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6-Uhc^-z'l) National Highway Authority FRi[no'r wi$rr.-lv5 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR_ GROUNDV ALIDATION/REVIEW O F FEASIBILITY STUDY KARACHI - LAHORE SECTIONSO F MOTORWAY ABDUL HAKEEM - LAHORB SECTION (229K M). Marchr 2OL4 (Page 1 to 83) Table of Contents DESCRTPTION .. PAGE NO. Page I of 83 APPENDIX (I) GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY 27-MauveA rea. G-9/1. PostB ox No. 120i, ISLAMABAD Dated the Ref No. LETTER OF INVITATION (LOD To, All shortl istedc onsultants Gentlemen! We extend warm welcome to you and invite you for participating in this project. We hope that you will live up to your reputation and provide us accurate information so that the 'Just evaluation is carried out and transparent".P lease understandt hat the contents of this RFP, where applicable, shall be deemed part of the contract agreement. An example to this affect can be the contentso f your work plan and methodology which you shall be submitting in your technical proposal. Since that is the basis of the selection,t herefore, it shall become part of the contract agreements ubject to approval/revisionso f the sameb y NHA during the negotiations.S imilarly, all other services and the content contributing to services shall be deemed part of the contract agreementu nless it is specified for any particular item up-front in your technical proposal which obviously will make your proposal a conditional proposal whereby, authorizing NHA to may or may not considert o evaluatey our proposal.P leaseu nderstandt hat if no such mention appearsu p- front (i.e. on front page of technical proposal)t hen it shall be deemedt hat the consultanti s in 100% agreementto the above. You are also advisedt o kindly read the RFP thoroughly as it can drastically affect the price structure for various services which may not be appearing directly in the terms of reference.I n the end, we appreciatey our participation and hope that you will feed a good proposal to merit considerationb v NHA. l. INTRODUCTION l.l You are hereby invited to submit a technical and a financial proposal for consulting services required for the assignment named in the attached LOI Data Sheet (referred to as "Data Sheet" hereafter) annexed with this letter. Your proposal could form the basis for future negotiations and ultimately a Contract between your firm and the Client named in the Data Sheet. t.2 A brief description of the assignmenta nd its objectives are given in the Data Sheet. Details are provided in the attachedR FP for design services provided in the Documents, and will becomep art of agreements ubsequently. t.3 The assignmenst hall be implementedin accordancew ith the pqafrng-,tpqcifiedin the DataS heet. .,.:i. "r-'^-. .:i..: GroundV alidation/Revicwo f FeasibilityS tudy Karachi - LahoreS ectionso f Motorway Abdul Hakeem- Lahore Scction( 229K m) 2of83 IA The Client has been entrustedt he duty to implement the Project as Executing Agency by t.T Governmento f Pakistan( GoP) and funds for the project shall be arrangedb y the Client. 1.5 To obtain first-hand information on the assignmenta nd on the local conditions, you are encouragedt o pay a visit to the Client before submitting a proposal and attend a pre- proposal conference if specified in the Data Sheet. Your representatives hall meet the named officials on the date and time specified in the Data Sheet. Pleasee nsuret hat these officials are advised of the visit in advance to allow adequate time for them to make appropriatea rrangements.Y ou must fully inform yourself of local conditions and take them into account in preparing your proposal. t.6 Pleasen ote that: The cost of preparing the proposal and of negotiatingt he Contract, including a visit to the Client, are not reimbursablea s a direct cost of the assignment,a nd The Client is not bound to accepta ny of the proposalss ubmitted. ll. The Consultant may please note not to suggest names of key staff already proposed in other proposals with the Client or awarded recently. This will affect adversely marking of these professionals in evaluation of the technical proposal. Their secured points are liable to be reducedby 50Yoi f their name appearsi n more than I previous proposal in which they are ranked No.l. Also the existing load of work with a firm shall be oonsidereda s one of the factors for the consideration in the award of the work. iii. Form ,A.3 is meant for comments on provision contained in RFP and Terms of Reference(TOR) and unless the observations are noted in this particular forms, any thing written elsewhereo n this accounti ncluding financial implications, if any, shall be consideredo fno consequencein the evaluationp rocess. iv. The Client shall provide the inputs for this assignmenta s given in the Data Sheet. t.7 We wish to remind you that in order to avoid conflicts of interest: Any firm providing goods, works, or services with which you are affiliated or associatedi s not eligible to participate in bidding for any goods, works, or services (other than the servicesa nd any continuationt hereof) resulting from or associatedw ith the project of which this assignmentf orms a part; and b. Any previous or ongoing participation in relation with the project by your firm, its professional staff, its affiliates or associatesu nder a Contract may result in rejection of your proposal. You should clarify your situation in that respectw ith the Client before preparingt he proposal. The final person-months of each expert is subject to adjustment at the stage of contract negotiation in line with demonstrateda pproachesm ethodology and need bases. 1.8 The nameso f the invited consultantsa re siven theD ataS heet. fi;l \\.,! \\;. \I? Ground Validation/Review o f Feasibility Study Karachi - Lahore Sectionso f Motorway Abdul Hakeem - Lahore 3of83 ,, DOCUMENTS 2.1 To preparea proposalp, leaseu set he Documentss pecifiedin the DataS heet. 2.2 Consultantsre quiringa clarificationo f the Documentsm ust notify the Client, in writing, not later than five (05) days before the proposals ubmissiond ate. Any requestf or clarificationi n writing, or by cable,t elex or tele-faxs hall be sentt o the Client's address specifiedi n the Data Sheet. The Client shall respondb y cable,t elex or telefax to such requestsa ndc opieso f the responsesh allb e sentt o all invitedC onsultants. At any time beforet he submissiono f proposalst,h e Clientm ay,f or any reasonw, hethera t L.J its own initiativeo r in responseto a clarificationr equestedb y an invited consultingf irm, modify the Documentsb y amendmentT. he amendmensth allb e senti n writing or by cable, telex or telefaxt o all invitedc onsultingfi rms andw ill be bindingo n them. The Client may at its discretione xtendt he deadlinesfo r the submissiono f proposals. 3. PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL It will consisto f two parts- Technicaal ndF inancial 3.1 Technical Proposal 3.1.1 The Technical Proposals hould be submittedu sing the format specifieda nd shall include duly signed and stamped forms appended with the RFP. This is a mandatory requirement for evaluation of proposalsa nd needst o be filled up carefully. 3.1.2 For Technical Proposal,t he general approach and methodology which you propose for carrying out the services covered in the TOR, including such detailed information as you deem relevant, together with your appreciation of the Project from provided details and a. A detailed overall work program to be provided with timing of the assignmento f each expert or other staff member assignedt o the project. This will also provide the Client an opportunity to effectively monitor work progress. b. Total number of man-months and project duration as per TOR. Clear description of the responsibilities of each expert staff member within the overall work program. d. The Curriculum Vitae (CV) of all Key Staff membersa nd an affidavit that proposed staff shall be available for the assignment during the project duration and their present place of duty may also be specified.T he Consultantsa re advised to suggest such namest hat shall be available for the Assignment. The technical proposals hall include duly filled in forms provided with this RFP. The name, background and professional experience of each expert staff member to be assignedt o the project, with particular referencet o his experienceo f work of a nature similar to that of the proposeda ssignment. Current commitments and past performance are the basic criteria of technical proposal.Y ou are requiredt o provide the details of presentc ommitments/on-g oing Ground Validation/Revicwo f FeasibilityS tudy Karachi - Lahore Sectionso f Motorway Abdul Hakceml ii'i jobs as referred in the form ,{9 of technical proposal. Further, the basisf orthe past performance is the report from Design Section and ConstructionW ing.of the Client. 3.1.3 In preparing the technical proposal,y ou are expectedt o examine all terms and instructions included in the Documents. Failure to provide all requestedi nformation shall be at your own risk and may result adverselyi n the scoring of your proposal. The proposal should be prepared as per RFP and any suggestion or review of staff etc. should be clearly spelt out in form ,{3. This will be discusseda t the time of negotiation meeting as and when called. 3.1.4 During preparation of the technical proposal, you must give particular attention to the following: The Firm needst o be registeredw ith PakistanE ngineeringC ouncil (PEC). b. If you consider that your firm does not have all the expertise for the assignmenty ou may obtain a full range of experienceb y associatingw ith other firms or entities. You may also utilize the services of expatriate experts but only to the extent for which the requisite expertise is not available in any Pakistani firm. You may not associatew ith the other firms invited for this assignmentu nless specified in the Data Sheet.I n case of Joint Venture, the proposal should state clearly partners will be "Jointly and Severally" responsible for performance under the Contract and one partner will be "solely" responsiblef or alldealings with the Client on behalf of the Joint Venture. His "Special Power of Attorney on this account is to be enclosed.J V will be got registered by PEC. Lead partner shall retain full and undivided responsibility for the performance of obligations and satisfactoryc ompletion of the consultancy servicesw orks. A copy of joint venture agreement to be provided at the time of finalizing the contract documents with specific responsibilitiesa nd assignmentst o be looked after by each partner. Subcontractingp art of the assignmentt o the other Consultantsi s not discourageda nd SpecialistS ub-Consultantsm ay be included. d. The key professional staff proposeds hall be permanente mployeeso f the firm unless otherwise specified in the Data Sheet. The minimum stay with the firm for such personsi s Six months please.N o alternativet o key professionals taff may be proposed and only one CV may be submitted for each position. The minimum required experienceo f proposedK ey Staff is specified in the Data Sheet. e. The training shall be imparted during the currency of the contract if specified in the Data Sheet. 3.1.5 The technical proposal shall not include any financial information. The Consultant's comments, if any, on the data, services and facilities to be provided by the Client and specified in the TOR shall be included in the technical proposal. 3.2 FinancialP roposal 3.2.1 The financialp roposals houldb e submittedu singt he format specifieda nd enclosedw ith this RFP. This is a mandatoryr equirementf or evaluation of proposalsa nd needst o be filled up carefully.T he totalc osti s to be specifiedin the FormA -15, l Ground Validation/Rcview o f Feasibility Study Karachi - Lahore Sectionso fMotorway Abdul Hakeem - La{tpfe 3.2.2 The financial proposal should list the costs associatedw ith the Assignment. These normally cover remuneration for staff in the field and at headquarters, per diem, housing, transportationf or mobilization and demobilization, servicesa nd equipment (vehicles,o ffice equipmentf urniture and supplies),p rinting of documents,s urveysa nd investigations.T hese costs should be broken into foreign (if applicable)a nd local costs. Your financial proposal should be preparedu sing the formats attacheda s forms A10 to A15. 3.2.3 The financial proposal shall also take into account the professional liability as provided under the relevant PEC Bye-Laws and cost of insurancess pecified in the Data Sheet. 3.2.4 Costs may be expressedi n currency (s) listed in the Data Sheet. 3.2.5 The evaluation committee will correct any computational errors. When correcting computational errors, in case of discrepancy between apartial amount and the total amount, or between word and figures the formers will prevail. In addition to the above corrections, activities and items described in the Technical Proposalsb ut not priced, in the Financial Proposalss hall be assumedt o be included in the prices of other activities or items. In case an activity or item is quantified in the Financial Proposal differently from the Technical Proposal,t he evaluationc ommittee shall correctt he quantification specified in the Financial Proposals o as to make it consistentw ith that specifiedi n the Technical Proposal. 4. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS 4.1 You shall submit one original technical proposala nd one original financial proposal and the number of copies of each specified in the Data Sheet.E ach proposal shall be in a separate envelope indicating original or copy, as appropriate.A ll technical proposalss hall be placed in an envelopec learly marked "Technical Proposal" and the financial proposals in the one marked "Financial Proposal". These two envelops, in turn, shall be sealed in an outer envelop bearingt he addressa nd information specifiedi n the Data Sheet.T he envelopes hall be clearly marked, "DO NOT OPEN, EXCEPT IN PRESENCE OF THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE." 4.2 In the event of any discrepancy between the copies of the proposal, the original shall govern. The original and each copy of the technical and financial proposals shall be preparedi n indelible ink and shall be signed by the authorizedC onsultant's representative. The representative'sa uthorization shall be confirmed by a written power of attorney accompanyingt he proposals. All pages of the technical and financial proposals shall be initialed by the persono r personss igning the proposal. tA+'.5 The proposal shall contain no interlineationso r overwriting except as necessaryt o correct errors made by the Consultantst hemselves.A ny such corrections shall be initialed by the persono r personss igning the proposal. 4.4 The completed technical and financial proposalss hall be delivered on or before the time, date, and the location specified in the Data Sheet. 4.5 The proposalss hall be valid for the number of days statedi n the Data Sheetf rom the date of its submission.D uring this period, you shall keep available the professional staff proposed for the assignment.T he Client shall make its best effort to comple6"-ne*oJiationsa t the location stated in the Data Sheet within this period. ,7.firt!1\5.;;..." Ground Validation/Reviewo f FeasibilityS tudy Karachi - Lahore Sectionso f Motorway Abdul 5. PROPOSAL EVALUATION 5.t A Single-Stage-Two-Envelopep roceduress hall be adopted in ranking of the proposals.T he technical evaluation shall be carried out first, followed by the financial evaluation. The consultants shall be rankedu sing a combinedt echnical/financials core. 5.2 Technical Proposal 5.2.1 The evaluation committee appointedb y the Clienf shall cary out its evaluation for all the projects as listed in Para 1.1, applying the evaluation criteria and point system specified in the Data Sheet. Each responsive proposal shall be given a technical score: St. The Consultants scoring less than seventy (70) percent points shall be rejected and their fi nancial proposalsr eturnedu n-opened. 5.3 Financial Proposal 5.3.1 The financial proposalso f the qualifying Consultantso n the basis of evaluation of technical proposals shall be opened in the presenceo f the representativeso f these Consultants,w ho shall be invited for the occasiona nd who care to affend. The Client shall inform the date. time and addressf or opening of financial proposalsa s specified in the Data Sheet.T he total cost and rnajor componentso f each proposal shall be publicly announcedt o the attending representativeso f the firms. 5.3.2 The evaluation committee shall determinew hether the financial proposalsa re complete and without computationale ruors.T he lowest financial proposal (Fm) among all shall be given a financial score: Sf of 1000 points. The financial scoreso f the proposalss hall be computed as follows: S/: (1000x Fm)/F (F : amount of specific financial proposal) 5.3.3 Proposals, in the Quality Cum Cost Based Selection (QCBS) shall finally be ranked accordingt o their combined technical( St) and financial (S) scoresu sing the weights (T- the weight given to the technical proposal, P : the weight given to the financial proposal, and T+P=l) statedi n the Data Sheet: S: St xT %o+Sxf PYo 6. NEGOTIATION 6.1 Prior to the expiration of proposalv alidity, the Client shall notiff the successfulC onsultant who submitted the highest ranking proposal in writing, by registeredl effer, cable telex or facsimile and invite it to negotiatet he Contract. 6.2 Negotiations normally take from two to five days. The aim is to reach agreemento n all points and initial a draft contractb y the conclusion of negotiations. 6.3 Negotiations shall commence with a discussiono f your technical proposal. The proposed methodology, work plan, staffing and any suggestionsy ou may have made to improve the TOR. Agreement shall then be reached on the final TOR, the staffing, and the bir charts, Ground validation/Revicw o f Feasibility study Karachi - Lahore sections of Motor;r1ily Hakeem - I,ahore Section (229 Km) ,i!.:,' . 7 of83 il,,, \ni'f which shall indicate activities, staff, periods in the field and in the home office, staff months, logistics and reporting. 6.4 Changesa greedu pon shall then be reflected in the financial proposal, using proposedu nit rates (no negotiation of the staff month rates). 6.5 Having selectedC onsultantso n the basis of, among other things, an evaluation of proposed key professional staff, the Client expects to negotiate a contract on the basis of the staff named in the proposal.P rior to contract negotiations,t he Client shall require assurancetsh at the staff members will be actually available.T he Client shall not consider substitutionso f key staff except in cases of un-expected delays in the starting date or incapacity of key professionals taff for reasonso f health. 6.6 The negotiationss hall be concluded with a review of the draft form of the contract. The Client and the Consultants shall finalize the contract to conclude negotiations. If negotiationsf ail, the Client shall invite the Consultantst hat received the second highest score in ranking to Contract negotiations.T he procedurew ill continue with the third in case the negotiationp rocessi s not successfulw ith the secondr anked consultants. 1 AWARD OF CONTRACT 7.1 The contract shall be awarded after successfuln egotiationsw ith the selectedC onsultants and approved by the competent authority. Upon successful completion of negotiations/initialing of the draft contract, the Client shall promptly inform the other Consultantst hat their proposalsh ave not beens elected. 7.2 The selected Consultant is expected to commence the assignment on the date and at the location specifiedi n the Data Sheet. 8. CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT 8.1 Pleasei nform the client by telex/facsimilec ourier or any other means: (i) That you receivedt he letter of invitation; (iD Whether you will submit d proposal;a nd (iiD If you plan to submit a proposal,w hen and how you will transmit it. GeneralM anager (P&CA) National Highway Authority Ministry of Communications Governmento f Pakistan 28-MauveA rea,G -911I,s lamabad E-mail [email protected] Websitew: ww.nhag. ov.pk Telephon:e + 92-51 - 9032277 Fax:+ 92-51- 9260419 Ground Validation/Review o f Feasitritity Study Karachi - Lahore Sectionso f Motorway Abdul Hakeem - Lahore Section (22g Kml 8 of83 DATAS HEET LOI Clause DESCRIPTION OF THE CLAUSE No The nameo f the Assignmenti s: Ground Validation/Review o f Feasibility Study Karachi - Lahore Sectionso f t.l Motorway Abdul Hakeem - Lahore Section Q29 Km). Then ameo f the Clienl is: National Highway Authority 1.2 The descriptiona ndt he objectiveso f the assignmenat re: As per TOR Phasingo f the Assignment( if any): Nil 1.3 The Consultants hall commencet he Assignmentupon Signing of Contract Agreementb etween NHA andt he successfuCl onsultant. Pre-ProposaCl onferenceY: es _{_ No _ The name(s)a nd address(eso) f the Official(s) is (are): GeneralM anager( P&CA) 1.5 National Highway Authority 28, Mauve Area,G-9ll Islamabad Date,T ime and Venuef or Pre-proposaCl onference:2 4'hM arch, 2Ol4 at 1130h ours in the office of GeneralM anager (P&CA) NHA. Thes ub-clausset andsd eleted. 1.6( ii) The consultantm ust note that one consultants ingle entity, JV or Associationi f standsN o.1 ranked 1.6( v) after Technical and Financial Evaluationw ill be consideredf or one Motorway sectiono nly (ref RFP notice for theses ervices).T he financial proposalso f such Consultingf irm being awardeda ny of theseM otorway proiectsw ill not be enteftainedfo r remainingt wo sections. 1.6 The Clients hallp rovidet he following inputs: (iv) As per'fOR and Appendix D. The FeasibilityS tudy as conductedb y ChineseC onsultanti s availablew hich will be sharedw ith the consultant. Tlie Invited Consultantsa re: Any firm meetingt he following requirements: (a) Valid RegistrationC ertificateo f PakistanE ngineeringC ouncil. (b) Affidavit on stampp aperp roperlya ttestedb y the Oath Commissionerto the effect that the firm has neither been blacklistedn or any contract rescindedi n the past for non- fulfillment of contractuaol bligations. 1.8 (c) Facilities availablew ith the Consultantt o perform their functions effectively (proper officep remisess, oftwareh, ardwarer,e cordk eepinge tc.) (d) Client satisfaction cerlificate for the last three relevant experiencej obs frorn the respectiveC lients. (e) Separatete arnsf or each packages hould be proposeda s per list provided in TOR (if provide) (f) Man-rnonthso f staff and ProjectD urationa sp er TOR. Ground Validation/Reviewo f FeasibilityS tudy Karachi - Lahore Hakeem - Lahore Section (229 Km) 9of83

An example to this affect can be Details are provided in the attached RFP for design services provided in the Documents, requisites to be fulfilled by the Consultants till NOC is awarded. AASHTO LRFD Current Edition. 2.
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