1 I / |£ tt - - .r>- \ £&* '. It' C>*»^' J$ / h ! x . J '." , TaGCe ot Contents fyentb a#e 2 *P r 28 aeulty rf lfitaff....page m 37 $enio*6.....paae 58 9fn.cleto/a66men....page 88 "Clubh -page H4 a <§pott& g£ -p JjjUt&Lh notes. ....page 742 Double, Double J_ lll£s~ J MSl 7W; Halloween » f* r\ 1 A A Ji C »». « & Toil "TROUBLE!!! IB I r -JyKw- *w ^1 iCk. * b ''ml ^1 .—^B<^J^M **• bj 1 Pk ^n''fyl u i Bi^flH 2005 | m B / 1 i • i " Ji -1 1 — P"^-^^™ ^™ ^^^^^" '-" r~r 75T S-.2'.\. . . ' - . . Those who love horses are stable people. "...there'snothin'in lifethat'sworthdoin\ if itcan'tbedoneonahorse..." Nomatterhowbusyourschedulesgetwealwaysfindtimetogetouttothe bam! Whether on a team,taking lessons,orjust fortheloveofhorses, 2g w*: thebarnislikeahavenawayfromthestressesofclassandcollegelife. Horses areourteammates,everpushingustolearnmoreandworkharder. Theyare •••••..•• alsoourfriends...alwaystheretolistenwithoutpassingjudgement. We'rethe oneswiththemanureonourboots,thedirtonourfacesandthefarmerstan. Werideinthehumidhundreddegreeweatherandthefrigidthiritesofwinter We'ddo it forabuckoranickel& wedoitbecause welove it. Wearc tl ridersofSt. Andrews! ¥* ••• ^ To be a good IrowniewiU Rmily'sgother horseperson Iwaysbewith gamefaceon. MikeinOcald us..our Florida. you guardian angel. need... £i Love Concentration Laughter