Atmos.Chem.Phys.Discuss.,14,32629–32665,2014 D isc ACPD u doi:10.5194/acpd-14-32629-2014 s s ©Author(s)2014.CCAttribution3.0License. io 14,32629–32665,2014 n P a p Thisdiscussionpaperis/hasbeenunderreviewforthejournalAtmosphericChemistry e Lagrangian analysis r andPhysics(ACP).PleaserefertothecorrespondingfinalpaperinACPifavailable. of Antarctic | stratosphere Lagrangian analysis of microphysical and D is c L.DiLibertoetal. u chemical processes in the Antarctic ss io n stratosphere: a case study P TitlePage a p e r Abstract Introduction L. Di Liberto1, R. Lehmann2, I. Tritscher3,6, F. Fierli1, J. L. Mercer4, M. Snels1, | Conclusions References 5 4 3 6 1 G. Di Donfrancesco , T. Deshler , B. P. Luo , J-U. Grooß , E. Arnone , D 1 1 is Tables Figures B. M. Dinelli , and F. Cairo c u s 1InstituteforAtmosphericSciencesandClimate,ISAC-CNR,Italy sio (cid:74) (cid:73) 2AlfredWegenerInstitute,Potsdam,Germany n P 3InstituteforAtmosphericandClimateScience,ETHZurich,Switzerland a (cid:74) (cid:73) p 4DepartmentofAtmosphericScience,UniversityofWyoming,Laramie,Wyoming,USA er Back Close 5EnteperleNuoveTecnologieEnergiaeAmbiente,SantaMariadiGaleria,Rome,Italy | 6InstitutfürEnergieundKlimaforschung–Stratosphäre(IEK-7),ForschungszentrumJülich, FullScreen/Esc D Jülich,Germany is c u Printer-friendlyVersion Received:24October2014–Accepted:3December2014–Published:22December2014 s s io InteractiveDiscussion Correspondenceto:F.Cairo([email protected]) n P a PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. p e r 32629 | Abstract D is c ACPD u WeinvestigatedchemicalandmicrophysicalprocessesinthelatewinterintheAntarc- s s tic lower stratosphere, after the first chlorine activation and initial ozone depletion. We io 14,32629–32665,2014 n focused on a time interval when both further chlorine activation and ozone loss, but P a 5 also chlorine deactivation, occur. pe Lagrangian analysis r We performed a comprehensive Lagrangian analysis to simulate the evolution of an of Antarctic airmass along a ten-day trajectory, coupling a detailed microphysical box model with a | stratosphere chemistry model. Model results have been compared with in-situ and remote sensing D is measurements of particles and ozone at the start and end points of the trajectory, and c L.DiLibertoetal. u s 10 saDteilfflieteremnteamsoudreeml reunntss ohfavkeeybceheenmpicearflosrpmeecdiestoaunnddcelorsutdasndaltohnegriet.lative role of solid sion and liquid Polar Stratospheric Cloud (PSC) particles for the heterogeneous chemistry, Pa TitlePage p andforthedenitrificationcausedbyparticlesedimentation.Accordingtomodelresults, e r Abstract Introduction under the conditions investigated, ozone depletion is not affected significantly by the | presence of Nitric Acid Trihydrate (NAT) particles, as the observed depletion rate can Conclusions References 15 D equally well be reproduced by heterogeneous chemistry on cold liquid aerosol, with a is Tables Figures c surface area density close to background values. u s Under the conditions investigated, the impact of denitrification is important for the sio (cid:74) (cid:73) abundances of chlorine reservoirs after PSC evaporation, thus stressing the need of n P usingappropriatemicrophysicalmodelsinthesimulationofchlorinedeactivation.Con- a (cid:74) (cid:73) 20 p versely, we found that the effect of particle sedimentation and denitrification on the er Back Close amount of ozone depletion is rather small in the case investigated. In the first part | of the analysed period, when a PSC was present in the airmass, sedimentation led FullScreen/Esc D to smaller available particle surface area and less chlorine activation, and thus less is c ozone depletion. After the PSC evaporation, in the last three days of the simulation, u Printer-friendlyVersion 25 s s denitrification increases ozone loss by hampering chlorine deactivation. io InteractiveDiscussion n P a p e r 32630 | 1 Introduction D is c ACPD u The depletion of ozone occurring in the polar stratosphere during winter and spring is s s linked to processes involving clouds in the polar stratosphere (Solomon et al., 1986). io 14,32629–32665,2014 n During winter the polar stratosphere cools to temperatures below 195K, establishing P a 5 a vortex circulation over the poles that separates the air inside from mid latitudes, pe Lagrangian analysis r and allows for the formation of Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC). Such clouds can of Antarctic be classified into three main particle types (Browell et al., 1990; Toon et al., 1990), | stratosphere Ia as solid trihydrates of nitric acid (NAT), Ib as supercooled ternary solutions of D is H O/HNO /H SO (STS) growing by HNO uptake by pre-existing stratospheric sul- c L.DiLibertoetal. 2 3 2 4 3 u s 10 phate aerosol (SSA), type II as ice clouds, similar to tropospheric cirrus (Lowe et al., sio 2008). A new classification by Pitts et al. (2007, 2009, 2011) emphasizes that PSCs n are often composed of mixtures of such particle types. PSC classifications have been Pa TitlePage p critically reviewed in Achtert et al. (2014). e r Abstract Introduction Extensiveobservationsfromground-basedaswellassatelliteinstrumentshavepro- | vided climatologies of PSC occurrence in Antarctica (Adriani et al., 2004; Pitts et al., Conclusions References 15 D 2007; Di Liberto et al., 2014) and in the Arctic (Maturilli et al., 2005). Antarctic PSCs, is Tables Figures c prevalentlyoftypeNAT,appearinearlyJunetoachievemaximumoccurrenceinJulyat u s 20–24km.Thealtitudeofmaximumoccurrencehasadownwardtrendfrom24to14km sio (cid:74) (cid:73) betweenJulyandSeptember.PSCsbecomeincreasinglyraretonon-existentafterthe n P middle of October. Their presence is widespread over Antarctica, although regions of a (cid:74) (cid:73) 20 p e enhanced occurrence are present above and eastward of the Antarctic Peninsula. r Back Close Heterogeneous chemical reactions taking place on or within PSC particles convert | relatively non-reactive chlorine reservoir species such as ClONO and HCl into active FullScreen/Esc 2 D chlorine compounds as HOCl, ClNO2 and Cl2. Once the polar stratosphere has been isc primed by the action of heterogeneous chemistry on PSC particles, at the onset of u Printer-friendlyVersion 25 s s spring the sunlight photolyses such compounds, releasing Cl which leads to catalytic io InteractiveDiscussion n ozone destruction. P a p e r 32631 | Sedimentation of large PSC particles containing water and nitric acid causes de- D is hydration and denitrification, depleting the stratosphere of water and nitric oxides that c ACPD u s otherwise could reform chlorine reservoir species and reduce the lifetime of reactive s chlorine. As the moderating effect of NO is missing, the considerable buildup of ClO ion 14,32629–32665,2014 x P 5 drives the successive decrease in stratospheric ozone (Solomon, 1999). a p The various kinds of PSCs influence such processes differently: the conversion of e Lagrangian analysis r chlorinefromlesstomorereactivespeciestakesplacewithdifferentefficiency,related of Antarctic | todifferentPSCtypes(Bieleetal.,2001;Carslawetal.,1997;Tsiasetal.,1999;Weg- stratosphere D ner et al., 2012); moreover, the sedimentation rate strongly depends on the average is c L.DiLibertoetal. 10 PSC particle size, which depends on its composition, phase and formation process. u s In this paper, a case study of PSC evolution and its impact on ozone depletion and s io related processes in the late winter Antarctic stratosphere is presented. The study is n P TitlePage based on in-situ and remote sensing observations of trace gases and particles, and a p e Lagrangian microphysical and chemical models. After a first observation of PSC opti- r Abstract Introduction cal characteristics, particle size distributions and ozone taken over McMurdo Station 15 | ◦ (cid:48) ◦ (cid:48) Conclusions References (77 51 S,166 40 E)by aset ofballoon-bornein-situ instrumentsanda groundbased D lidar, the airmass has been tracked with a trajectory model until, after ten days, air in is Tables Figures c a certain altitude range returned to McMurdo within a distance of less than 300km. u s s Then a second in-situ balloon sampling and lidar measurement was accomplished. io (cid:74) (cid:73) n Satellite measurements of key chemical species and particles along the airmass tra- 20 Pa (cid:74) (cid:73) jectories documented its microphysical and chemical evolution. This dataset has been p e compared with simulations from chemical and microphysical box models reproducing r Back Close the evolution of the cloud and evaluating its impact on the chemistry in the air mass. | FullScreen/Esc This well documented case took place in early September, soon after the onset of D ozone depletion from chlorine activation but before complete destruction of ozone, in is 25 c u Printer-friendlyVersion a region close to the vortex edge. By modeling the microphysical and chemical pro- s s cesses along the trajectory and comparing simulations with observations, an assess- io InteractiveDiscussion n ment of the modeled denitrification, ozone chemistry, and the impact of PSC occur- P a rence on ozone depletion can be made. Finally, an evaluation of the relative impor- p e r 32632 | tance of the heterogeneous chemistry and denitrification will be made. The scope of D is this study is to provide a contribution to the most recent discussion of the relative role c ACPD u s ofPSCandliquid(background)aerosolintheozonedepletion(DrdlaandMüller,2012; s io 14,32629–32665,2014 Wegner et al., 2012; Wohltmann et al., 2013). n P a p e Lagrangian analysis 2 Instruments and Models r 5 of Antarctic | stratosphere 2.1 In-situ instruments D is c L.DiLibertoetal. Balloon-borne instruments have been routinely launched from McMurdo Station since u s s the 1980s (Mercer et al., 2007). Balloons are routinely equipped with instruments to io n measure ozone (Deshler et al., 2008), temperature, pressure and humidity, and oc- P TitlePage a 10 casionally with Optical Particle Counters (OPC) (Hofmann and Deshler, 1991; Adriani p e et al., 1995; Deshler et al., 2003b). r Abstract Introduction Ozone measurements are performed with commercial electrochemical cell (ECC) | Conclusions References ozonesondes, developed and described by Komhyr (1969). A Vaisala radio sonde D RS92 performs pressure, temperature and humidity measurements using sensors de- is Tables Figures c u 15 signed to cover all atmospheric and weather conditions in every climate zone. The ss model RS92 provides temperature and pressure with an accuracy respectively of io (cid:74) (cid:73) n 0.25K and 0.2hPa near 50hPa (Steinbrecht et al., 2008). P a (cid:74) (cid:73) TheOPCcountsandsizesparticlesdrawnintoasamplingchamber.Thesingleparti- p e cleinstrumentuseswhitelightscatteringat40◦ intheforwarddirectiontomeasuresize r Back Close using Mie theory. Deshler et al. (2003a) have described the measurement principles | 20 FullScreen/Esc andtheirinherentuncertaintiesinsignificantdetail,concludingthattheuncertaintiesin D is sizeareintherangeof10%formostsizes,whileconcentrationerrorsrangefrom8to c u Printer-friendlyVersion 80% for low concentrations. The impact of these uncertainties on integrals of the size s s distribution, such as surface area, are on the order of ±40%. ion InteractiveDiscussion P a p e r 32633 | 2.2 Ground based lidar D is c ACPD u McMurdo Station has been hosting a polarization diversity Rayleigh lidar since 1991 s s (Adriani et al., 2004), which was upgraded in 2004 (Di Liberto et al., 2014). The io 14,32629–32665,2014 n backscatter ratio, defined as the ratio of the total backscattered light to the one ex- P a 5 pected from an atmosphere free of aerosol, is retrieved by using the Klett algorithm, pe Lagrangian analysis r with an extinction-to backscatter ratio (lidar ratio) calculated using the empirical model of Antarctic proposed by Gobbi et al. (1995). The ratio of the parallel to the cross polarization | stratosphere signals,thevolumedepolarizationratioδ,isusedtodetectthepresenceofnonspher- D is ical (i.e. solid) aerosol. This quantity is calibrated with the method described by Snels c L.DiLibertoetal. u s 10 et al. (2009). The aerosol depolarization ratio δa, retrieved from δ by eliminating the sio molecular contribution from the backscattering (Cairo et al., 1999), is a more direct n characterizationof theparticle morphology, andis herepresented.The uncertaintyaf- Pa TitlePage p fecting these optical parameters has been estimated following the method reported in e r Abstract Introduction Russell et al. (1979) and is 0.1 (in absolute value) or 10% of the measured value (the | larger of the two) for the aerosol backscatter ratio (BR-1) and 3% (in absolute value) Conclusions References 15 D or 10% of the measured value (the larger of the two) for the aerosol depolarization. is Tables Figures c u s 2.3 Satellite instruments s io (cid:74) (cid:73) n The Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) measures thermal emission continuously Pa (cid:74) (cid:73) p (24h per day) using a limb viewing geometry which maximizes signal intensity and e vertical resolution. Vertical profiles of mixing ratios of many different chemical species, r Back Close 20 | temperatureandpressurearederived(Watersetal.,2006).TheMLSresultsforstrato- FullScreen/Esc spheric ozone have been extensively validated and are in good agreement with other D is datasets from many different origins (Froidevaux et al., 2006). Ozone vertical profiles cu Printer-friendlyVersion s have vertical resolution of approximately 3km from 215 to 0.2hPa and about 4–6km s io InteractiveDiscussion between 0.2 and 0.1hPa. The ozone precision is 0.04ppmv in the range 215–68hPa, n 25 P 0.1–0.4ppmv in the range 46–0.1hPa and 1–0.06ppmv between 0.05 and 0.02hPa. a p The vertical resolution for the standard HCl product is 3km in the stratosphere. The e r 32634 | estimated single-profile precision reported for the Level 2 product varies from 0.2 to D is 0.6ppbv in the stratosphere. HNO data are reliable over the range 215 to 3.2hPa, c ACPD 3 u s with a vertical resolution of 3–4km in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. s io 14,32629–32665,2014 The precision is approx. 0.6–0.7ppbv throughout the range from 215 to 3.2hPa (San- n P 5 tee et al., 2007). Further information on the MLS instrumentation and its products can a p be found at: e Lagrangian analysis r InourstudywehaveusedMLSdataintheirversion2.2generatedbytheGIOVANNI of Antarctic | data analysis web application. We have considered MLS profiles when the MLS over- stratosphere pass was included in a box of ±2◦ lat and ±15◦ lon with a time difference less than D is c L.DiLibertoetal. 10 12h with respect to the airmass location along its trajectory. MLS data (delivered on u s pressure levels) were interpolated to find the mixing ratio at the isentropic levels (or s io altitudes) of our interest. This has been done by identifying the pressure value at the n P TitlePage isentrope (or altitude) of interest from our radiosoundings, then linearly interpolating a p e the MLS data in term of logarithmic pressures. r Abstract Introduction MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Atmospheric limb Sounding) measured the up- 15 | Conclusions References per tropospheric and stratospheric composition from a polar orbit on board the ESA D ENVISATsatellitefrom2002to2012(Fisheretal.,2008).MIPASwasalimb-scanning is Tables Figures c Fourier Transform interferometer that measured emission spectra in the thermal in- u s −1 s frared, on a wide spectral range (680 to 2410cm ). We adopted MIPAS data from io (cid:74) (cid:73) n the MIPAS2D database (Dinelli et al., 2010), ( 20 Pa (cid:74) (cid:73) retrieved with the GMTR (Geo-fit Multi-Target Retrieval) analysis tool (Carlotti et al., p e 2006). The vertical resolution of MIPAS2D data is about 4km for the altitude range of r Back Close interest of this paper. Total systematic errors at the altitudes of interest for this study | FullScreen/Esc are:3–8%forpressure,0.7–1.5Kfortemperature,5–7%forozone,and5–20%forthe D other species. Random errors are: 0.5–1.5% for pressure, 0.2–0.3K for temperature, is 25 c u Printer-friendlyVersion 2–5% for ozone, 2–10% for the other species. We have considered MIPAS profiles s s when the overlap of the MIPAS overpass was included in a box of ±2◦ lat and ±15◦ io InteractiveDiscussion n lon with a time difference less than 12h with respect to the airmass location along its P a trajectory. Potential temperatures were self-consistently calculated from pressure and p e r 32635 | temperature, and the selected MIPAS2D profiles interpolated at the potential tempera- D is ture level of the models. c ACPD u s The Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) is a two- s io 14,32629–32665,2014 wavelengths (532 and 1064nm) lidar, with two polarizations at 532nm, on board the n P 5 CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) satellite a p whichprovidesverticalprofilesofaerosolsandclouds,andhasbeenextensivelyused e Lagrangian analysis r for studies on PSC (Pitts et al., 2007, 2009, 2011). It has a vertical resolution between of Antarctic | 30 and 60m and a horizontal resolution of 333m and 1km for altitudes between 0.5 stratosphere D and 8.2km and between 8.2 and 20.2km, respectively. The CALIPSO satellite is part is c L.DiLibertoetal. 10 of the A-Train track (Stephens et al., 2002) and performs measurements on the same u s MLS geo locations, only some few minutes later. In this work we considered CALIOP s io profiles collected during night time and matching the ±1.0◦ latitude, ±2.5◦ longitude, n ±6htimedifferencecriteria,withrespecttothetracedairmasslocation.Moreinforma- Pa TitlePage p e tion on CALIOP can be found at r Abstract Introduction | 2.4 Trajectory model Conclusions References 15 D is Tables Figures Duringthefieldcampaign,theairparceltrajectoriesweretrackedbyusingtheGoddard c u s SpaceFlightCenter(GSFC)isentropictrajectorymodel( s io (cid:74) (cid:73) Data_services/automailer/index.html). In the course of the data analysis, and for the n P purposes of this study, additional trajectory tools have been used for checking the re- a (cid:74) (cid:73) p sults of the field campaign. For the purpose of microphysical modelling, the air parcel e 20 r Back Close trajectories have been recalculated by the trajectory module of CLaMS (Chemical La- | grangianModeloftheStratosphere)using6hourlyERA-Interim(Deeetal.,2011)wind FullScreen/Esc ◦ ◦ D andtemperaturefieldswithahorizontalresolutionof1 ×1 .CLaMSisamodularchem- is c istrytransportmodel(CTM)systemdevelopedatForschungszentrumJülich,Germany u Printer-friendlyVersion s 25 (McKenna et al., 2002a, b; Konopka et al., 2004). Integration of trajectories has been sio InteractiveDiscussion accomplished with an integration time step of 15min. Vertical displacements of isen- n P tropic trajectories are derived from ERA-Interim total diabatic heating rates (Plöger a p e et al., 2010). CLaMS produced forward trajectories from the time and location of the r 32636 | firstPSCobservation,startingon10September2008at12:00UTC.Theverticalspac- D is ingbetweenthetrajectoriesisabout100minaverticalrangebetween350and450K. c ACPD u s The GSFC and CLaMS trajectories document similar paths travelled by the airmass, s io 14,32629–32665,2014 although wind speed was slightly lower during the first days of the simulation in the n P 5 ERA Interim dataset. a p e Lagrangian analysis r 2.5 Microphysical and optical model for PSC of Antarctic | stratosphere TheZurichOpticalandMicrophysicalboxModel(ZOMM)hasbeendevelopedforPSC D simulationstostudytheformation,growthandevaporationofPSCparticlesdetermined isc L.DiLibertoetal. u bychangesintemperatureandpressure.ZOMMincludesthefollowingPSCformation s s pathways:LiquidbackgroundparticlesgrowintoSTSdropletsbyuptakeofHNO (Dye io 10 3 n et al., 1992; Carslaw et al., 1995). Ice nucleation takes place either homogeneously at P TitlePage a sufficientlylowtemperatures(Koopetal.,2000)orheterogeneouslyonthesurfacesof pe r Abstract Introduction foreign nuclei (Engel et al., 2013). NAT nucleation is implemented as heterogeneous | nucleation on foreign nuclei (Hoyle et al., 2013) as well as on uncoated ice surfaces Conclusions References (Luo et al., 2003). D 15 is Tables Figures Small-scale temperature fluctuations, that are required to accurately reproduce ice c u s number densities, are superimposed onto the synoptic-scale trajectories. The sedi- s io (cid:74) (cid:73) mentation of PSC particles is accounted for by using the column version of ZOMM as n P described in Engel et al. (2014). So far, ZOMM has always been initialized at typical a (cid:74) (cid:73) p background conditions for the winter polar stratosphere. This study required to pre- e 20 r Back Close scribe existing particle size distributions. We extracted those data from the OPC mea- | surements taken at the trajectory starting points and complemented the condensed FullScreen/Esc D amount of H2O and HNO3 with gas phase values measured by MLS. The optical out- is c put, calculated using Mie and T Matrix scattering codes (Mishchenko et al., 2012) can u Printer-friendlyVersion s 25 directlybecomparedtoCALIOPmeasurements.ThecalculatedsurfaceareaofPSCs sio InteractiveDiscussion along the trajectories serves as input for the chemistry model. n P a p e r 32637 | 2.6 Chemistry model D is c ACPD u The temporal evolution of the mixing ratios of chemical species along trajectories was s s simulated by the Alfred Wegener Institute chemical box model. It contains 48 chemi- io 14,32629–32665,2014 n cal species and 171 reactions, describing the stratospheric chemistry. It is based on P a 5 a module for gas-phase chemistry described in Brasseur et al. (1997) and a module pe Lagrangian analysis r forheterogeneouschemistryreportedinCarslawetal.(1995).Reactionrateconstants of Antarctic have been updated to the values given by Sander (2011). For these simulations, the | stratosphere initial mixing ratios of ClO, HCl, HNO , CO, N O, H O, and O were taken from the D 3 2 2 3 is nearestMLSandozonesondemeasurements.ThemixingratiosofNO (NO,NO )and c L.DiLibertoetal. x 2 u s 10 ClONO2 were assumed to be close to zero in agreement with the MIPAS ClONO2 ob- sio servations.Tostartwithbalancedinitialvalues,pre-runsofthechemicalboxmodelon n aonedayback-trajectoryendingatthestartpointofthecorrespondingmaintrajectory Pa TitlePage p were performed. The initial mixing ratios for these pre-runs were iteratively modified, e r Abstract Introduction until the MLS measurements were reproduced by the model at the end of the pre-run | trajectory. Then the mixing ratios of all species at the end of the pre-run were used as Conclusions References 15 D initialvaluesfortherunofthechemicalboxmodelonthemaintrajectory.Aspartofthis is Tables Figures procedure, a ClO (=ClO+2·Cl O ) mixing ratio consistent with the MLS ClO mea- cu x 2 2 s surement was determined, which is essential for a correct simulation of the chemical sio (cid:74) (cid:73) ozone depletion. n P a (cid:74) (cid:73) p e r Back Close 3 Observations and simulations 20 | FullScreen/Esc 3.1 McMurdo observations D is c u Printer-friendlyVersion A balloon carrying an OPC and an ozone sonde was launched from the Antarctic sta- s s tion of McMurdo on 10 September 2008, 10:55UTC. Lidar measurements were simul- io InteractiveDiscussion n taneously made during the 4h duration of the balloon flight. The left panel of Fig. 1 P a depicts the lidar backscatter (solid line) and aerosol depolarization (dotted line) ratios p 25 e r 32638 |