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Lake Superior Basin Segment of the Midcontinent Rift System PDF

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Preview Lake Superior Basin Segment of the Midcontinent Rift System

IGC FIELD TRIP T344: "LAKE SUPERIOR BASIN SEGMENT OF THE MIDCONTINENT RIFT SYSTEM" INTRODUCTION Albert B. Dickas University of Wisconsin-Superior M.G. Mudrey, Jr. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Madison, Wisconsin Fifty-six years ago (1933), the geology of ments and a larger time than all the post the "Lake Superior Region" (Fig. 1), consti Cambrian of North America." tuting Excursion C-4, was presented as Guide book 27 of the XVI International Geological The remainder of this introduction briefly Congress. The field guide for this excursion summarizes the "three periods of mountain was prepared by W.O. Hotchkiss of the Michi building, the three periods of extensive plu gan College of Mining and Technology (now tonic-intrusion and at least four major Michigan Technological University) and sold unconformities," as they were then known. It for 25 cents. is interesting from a historical perspective In his introduction to this guidebook, to note how Charles Leith presented the Ke C.K. Leith (University of Wisconsin) states: weenawan (now known as the rift) sequence: "The Lake Superior region has been of spe "Keweenawan: Next below (the Cambrian) is cial interest to students of pre-Cambrian the nonfossiliferous Keweenawan series, con geology because it presents the largest and sisting of an immense mass, possibly 5 miles most varied pre-Cambrian succession that has (8 kilometers) thick, of sandstone, with intercalcated shales and conglomerates, con been definitely worked out. Its content of taining in its lower part large quantities of valuable iron and copper ores has made pos extrusive lavas and intrusive laccoliths and sible more intensive and detailed studies sills. In degree of metamorphism it is more than have been accorded to extensive pre like the Cambrian than the underlying Huro Cambrian areas elsewhere. The pre-Cambrian nian series. It has characteristic reddish, succession now known (in the Lake Superior yellowish, and purplish colors and carries area) represents a greater thickness of sedi- various evidences that it was essentially a continental deposit under semiarid condi tions. Its lower part is tilted in marked unconformity to the Cambrian, but its upper part lies nearly, if not quite, parallel to the Cambrian. Obviously, it was mainly depo sited in an independent basin before the incursion of the Upper Cambrian sea. Although the Keweenawan is pre-Cambrian in the sense of preceding the Upper Cambrian transgres ' sion, having structural and igneous affilia ',~ISCONSIN tions with the pre-Cambrian, and being non M-IN-N-E-S-O-T-A- .J, fossiliferous, it may be Cambrian in the sense that it was being formed at the same IOWA :. . time as Middle and Lower Cambrian sediments in distant Cambrian seas." , ... Today, as we gather from many nations of I the world for field trip T344 of the 28th International Geological Congress, compari FIGURE 1 Location map of the Lake Superior sons with conditions in 1933 form distinct region in relation to U.S. Great Lakes states contrasts. In 1989, with a singular excep and Canadian province of Ontario. Scale 1 em tion, the copper mines are closed and the equals 160 km. T344: 1 massive iron ore fields (Fig. 2) have fallen and polyphase deformation (Soudan Iron under difficult economic climates. Yet, a formation in northern Minnesota), to name a new era of evaluation and exploration has few. begun. The Lake Superior Keweenawan section Active economic development of the region is widely recognized as one of the finest began with the announcement in 1841 of the extant examples of continental rifting. The discovery of copper in lava flows of the Kew advent of industrial evaluation of the hydro eenaw Peninsula by Douglas Houghton, the carbon potential of these rift strata, begin first Michigan state geologist. Many small ning in 1983, has directly and indirectly mines were soon opened and villages sprang facilitated the collection of approximately into existence. The first systematic geo 4200 km of seismic reflection data in the logic survey of Minnesota began in 1872 under Lake Superior district, in addition to sup the direction of N.H. Winchell. A similar portive magnetic and gravity surveys (Dickas, program began in 1873 in Wisconsin and was in press) . supervised by T.C. Chamberlin. As a result .... .;,;,~--~/- ~lllil, --, O.,l ISlE Sor..q "" ~~lo ROYALE DISTRICT \.f~ NATIVE ~ KEWEENAW PENINSULA ~v ~-~~ COPPER Fd t DISTRICT HOUGHTON WHI~ PINE e ~ A:: a COPPER· NICKLE ~ J ORE TYPE 0 Km 100 FIGURE 2 Map of the Lake Superior region showing major known and potential metallic mineral districts. Adopted from Sims (1976), reprinted by permis sion of Economic Geology. This new period of exploration within the of state surveys and work by the Lake Supe Lake Superior region has altered our inter rior district of the U.S. Geological Survey, pretation of its geologic development, espe Van Hise and Leith were able to produce by cially during Keweenawan time. Many of these 1911 a comprehensive summary of the Lake updated geologic relationships will be Superior area. Work continues today and examined during the process of this field includes the active participation of govern trip, conducted within the central part of ment surveys and state universities. the largest area of exposed Precambrian rock Our principal focus will be on the geo in the United States. This region has been logic history of the youngest Precambrian the site of many classical studies in struc rock in the region, the Keweenawan. This tural, metamorphic, economic, and glacial rock is the remnant of major continental geology. Traditionally, geologic studies have rifting, initiated 1100 Ma. This Midconti focused on the economically important iron nent Rift System trends from the Lake Supe and copper mining districts that played a rior region to as far southwest as Kansas and major role in the industrial development of as far southeast as southern Michigan (Fig. the. United States. Numerous pioneering 3). Initial work in the Lake Superior region studies of Precambrian geology have taken emphasized copper mineralization. This area place here, including those pertinent to was the site of much early paleomagnetic pyroxene (pigeonite at Pigeon Point, Minne work, defining the concept of rapid Precam sota), iron-formation facies (in Michigan), brian polar wander with the definition of the phase layering and lopoliths (the Duluth Com Logan Loop. Most recently, because of newer plex of Minnesota), isotope geochronology (in ideas of petroleum genesis and the occurrence Minnesota), structural relationships of slaty of petroleum seeps in the sole remaining cop cleavage (outcrops near Baraboo, Wisconsin) per mine at White Pine, Michigan, application T344: 2 of reflection and refraction seismic techni ques in the search for hydrocarbons has revi talized our thinking of the region's tectonic evolution. Many geologists who have worked for a time near Lake Superior are forever haunted by its stark majesty and its subtle charm. For you, our guests, we wish a pleasant and rewarding journey ~hrough this land. May you too come .... under the spell of this magnificent lake, the largest in the world by surface area, and its shoreline. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), the great American writer, put it this way in 1855 in his poem "The Song of Hiawatha" .... By the shores of Gitche Gummee By the shining Big-Sea-Water Pi!j:jiiiEI LOW t{ Stood the wigwam of Nokomis, 1 ""' I 2I0 0 BOUGUER. GRAVITY Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis. ... 100 Dark behind it rose the forest, Rose the black and gloomy pine trees, FIGURE 3 Bouguer gravity residual of the Mid Rose the firs with cones upon them; continent Rift System and its two geophysical entities, the Midcontinent Gravity High and the Mid-Michigan Gravity High. After Dickas Bright before it beat the water, (1986a), reprinted by permission of American Beat the clear and sunny water, Association of Petroleum Geologists. Beat the shining Big-Sea-Water. BRIEF GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF THE GREATER LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Richard A. Paull University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Rachel K. Paull University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Early geologic history of the Lake Supe the Marquette area in Michigan. Geographi rior region is complex and difficult to cally associated greenstone complexes with decipher because of the overprint of a pro granitic intrusives are 2,750 m.y. to 2,600 gression of younger Precambrian glacial depo m.y. old, and may represent a younger crustal sits. In spite of these difficulties, the use block welded to the older rocks to form the of geophysics, geochemistry, and isotopic age cratonic "basement" for this region. dating in recent years provides evidence for Tectonic stability and erosion in the sedimentation in primeval oceans, extensive early Proterozoic resulted in accumulation of volcanic activity, intrusion of large masses a sedimentary succession consisting of sand of igneous rocks, collision and rifting of stone, conglomerate, algal dolomite, economi continental plates, episodes of mountain cally significant iron formation, turbi building and intervals of erosion. dites, and volcanics along the southern mar The oldest rocks in Wisconsin and upper gin of the Archean protocraton 1,900 m.y. to Michigan are Archean (Precambrian W) gneiss 1,850 m.y. ago. This dominantly sedimentary and amphibolite that range in age from 3,500 succession, termed the Animikean sequence m.y. to 2,800 m.y. These rocks (Pre-KW, Fig. (Fig. 5), was deformed during the Penokean 4) are exposed in a discontinuous belt trend orogeny 1,860 m.y. to 1,800 m.y. ago by a ing northeastward from northern Wisconsin to plate collision along the southern edge of T344: 3 of reflection and refraction seismic techni ques in the search for hydrocarbons has revi talized our thinking of the region's tectonic evolution. Many geologists who have worked for a time near Lake Superior are forever haunted by its stark majesty and its subtle charm. For you, our guests, we wish a pleasant and rewarding journey ~hrough this land. May you too come .... under the spell of this magnificent lake, the largest in the world by surface area, and its shoreline. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), the great American writer, put it this way in 1855 in his poem "The Song of Hiawatha" .... By the shores of Gitche Gummee By the shining Big-Sea-Water Pi!j:jiiiEI LOW t{ Stood the wigwam of Nokomis, 1 ""' I 2I0 0 BOUGUER. GRAVITY Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis. ... 100 Dark behind it rose the forest, Rose the black and gloomy pine trees, FIGURE 3 Bouguer gravity residual of the Mid Rose the firs with cones upon them; continent Rift System and its two geophysical entities, the Midcontinent Gravity High and the Mid-Michigan Gravity High. After Dickas Bright before it beat the water, (1986a), reprinted by permission of American Beat the clear and sunny water, Association of Petroleum Geologists. Beat the shining Big-Sea-Water. BRIEF GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF THE GREATER LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Richard A. Paull University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Rachel K. Paull University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Early geologic history of the Lake Supe the Marquette area in Michigan. Geographi rior region is complex and difficult to cally associated greenstone complexes with decipher because of the overprint of a pro granitic intrusives are 2,750 m.y. to 2,600 gression of younger Precambrian glacial depo m.y. old, and may represent a younger crustal sits. In spite of these difficulties, the use block welded to the older rocks to form the of geophysics, geochemistry, and isotopic age cratonic "basement" for this region. dating in recent years provides evidence for Tectonic stability and erosion in the sedimentation in primeval oceans, extensive early Proterozoic resulted in accumulation of volcanic activity, intrusion of large masses a sedimentary succession consisting of sand of igneous rocks, collision and rifting of stone, conglomerate, algal dolomite, economi continental plates, episodes of mountain cally significant iron formation, turbi building and intervals of erosion. dites, and volcanics along the southern mar The oldest rocks in Wisconsin and upper gin of the Archean protocraton 1,900 m.y. to Michigan are Archean (Precambrian W) gneiss 1,850 m.y. ago. This dominantly sedimentary and amphibolite that range in age from 3,500 succession, termed the Animikean sequence m.y. to 2,800 m.y. These rocks (Pre-KW, Fig. (Fig. 5), was deformed during the Penokean 4) are exposed in a discontinuous belt trend orogeny 1,860 m.y. to 1,800 m.y. ago by a ing northeastward from northern Wisconsin to plate collision along the southern edge of T344: 3 ONTARIO PRE-KW.-: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~~~~~~~~~~;7._.;:::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.-.: -· . ..... . . . . . . . . . . :'. . ·. . MIC.HIGAN <· .· ::::. ·.· .- .· > :::: :.:.;;: :::::::: ·.·. ~ .-::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::-:· .. 1 . . ·.·.·:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:· PRE..:J<w: :-:-· . .· .·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.···;j ............... 0 40 MILES .·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.~~.·.·.·.·.·.·-· I I I .:..: :...: :...: :...: :...: .:.. ~. . .-.~ ~~pNSiN 0 60 KM :::-:····GENERALIZED GEOLOGIC MAP OF . NW WISCONSIN AND ADJACENT AREAS FIGURE 4 Map of the Midcontinent Rift geology in the western Lake Superior region. From Paull (1986), reprinted by permission of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. the depositional area. This major tectonic of Lake Superior. event uplifted, deformed and metamorphosed After about 65 km of separation, this rift rocks along the southern margin of the system failed and compression produced a cen Archean crust into a major mountain system, tral horst with several km of vertical dis and accreted another plate to the southern placement. Central and flanking basins edge of the growing North American craton. accumulated up to 1,500 m of latest Precam Remnants of the early Proterozoic rocks in brian terrigenous clastics assigned to the this region are exposed as high ridges called Jacobsville Sandstone (Michigan), the Bay iron ranges. These include the Menominee and field and Oronto Groups (Wisconsin and Michi Marquette ranges of Michigan, the Penokee gan) and equivalent formations in Minnesota Gogebic Range of Michigan and Wisconsin and (Fig. 4). These rocks are unconformable on the Mesabi and Cuyuna of Minnesota (Fig. 2). older Precambrian rocks throughout the south Middle to late Proterozoic (Precambrian Y) ern Lake Superior region. geologic history involves volcanism and sedi An erosional interval associated with mentation associated with the development of minor structural movement at the end of the the Midcontinent Rift System 1,150 m.y to Precambrian is indicated by slight angular 1,000 m.y. ago. This remarkable feature discordance between Jacobsville rocks and loops north and west from southern Michigan Upper Cambrian marine sandstones in northern into Lake Superior and southward through Michigan. Regional relations suggest that parts of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Kan periodic transgressions of Late Cambrian and sas (Fig. 3). It is now buried throughout Early Ordovician seas spread across the most of this area, but spectacular exposures entire Lake Superior region. A major ero of about 12,000 m of Keweenawan sedimentary sional interval in the Middle Ordovician and and volcanic rocks that accumulated in this periodic marine inundations during the Late depression are present along the south shore Ordovician and Silurian probably followed. T344: 4

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