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REPORT OF THE JOINT ENVTRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PANEL Lachine Canal Decontamination Project BUREAU D’AUDIENCES PUBLIQUES CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL SUR L’ENVIRONNEMJZNT ASSESSMENTA GENCY Publishing and distribution: Secretariat Bureau d’audiences publiques Canadian Environmental sur I’environnement Assessment Agency 625 Saint-Amable 200 SacrKoeur Blvd. 2nd Floor Fontaine Building, 13111F loor Qucbcc City, Quebec GlR 2G5 Hull, Quebec KIA OH3 Telephone: (418) 643.7447 Telephone: (819) 997-1000 (toll free): I-800-463-4732 5199 Shcrbrcokc Street East, Suite 3860 Montreal, Quebec HIT 3X9 Telephone: (514) X73-7790 All dwxments and briefs submitted in connection with the joint public review as well as the transcripts of presentations are available for consultation at the Bureau d’audienccs publiques SUI l’environnement and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. The joint panel would like to thank the individuals, groups ald organizations who participated in its proceedings as well as the staff of the Bureau d’audiences publiqucs SW l’environnement and of the Canadian Environmental Assessmen Agency, who provided the professional, technical and administrative support necessary Ibr the preparation of this report. This document is an English translation of the final repwt of the joint cnvironmcntal assessment panel reviewing the Lachine Canal Decontamination Projecl. The translation was provided by the Canadian Enviromnental Assessment Agency. The concept of environment Over the past few decades, the concept of the environment has taken on a much broader waning. It is now agreed that the environment is not limited solely to biophysical components, but also encompasses social, economic and cultural aspects. The joint panel’s terms of reference were to review the environmental impacts of the project in light of this broader concept of the environment. Moreover, this view is supported by Canada’s highest courts. In 1992, the Supreme Court of Canada, in Friends @r/w Oldman River So&~, clearly indicated that the concept of environmental quality should be interpreted according to its broader definition. Likewise, in 1993, the Quebec Court of Appeal confirmed in tlellejlmr the importance of taking account of the impacts of a project on people and their cultural and social life in decisions affecting the enviromncnt. Legal Deposit - Bibliothique nationale du Qukbec, 1996 ISBN 2-550-30607-4 Catalogue No.: EN 1055411996E JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PANEL REVIEWING THE LACHINE CANAL DECONTAMINATION PROJECT Montreal, September 13, 1996 The Honourable David Cliche The Honourable Sergio Marchi Minister of Environment Minister of the Environment and Wildlife Room 103-S, Centre Block Marie Guyart Building House of Commons 675 Rene Levesquc East Ottawa, Ontario 30th Floor KlA OA6 QuebecC ity, Quebec GlR 5V7 The Honourable Sheila Copps The Honourable Diane Marleau Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Works and Minister of Canadian Heritage Government Services Room 509-S Centrc Block Room 256, ConfederationB ldg. House of Commons House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa, Ontario KIA OA6 KlA OA6 Dear Ministers: The joint environmental assessmenpt anel has completed its review of the above-mentionedp roject, in accordancew ith the terms of referencea ssignedt o it on October 29, 1990. We are pleasedt o presentt he joint panel’s final report. As requested,t he joint panel has reviewed the potential environmentala nd social impacts of the proposed project. JohanneG elinas Michel Slivitzky Provincial Co-Chair Federal Co-Chair Encl. JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PANEL REVIEWING THE LACHINE CANAL DECONTAMlNATION PROJECT Montreal, September 13, 1996 Ms. Claudette Journault Mr. Michel Dorais Vice-Chair and Acting Chair President Bureau d’audiencesp ubliques sur CanadianE nvironmental Assessment l’cnvironnement Agency 625 Saint-Amable, 2nd Floor Fontaine Building, 14th Floor Quebec City, Quebec 200 Sac&Coeur GlR 2G5 Hull, Quebec KlA OH3 Dear Sir and Madam: The joint environmental assessmenpt anel is pleased to present a copy of its final report on the Lachine Canal DecontaminationP roject. A public review of this project was conductedb y a joint panel set up by the federal and Quebec environment ministcm in October 1990. In accordancew ith the agreementc oncluded between the environment ministers, the joint panel today presentedi ts report to the HonourableD avid Cliche and to the Honoumble Sergio Marchi, as well as to the HonourableS heila Copps,M inister of CanadianH eritage,a nd the HonourableD iane Ma&au, Minister of Public Works and GovernmentS ervices Canada, The joint panel would like to point out the excellent contribution of the entire team which supportedi t in carrying out its terms of refcrcnce. Sincerely, JohanneG elinas Michel Slivitzky Provincial Co-Chair Federal Co-Chair Encl. Table of Contents Page Listoffigures . . . . . . .._....................._._,.................... XI Listoftables......................................................... XI Chapter 1 Background of the joint environmental assessment process 1 Context of the joint public review 1 Terms of reference of the joint panel 2 Stages of the public review 3 Chapter 2 Description of the decontamination project ................... 5 History of the canal ................................................ 5 Parks Canada’s proposal ........................................... 11 Description of the environment ................................. 11 Sediment contamination ...................................... 13 Decontamination options ........................................... 15 Option selected and the impacts of the project ............................ 18 Old Port of Montreal Corporation’s proposal ............................. 19 Table of contents Chapter 3 Participants’ concerns 21 Consultations on the guidelines 21 Role and use of the canal and its development and enhancement 22 A permanent solution 24 Possible recontamination of the canal 25 Contaminated sites 26 Transport of sediments 26 Decontamination in phases 21 Consultations on the compliance of the EIS with the guidelines 28 Roleanduseofthecanal ,.,,.,._..._ 28 Comparative analysis criteria 29 Potential for recontamination 30 Public hearings 31 Questions raised during Part 1 31 Opinions expressedd uring Part II 32 Enhancement and development of the canal 33 Reopening of the canal to navigation 35 Comparative analysis criteria 36 Decontamination options 38 Impacts of the project 41 Table of contents Chapter 4 Project justification 43 Chapter 5 Sources of contamination of the Lachiue canal 41 Rockfield overflow outlet 41 V&zina&aint-Patriccko nduit 50 LachineB asin 51 Contaminiltcds itesa longt he bankso f the canal 51 Occasionaill legal discharges 53 Conclusion 54 Chapter 6 Decontamination options 55 Comparativea nalysis 55 Choiceo f technologies 51 Encapsulationo n the bank 58 Terrestrialc ontainment 59 Otherp roposedte chnologies I 61 The option of not decontaminatintgh e sediments 62 Reopeningth e canalt o navigation 63 Conclusion 64 Conclusion . . . . . . ..I.......,,_,,_,,.....,,.,..,,..................... 65 Bibliography ..__..,,_.._,,,,..,,.,,.,,..,,.,,..,,_.._._.._._._._._._ 69 Tableo f contents Appendix 1 Terms of Reference .................................... 71 Appendix 2 Documentation ....................................... 53 Appendix 3 Information respecting the joint public review process 101 X LachlneL ana1L kconlamlnatlonP roject

the Lachiue canal. Rockfield overflow outlet. V&zina&aint-Patrick conduit. Lachine Basin. Contaminiltcd sites along the banks of the canal. Occasional ilegal . planification des aires patrimoniales, Parks tinadd cites this once dredged by a hydraulic aspiration pump, ,jlocculated and dehydrated by
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