio Imai 22 The Russian Soldiers' Artel', 1700-1900: A History and Interpretation 376 John Bushnell 23 Administrative Exile and the Criminals' Commune in Siberia 395 Alan Wood Glossary 415 Index 419 List of Plates 1. The gathering in session (S. A. Korovin, Na Miru, 1893) 2. Peasant girl at the big house (N. Iaroshenko, Devushkakrest' ianka, 1891) 3. A family division (V. M. Maksimov, 1876) 4. Mental arithmetic in the Popular School of S. A. Rachinskii (N. P. Bogdanov-Bel'skii, 1895) 5. An artel' (here called a vataga) at work: I. Repin's famous 'The Barge Haulers', 1870-73. School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London University. 6. (i) The sower (A. Shurikhin, 1927) (Novosti) (ii) Threshing grain in a Russian village (1. Shagin, late 1920s) (Novosti) 7. Official meeting to promote collective farming, 1920s. (Portraits, left to right, are of Frunze, Lenin and Budennyi (novosti) 8. On the Karelia Kommuna (A. Shishkin, 1931). School of Slavonic and East European Studies. vii List of Tables 5.1 Nomenclature and Composition of Seven Communities in Archangel Province 52 5.2 Land Use in Seven Communes of Archangel Province 53 5.3 Land Tenure and Usership in Seven Communes in Archangel Province 54 7.1 Distance of Farthest Strips of Consolidated Arable from the Farmsteads in Trubchevskii District, Orel Province 90 7.2 Dispersal of Arable and Non-Arable Land in Trubchevskii District, Orel Province 90 7.3 Post-Emancipation Distribution of Communes among Villages in Orel, Voronezh and Kursk Provinces 92 7.4 Households in the Village Dorogi which lost Land in the 1880 Repartition among Revision Souls 95 7.5 Incidence of Repartition in Trubchevskii District 98 7.6 Partial Repartitions in Trubchevskii District 99 7.7 Communes which leased Land in Trubchevskii District 100 9.1 Presence of Officials on Estates in Iaroslav Province 128 9.2 Indicators of Agricultural Development on Estates with and without Officials in laroslav Province 130 9.3 Percentage of the Population Available for Harvest and Planting on Estates in Iaroslav Province 131 9.4 Percentage of Population Engaged in Non-Agricultural Activity, Estates in laroslav Province 131 9.5 Serfs' Revenue after Payment of Obrok and Purchase of Grain, Estates in Iaroslav Province 132 9.6 Amount of Obrok, Estates in laroslav Province 132 9.7 Net Output of Grain per Tiaglo Minus Subsistence Needs of Household, Estates in Iaroslav Province 133 10.1 Discrepant Sources, Poltava Province, 1900--05 152 10.2 Gini Indexes, Poltava Province, 1900 153 10.3 Distribution of Horses among Peasant Households in 43 Districts, 1893-1905 154 10.4 Distribution of Horses among Peasant Households in 69 Districts, 1893-1905 155 10.5 Distribution of Allotment Land among Peasant Households in 34 Districts, 1893-1905 157 10.6 Distribution of Horses and Allotment Land in 43 Districts, 1893-1905 158 10.7 Distribution of Allotment Land and Adult Male Workers in 43 Districts, 1893-1905 160 Vlll List of Tables 1x 10.8 Percentage Distribution of Village Means for Allotments in Vladimir and Other Provinces, 1905 152 11.1a Differentiation in Average Landholding between Villages, Berdiansk District, Tauria Province, 1905 167 11.1 b Differentiation in Average Landholding between Villages According to Peasant Categories, Berdiansk District, Tauria Province, 1905 167 11.1c Differentiation between Villages in Landholding and between Individual Farms in Sown Area, Berdiansk District, 1904-5 167 11.2 Comparison between Differentiation in Villages with Poor and with Generous Land Endowment, Berdiansk District, 1904 168 11.3 Relationship between Size of Farm and Size of Family, Voronezh Province, 1885-7 168 11.4 Division of Households and Size of Farms, Zemliansk District, Voronezh Province, 1860s-1887 169 11.5 Size of Farm and Frequency of Household Division, Viatka District, Viatka Province, 1886-1900 170 11.6 Changes in Household Composition, Mergers or Liquidations, According to Size of Farm, Epifan' District, Tula Province, 1899-1911 170 11.7 Rise and Decline of Farms in Surazh District, Chernigov Province, 1882-1911 171 11.8 Rise and Decline of Farms in the Fodder-Growing Belt (raion travoseianiia) of Moscow Province, 1898/9-1910 171 11.9 Rise and Decline of Farms in Epifan' District, Tula Province, 1899-1911 172 11.10 Changes in Stratification of Peasant Horse-Owners Grouped According to Number of Horses Owned, 38 Provinces of European Russia, 1888-1906 174 11.11 Changes in Percentage Share of Horses Owned by Different Peasant Groups, 38 Provinces of European Russia, 1888-1906 174 11.12 Some Changes in Stratification of Peasant Households Measured in Terms of Land Use, 1882-1901 175 11.13 Changes in Stratification of Peasant Farms Measured in Terms of Land Use, and the Importance of Renting, Voronezh Province, 188517-1900 176 11.14 Changes in Stratification of Peasant Households Measured in Sown Area, Melitopol' and Berdiansk Districts, Tauria Province, 1884-1912 177 11.15 Changes in Share of Total Sown Area Held by Different Groups and Changes in Sown Area Per Capita, Berdiansk X List of Tables District, 1886-1904 178 11.16 Changes in Allotment Land Held Per Capita, Berdiansk District, 1886-1904 179 11.17 Changes in Percentage of Farms Holding a Given Number of Horses in Melitopol' and Berdiansk Districts, Tauria Province, 1886-1904 179 11.18 Some Long-Term Changes in Stratification of Households According to Landownership, 1765-1900 180 11.19 Changes in Distribution of Households Grouped According to Numbers of Cattle and Horses Held, Kuznetsk District, Saratov Province, 1885-97 181 11.20 Changes in Allotment Land Held Per Capita, Voronezh Province, 1885/7-1900 181 11.21 Per Capita Endowment with Allotment Land of Farms Grouped According to Ownership of Allotment and Private Land (desiatiny) 182 11.22 Changes in the Employment of Permanent Workers by Peasant Farms, 4 Districts of Voronezh Province, 1887-1900 183 11.23 Farm Size and Independent Non-Agricultural Enterprise, 4 Districts of Voronezh Province, 1900 184 11.24 Farm Size and Independent Non-Agricultural Enterprise, Berdiansk District, Tauria Province, 1904 184 11.25 Differences in Per Capita Income Between Groups of Peasant Farms According to Budget Studies, Selected Areas of European Russia, 1885-1916 185 11.26 Estimated Per Capita Income of Peasants in Tver' District, Tver' Province, 1906 186 11.27 Yields or Income Per Desiatina in Different Groups of Peasant Farms, Selected Provinces of European Russia, ca. 1900 187 11.28 Income from Stockfarming as Percentage of Value of Animals Differentiated According to Size of Household, Voronezh Province and Viatka District, Viatka Province, 1885-1900 188 11.29 Changes in the Working of Land and the Ownership of Farm Implements, Berdiansk District, Tauria Province, and Voronezh Province, 1885-1904 189 11.30 Changes in Share in Market Production of Different Farm Groups (All Farm Products), 2 Districts of Voronezh Province, 1887-1900 190 12.1 Net Grain and Potato Output, European Russia, 1860-90 199 12.2 Internal Passports Issued, 1861-1910 199 12.3 Annual Potato Yields, Russia and Other Parts of Europe,

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