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Lafoea dumosa (Fleming) and Aeginopsis laurentii Brandt: dates of publication (Cnidaria, Hydroidea) PDF

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Preview Lafoea dumosa (Fleming) and Aeginopsis laurentii Brandt: dates of publication (Cnidaria, Hydroidea)

© ZoolIongsitciSattlu. tPee,t2 e0r 0s2burg, Lafoead umo(sFal emainAndeg g)i nloapusreisBn rtai nid t: datoefps u bli(cCantiidoHanyr dirao ,i dea) N.NP.a nteleeva PanteNl.eN2e.0v 0aL2,afo. e ad umo(sFal emainAndeg g)i nloapusreiBnsrt ainid dat t:e s ofp ubli(cCantiidHoaynrd irao,Zoi odseyas)t.e Rmoastsi1ic1ca(a 11,-) 2:. Thpeu blidcaatateri1seo8 n2a 0dn1 83fo8rl afoead umo(sFal emainAndeg g)i nopsis laurBernatinride ts,p ecTthlieav nseatlmi yegs. i vperne ceodveientrucs ne u soebdj ec­ tisvyen oAneyh.mo renBsriasn 1d8t3 ,4 . N.N. PantelMeuervmaaM,na srkiB nieo loIgnisctaRilut sustAieca,an d eomfSy c ie nces, Vladimirusl1kay.7aM , u rma1n8s3k0 R1u0s,s ia. Thehrabese esno mceo nfusciuornrc eonntcleytrn h ienBga (y" SLianuur enotfti haBene orS"ie)nBa gu. it 1n 8 38 publidcaatotetfish ho eyn d roiddLuafomeo(asF al emihnged) e scriindb eetdta hisilps e cuinedste hrne a m e (1 82o01r 82a8n)td hh ey dromAeedguisnlaoap usriesn Ateigii nloapusriwsei nttihio utt hrgeei avfosiront ngh e Bra(n1d8to3 r15 8 38). chaonfgt ehe name. AeginhooprseiBnsrs aiwnsad nsto u ts seudb seq uently Lafoedau mo(sFal em1i8n2g0,) asav alniadm e. Thsep ecniafimAcee ginloapusreiwnsat csioi n tinu­ ousulsyea dsv aliindc,l nudoli entsghs a2 n6p ublica­ Thfier msetn toifto hnse p ecLi.d eusm owsaabs y tiobnyms o rteh2 a0an u thitonhr lesa5 s0yt e a(rRsu s sell, Flem(i1n8g82 30-:u8 n4d)te hnrea mSee rtudluamro isaa1 953: 486; KrBaomgpo,r 1o91v59,65 :5 : 31106;1; withdoeuttad ielsecdr Ii1np8 t2iF8ol,ne .md iensgc ribed Naum1o9v5,36 8:P; e te1r9s5e47n2:G,; r ai1n9g5e 9r:, thsipse ciinde est ailt hnuean mdCeea rm panu la4r7i24a,9 6K;r am1p9,51 99:52 ,4 22,5 42,6 2N;a um ov, dumosTah.iw sa s rtehaesw ohny saoumteh o1r9s60:K r5a6m18p9;,6 2 16:8Z ;e lic1k9m6a1n:, 41; (Corne1l9i9uC5sh;,r ist&Bi raantste1en9g 9au7rs)de ,d Zenkev1i9t61s39c:9Rh ;u,s s1e9l83l1;D,: e gtj&a reva thdea 1t8e2 b8u,ot t hoenr(e Lsi n1k9o1C,1o ;rn el ius, Neste1r9o81v55a:F1, o; m i1n9,81 53:10 3,11 3,13 3,4 ; 197S5t;e pa1n9j8au9ns)tet sdhd, ea 1t8e2 0. Stepan1j9a84n90t:04s ,0, 84 ,0 94,1 6S;t epa&n jants In1 82F0l,e mwirnog"t Ietn:h m eo notfNh o vem ber Shei1k9o81,90 :T7 i;m ofe1e9v88,97F :;o m1i9n8,79 8:; 180I8o ,b searn veeswdp ecoifSee srt u.l.aaN.tre iwa­ Caiernatsl1 .9,93 11T:;i mo&feS ehvi roco1l9o9 b4o:va, hav.eI.nat. p proiainct hsset sr,ut chtSeu.v r eer,t ici1l0l5a;tPaa v1s9h91t47i:,k est,c .;Keoatsl1o.9b,9o 5k:ova .,.b .ud ti fffreormts h sapte cbieessio,dt ehcseh ra racters, 194P;e tryeatas lh1.o9,v9 1 58:9T ;i mofe1e9v96,50 :; iint isr regduilsapraolnsnydee da,sr elsycs ui.plM.ser. . Shei&k Sot epan1j9a94n74t:0Ts ;i, m ofe1e9v98,87 : ; Monta.rg.eu.ce o ginatias ss peedwc hiiehcsehh a fodu nd Boui&l Blooen2r 0o0,20 6:2I )na. c corwdiattnhhc ee ont hseh oorfDe esv onsahnoidnrw hei,hc ewh a dsi s­ InternCaotdoiefoZ noaoll oNgoimceanlc (lAar ttu.re postebode stthotewr invaimdaeul m osAac"c.o rtdoi n2g3 .t9hw)ei, d ueslseypd e cniafimoceft hhey drom edusa theI nternaCtodieoo fZno aoll oNgoimceanlc tlha teure, ladsets criisspu tffiicotinmoe a nktte hn ea maev ail aAbelgei;nloapusrisBe rnat1ni8di83t i h ,se griev perne cedence hentchece,o rdraeotcfpet u bliic1sa8 t2 i0o.n overu niutsssee dn siyonro Aneygmi nohposrie sn sis Bran1d8t3,4 . AeginloapusriBesrn atn1id8it3 ,8 Acknowledgements AeginhoopresniBssri asn1 d8t3,4 :1 823225(22:n ; o m en oblitum). Ia mg ratteSofu. lSD t.e paOn.jSV.ah netaisnk,Ldo M . AeginopsiBsr alnadut3re,6n( 3t1n i8oi3mp 8ero:nt ec tuKme)r.z(hZnoeorl IongsitcSiattl.u Pbteuetr,foeg rcr) os n sul­ tatainohdne sil npp r epaorfta htpeir oensp eanpte r. Thehraebs e esno mceo nfuscioonnc etrnhpieun gb li­ catdiaotonef t hhey dromAeedguisnao psis Rleafeurreennctieis BraSnodmtae.u t(hNoarusm1 o9v5S,6t ;e pa1n9j8a9n)t s, ustehdde a 1t8e3 w5h,io lteho enres(K1r9a51m99p,6, 1 )B ogorBo.vG.1 ,9 5U6n.i ficoafpt liaonnrk etsoen a rch. use1d8 3B8r.a npdutb'lsi ocf1a 8t3ii5oas rn e porfi nt Coliln.bt i.o mla.r.St alB.i oRla.s cAon.ffn B.i ol., hi1s8 3p4a pweirct hha npgaegdi naanstdli iogndh itfl­y 332:9 9- 315. feritnigTt lhpeeo. i intsth i an1t 8 3B4r apnudbtl ia shBeodu iJl.l& o Bno,e rFo.2, 0 0P0h.y loagnecdnl ya ssifi­ shodrets croifapn tesiwpo enc oifehsy droumneddeurs ac atoifoHny dromTheadluassSasaeila.e n2t41i:-n a, thnea mAee ginhooprseifrnsos mit shS ea iLnatw r ence295. 2 N.N.P antelLeaejviJdaeu:am oasnaAd e ginloapusreinst ii•ZROOOSSSYIVSCoTA1l. 1. BranJd.t1F,8. 3 P4r.o drdoemsucsr iapntiimoanliisKu rma mPp.,1L 9.6 S1y.n oopfts himese cloufts haWeeo rld abH .M ertoebnsse rvaFtaosIrcP.u.o m l.yA pcoasl,e ­ J.mm:b ioAls.sU .K ,4 01:- 469. phaDsi scopehtSo irpahso nonpehneoo rEnac sh,i ­LinAk.oK,1. 9 1H1a.l ecLiaifodeaieBd,oa nen,e viellida, nodercmoanttai RneecnusAe.ci tlSe esa npcueb /. etC ampanulFaaruidnieeld aaR eu.s sHiyed,r aire, Acaidm.pS .cS it.P. e ters(b1o8u32r30g)1 :- 275. (Hydro1i.xd leva+i)2 i,5i p0 p S.t .Pete(rhs burg. BranJd.t1F,8. 3 P5r.o drdoemsucsr iapntiimoanliisu mR ussian). abH .M erteinnos ribtoie sr rcairrucmu mnaviNgaautmioDov.n,Ve1 . 9 5M6e.d uisnat ehF ea r-Ewaastteerrn: observaFtaosr!cu.P.m o .lyp Aocsa,/ eDpihsacso ­ oft hSeo vUineito Tnr.p. ro btle.m Saotv.e 6s3:h4 . , phoreatSs i phononpehneoo rEnac sh,i nod erma4t1(a.I Rnu ssian). conti7n6pe .Pn est.r opoli. NaumoDv.,V1 .9 6H0y.d roaindhdsy dromeod usae BranJd.t1F,8. 3 A8u.s fiihrBleiscchher edievbrou nn g maribnrea,ca knifrdse hsw ha tbears oiftn hsUe S S R C.HM.e rtaeunsfse iWneelrt umsebgeeolbuancgh ­OpredeploFi atueSSnlSeiR 7 ,0 1:- 6(2I6Rn.u ssian) tetSecnh irmqnueabalslltle gne mBeeimneernk unPgaevnshEt.iA1k.9s 9,C4 o.m posaintqdiu oann tidtiast­ive ilbdeiSrec hirmqiulablelrMehenam uA.pc tai.dm .p . tribouftz iooonp lainntk htEeoa nsS ti beSreiaa n ScSti..P eters(6b )o4,u( r22g)37 : - 411. lssFaluendMy.o re4i81,:7 -(4I6Rn.u ssian). CairSn.sDC,.a ,l dDe.rRB,.r ,i nckmanAn.C-,aV so­sPse,t erKs.eW1n.9, 5 O7n.s ommee dufrsoameN orAtth· trCo.,B P.u,hg ,P .RC.u,r tCe.sEsJ.,a, a Wp.,C ., !ant(iPca.pfr eorm" DanOac"e anogrCaoplhli.c al 119: FautDi.nG.L,, a rsRo.nE,H. a,r biG.sRo.nA,,r ai, No4.8 )Vz.d enMsekd.Dd a.n snka.tFa urr.e n., M.N&. O presDk.oM(,.e d1s9)9.C1 o.m moann d 254-5. scienntaimfieocsfa quatic infrvoemtr hteePbertartyeasVs .hVMo.av,r, k hasEe.vLPa.i,,n chAu.k&I, . UnitSetdaa tneCdsa naCdnai,d aanrCdit ac nophorSat.epanSj.aDIn9. t9 s5Z,.o oplaonftk htLeoa np tev AmeFr.i sSho.csp .ec P.u b2l2.1:,- 75. SeaI.nK :a sseHn.es ta, l( .e dRsu)s.s ian -German ChristiBa.&n Bsreant,t eTg.1a 9r9dC7,l. a Hsysd ro­ cooperLaatpitSoeenvsa: y stBeemPr..o larfor sch., zo(ap hyClnuimd aIrnBi:ra a)t.t Te.g& a Hrodl,t he, 17168:7 -191. T.( edDsi,s)t.r iofb muatriibonenen ,tm haiccr o-oRru­ssFe.l1Sl9.,5 Th3e.m edusoafte hB er itIisslhe s. ganiisnNom rsw a1y8:,1 -93. 53p0.C ambridge. CornePl.iFu1.s9S,7.A 5r .e viosfti hosenp ecoifeLsa fo­RussFe.lSNla.,r comeFdaumsiaAleei.ge isn Siodla­e, eidaaneHd a leciidae H(yCdoreolrieedn­ate)r maatrai,Cd uanei,d Faiec.hd e'si dentdifiucz aotoi­on cordfreodmB ritaanniden a rsbeyaBs u.lB lr.iM tu.s . plank1t6o16n-:,5 . naHti.s Zto.o l2o8gy(,38 7)3:- 426. SheiOk.oV&,. S tepanSj.aD1n.9t 9sM7,e. d u(sCanei ­ CornelPi.Fu1.s9S,9. N5 o.r th-EWuersotpt ehacn c atedarAinat:h oezxocae pfrtoemtd h)Ce o mmanIdse­r hydroaintddhs e mierd usIanBe:a. rn eRs.,S .&K . lanfadusn:s ciotmipco sainbtdii oogne ogPrraopch.y . CrothJe.r(Hse.,d S sy.n)o.po sfte hBser itish Fa6utnInhat C .o nCfo elenBtieorla1ot9ge9y4 5,3: 7 -445. (N. S.5)0,(v 1i+)i .3 4p7p . Lceuwenhorst. DegtjaA1.·A&e. Nv eas,t eVr.oNv1.a9 ,8D 5i.s tribuSttieopna nSj.aD1n.9t 8sH9,y. d roozfto haEe u raAsrica­n ofz ooplainntk htoeop nepn a rotfts hB ea reSnetas. tiSce aIsnH.:e rmIa(.ne ,d Th.e)A .r cSteiacCs l.i ­ InM:a tisGhG.o( ve,dZh .i)z'.nui s loevesi uysah che­mato,lo oceanoggreaoplahonygbd,yi ,o l3o9gy7:- gy stvovvap neilyaagB iaarlein tmsoorvy[aaT hlei fe 430N.e wYork. anldi vcionngd iittnih Boean rse Sneptaes l azgoince ]S:t epanSj.aD&n. St hse,i Ok.oV1,.9 8P9e.l aCgniicd a­ 14196-0A.p at(iItRnyu .s sian). riKae.y tsoc lassesa,n fadom ridleilsresssl,.e d. FlemiJn.1g 8,2O 0b.s ervoantt hineoa nt uhriaslto ofr y FaunMyo re4i1I,:0 0-1(3IR1nu. s sian). thSee rtuglealraitoaifP n aolsElada isn.b puhrig /ha Tsi.mofeSe.vF1,.9 8A9r.c hiteocftt hoKena irScaes a J.,1 88:2 -89. pelazgoinIcen .M: a tisG.hGo.(v e,d E.k)o.l oi giya FlemiJn.1g 8,2 A8 h.i stoofBr ryi tainsihm 5a6lp5s . . bioreKsausrrksoymg oory a[ Eocloagnybd i o­ Edinburgh. resouorftc hKeeas r Sae a6]5:- A8p5a.t (iItRnyu .s ­ FomiOn.,K1 .9 8T5a.x oncoommipco soifpt liaonn k tons.ian). InM:a tisG.hGo( ve,dZ .h)i'.zui ns loevesi uysah chTei­mofeSe.v1F,9. 9 Z5o.o plaonfck otaoswnta atleIn r:s . stvovvap neilyaagB iaarlein tmsooryva[a T hlei fe MatisG.hGo(.ve ,dS .re)di.ea k osiNsotveZomeiym li: anldi vcionngd iittnih Boean rse Sneptaes l azgoin ce ]: arkhiips ehle[alfEg n viraonnedmc eonsty osft ems 12183-4A.p at(iItRnyu .s sian). NovaZyeam lTyheaa .r chipaensldha eg5lo9f] -:- 65. Fomin,1 9O8.S9Ko..m s et rucfetautruoarfzle o so plankA­pat(iItRnyu .s sian). toInn.M: a tisGhGo.(v e,dE .k)o.l oigb iiyoare s urTsiymofeSe.v1F.,9 9T8h.Le a ptSeezvao oplaan krteo­n: Karskmoogryoa[ Ecolaonbgdiy o resooftu hr ecesv ieBwe.Pr. o la,jo2r8s78c:0h -.9,9 . KarSae a6]5:- A8p5a.t (iItRnyu .s sian). TimofSe.e&F.v S ,h iroco0l.Vo .1b 9o9vZ4ao.,o plank­ GrainEg.eNIr9. ,5 T9h.ea nnoucaela nogcryacaplthe i c toann idti sm portfoarnb cieo ceInnoS:sr ieosdb.ai ta­ lgloiontl hiCeka nadAiracntI iT.ch z.eo opla nktonniyie ak osisteFrmayn tZesmal-(iIa orskifhaii pelag anpdh ysainccdah le moibcsaelr vJ.aFi tsihRo.en ss.. she[WE nviroannmedec nots ysotfte hmFesr anz BoaCradn 1.6,( 445)3:- 501. JosLeafn( da rchiapnesdlh aegl9of4 )]-:IA Op0a.t ity. KosoboKk.oH,va an,s sHe.Mn,a, r khaEs.eP,ve at,r ya­(IRnu ssian). shoVv.&, P inchAu.1k 9,9C 5o.m posaintddii osn­ ZeiickEm.aAI9n. 6, 1C .o ncerntihpnelg a nkcthoanri­c triboufts iuomnmz eorpo l anikntt ohLnea ptSeeva . acteroifts htseio cust h-seeacsottftoe hrrnBe a rents InK:a ssHe.ne sta, l( .e dRsu)s.s ian-cGoeorpm­anS eaI.nG :i drologiib cihoelsokgiioecs hoebsekni­e eratLiaopntS:ee svay stBeemr.P. o larfor1s7c6h.:, nosptrii brevzohMdnu yrkmha[ nHay droalnodg ical 192-199. biolofgeiactaulr es typicawla toefrMsu]rn:i an coastal KramPp.,1L 9.5 A5r .e viosfEi rnosHnta ec'kdsee lt ermi­395-8M.u rma(nIsRnku .s sian). natioofanc so lleocfmt eidounbs ealeo ntgoti hneg Z enkevLi.tA1c.9h 6,B3 i.o lomgoirSyeSaiS [RB iology ZooloMguisceaoulfCm o penhDaegeepn-R.Se esa. , oft hUeS SsRe a7s3]p9..M osco(wIR.nu ssian). 3(sup1p4l9.-)1:6 8. KramPp.,L1 .9 5T9h.He y dromeodftu hsAeat el a ntic Oceaannad d jawcaetneDtra snR.ae p4.6,1: - 283. Rece2iv0De edc em2b0e0r1

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