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PROUDLY SERVING THE = LAURENTIAN NIVERSITY COMMUNITY SINCE 1961 Laurentian students take over House of Commons Political Science Associ on organizes 16th annual Model Parliament in Ottawa Esciunssiane doom si ‘oleic osm oe uscioes remus ncaa abcess 2200 cop shee hyo i a Tut (0s or4st5| va ttt Epiror’s Corner don’t realize is that everyune ‘works insanely hand welt Sposches and bile. Tis ent 5k parliament by ay stretch Gf the imagination, we'e rep fecenting ridings and di ‘useing Mls thal you'd find the setual Hones, diseased by real Ms. Tes an sereey {Sling experiences that 1 jope"eontiues here al Itrenan = theres no beter ‘way to find outst ha or government realy works than {participate ina Model Perament iy experience, Plus, when yu go any- heretsithagioap of igo ut Alex Taylor Editorin-Chiet Welcome back, 1 hope everyone had a lovely holds ‘Min, case you were won ering (or even” if you werent) consisted of Site Onein aber pretty preat_Christmas pee: nts, and tp to Ota Usa twat ao great that Tas aetuale "sad thatthe new semester Dad stared Walt tat had nothing to 4 with Bawa eesty ardent things ae ‘Anaya you may have uund ta. be "interesting readlon te ront page, Teas 8 Throw in'& broken-dovn but, part abhe compels atise Epolitial scence tpt the Halse uf Commons in Osawa for ue annual ste Phrlament, ‘This was my Rh ‘year (ihe) aud part of eae is prety ertroten ate Dyer. Some peopl think cht fea jase arb the woke ‘Shipeelyfeumg Dut wat people who've ever heer being th best weekend of the dears every year Yon ever Feally appreciate vou fiends Util ther agree to wale to Mabotzis af 4am or let you share th eda er Bucs areat weekend. ‘school is bac in business Happy 2008! Now get back to work. Remember 1 page essays? Oh, how I miss grade school. “There are multiple programs iro hat aig find burning and. while hee he nga row | dott ners Ae ogiebehind buliing nee incites "(20 offence, med ‘hood id) Instead of wore ‘gto sustain te ones ate ear erased fnrolment ight be good for ie Bear's pete, but IS detintenot good for te ‘eople who have no 400 ee Ecorse options berate’ the ‘Shoat doen have te fo hire ‘more. profesor Kono that ng university fine {fon peat bt mg ‘ime fo step back and Look st the big picture = isan extra ‘000 Sets, i Bae ee Stor i theyre all gigs to too, ana while lot of people Sein sl to be ack, want to feng ou of ha eg tly about 75 days uml Spi 1st. 35 diya? Thats nothing, feat stare ited, you only have oy days lef fo ish yon assizn= rents. Clouds, fiver Tg, ‘Foul sce onthe next page some phates and information shout the enon ha happen in ml December, Ahnee ens un eee tay tow my tp cents fn ‘Reconeston, dtl Share Sat Tn Supportive, the sudenes who a organise ing hee pret ond sp porate af the couse in genera Pint wet mettre for this but oh well 1 fel, ‘ray thea ba a sco year Tne fcimisteaton sing suit they “arent happy. wth hs iy poor bof anming the Gul fhe edition? Plate et the moment, "Dow Felmerwrong Tike the uni: And don't even get me ‘ersity and Tm glad | go here, sturod-sbout the on fune- Dutt question whether heve's toning stumatie door see any! dusiieaion fur” the som: “mount of money ite bey, “Alex Gharged on a yearly basi "Twenty Things Help You Suess vray 1. Know WHY you ae at aniversity 2 Goto every has and at ha ont 8 ea and eparyour ota ar every ass 4 Read and sunmase yur reading bolo 5 Take sevartage of le ee student c Check in wah our Suaent soda Sorat crt Tae cae of yout heath. Se Six Componant* yeu Set oa wth ees aim tm management daly, wee, ah To. vr stoctveessats~ see Wing Aeitance 11. he elect reseintons eee Wing Asitance 12. Proeringor same sal about elegy oe, 1a Be 1 Kew the system wt Yur ge 17 Make ne urveray your hanna cb! 18 Make our tecorst our are, Ge anda pet 8, Volunteer! This ooks so auesore on rum 20, ren Huranacn cn lp you and ou ean ep Lt NUMBERS. YOU NEEDS TO KNOG hes eran 675-4760! Secuy 79 562 Emeigany (eves and wookons} 672290! Comin Rights Oftos 673-155 #9420 ath Servoas 675-151 ¢105" etoral Coursing, aren Counlng td Pee Toto 6736006 Spec Norce Ofios 62118" asa Ding Aasieanea Progen 675-154 92426, Fret Yer exp. aavsing loro” 101 #20 Studet Astin: Paneophone 9730557 Nate 675-151 #7031 Students Genera S27 ‘uw Lauren ca au‘enan ore! lan Carin Sova sa Caves s'Shcon Savoze “Townly Tis You Dent now Aut Lvng In Space vploding bane, ok: tga race. the second by Corey 8. Poa 1 Ney every astonait expences sare space skness caused by ho wily crfuag itrmaton reaching to ier ees In ton fo nausea, syle Rencaches an ‘alum, erong say stonea: and muscle apy, ing he Dowels aed song he eat {At sat youl bs pty. cantisted an tal The deceased pee i ‘tut wo notes il tha etaoes 4 Lb te cent no spszeauting midpesn Tenet ete ste devel, sm soma sono bie, ‘5 Nauman Have yt Boon congevedin spice, sara ery imeone, © Sochats wha: aks: A200) uy showed he atonal wr cares on Ear snooze set spas 7 ful ssrnauts logo las sour 18 suits oy tows 8 ‘nar ntene i har ereadan myn, 8 Are Ziggy sayed satan Aton san of he wordy one apes sure non conto in Houston boadeaes we se an Ipseletc wit spacer asa nin, On ho alot te lay torsional S2ace Sto, crows wneoto an alt ea © Jou ee eu expe the vam space wl sto, ‘2 et your bah: Sudeen seoomeressen wld cause Your Tunas ptr {0 In aden, we on ba angen th nos, ante eee ‘wove bat any. Tas aca ened n 1868, hen apace sa Tae during = NAGA poner anne tsar wa expat aa vaca for 18 soca, 11 Conary to Hotyanoe, hough, you wale axploce Lack ot lonygen te od a wid kl ou, AN wou fake aE 52 Moo oxlosion panna: igh Galt, Rin Branson's px arm eatoany, eporecl cnsiered during waren nth ros iplts ue i ears al hoy pe ow Up 1S Jone Glenn avid {hard cok sm Mood, a because ote at oly: Early sara tao lu Tubes of semi mien, cod cutee aid dle eas 14d asorau can 2908 up ta mal i al sd poner ge! orm: Span ens woul a any lng ees nd ‘ceagea vers 15 sing satin? Those vets on he spece ste ae Ineratena Space Saten snus tha oat a he, Suing ‘anv Ma Nosing sso ursceuted, 10 The tut commodo equrer Mt satonau an themsntes ecnty inthe deed core ofthe sa Ainaceup a he ti Ve aioe wf elt cara Leda Wan hom Mofo ps. Tiononeaiee 17 NASA reed culang «bat ns ts space suites Mes con om atacd oa ads ome, roe gyraclanes! eet or twomen—hu ga op and pated cu ace al 18 Retuning ssvorausropon wera cy moving er ae andiega ih alr coon, ova razon ny ey el ag Pe 19 Bul some one durateneoereraus report th ‘etoajt to 3000 te on ean st whan oul gt aos they fa 12 Borer jst sly up ete? Etisan paope have ded on sps0s ‘oor nove sue =aays he ye ‘Thursday, Jonvary 17th, 2008 Campus News Students protest increasing tuition fees te on the Paris St. bridge on December 12th, ‘Studonts hoped to raise awareness among Sudbury residents about increasing tition fees. ALEX TAYLOK EDITOR-IN-CHIEE ithe demesivam tow pusive ad eet aely ett hal dsl pur inti, any of he ude poset ft was tafe nae! ae ed tty presse “by the. Hoard. of members for rasing aareoess Giermoc Hat Sides wil he abou the aon (ene fresco. The second es Member of he mbes em 2 Sand equiva Rc soune tiny Roe eran a Regie entered wai mlermeizof nema Mic heat of Govcrors and’ have septs fo" coraon plana the ‘mostng for wheter eiafeacd ton er Betenber ‘ath, it winsome are feng wal cee te micfanenpitoquel solani ually of edacalon proc” Mon" saga ht the Lauctian or wae ey ae Iocan coed tenes hie ed se ‘ans abd. Holiday plans, and es th hoge oF the coos Sfornttde lettin nator snl visemes Bt Tepchemesing. Lager wether chops enum tal than oats audi ware incr and concern among te ieedinaptstmic bo tmvriy comnts ih 3 Inrease tuibon Teen The st ‘ dine nee seca) and destin os eljumed ip ‘ellos wher sens were ugh se ctied he (On December 12, stds ana community members con ‘ergo on fhe Bare St bridge 19 rote the mpenting wom Tae cress at Lawentian The se fond of auch inceass win ¢ Sess hope oe The Stem othe pic wth ses dn banners ouining this cn plains ‘Coorinted by members of allie toda unos one the. demonstation commenced ‘Suahuyvetdnts drove to work nd school The sper em fertures did te to Guel the Entusiaem ofthe demonstanors ‘Sd chant, ans ond ones kept ‘Stop fom psig vehicle. ‘MEF prndout Be Blondin telephoned te ofiee ef univers. ty Treen uth Wooden hd wax given he opptay to event being yan. thre ino. doubt thar anversiy fsinisstons and govermest ‘ier of nian sue the SGA windows informing students about another tut Increase, the socond in a yoar. ‘The executh ntee ‘Councils of Laurentan’s student unions have all been very vocal about thelr disapproval of the increases, suggesting that they are restvieting access to university for many students. “The delicate thing about the university is that it has a mixed char- ‘acter, that it is suspended hetween its position in the eternal ‘world, with all its corruption and evils and eruelties, and the splendid world of our imagination.” Richard Hofstadter Pages Laurentian University creates School of Rural and Northern Health retin University iene | Fee on of a School ‘of beth anesthe decor of Te The newiy formed School ig Health Researen (CRANHE pant of he Faculty of The Schoo! of Rural and the new Scho af Rural ard the recent ation Novi Health isto. provide Speers for nea sel provid tuning for aude n'a vary of health seams Provide a etsal os ra relapse gst wih comminty lntsrim ditseior of the” aew School She aso olds s Canada Unser’ research panty 0 Nonthara Childres’s echihaadis jvograin draws upon abroad 2 intrnatonaly ange of dep om wan faculty member in 2007. She brings expense in sh policy Tie School of Rua ad Health" boases ts Inverdscipioaey PAD Program in ind builds om Laurentian ‘ath trong the eyes of cniren Hercomen! rch Iocines om evans wands 10 Turd thet tne. ovance cfuadiional heath The ext deadline foe apices fdiatrs fer chidren in ural ons ene the PRD postin foeully citer suppeing the SGA & AEF presidents speak out against OUSA misrepresentations Last month fe College Saget lence CSA) a the Onion Uneangradaate Student Nance (OUS) sued a mse ibading nia advisor, casming Sales wih deunent they intend to Zbit the MoGuiny FTI ld that thee cali spc Lauconun Univers a {en ae i on te rssed ht ‘he CSA and OUS\ s recommen. Ihocaise dhese Alliances. do not Include Franophone sudetsof Sid So nother Ontario. {ES4 and OUSA ha ao Fogo sen em President of the Association des “iars taints francoph ones de FUnvernté Toteaenne “Wsteser de rcs they preset hs gover ‘tent sant ossby be tepresen tative of sdente it thi <euttepeat hee poston Tht fat students and Alliances of student coun pcs ‘ert thar peddle sarialzed sponse ser Fe Path, President of avian Unies Stadeni Genera association hr year ee aso te as eon "ove Saude, giving (evsiommakere am excuse 10 Stone ts on the The, Lautan Uaiversy Studs’ Gnesi "Aseocinton the Goverment of Onan mst and the Association des ehh” vest ine ulna ties et clalanis roncontons uiton fee inset 4 Fniverate Laureaenne ‘Snvlor with he Alliances so Sof promoting pls sho Deliberations of Laurentian University’s Board of Governors forcollgse and univers nd nealtoest eoe Ati regular mecing fel om Friday, Dacenber 1, 2007, surat (vers Hed of Govemors Welebmed& A He tse diseased ¢ new suatesie plan for the next ive ears and approved tuo mse fr the 200840 adem yu Piling on te suaces and arose of te past five gear the wes Jud Woodsworth olin and subscqucai ll ¢ : sven soe in The pn ick ‘nmr, ol be poset for Sppoval he aw Sea shout the importance of post sectridary education and securing sul ‘ent govommcnt funding ensure acc an aly of st- {tion forall stents, A recely formed Joint Advocacy Working ‘Thursday, Janwory 17h. foe UNIVERSE NEWS Students want gay blood ban lifted Hollywood Writer’s Strike Blood Services says ban based on seience, not prejudice Wrecking Your Sitcoms? seman epic as ora vga aeaeain Bored with Reality Shows? (Stora Unrsty of = suacvarveae reget Abas! Pesnes yes somthing got ou through the net Sx Wee Be oe foctvehle tis work! clase a0 hink [a poiy) that's at ‘Tocoato Ontario For tv sith veer euieg Oar gris (Cin, re REE ETIO Taow nn aly mar eA mitt piaat i coe Nea a oe pe conde ANTM galt Canal "Phy aida wt we RAMEN agra” Nou chats ee (eS Spates ‘imation tei ‘Satis aed Sener 15) rote pied Sua, conte "Roch poor lets thre an added onus of cme Nn Wo Nave Sex Wats Men mi sayeth mo een 68 fe uton. Geaduating high schol students and Inher peg akch tos nen eum ad_“Labvde of «worm ten ta vidual pole attending postsecondary fastutions across Capa onaeanceed @secomcr wheat ouscomcerel «ah sha i gad 2 idkosk Stuf tha wa oon oo cholaehip rand om 0 ease nithather mam ace 19? 10 $5,000, simply by answering on-line questions about | Som ang Bod ex wth mena wl ate igor load “drives hive been Cynda'sinerering ust and present al wr talkaboutene nna airy kot coauacag RIV fom nal fame fm te sat See at Ge solic intiucaretarimly stay 2s5tidu wonky ho aves sex Mil Unbortyané ar Pes “Tig yal abuul the Canacian billionaire who funds pictures | aS ‘rol ct sien an actor Ba ise of saad tala Mosaic, F tha promote gata values It looks Hike he's making more cErdie of ceumpaigon fr, Toaee ain wl oerge TT é mong” He produced Syrian, Good Night and Good lk, discon "of campaigor” (i aaluoreilcneape monties, "Ashi pont dow innw TUONES!, He produced Soci ad ance rae MoonralTahemy 3! tse er tenant nfcions i've hive any Pans must ie which seegunied for Oscar nominations aad tn Osta eS itender ion Se be tamu omy of hee md Ti aotte we wid Deas? Ths years crop include Challe Wilsou's Wat an The Kile “The it eis was Wo gee S2Y8 Decne nt moni ne whl Towel wams vehamess i! Runner both aominate for Golden lobes, come eS Nai Shey omer ihc mows” os se what thes Fel abet sgn aha the nmol Canadian scientist who was ves for Teshian, adéee thet she doesa't donate Unmarked save ual is fet peopl rememiboned her 60 Sail feicd Blood herselt; purty don anaical after her great accomplishment. ‘ice act serge a nnoratty that "Bat Maalos dows nk rods wow win gate one nf Canada's greatest defence ‘CS, however, mainmnine that Pebavcur is typically associated thats the best course of action for Tawyers his professional start. wath gay auen and lesbian women.” student 10 follow, ‘Just go to www.talkabouteanada.ca between January, 14 Ore reer cs ER tern ld Nga Sou tm esi” ya apace Caan fa nomen ‘nea who have had sex with oir Dewmark, Swedsn, [eeload and she seid, lively an ssionate ‘bout what il_means to be a Stebel emets Qere TS es plge gest Eee pamela i ciel ey BHetiiehactalte dob ,, Seema; Rowever The Ipamacnd dv teiog Coie Eooyedge about Cauadian subjects nd fs inende n nve ales than in individcals who are Hemgury. | New | Zealand and donation frem men who have had as snany peuple as pussible through an accessible medsum that et Ea a ee ag gaiteateluRen mis ben Goll Homan, Cnmen and Cr Novfoudlind and TSE yy ahose MSR’ pes hovel Be CPS cd Egle Camda, an “OUMIT OTAGH Management Hie Listing okey tS dei's on Ue cles. cage W100 “OF course there's alot of knowledge in uni- TS EL, ceemporner serene merece eel es Tenfors don?t tats auch owas inetee doe qriinseenae ie 02 pas uaa cee a sort of accumulates.” mn BS Livnueaee See ee ah mee nese ae Stale sbce hen aa ecw fie wb they re MSA poy Sool oa le Fe snminsoy, but ean ert Fageney at Dee. 2008 ther fond ii dsr he MEM cago hs SCHOOT of PUBLIC: ABEAIRS LEECOLY dec ABEAIRES PUBLIQUES MASTER’S in PUBLIC AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS La premigte école bilingue d’etudes supéricures qui prépare les étudiants a des carritres dans 1k fonction publique, le journalisme spécialisé cn allsires publiques. les organisations non ouvernementales et le secteur des relations entre les milicux daffaires el le gouvernement, ‘OUR PROGRAM + ote silinary study of pudlc institutions and their domestic and interatona stings +A ental locaton in Tort,» lata cy with world-wide connections +A commitment lo ilingulism, helping each student to achicee 2 high evel of proficiency. + Guaranled funding of $10,000/ear to every student. ‘APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR FAtl 2008 ‘Glendon est Pandroit par excellence pour préparer des leaders hilingues de la vie publique nationsle ay internationale.» www.glendon.yorku.ca/mpia <p ct wk YORK OrHeR News Food baskets a: Thursday. Janvory 17h, 2008 “A Wee Bit O’ Burns” The Laurentian University Pipe Band and Dancers present "A Wee Bit o' Burns". This, annual dinner celebrating the life of Scottish poet Robert Burns will take place on Saturday, January 26, 2008 at Branch 76 of the Royal Canadian Legion, located on 1553 Weller Street in Minnow Lake. The evening will begin 2 5:30 p.m. with cocktails, and includes roast beef and haggis dinner. Mustafa BIG THANK YOU Do you remember what my lost ile wae bout? Abo ae that the Lirentian University Performances by guitarist Andrew Lowe and | !ynwienl teu Sosy the Laurentian University Pipe Bland will follow. | iw sncste nd New this year is a performance by Laurentian University Pipe Band's Highland Dancers. oe et ae siyog thank you 10 every Tickets for this year's dinner are $30 and are only sold in advance. For tickets or more information please contact Pipe Major Derek Young at 691-5677 or by email at [email protected]. tinea International Seminar on Ghana and Burkina Faso sa “Every cule as adooted ey ccamanter ole LU ean? fon December 20%h justin tre World University Services of Canada (WUSC) will present an international semi- nar by Laurentian student Christine Benard. She will speak on her experience in Ghana Page 5 rrive in time for the holiday slowed he substantia use ofthe . able fond tems Dither supporting Ganations Tauretien iz activites like common The ices trom Tablesenn bot eeneouty donated Adopting a child ll Relpod put people ote “ ‘ od items before Community can be and is ver stvery? Well, thanks to the generous Stowell te ut of her tigen thera ss fans ha have whieh Iaidentaly "bes final bude al eae ron Tm not ting ake fully or Ta aa saying that we ‘the LU commaniny dont So nosh. What Lane soving the Kigway was kind oo tovdonst sine of che ite that nt teen vey we m soba, The em of the gene ‘ral ofthe gift wore dontled by brght ene em of carpe urenten suds, staff and abet wet ort asd fiend of fe LU coniaity Inocause of the pencco Wal Hon ‘olan a weak. then the anton That wold bere el, se oh ye at ake sure $ou minal bout this poy face aap aoe Finis, the SGVAEF and Burkina Faso: “GREETINGS FROW THE [ASSISTANCE PROGI ‘Thursday, January 17, 2008 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Room L-239 of the Parker building Soe [Consider More confisence © Bott marks © Better jb opportunites All are welcome to attend. For more information: 675-1151, ext. 3359 [Ever wondored what really ood wating sis WRITING RAN 0 RereaSERT TaN UOT Luke the sound ofthese” if you need help ating them in place, contact tne Writing Assistance Program. Wer in the Leaming Commons area of te Oesmarais Library; you can feacn us at ext 3426, a fice 30-248, 0 a euiforsauremtan ca. Wing asec tance is availabe trom &-6 Monday to Thursday and from 9-1 on Friday, unt the end ol form. Make yout appointments soon!_| y and later? Paddle to Polar Bear Provincial Park We are looking for open sniado,adveititus rope Pal me backeeuaiey experience NNochem regions ato chang ‘ang Wis tip a even sone Aiigue and. meocrable expe unieriys Obtdoor Avene ‘Wile ver apediion Canoe Lendep. Progr alsa teste don ‘Sound water I you ee srs Gant S508 ‘Sup of sudan ands potes” ef padlig the ang sd The Winisk River flows dens have enference in wilt up oC ouoo lenders contact ‘gom the Rocky Canin Sits through the Husson Bey" Tow lanes‘ Polar Bear Provincial Patk Although Paar Boar Park E"Gntar's largest and most ether Proving Par, te sno the lent iste boca of ie remoteness ad sees = iy By cnn The cao $2 ti atl non hay ‘he padi will stata the rwanuek, of Hudson Boy From thre, we wl fy andthe tive back a Sudbury. The tp fest af $2500 (pus. GS) includ all travel Sitoury to Seabury). equipment food accomadation “and euiding indent ens, such se mele hk wavewater padi hip celogy afd pial ed TOP 8 LIFE-CHANGING TRIPS FOR 2008 1. Volunteer in incredible Ghana 2. Italian courses in Florence 3. Australian Surf School 4, Photo Vietnam with a professional 5. River cruise through the Amazon 6. Polar Bears up close 7, Climb Kilimanjaro (you can‘) 8. Thai Cooking courses in Bangkok Finest komteturenace or kxmasinslorentan 8 fo $5 applet or andor me tle taveing to he sve ad Uobudgetd etcusions to see paar Sa na he rs Winks River Bas cs. Ei feiiewsis, tes te simone rie eth Had Call us for all the life-changing detai Govn- Norte Rivers ie the Wirt brought to Chore Misi Sah ° etl tipped ngand tbe so hi ares % ‘ome to woodlan Bikar pare ta cover 400 bind spetion, and sch Call Tol F ‘1-888-FLY-CUTS (359-2887) 2 TRAVEL CUTS wine taveleuts.comt UBC DAP The gateway to accounting ‘Accelerate your future with the Diploma in Accounting Program (OAP) atthe University af British Columbia, » prepares unversty graduates with ited or no ining m accountng for entry nto a profess onal aezoucting designation (CA, COR, CIMA or CPA int [APPLICATION DEADLINES Internationa applicants) hug (Canadian app cate) Find out how DAP can accelerate your future. Visit www.sauderube.ca/dap rages Matt Moskal A & E Editor clon buck, Now tha 2008 has com pana Wisse sise cin Roeser an i Sart od fnghtened what may happen to te mew ea es been suecsefily seed. Wha: look he pole tale 18 the United States shoud shenasby the en! of tik yea and wo get to teach the wor best thee sezeumh to he al af xe wood Inost presigions ges once again at ante Oia Phe nate ars apd ctertanen el to enon clan alte ge top 0 isle al yearend wpapaaps Leave the ist fo tied and he future wide open er ume wer of suas, movies aid lestone atsoe scheme And with that sad ie juny back inte the orld self expoession and ura ‘xplitaon foro er sun eve isnusty lead psoving the student population wth agh ent none nigh kee entrainment Level ih (Janay at Scare! we making their Lanrentan univer debe at te Gre Hal. T all Cabadan kp fons when sane hat gone tom te mirjones i the eegon ithe (eater Toronto aca ta ie ike he Yan's Warpes Tour Und the Toronto inearmfon of Vain Festiva Now sith tele ites aun “all Dy With Ibi the Canad charts and fhosingles under their bell Notting Sia whieh eaehed 2 br the STochhiqek Countdown, and Lf ot «Soler HSeaeat Se nang tn She rad agai Dui os ees ate Sto.90 for SGA members: niet open st ou. Opening! ‘eanmoned " ‘with «name like Dru, i 93) to derstand ae one oni svelon a lovey hate resets wilh Whe setts of his oak revivli foursome ssh uf the bat (ao pun intended). On Smusey 25th tbe Townehoae, ene torre members of the TmiaaThe Sister ad The Fane ae long to pore {heres mon’ torock andl ta the naane you mike orsitol “esbreedng te ios comssteey of Puro Sone writing with the miele of 70m era Black Sebbeth sth al the ‘harmo heede garage rock, Bronk resem ade 0 ounG Thus sven is only $5.00 at the oor with prow of age of nsjory Having sold ont 2 years nano the Han on Festival returns ti the Frise Sud othe 25th of Janae. Ts Tnwease of is orfeneed toed the outs avenues all af kg tocntner fe ation of cles y arin dof the st uaigue nights ot snterssnment offered et Bus Teka acon Riganand wile salling Mer calgsones Gyn falls The'coore sl open at 599 pad the fst eel iret 7pm. January sit Stomp Rewrds own St Alvi Carta vl ‘car ap wit the Keason fa teak ravoe on the Towaebuuse It omar SA Carel the yr weed Zo hy were Themes wi he very subitious label reps glad sling ym Ss ft se debut lio oer ow ie the mile of the lineup of epi proportions. Fusing former temas of Bos Night Ott, rey, Gale ad Tie Video Dead Stalks Carel rom tock eat, soul and rggac tna blend ‘atl iguefid ine a thick sym corenntum bes seve neat 03 Ft oe seepanid by the best of Jour nes. jeting te might are The Reto, I arsi’s ow pettus nel super team notorious for thet eerie ive show. With {Bie Ite single “Were Sy Hyon te ay forse on cision would find fat eting in its general direction. ould must up quite the pratifsing scorns show wal be $¥p00 atthe dove Good ac, Arts & ENTERTAINMENT Matt Moskal’s Top 10 yy era 7 To bd a nd ination ith comping. et, Tit de nt come ‘Sets ut of the page of Nik Horas ih Sedat 10. Grinderman ~ Grinderman Heres the Gen Srerenprar Nick Cave stoops the isc guia gu. athe ha ung! diction ie ede 8 is rer a Nit’ Cave and the Dad Sut ne simple took a felt number of hit baad sacks 90M 1 Sree proce called Grinderman While on four, Cine nol solltorte wil he sate Sad ‘Sri pen Tor Gindaoan St 0" have ‘rele an opens et Confuse So wast Sonststese Grinderman sey ile asks of ‘ely dail and unforgiving uns. Fro ie [huuclesy emmseratng ho Posy Mle Ue fins den erat thom (Don Ned ‘oun Sete Fee this probly Te aos con- initte shanna of penal Faweauon U) Be ‘iene Bn ene 9. Greenbelt Collective - Our Homes Sat stad out as & means for puting = sundae he poet manne of founding ‘moos tonal iho supe ‘ipcnees Ive encountered ll ear Proctor values om Uw au act acess “rors end Max Fischer ‘ke Cheaters SShwaranan paying fh pop 6. Black Li pepe fe reat oer 5. The Arcade Fire ~ © Tune already boon ace ae a a a oe ‘nada cou be ae ee id bos ees, Ack Fi wate Highligh solos "Rade: Televison De rhein iting king of No Ca 4. Broken Social Scene Pres Kevin Drow Spirit It. Tete of Ble ac Sam together Saation SSRine te cea pee aad Ive wf age, Tender ame ie hog ang Say al and ae poet fe tapes, while J Masis asd. “Backed Ov ‘The "3nd Tom Cochrane gust iy Tt th Drow fhe le 3. Radiohead - In Rainbows ee) sg hi om ee {Gouglt of wenn te bt e tke slum tet fseatag lok ita ch ‘helive hur aslodie Radiohead. Tunes Tike rousing sha ur Homes lke stmakesup for "Bedysaiciers™ nd “Reckoner al uate the {i tne Koroy for ehuvnling i eng” _char of Thom Yass aby fo cally 2 “insure sll com ta ostandifer= the "cal spaey is the Art wary “Ns ‘acing wih song tone ae por wih the frond set filing “Weird Phew Pols Spree uu 8 Torngat - You Could Be Plewo Amato alls ges is des a yan | ‘wobtng sil be lkea of Th Arcee Fie Bele Groea et noe edn ont ei ast ‘etal op Toga stated thet est rece [Suture promos his hm au ner a ‘bance State aa fconstcted n'a ie pet Fbimence Wahoo sngle word ths eo of sre fro mule tstrmesaleeap take sharge 638 {ite Goud by maniploing Trench bom. sth Soe, topo al prc ino ante Sound Sepcoence. Sonas ae iereingesee fOr ‘more ntreti thoaght prensa st ‘Going bt best cajoyed a a wane 7. Coconut Records — Nighttiming and Jens Lekman — Night Falls ‘Over Kortedala Tekin bebe one of my Tavout> Swedish 2. Black Moth Super Rainbow — Dandelion Gum 4 "Two wort pei Ps 1. Of Montreal ~ Hissing Fauna, Are it Pity the smaller sberersomgs hme sake DS stim 0 caloyable Right fom "Suller far Toshio the Bsc Faas poke up some seis (Bomestam snd ite ite ital chy at From Trough “Gronlndis Ea ‘of Rider and te shove opin CKLU Listener’s Choice Awards celebrates favourite radio shows Mart Mosk! Arts Katersinment Edtor uaa 8, Dessay tS, KLE 967 Tage Hows 10 to Mam, EMinhated crema" Eaxe Wo Cay Spm an Mating Wikpesutsebectoeadts Palow & Sia back Pak SSorcV ca hese yapnge mi a aoe, od kee te swinnch an e-mail necomnt_ was Which ait Sotuday irom 10 10 Gamclonoe CRLCwebstefer tin hoe vob for sie favounte ifelime “Actiecnan Awand id up and whe top 8 shows Thooy org aih neo special 208 conus. Sigey’s preamt ‘eveaung’s most dressed up bests ata nooughly vesrched mater Sinny mens abeee foe, His pcan abs Tuesdays and Duss ths yeas We Wes fom Peckat the Past (which ay back. Inlvsuprbecby he cpincsinm he geil ence a ie peat of ats nw ee Conte ene ch favrdo would oso be band- Sams of commer. sould rnata a Ively fl where Ue that cally eee te then pops cated ty Browning. Dinetor Mack ‘Tho hosts of Abovo the Waste on CKLU accopt the top award a the lst Listener's Choloe Anrards. Their Sunday night show specializes inal shings metal aid was one ofthe Top fight shows recognized at the awards ceremony. Twsday, January m2000 ARTS & «ENTERTAINMENT Sonnet L’Abbé Delivers oe ea yea go inal nowy conditions to make it he Laurentian camps, tnjoved am energete pero nee by Toronto. bart Sonnet 1eAhbe Bother books “A. Str Relic published ia 2001, Killa” published jst Sonnet Lbs pocty ie distinctly. Ganadidi aad hemes of cat tion. Among’ her poems mos rent works which caine o smuch diirent woe than A Strange Rete and is energized Study of soumds find their meanings. all of Tnabe poctry concn ‘a Sonnet LAbb4's posty is distinc eae of identity, landscape She preser ‘lefinition dryly sober, etry a part of : bea peo Wag Tanuary set, mecudanat Steang re memes Bank with no monthly fee by Getting a Value Plus Account for Students. For details visit tdcanadatrust.com/free Canada Trust Page 7 bar comms nudents and members Sie Before the even ngs fieton, Abbe wae intersiewed on GRC Ratio and dined with embers of te Eaglich English department and the (Cahada Counll for the Arte Sponsored and organic te a questi fnswer period tnd 2 fjoned, and infact won the Memorial i the year euch a young and omplishments are especially diffe the ras able 20. provide 8 fresh Etudfed issue’ of Canadian ‘deni, specifialy the am= tzity that some to cute i When ake te thal pety hada Tole to playeit Femoving tat shade oP noon isis sly Ses bosauee Enoagits and Teeings tha Since they ae coming from & Candin soyree, ean help sei 2h ber sacle Spam ar ei a Lizette Frappier Exhibition at STC ‘The doy Teste Cente hose langue ete be desenbod ae "sel taught ooed dag thre aisle To set marche maf ‘the Saab Pheatre Ceatre dur dosh Buck Setnce Teen Hello Readers, Ft off hop everyone had «good Chatto an are Thissemeser 5 shaping up To Be 2 great one ae for ane that ‘eas onthe sm reel psi tren ip ils SPA Tea safe Iysy tats wuikey sere wl Be tener event New le Bet th te wacky Word ofS nce ange Tacs ve en Jaret mnomncements and loot ‘chasing, st years big aes {kes whih avy ere ih flo the techology se {oetioy yous Biggest rade show fst ech ens ops and There os of product vis ft ac above You ae mers One of te eat prods ‘Sd about was. nen Tt wer tat LED o¢plosan TVs hd has ¢ berce pit, I only Goes inayat now SRI Soa S3S00 tat eprom Sees mow posable DVD that ols" ¢"chatge for around 12 fours Now ths fs gear shing ‘io of sunray sen ‘tod south ad ae subject aoa Teatro jour feet hate en hgh OF genie probe yer Pet fly besa able old cheer rons couples hors ick Incan nly 2 sible mows ac bi hi iat ecu to ge 1 Sonn Tse noe ae te oat by avi ad ey Bose 9000 wl sant da Hoth tr sina sn rs atthe do ot fer te featy a eecive: Theo ming gs se DN Plojr he fact tat se fame ize acters So anyone erste for rare front trae sone pin bus vides tp Tauggest iis BV ployer Ani big Headline isthe South "Attica Paralympics Shorpion Ose Pore ao fas ben ‘ld he co: compete inte Beiine Olympies ect Nin a utr avanage Dow i tas of sping ince T would dct yout he Seendetl srs ely Me Fan ur at hes thet am conceed ith the Sete ber tin hoses Sports, This fine may be fait ir many pele 2 wrap tise ade aloud Thste i 90 a ene ee Aen her ops oe having Droste bin of aay hn bo Thereshy i tht ay tenuis fhances hese now ime oF foimate become inereaing noe tice ad ralats.Gae day ‘wears goin to Have aeeple who hangs tel Hodis wih vans Sma ant sis ram hoe the Olypics comnts abi, to vecognize at sco wl Sune Sofbetwenn lets who ite tcl aman snd tee ‘sho are uring men mde tr {EC wo eahange the game" Ta {She sume probe hat sums Four Lies You Should Mai Stickdand ‘Youre prob shy a Tia No, ie re han So het tne yout detitety War You' may tot iow ak thas een the Point The feet Bethe matters han" yates five temas Bibi ol Sea fo ely the fog hes Though: th felamn we feamire fare se lechoads feted “saa maybe even We only use 10% of our brains. he Delief hat "humens fave a vat store of ntapped woven tas eet bron for over entry. tenn be traced as febackas oor hen timers ap soe al the ato Pretest gst ogee Examine “thelr unrealized ‘ket potential: However of teh, rowed Ing of neuroscience, cadence GUANTUM DOTS fro studio of brain damage ‘tin a rata a Siygest that people se far ‘atv than oh cf hibit Rot too mary people suter ruin damage withont som see thee funetional a= 1s, Ba imaging revels no istely siden, Eves mcr pi loatistion of he ane Shand response ot sae {ope cr dormant chunks, weve Inve at Tura aly eso of tek rng inte a bt of weight by cut say the riher Qo, Hah ‘Any velustoere? Shaving hair causes, itto grow back dark- er and coarser. Surly solve ead poe Je Say said it yours {ie you ae baie vl come baek dares ll arse ‘then betore Barbe Jouve even noticed iL Wall pe i enti tas tiat shaving hate hes sbsolutely no eect om air front hes ‘ng removes the ead gor obsac hai watt alec the tying setion ink below ths sal tac, easy io See how ths myth might oF ited be permet Fo Ser shating bese thing to do between breach and’ toothbrushing, "bat Because hey gry more fad more balr“and aged to Stel ie somehow Whetaer they Save ny they ee mote nai in'm ew months SCIENCE &TECH From the Grey Matter of Josh Buck. have now wih drugs ike steroids fn tesnolgy ike bls dep Ae. ¥6 move on int the become brand taldet 1 fewer, wien ths linet between tei and natural hocome ser we neal poopie who ml Sie hte ls or ra Pissing uy What happens Shc e hate iy te Seu? The technology Was soul i the news a scent fave awoken" dea heat na tapgons who Wwe mastee this ead te able to crete es Sraone?“Soauld athletes be Migwsa_ co"wnsplane newer ogres er es Thavalg tat he Olynie come suinse as fen is ist my ‘tance to the hun body ‘aaa the ales, and ie ee aes Poepeiuner perp gates tis the oly way to cme that ‘what were are nici Neh fgulr humane doing Seber apes may ‘he lib eno rent to ‘ones bel fy seo oe Ser he me of Garunon, Tt faskes i ‘seem. wrom ther re ese era teed otesoasl seating ‘etna bt nthe en They ae otic Thank oe doping by, 62 youn re weds Joshua Back Never Tell siomply besa, for exam, ihe egg through poe Secondly, shaved Tate tks the ie taper sen athe ends ff unshaten hse abusive the npresion of erareest aly new har bas at ye Ber heey the {hus nay per arse than sing hae, Rating turkey makes peaple especially sleepy. Many apt iaakanving dstner nap has ten easel under the pre {nthe turkey which make pes Be ly The myth eer may even go a0 a ato a ‘tat chem tpipphan. fun geld ich yj involved ia Sleep sid mat fonirol and high can ease (dtowsiness. Sitsaueitkey ‘Sapelty ood soutes of rye fopfan,” f"cersiniy ist Sieeptlonal. “Chicken ‘and tminced beet wong sl Te ame amount of the amino acd (960 my per vile ther gommen sourste of pro fein like cheese or pon fark trac on moe, 10 SP tsplophin, He shoull he ‘onstimedl on in empty som Scheel ote eae th erence) Setoripanied' by_cfunber Sterling hss Bhslologicl Teasons ‘way Goes might sctually make yossleepe An ane te ea bring en droveinees as blood flow aad ie aceompanying Sven re diverted rom The Thursday, January 17th, 2008 ee Did you know... [eeiet tae’ Nae We ota ar Re ee ce i om aw ae al rar at sng of dove ot Wipes ely tee We Se fae ged ed [Sietoed hy tne ntosaion shout thea on ts sit Tee arc | Wiener ota es car ee inatbor cing onset olnente gate oheh nw sot Teper ieee oso ick jn eu Frade of nes eh mec: a Ue Leet dy oe Eng ass cg oe aa te ji Nec pd cy | er ws upon ts anes wa andj gue jee ose wae rena he har comes fh INES iC ic ue a map fr a inset Hn er ee [eset prensa orci or anes [._, Sole wikia renew way wih we can cat | oa Sie ef nbiegs 0 wo jrenenseta Nacchner ene win ik ! beers Kairie Tie Sg’ sitar “Tat econ arms reg re ae weit fen actempanicl youl week iee valee Tien shies of wane ntoteton, low bed ‘Sits oul Sgt, Yu tm td ech eh Saha gor Sythe take probate Ret These esther es Mou ont tcenetng, Sete jure pi te berg inefundthlac datsuar gi Yuta aks ate Misti cuneate a on any uch These hile falsehoods pervade four ives, Nesetimeyou hear People should drink Sp of sun wisn (eta hee to Be a geek atleast eight glasses (pdr etter ti ofwateraday. — thinallar linle te and many more echo sa thet ene 8 forthng this reoommendatinn, Se dae mie oe tt ea Se an aah ‘rmectyour day atk pall cea eafftened aver Thursday, Janvary 17th, 2008 ATHLETI Page? Lady Vees To Participate In Battle For Breast Cancer Game | PORTER & THOMPSON ‘Alex Gratam covet oe ee eta Seon, Mikicuayiiarqnciiaetn agora te lke a eyes amateio cient at lana | NARROWLY Peseta eel st orc Dist SAGE Se MISS PODIUM. SEDPERY, Ort (aS dma ate and game reverts heal cna tie Cire Viel ks a Con. enh Spl sun Cet pr Ua wes on actin IN 10KM eee e MHI TorMecmy Nees will comnmerroraty the hep rave ands for is cause dna sy get nt CLASSIC win ado, ongaioss. ae for companies onc donning pink wea tat inp st Bands, pk socks and common Upvand while on he hovel, This chee Leta, has eer touche by {eer pune on Sada, Tan ith atthe Ben very Greg Hoddinott mitisgrert a ent as tpically oaly een this distose,” sad Vivagsursbas- Husot” whch 's a1 inti Athiste Marketing eager aah the Womens Gone forthe wemerts askin’ keball” headcover Shia antendod fr onsy tobe don ee Thowerer our mers tar Sands, “Specially mpeelly lie every port Trou | The Carentan Noni Shi tse et dues ae ee ‘Sun has so desided to volving shy. aster Catal (aum or he mg Ome aan, | 1908%@ te Lappe Nordic ual in ss ail go" toung | Ther Bay forthe withe GUN fn de face of the Torciple by canna commen Swores We fist wis inportrt al pe fre shite da warnep or the m's param to 4s3 Cann Dress Cancer fia! 'on the beach during the show support fr tc women is Faulaen SUDAURY, On. ~ Lawennan Unversity perormance Inthe 1.1 km tease cpnis resto me cen to Break the enecee proud to” announce” ‘vieor (23212) to go beng win Lis and isfy Seong atc Fars seasn, Case er titan ferneue ATHLETESOF (fee Pelee ree: cece: THE WEEK Semen = leaders on an exoerenend squad. Ths past home spit agahet” OUR rivals Rise ond" witman ane the Neri stam retin | ame nf :34 Neck, Witnan vavele song with the Qucans Univer to rove ther “ccord to to acon lan 25th and 272) 35 they tel tes olthe No-ce team lo These ay, On Son he sneen For the wo games, Holsuran, Ont 12 compen the sone Netethey competed ihe Oniaie Cup ice Carpe averaged 28 pats sie ebous, UA dengnae ase” pul on by Tre ald t te Lappe Rect 9 Clu, Wilran University Carpenter andthe’ Lady ees e] fad particu success wescend coring ftw ts achon ths weckenc as Oza a Hashing in eighth Calon Universi come 2 tn, pec (ianah whe Velor tmsua (Diloa” Oot) ad home wi a second place Sad iver real (Sub hand University of Ottawa ce was Chis Hanien Cn WOMEN’S 10 KM CLASSIC ‘Anna Coed iLakchend Thon (Cao, Graduate studies at the Faculty of Arts and at the Faculty of Social Sciences 5. Mary Thompson (Laurentian) Itstarts here. fags Generous financial support: 1 Chis Hanan (akehond) The Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences offer renewable Cora financial support between $15,500 and $18,000 per year. oa + 50 innovative programs + 470 profes 5 Mar Song {2 tend a pty Hea Sopa Tu of Ottawa is ranked fifth among ssl cone nt Canadian universities in research intensity. at ees JOttawa.ca th women uOttaw Thursday. Janvary 17th, 2008 ATHLETICS rege Doping in Sports |s there really a solution? Magaie Frampton re of the most kel thea aye ae et re hove fro Maple Leaf are thing or the Sodbury Wolves Doping in spr is one the Taany others Ive bee. nyse {ed for thet se of ptf ise cnbancing “dries Many Spor pure hes fale Mp ts si cotly and de ‘oveiag Bow ofc tletes Gree The Nation al Togs mse care thei 9 tive prora its her pe topic nanaraer and Borer eee je time sch ly given hack ee 2000 Sydney Muiog League Tahal bas (neo seetsormdesser working wth the Navona FEE nig The TOC wih Festa Leap sd US Ore Gonmace Hr pe ei Shanda us of ids Tey, ‘Gia nu ronearch for a etter Andean of Ge MLB arv the orly pater ia ‘ass ee with te US Obtnie eee ie Peofriona ‘Golf Assocation 1nd the Neo Hockey Leave Fetsve Me mele and thoy wl Sent mill tape Noe Sls she ote modal a mot ey am ray be pea tha ta they as ll Maing for a decison by the the biggest sas tom tock end field She ae role ae for rary jung erat. Toca he vd cumial cord and lost Al ere becuse tac lo het Siping senda The implementation of res ang regulon regain th se ‘cage apes ave teed bal vse bf spor Timselt Stonder hy thete ste ae teins nig ers Elon. ieee epeabateors Busy week for VOYAGEURS' CANNOT FEND OFF QUEEN'S. BALANCED ATTACK The dep ets ely a hana tne inuiy reaating the, National sea Tengo, sy Bonds, Roger Clemt and Inge” "Tho ste aeoved. ve hey ed he Ta rihneanet ec zaiee Ieger made two eight os ing a "lot_like ‘Stove Nash fc as fg Qua ‘ot fom he mak ‘Conch Swords ws fookeng of is ot hi ae ‘went foe too long of a such any game ee we gsc tes fo tns pec and hus ‘Sow ce datoeive ead well “ream i rout ext Ottawa and Carleton” who are LADY VEES STUNNED BY PESKY GAELS 73-71, Laren pe tn Saunt li neue Quen! ett ne Se dsl tone Rah Sees acl Te ed Bey uoos Teal a Seon ed gua Sout cap See Gone On Bes no Scott a “anresan Unity Atltes Pak they di soe allow The Laurentian Voys [Setensay ‘ay shoe fan tn sowen' kata! ten se tliat an tarde we dekne Fre hk fe lose ofS ‘ely we one Sonia bearish Een, Tuo" quarter ehded wah TI inthe Queers Gallen Gale seenin Sl he game at Golden Gas. foward Sarah ee wie: Caer One Regu much nore he the pier sit" stad pay. SG he Lady Nes wa 3 vein crs cue ote Roe ‘Shumpngout os ie ead by a eeneunaeen, bur aidvay Sotagh he nat Wok all of Be wd to he arena defense They led to toke all gua ne oyegems could wale rebounds but could not capitalize ‘Queens was droppin shots 02% ese on ie cout The the Lady Wes eany to setle fal cua sting Lannion Gow. However, he Gass Sus ewoongentofasz acne,” gue somal them t tke 3 Qui shot a unbel (Quoc picked up the fish converting thet these Cee arose is one of he most popu etia! tera youn len who say tp late ate Baer Sonds et Naruto fe fe foe ues sport Tee Tejpsnig sal le of ors td by the grcsest athletes Olympian Marion Jones poses with her medals from the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Jones eventually relurned her medals as part of a doping investigation by the International Olympic Committe, Laurentian basketball any 48-31 tbl "he Lady Wisse mh ieee tse son iat eee a lop wentoa cary 103 me ket a iEn since ey amin th Sst (fan He nr bg ry ae ea Capote, "Hower, the tne ieeive minute of ea tod od be td of 4 se ‘The uae nex Balhae Gun ating Dott hoot ete fist pases Svc ads Vested ec, ‘hsovehou differs pains of te ‘fate ek Guest ae dong, aaa Wess Si at Sole eager ny Ta Yes opponents seo, The Lady eds el eh 93-4 seven tp Dat Baris hk mater he Erp ens ae Tncepotter wale 3.6 sem en EARLIER WINS: KS 5 spp thar season Nigh Sit fie losing senk witha bie 2 Botany over tte Hoyal ‘Miia’ Cotege Paladins. Paul Kone hero eee ‘ight eters latte pie Ein Viry-Cox (Gergen, Ont) TRAC ne The Laurean Lady Yes ostad he west RA this ‘rebing looking fo improve dee See aes Sonvineiag fashion, the Lady ‘esron ecard to9-3 pacing them seep ene aE oua “ipeopeig and eee rove learned 90 ma” That bo the gle mest “detent deere ‘cowie omer Are you ready to make a difference? oe ei Sete" saan i Se eae Hd ray le po SEUSS roe ao a Sern Heese he Boe pate Summer Work Positions www.frontiercollege.ca We tere nelly wea i the nt weet eps tropa” bad Lady oo ted titan Tug on FRONTIER fay tc hs sc sane tite wanotona ER Eire werent ble 19 make Totmterrtened nator. COLLEGE Ge wiles Ona te Ga begpnis ss abso SR ee afin et OE bank hereto the OLS commuters Comte PRONTIERE es Tipo se x6 Pas

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