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"Ia lwsapyesta hkte r u;nt ohtth weh otlreu, bt ­eh cautsheei rnseo w atyos aiyat l Sla.y ianltglh e truitlshi teirmaplols:yws oirbfdlase.Yi elitt 's throtuhgvihes ri ym posstihbtairtlu hitothly d s ont ot hree "a-lJ.acqLuaecsaT enlevisi,o n. Thep sychoJaancaqlLuyaescst(a1 g n o1 -8l1e)f t al egoaftc hyo utghhiatnt c reacsoimnmgalnyd s thaet tenotfAi moenr isccahno alnacdrr si tics. Hipsr ovoceastsaianvywdesi d-reangsien­mg inaarnsld e ctautrteesm wpittrehed m,a rkable succteobs rsi,td hgseeu ppousnebdrliyd geable gabpe twtehehenu manaintmdio edse src­ni encFeo.sr o mtei mheii sn fluehnascshe a dowed thteh eorweotribkce aidnlog ni enp hloispohy, psych,oa lnotghyroog,pwy oolmesnt'us,d a ineds literIanl.Act aunra ent.dh H eu manS ciencese ight eminsecnhto elx.aarmshi onwie d eeanst ered thefiselde,s h owwe tlhlew ye ruen dersatnodo d adapatnewddh ,af tr utihteh ya vper oduced. Theed i,At loerxaLnedpuri ,ewn hoisnet roduc­ tiroenv etahulens d erpionfLn aicn'sag ns thou,vg ihettwhbseo oaksab luepfrooirvn ­etr comitnhpger esiemnpta osfss ecsi eanntdi fic humandiisstciocau nrtdsh eeisim ra gicnoa­nry tradi.Tc htee::is osndaseymso nstthriean tt­ee r discipnlaitnuoafrLr eay c anpisaync hoa.n alysis Three levoafhn iwcsoe r tkoe pisteimso logy consibdyJe eraend- CMlialu,nFd erera mR;e­ois gna,ua lntEdl lRiaeg land-;tS oau nltl­hirvoan pol,ob gyJy ea-JnoseGpohu; tx ofe minist studbiyJe asnG,ea l;la onptdol iterbayt ure, DennPiosr atneDdre nHiosl .lT iherere siuasl t bootkh paoti tnoatn se awn mdo rpee rtinent waoyfd ealoinon nghe,a nwdi,tt hhp er oblems ofe pisteamno,dol not ghoyet hweirtt,hh e quesotfiloint tehreaiorntry yhh eu man.i ties AlexaLnedpuri ienas p rofeosfFs roerna cnhd ItaaltLi oauni sSitaaUntnaei ve.Hr isosit thyer publiciantcilLoueGnd rseaa e llat l itteertautduer e, sularvu lgaatret huerpnir eo(n1s9 ne8e 3a )nB da ­r baroMleedxiiLesiv:tera alta unSrdee x ua(1l9 i8ty.9 ) LACANA ND THE HUMAN SCIENCES Editbeyd ALEXANDRLEE UPIN CAN & thHeu man Sciences UniveorfsN ielbyr aPsrkeas s Linc&o Llonn don Copyr«:>i 1g9h9tb1yt hUen iveorfsN ietbyra Psrkeas s Alrli grhetsse rved Manufacitntu hrUeen di tSetda otfeA sm erica Thep apienrt hbioso mke etthsme i nimum requireomfAe mnetrsi Ncaatni oSntaaln dfaorrd InformSactiieo-nnPc eersm anoefnP caepfo err PrinLtiebdr Maartye rAiNaS2Il 3s9,. 48-1984. LibroafCr oyn grCeastsa loging inP ublicDaattiao n Lacaanntd h heu masnc ieInces editbeyAd l exaLnedurpei n. p.c m. Incluidndeesx . ISB0N -8032--5(2 a8l9k4a line paper) 1.Lacan,Ja1c9q0u1.e- 2s.S, o csicaile anncde s psychoan3a.l yPssiysc.h aonadln iatleyrsaitsu re. 4.P sychoaannadplh yislpiohssy o. 5.K nowleTdhgeeo,or fy. lL.e upAilne,x an1d9r4e8,- sno9.L281L9391115 5 0.19'-5d'c02902 90-393C2IP5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TheC entfoerrF renacnhdF rancopShtoundei es atL ouisSitaanUtane i verfsuintdtyeh dce o nference "Lacaanndt hHeu man Sci(eNnocveesm2"b0 e-r2 129,8 6) andi,np artth,pe u blicoafit tipsor no ceedTihneg s. editiodsr e epglrya tetfoJu elfH fu mphrwiheoss,e inpiuntt h oer ganizoaftt hiceoo nn ferweansc e decisive. DebabnidMe u rAinPedllea rcseotn typetdhme a nuscwriitaphtt t ention. Contents AlexaLnedurpei n IntroduVcotiaidnosnd : KnoitnKs n owleadngde Truth I.EPISTEMOLOGY Jean-Claude Mil2n7e r1 .L acaannd t hIed eal ofS cience FranR,eogisn ault 43 2.LacaanndE xperience EllRiaeg /,and-Sull5i9v an3 .SteaMlaitnegr Tihael: MaterioafLl aintgyu age accortdoFi rnegau nd d Lacan II.A NTHROPOLOGY Jean-JGoosw:e ph 109 4.Lacan Iconoclast IllF.E MINISSTT UDIES JanGea llop 123 5J.u liet aMnidtchell thHeu maSnc iences IV.L ITERATURE DennPiosr ter 143 6.Psychoaannadtl hyesis Tasko ft he Translator DenHiso llier 165 7.VirIisMt aarsc hOinng 185 TheC ontributors 187 Index Ia lwasypset ahkLe r untohtt;h weh otlreu th, becatuhseern eow' asty o s aiyat l Sla.y ianltglh ter uitsh literally woirmfdpasoYi selsit.it tb'hlsre o:tu hgvihes r y imposstihbatitrl uihttohyl odnst ot hree al. Television JACQUESL ACAN, ALEXANDREL EUPIN Introduction VoiadnsKd n ots inK nowledge anTdr uth Thep apeprrse seinntt hevidos l ufmoec ounsa f undamental problLeamc:al ni'nsko iftn hgfie e lodfss o c(i"ahlu msacni"­) encaensds cieHnocwee.v tehreo,yf tperne supapd oestea iled knowloefdt ghLeea cancioarnpl uw si.tl hle reefxoprotesh ee underpionftn hitinhsgo su wgihttth,ha ei omf i ntrodtuhcei ng problienLm asc atne'rsm s. Theo nlpyr esuppoofts hiiitnsit orno diutsch tceio ohne rence anrdi goofLr a cacno'nsc espytesumtan,lo o tn laytag ivseynn,­ chropnoiicon fit t dse velobpumtteh nrto ugihtdosiu atc hronic evoluwthiioscnph,a mnosr teh afno ryteya Mrysm .a icno ncern wiblelt hsec ientoifpfi scyicthyo aansda ilsytsiinsgf,ur iosmh ed Lacaanl'lses gceide nwthiispcmeh,r ttaoti hniesd eo(ltohgiayst , thpeo liutsioecf)ta hlie d eoafsl c ience. Thes cientoifpfi scyicthyo ainsoa nloeyf Ls aicsa ena'rsl iest preoccuapnacdtl iaoiHnmisass r. g umiebsnu tifi lrtos ntah istori­ cajlu stifiFcraetuirdoa'nts,i ontaowl hiisLcmah,c iannt roduced hilsi stienhn iefisrr sps utb lissehmeidIn na1 r9.5F 3r,e uadt'tsi ­ tudweap sr eseansatp eadr ad"iTghmie:n trodoufac not ridoenr ofd etermiinen xiissmt (eitnnhc reee aolfmm e aniincsga )l led reasForne.u ddi'ssc oivste hrreye discoofrv eearsiyona n f al­ lofiwe ld." 1

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